function output = findCase(obj,SCaseID) % Case already found if obj.shoulderCasePath.isKey(SCaseID) output = true; return end output = false; % Format ID to construct the case's path givenID = SCaseIDParser(SCaseID); assert(givenID.isValidID,'%s is not a valid ID.',SCaseID); SCaseIDmaxDigits = givenID.getIDWithNumberOfDigits(getConfig().maxSCaseIDDigits); SCasePath = fullfile(obj.dataRootPath,... SCaseIDmaxDigits(1),... % SCaseID type SCaseIDmaxDigits(2),... % SCaseID hundreds SCaseIDmaxDigits(3),... % SCaseID tens string(SCaseID) + "*"); % SCaseID folder whatever the IPP is SCaseFound = dir(SCasePath); if isempty(SCaseFound) return end obj.shoulderCasePath(SCaseID) = fullfile(SCaseFound.folder,; output = true; end