function output = getTabulatedProperties(object, varargin) % Return a table with object properties as variables. % Properties are converted to one table variable if they are scalar string, % numeric, or char array. They are converted to multiple variables if they are % 1xn array of string, numeric, or char array. The corresponding variables have % a "_n" suffix. If the property is a numerical 1x3 array the suffixes are % "_x", "_y", "_z". % % Recursion can be applied on other types of properties if the arguments % ("recursive", true) are given. % % To avoid recursion looping on itself when one of the object's properties % also has the object as one of its properties % (isequal(, object) == true) specify the parent % object with the arguments ("parentObject", object). % BEWARE, infinitely looping recursion can't be avoided with structures more % deeply nested (isequal(, object) == true). % % Give table's variable names a prefix and a suffix with the arguments % ("prefix", "text_written_before") and ("prefix", "text_written_after") output = []; parameters = inputParser; isScalarString = @(arg) isstring(arg) & isscalar(arg); isBoolean = @(arg) or(isequal(arg, true), isequal(arg, false)); addOptional(parameters, "recursive", false, isBoolean); addOptional(parameters, "parentObject", []); addOptional(parameters, "prefix", "", isScalarString); addOptional(parameters, "suffix", "", isScalarString); parse(parameters, varargin{:}); parameters = parameters.Results; properties = string(fields(object))'; for property = properties data = []; % Recursion if not(isstring(object.(property)) || isnumeric(object.(property)) || ischar(object.(property)) ) if parameters.recursive if not(isequal(object.(property), parameters.parentObject)) output = [output getTabulatedProperties(object.(property),... "recursive", true,... "parentObject", object,... "prefix", join([parameters.prefix property], "_"))]; end end continue end % Format char to string if ischar(object.(property)) object.(property) = string(object.(property)); end % Scalar values are straightforward if isscalar(object.(property)) data.(fieldnameToColumnname(property, parameters.prefix, parameters.suffix)) = ... nanIfEmpty(object.(property)); end % Value is probably a single point coordinates if isequal(size(object.(property)), [1 3]) & isnumeric(object.(property)) data.(fieldnameToColumnname(property, parameters.prefix, parameters.suffix)) = true; point = object.(property); data.(fieldnameToColumnname(property, parameters.prefix, "_x_" + parameters.suffix)) = ... nanIfEmpty(point(1)); data.(fieldnameToColumnname(property, parameters.prefix, "_y_" + parameters.suffix)) = ... nanIfEmpty(point(2)); data.(fieldnameToColumnname(property, parameters.prefix, "_z_" + parameters.suffix)) = ... nanIfEmpty(point(3)); end % Value is a one dimensional horizontal array if (size(object.(property), 1) == 1 &... size(object.(property), 2) > 1 &... size(object.(property), 2) ~= 3) data.(fieldnameToColumnname(property, parameters.prefix, parameters.suffix)) = true; array = object.(property); for i = 1:length(array) data.(fieldnameToColumnname(property, parameters.prefix, sprintf("_%d_", i) + parameters.suffix)) = ... nanIfEmpty(array(i)); end end if not(isempty(data)) output = [output struct2table(data)]; end end end function output = fieldnameToColumnname(fieldname, prefix, suffix) % Tries to extract words from a string based on the capitalized letters in the % string. Capitalized concatenated words is a standard way of naming variables, % we want to extract a string containing these words modified to lower case % and separated by the "_" character. For example: % FooBARFooBAR -> foo_bar_foo_bar % where the words are "foo" and "bar". columnname = fieldname; % FooBARFooBAR -> FooBARFoo_bar columnname = (regexprep(columnname, "[A-Z]{2,}$", "_${lower($0)}")); % FooBARFoo_bar -> FooBARF#oo_bar columnname = (regexprep(columnname, "[A-Z]{2,}", "$0#")); % FooBARF#oo_bar -> FooBAR_f#oo_bar columnname = (regexprep(columnname, "[A-Z]#", "_${lower($0)}")); % FooBAR_f#oo_bar -> FooBAR_foo_bar columnname = (regexprep(columnname, "#", "")); % FooBAR_foo_bar -> _foo_bar_foo_bar columnname = (regexprep(columnname, "[A-Z]{1,}", "_${lower($0)}")); % _foo_bar_foo_bar -> foo_bar_foo_bar columnname = (regexprep(columnname, "^_", "")); columnname = join([prefix columnname suffix], "_"); columnname = strip(columnname, "_"); output = columnname; end function output = nanIfEmpty(value) if isempty(value) | isequal(value, "") output = nan; else output = value; end end function output = containsObject(parsedObject, object) output = false; properties = string(fields(parsedObject))'; for property = properties if isequal(parsedObject.(property), object) output = true; return end end end