function [ diagnosisList ] = diagnosisListFromExcel( rawExcel ) %DIAGNOSISLISTFROMEXCEL Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here fprintf('\nGet diagnosisList from Excel... '); % define diagnosis structure array diagnosisList = struct(... 'diagnosisList_id' ,[], ... 'name' ,[], ... 'description' ,[] ... ); % set normal subnormaland diagnosis names diagnosisList(1).diagnosisList_id = 1; diagnosisList(1).name = 'normal'; diagnosisList(1).description = 'fully normal'; diagnosisList(2).diagnosisList_id = 2; diagnosisList(2).name = 'subnormal'; diagnosisList(2).description = 'no OA but small abnormalities'; % get column of variables header = rawExcel(1,:); diagnosisName_col = find(strcmp([header],'')); % loop over rows of Excel table [rowN, ~] = size(rawExcel); diagnosisList_id = 2; for row_idx = 2:rowN row = rawExcel(row_idx, :); % get the entire row diagnosisName = row(diagnosisName_col); diagnosisName = diagnosisName{1}; if ~isempty(diagnosisName) & ~isnan(diagnosisName) sameDiagnosis = find(strcmp({}, diagnosisName)==1); % check if this diagnosis is already present in the array if isempty(sameDiagnosis) % add this diagnosis to the array diagnosisList_id = diagnosisList_id + 1; diagnosisList_idx = diagnosisList_id; diagnosisList(diagnosisList_idx).diagnosisList_id = diagnosisList_id; diagnosisList(diagnosisList_idx).name = diagnosisName; diagnosisList(diagnosisList_idx).description = ''; end end end fprintf('Done\n'); end