function [patient] = patientFromExcel(rawExcel) %PATIENT builds the structure array patients from % Detailed explanation goes here fprintf('\nGet patient from Excel... '); % define the patient structure array patient = struct(... 'patient_id', [], ... 'IPP', [], ... % to be later move to another table for anonymous constrain 'initials', [], ... % to be later move to another table for anonymous constrain 'anonym_birth_date', [], ... % to be later move to another table for anonymous constrain 'gender', [], ... 'birth_date', [], ... 'height', [], ... 'weight', [],... % should we put weight here since it can vary? 'comment', []... ); % get column of variables header = rawExcel(1,:); sCase_id_col = find(strcmp([header],'')); IPP_col = find(strcmp([header],'anonymity.IPP')); initials_col = find(strcmp([header],'anonymity.initials')); anonym_birth_date_col = find(strcmp([header],'anonymity.birth_date')); gender_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.gender')); birth_date_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.birth_date')); height_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.height')); weight_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.weight')); comment_col = find(strcmp([header],'patient.comment')); % loop over rows of Excel table to build patient structure % patients are not included if caseExcel, IPP, initials, gender, birth_date are not % defined [rowN, ~] = size(rawExcel); patient_id = 0; for row_idx = 2:rowN row = rawExcel(row_idx, :); % get the entire row % check that there is a sCase for this row sCase_id = row{sCase_id_col}; % sCase_id from Excel if ~isempty(sCase_id) % check validity of data IPP = row{IPP_col}; initials = row{initials_col}; gender = row{gender_col}; anonym_birth_date = row{anonym_birth_date_col}; anonym_birth_date = datetime(anonym_birth_date,'InputFormat','dd.MM.yyyy','ConvertFrom','excel'); anonym_birth_date.Format = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; birth_date = row{birth_date_col}; birth_date = datetime(birth_date,'InputFormat','dd.MM.yyyy','ConvertFrom','excel'); birth_date.Format = 'yyyy-MM-dd'; % get muscle comment comment = row{comment_col}; if isnan(comment) comment = ''; end if ~isnan(IPP) & ... ~isnan(initials) & ... ~isnan(gender) & ... ~isnat(birth_date) & ... ~isnat(anonym_birth_date) % Check that patient in row sCase is not already in structure % We asume here that IPP uniquely identifies a patient sameIPP = find([patient.IPP] == IPP); if ~isempty(sameIPP) % IPP is allready in patient array, extra-checks to avoid false same patient if birth_date ~= patient(sameIPP).birth_date % not same birthdate fprintf('\nSame IPP (%i) but different birth date in case %s !', IPP, sCase_id); end if gender ~= patient(sameIPP).gender % not same gender fprintf('\nSame IPP (%i) but different gender in case %s !', IPP, sCase_id); end if ~strcmp(initials, patient(sameIPP).initials) % not same initials fprintf('\nSame IPP (%i) but different initials in case %s !', IPP, sCase_id); end else % patient is not in patient structure array, so add it patient_id = patient_id + 1; patient_idx = patient_id; height = row{height_col}; if height == ' ' % to avoid strange behavior of the excel import height = NaN; end weight = row{weight_col}; patient(patient_idx).patient_id = patient_id; patient(patient_idx).IPP = IPP; patient(patient_idx).initials = initials; patient(patient_idx).gender = gender; patient(patient_idx).birth_date = birth_date; patient(patient_idx).height = height; patient(patient_idx).weight = weight; patient(patient_idx).anonym_birth_date = anonym_birth_date; patient(patient_idx).comment = comment; end end end end fprintf('Done\n'); end