function [ shoulder ] = shoulderFromExcel(patient, rawExcel) %SHOULDERFROMEXCEL build the shoulder structure array from Excel and from %the patient structure % The output is a shoulder strucure array that has the same form as the % shoulder table of the mySQL database fprintf('\nGet shoulder from Excel... '); % define houlder structure array shoulder = struct(... 'shoulder_id', [], ... 'patient_id', [], ... 'side', [], ... 'comment', [] ... ); % get column of variables header = rawExcel(1,:); sCase_id_col = find(strcmp([header],'')); IPP_col = find(strcmp([header],'anonymity.IPP')); side_col = find(strcmp([header],'shoulder.side')); comment_col = find(strcmp([header],'shoulder.comment')); % loop over rows of Excel table [rowN, ~] = size(rawExcel); shoulder_id = 0; for row_idx = 2:rowN row = rawExcel(row_idx, :); % get the entire row sCaseE = row{sCase_id_col}; % sCase id from Excel side = row{side_col}; % get shoulder comment comment = row{comment_col}; if isnan(comment) comment = ''; end if ~isnan(sCaseE) & ~isnan(side) % check that sCase & side are defined IPP = row{IPP_col}; patient_idx = find([patient.IPP] == IPP); % get patient index of this sCase if ~isempty(patient_idx) % there is a patient with same IPP % check that this shoulder patient_id & side is already in the shoulder array patient_id = patient(patient_idx).patient_id; % patient_id of existing patient % find this patient_id in shoulder array shoulder_idx = find([shoulder.patient_id] == patient_id); % might be 0, 1, or 2 (R/L) shoulder_idxN = length(shoulder_idx) == 1; % number of matching patient_id in shoulder addShoulder = 0; % 1 to add the shoulder in the shoulder array switch shoulder_idxN case 0 % this sCase patient is not in the shoulder array % so the shoulder of this sCase is also not, so add it addShoulder = 1; case 1 % this sCase patient is in the shoulder array % so we have to check the shoulder side if side ~= shoulder(shoulder_idx).side % this shoulder side in not yet in the shoulder array % so add it addShoulder = 1; end % fprintf('\nSecond shoulder in %s', sCase); case 2 % both shoulder sides of this patient are in the % shoulder array, meaning that this sCase is either % a duplicate, or a multiple case of the same shoulder % Nothing to add, but report for control fprintf('\nDuplicate or multiple case in %s', sCaseE); otherwise % should not happend, so report in this case fprintf('\nMore than 2 shoulders in %s', sCaseE); end if addShoulder shoulder_id = shoulder_id + 1; shoulder_idx = shoulder_id; shoulder(shoulder_idx).shoulder_id = shoulder_id; shoulder(shoulder_idx).patient_id = patient_id; shoulder(shoulder_idx).side = side; shoulder(shoulder_idx).comment = comment; end end end end fprintf('Done\n'); end