function muscle = muscleDegeneration3D(caseID,muscleName,HUThresholdMuscle,HUThresholdFat,HUThresholdOsteochondroma,muscleDirectory) %%MUSCLEDEGENERATION3D computes degeneration parameters from muscle contours % % This function returns muscle atrophy, fat infiltration, osteochondroma % and degeneration values computed from a CT slice for a given muscle % % USE: muscleDegeneration3D(caseID,muscleName,HUThresholdMuscle,HUThresholdOsteochondroma,muscleDirectory) % % INPUT caseID: patient number % muscleName: name of the rotator cuff muscle being measured (SS,IS, SC or TM) % HUThresholdMuscle: HU threshold used for muscle segmentation (atrophied muscle limit) % HUThresholdFat: HU threshold used for fat infiltration segmentation (fat-muscle limit) % HUThresholdOsteochondroma:HU threshold used for osteochondroma segmentation (muscle-osteochondroma limit) % muscleDirectory: Path to 'muscles' directory where contours and output images are stored % % OUTPUT muscle: structure containing fields 'Stot', 'Satrophy', % 'Sinfiltration', 'Sosteochondroma' and 'Sdegeneration', % 'atrophy', 'infiltration', 'osteochondroma' and 'degeneration' % % REMARKS An image of the segmentation of atrophied muscle, fat % infiltration and osteochondroma is saved in muscles directory, % in the 'muscleName' folder. % % created with MATLAB ver.: (R2017a) on Windows 7 % Author: EPFL-LBO-VMC % Date: 29-Jun-2017 % % Get slice number segments = textscan(muscleDirectory,'%s','Delimiter','\'); segments = segments{1}; sliceNum = segments(end); % Find contours inputFile = ['ssContours' caseID '_' sliceNum{1} '.mat']; contouredMuscle = load([muscleDirectory '\' muscleName '\' inputFile]); % --Plot CT slice with all contours-- fontSize = 14; visualizationWindow = [-100 200]; imshow(contouredMuscle.inputImage,visualizationWindow); hold on % --Atrophied muscle segmentation-- % MATLAB does not accept to threshold an image with a negative value, as is % the case when using HU scale. CT scanners usually have a CT range from % -1000 HU to 1000 HU or -2000 HU to 2000 HU for modern scanners. In this % case, we're not using HU values lower than -1000 and higher than +1000 so % all pixel intensity values of the input image< -1000 HU are set to -1000 % HU, and values > 1000 HU are set to 1000 HU. Then, the input image is % mapped to the [0 1] range -1000->0 1000->1, as are the thresholds for % muscle and osteochondroma. % Normalize image and thresholds contouredMuscle.inputImage(contouredMuscle.inputImage < -1000) = -1000; contouredMuscle.inputImage(contouredMuscle.inputImage > 1000) = 1000; rangeHU = double([-1000 1000]); % Binarization of images works so that pixel value > threshold is kept. So % if you condier that a msucle is normal for 30 HU and abnormal for 29 HU, % the threshold should be set at 29 HU. normalizedThresholdMuscle = ((HUThresholdMuscle - 1)-rangeHU(1))/(rangeHU(2)-rangeHU(1)); normalizedThresholdFat = ((HUThresholdFat - 1)-rangeHU(1))/(rangeHU(2)-rangeHU(1)); normalizedThresholdOsteochondroma = ((HUThresholdOsteochondroma - 1)-rangeHU(1))/(rangeHU(2)-rangeHU(1)); normalizedInputImage = (double(contouredMuscle.inputImage)-rangeHU(1))/(rangeHU(2)-rangeHU(1)); % Mask image using muscle fossa contours maskedImage = normalizedInputImage; maskedImage(~contouredMuscle.binaryImage1) = 0; % Plot muscle fossa contours. structBoundaries = bwboundaries(contouredMuscle.binaryImage1); xy=structBoundaries{1}; % Get n by 2 array of x,y coordinates. x = xy(:, 2); % Columns. y = xy(:, 1); % Rows. p = plot(x, y, 'color','green','DisplayName','Muscle fossa'); p_count = 1; % Segment using muscle threshold myMuscle = imbinarize(maskedImage,normalizedThresholdMuscle); myMuscle = imfill(myMuscle, 'holes'); % Fill holes % Keep only the biggest connected component (i.e. remove islands) CC = bwconncomp(myMuscle); numPixels = cellfun(@numel,CC.PixelIdxList); [~,idx] = max(numPixels); myMuscle(:,:) = 0; myMuscle(CC.PixelIdxList{idx}) = 1; % Plot atrophied muscle contours structBoundaries = bwboundaries(myMuscle); if size(structBoundaries,1) > 0 p_count = p_count+1; end for i = 1:size(structBoundaries,1) xy = structBoundaries{i}; % Get n by 2 array of x,y coordinates. x = xy(:, 2); % Columns. y = xy(:, 1); % Rows. hold on; % Keep the image. p(p_count) = plot(x, y, 'color','blue','DisplayName','Atrophied Muscle'); end % --Fat infiltration segmentation-- % Mask image using atrophied muscle segmentation maskedImage = normalizedInputImage; maskedImage(~myMuscle) = 0; % Segment using fat threshold myMuscleNoFat = imbinarize(maskedImage,normalizedThresholdFat); myFat = ~myMuscleNoFat; myFat(~myMuscle) = 0; % Plot fat infiltration surfaces structBoundaries = bwboundaries(myFat); % The 'fill' function cannot handle hollow polygons (with holes = 2 % boundaries). To overcome this difficulty, fat infiltration is plotted as % a coloured overlay image with transparency zero outside fat regions and % transparency 0.25 in fat regions. myFatAlpha = double(myFat); myFatAlpha(myFat) = 0.25; red=zeros(size(myFat,1),size(myFat,2),3); red(:,:,1)=1; h=imshow(red); set(h,'AlphaData',myFatAlpha); if size(structBoundaries,1) > 0 p_count = p_count+1; p(p_count) = fill(0, 0,'red','EdgeColor','none','FaceAlpha', 0.25,'DisplayName','Fat infiltration'); % plot a filled patch outside the plot region to add to the legend end % --Osteochondroma segmentation-- %Segment using osteochondroma threshold myOsteo = imbinarize(maskedImage,normalizedThresholdOsteochondroma); myOsteo = imfill(myOsteo, 'holes'); % Fill holes % Plot osteochondroma surfaces structBoundaries = bwboundaries(myOsteo); % The 'fill' function cannot handle hollow polygons (with holes = 2 % boundaries). To overcome this difficulty, osteochondroma are plotted as % a coloured overlay image with transparency zero outside osteochondroma % and transparency 0.25 in osteochondroma regions. myOsteoAlpha = double(myOsteo); myOsteoAlpha(myOsteo) = 0.5; yellow=zeros(size(myOsteo,1),size(myOsteo,2),3); yellow(:,:,1)=1; yellow(:,:,2)=1; h=imshow(yellow); set(h,'AlphaData',myOsteoAlpha); if size(structBoundaries,1) > 0 p_count = p_count+1; p(p_count) = fill(0, 0,'yellow','EdgeColor','none','FaceAlpha', 0.5,'DisplayName','Osteochondroma'); % plot a filled patch outside the plot region to add to the legend end % --Measure atrophy and degeneration so that Stot = Sa + Sm + Si + So-- muscle.SliceNumber = str2double(sliceNum); muscle.Stot = bwarea(contouredMuscle.binaryImage1); % Stot: total area of the muscle fossa (manually delimited contours) muscle.Satrophy = bwarea(contouredMuscle.binaryImage1) - bwarea(myMuscle); % Sa: area of the atrophy (Stot - Sm) muscle.Sinfiltration = bwarea(myFat); % Si: area of fat infiltration muscle.Sosteochondroma = bwarea(myOsteo); % So: area of osteochondroma muscle.Sdegeneration = muscle.Stot-muscle.Satrophy-muscle.Sinfiltration-muscle.Sosteochondroma; % Sm: area of the degenerated muscle, without atrophy, fat infiltration and osteochondroma muscle.atrophy = muscle.Satrophy/muscle.Stot; % ratio of muscle atrophy (area atrophy over total area of muscle fossa) muscle.infiltration = muscle.Sinfiltration/muscle.Stot; % ratio of fat infiltration in the muscle (area fat infiltration over total area of muscle fossa) muscle.osteochondroma = muscle.Sosteochondroma/muscle.Stot; % ratio of osteochondroma in the muscle (area osteochondroma over total area of muscle fossa) muscle.degeneration = (muscle.Stot-muscle.Sdegeneration)/muscle.Stot; % the ratio of degeneration of the muscle (sum of atrophy, fat infiltration and osteochondroma over total area of muscle fossa) % --Save images-- title({['Case ID: ' caseID ', Slice #: ' sliceNum{1}]; [muscleName ' Muscle threshold: ' sprintf('%d',HUThresholdMuscle) ' HU']; sprintf('Muscle atrophy: %.2f%%, Muscle infiltration: %.2f%%, Osteochondroma: %.2f%%', ... muscle.atrophy*100,muscle.infiltration*100,muscle.osteochondroma*100)}, 'FontSize', fontSize); fig = get(groot,'CurrentFigure'); fig.OuterPosition = [-1140 -1 871 1028]; hLegend = legend(p); set(hLegend.BoxFace, 'ColorType','truecoloralpha', 'ColorData',uint8(255*[.8;.8;.8;.8])); hLegend.EdgeColor = 'none'; % % This piece of code can be used to make the rectangle patches in the % legend have the correct alpha value (transparency) as used in the plot. % Unfortunately, it doesnt work in MATLAB r2017a because calling the % 'legend' function with multiple output arguments results in a graphics % bug and prevent the rectangular patches to display. I keep this piece of % code here, as this bug might be solved in a future version. % % VMC-29-Jun-2017 % % % Get handles of all patch objects in current axis: % hla = findobj(gca,'type','patch'); % % % Get alpha properties of the current plotted patches: % hlaFA = get(hla,'FaceAlpha'); % hlaFC = get(hla,'FaceColor'); % % % Create a legend: % [hLegend,oLegend,~,~]= legend(p); % set(hLegend.BoxFace, 'ColorType','truecoloralpha', 'ColorData',uint8(255*[.8;.8;.8;.8])); % hLegend.EdgeColor = 'none'; % % % Get handles of patch objects in the legend: % hlp = findobj(oLegend,'type','patch'); % % % Set alpha values: % for k = 1:length(hlp) % set(hlp(k),'facec',hlaFC(k,:)); % set(hlp(k),'facea',hlaFA(k)); % end sliceNum = sprintf(num2str(str2double(sliceNum{1}),'%03i')); outputFile = sprintf('%sDegeneration%s_%s',muscleName,caseID,sliceNum); saveas(gcf,sprintf('%s%s.png',[muscleDirectory '\'],outputFile)); close all end