function SCase = plotSCase(SCaseId) %PLOTSCASE Plot a SCase. % Input: id char of shoulder case (e.g. 'P315') % % Output: Corresponding ShoulderCase object % % Example: SCase = plotSCase('P315'); % % Author: Alexandre Terrier, EPFL-LBO % Creation date: 2018-07-01 % Revision date: 2018-08-13 % % TODO % Chech that the SCase exist and can be ploted % Initialisation of paths % Should be replaced by a function dataDir = '../../../data'; % location of data % Add path of ShoulderCase classes addpath('ShoulderCase'); %% Instance of a ShoulderCase object if (exist('SCase','var') > 0) clear SCase; % Check for delete method end SCase = ShoulderCase; % Instanciate a ShoulderCase object % Load the SCase % This should be a method of ShoulderCase class % The validity of the format should be checked Pnnn or Nnnn. if (numel(regexp(SCaseId,'^[PN]\d{1,3}$')) == 0) error('Invalid format of SCaseId argument. SCaseID must start with "P" or "N" and be followed by 1 to 3 digits.'); end % Directory of SCaseId SCaseDirLevel0 = SCaseId(1); % Either 'P' or 'N' strLengthSCaseId = strlength(SCaseId(2:end)); if (strLengthSCaseId < 2) SCaseDirLevel1 = '0'; % Hunderets SCaseDirLevel2 = '0'; % Dozent elseif (strLengthSCaseId < 3) SCaseDirLevel1 = '0'; % Hunderets SCaseDirLevel2 = SCaseId(2); % Dozent else SCaseDirLevel1 = SCaseId(2); % Hunderets SCaseDirLevel2 = SCaseId(3); % Dozent end % Check if a (!unique! to be done) directory exists for this SCaseId FindSCaseIdFolder = dir([dataDir '/' SCaseDirLevel0 '/' SCaseDirLevel1 '/' SCaseDirLevel2 '/' SCaseId '*']); if (isempty(FindSCaseIdFolder)) % No directory for this SCaseId error(['Missing directory for SCaseId: ' SCaseId]); end SCaseDirLevel3 =; SCaseDir = [dataDir '/' SCaseDirLevel0 '/' SCaseDirLevel1 '/' SCaseDirLevel2 '/' SCaseDirLevel3]; % Check if this SCaseId has a CT directory with '-1' postfix (preoperative FindCTFolder = dir([SCaseDir '/' 'CT*-1']); if (isempty(FindCTFolder)) % No CT directory for this SCaseId error('Missing CT directory for SCaseId'); % ! should exist script here ! end CTDir = [SCaseDir '/']; matlabDir = [CTDir '/matlab']; % we should check for existance matlabFile = [matlabDir '/SCase.mat']; if exist(matlabFile, 'file') % SCaseL = load(matlabFile); % Load SCase dat file % =; % SCase.shoulder = SCaseL.sCase.shoulder; load(matlabFile); %SCase=sCase; SCase.plot; % Plot SCase else error('Not matlab file for this SCase'); end end