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Determine address of proxied request
sh $ npm install proxy-addr
js var proxyaddr = require('proxy-addr')
proxyaddr(req, trust)
Return the address of the request, using the given trust parameter.
The trust argument is a function that returns true if you trust the address, false if you don't. The closest untrusted address is returned.
js proxyaddr(req, function(addr){ return addr === '' }) proxyaddr(req, function(addr, i){ return i < 1 })
The trust arugment may also be a single IP address string or an array of trusted addresses, as plain IP addresses, CIDR-formatted strings, or IP/netmask strings.
js proxyaddr(req, '') proxyaddr(req, ['', '']) proxyaddr(req, ['', ''])
This module also supports IPv6. Your IPv6 addresses will be normalized automatically (i.e. fe80::00ed:1 equals fe80:0:0:0:0:0:ed:1).
js proxyaddr(req, '::1') proxyaddr(req, ['::1/128', 'fe80::/10']) proxyaddr(req, ['fe80::/ffc0::'])
This module will automatically work with IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses as well to support node.js in IPv6-only mode. This means that you do not have to specify both ::ffff:a00:1 and
As a convenience, this module also takes certain pre-defined names in addition to IP addresses, which expand into IP addresses:
js proxyaddr(req, 'loopback') proxyaddr(req, ['loopback', 'fc00:ac:1ab5:fff::1/64'])
- loopback: IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses (like ::1 and
- linklocal: IPv4 and IPv6 link-local addresses (like fe80::1:1:1:1 and
- uniquelocal: IPv4 private addresses and IPv6 unique-local addresses (like fc00:ac:1ab5:fff::1 and
When trust is specified as a function, it will be called for each address to determine if it is a trusted address. The function is given two arguments: addr and i, where addr is a string of the address to check and i is a number that represents the distance from the socket address.
proxyaddr.all(req, [trust])
Return all the addresses of the request, optionally stopping at the first untrusted. This array is ordered from closest to furthest (i.e. arr[0] === req.connection.remoteAddress).
js proxyaddr.all(req)
The optional trust argument takes the same arguments as trust does in proxyaddr(req, trust).
js proxyaddr.all(req, 'loopback')
Compiles argument val into a trust function. This function takes the same arguments as trust does in proxyaddr(req, trust) and returns a function suitable for proxyaddr(req, trust).
js var trust = proxyaddr.compile('localhost') var addr = proxyaddr(req, trust)
This function is meant to be optimized for use against every request. It is recommend to compile a trust function up-front for the trusted configuration and pass that to proxyaddr(req, trust) for each request.
sh $ npm test
sh $ npm run-script bench
[npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/proxy-addr.svg [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/proxy-addr [node-version-image]: https://img.shields.io/node/v/proxy-addr.svg [node-version-url]: http://nodejs.org/download/ [travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/jshttp/proxy-addr/master.svg [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/jshttp/proxy-addr [coveralls-image]: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/jshttp/proxy-addr/master.svg [coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/jshttp/proxy-addr?branch=master [downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/proxy-addr.svg [downloads-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/proxy-addr