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%\markboth{Tenure statement (2010-2015) -- CJ Meli\'an}{Tenure statement (2010-2015) -- CJ Meli\'an}
\vspace{0.35 in}
\centerline{\Large \em Curriculum vitae}\\
\vspace{0.2 in}
\centerline{{\Large Dr. Carlos J. Meli\'an}}}\\
% \vspace{0.2 in} Department of Fish Ecology and Evolution.\\
\centerline{Center for Ecology, Evolution and Biogeochemistry, EAWAG,}\\
\centerline{Seestrasse 79, Kastanienbaum CH-6047, Switzerland.}\\
\vspace{0.2 in}
\item {\bf Researcher ID: C-2146-2008}
\item {\bf ORCID: 0000-0003-3974-6515}
\item {\bf SCOPUS: 55220360000}
\section*{{\Large 1. Education and positions}}
{\bf 2015-Present}, Group leader, {\em Eawag Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology}, ETH-Domain and Lecturer, University of Bern, Switzerland.\\
{\bf 2010-2015}, Tenure-track, {\em Eawag Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology}, ETH-Domain, Switzerland.\\
{\bf 2008-2010}, Researcher fellowship.\\
{\em Granted: Microsoft Research Ltd. (Unrestricted Gift).}\\
{\em National Center of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis}, University of California, USA.\\
{\em Title: Unifying Theories of Molecular, Community and Network Evolution.}\\
{\bf 2005-2007}, Postdoctoral fellowship.\\
{\em Granted: National Center of Ecological Analysis and Synthesis}, University of California, USA.\\
{\em Title: The Evolution of Behavior and the Structure of Complex Ecological Networks.}\\
{\bf 2000-2004} PhD. with honors in Biology and Environmental
Sciences. University of Alcal\'a, Madrid, and Biological Do\~nana
Seville, Spain. {\em Dissertation title: On the Structure and Dynamics of Ecological Networks}, Prof. Dr. Jordi Bascompte, advisor.\\
{\bf 1998} B.S. in Biology and Environmental Sciences. University of Alcal\'a, Madrid, Spain.\\
{\bf 1994} B.S. in Economics. University of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain.\\
\section*{\Large 2. Oral communication}}
{\em Languages: Spanish (native), English (fluent), German (basic).}
\section*{\Large 3. Organization national and international scientific workshops}}
\item {\bf 2019} $2^{nd}$ Reproducible research workshop {\bf ``Open source science in a new reproducible research era''}, Eawag, Kastanienbaum, Switzerland.\\
\item {\bf 2018} International exploratory workshop {\bf ``Biodiversity dynamics in coevolutionary metaecosystems''},
Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland.\\
\item {\bf 2018} $1^{st}$ Reproducible research workshop {\bf ``The reproducible research ecosystem''}, Eawag, Kastanienbaum, Switzerland.\\
\item {\bf 2016} International exploratory workshop {\bf ``Interactions on evolutionary trees''},
Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland.\\
\item {\bf 2008} Workshop {\bf ``Theoretical ecology: Big questions and challenges''}. National Center for
Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). Univ. California Santa Barbara, USA.
\section*{{\Large 4. Teaching}}
\item {\bf 2019}. ``Ecological networks'' course (6 contact hours) with Prof. Jordi Bascompte. Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, U. Zurich, Switzerland.
\item {\bf 2013-present}. ``Introduction to scientific analysis'' (30 contact hours in one semester) with Prof. Barbara Taborsky. Department of Biology, U. Bern, Switzerland.
\item {\bf 2013}. Four sessions (6 contact hours) in course ``Speciation models'', Journal club aquatic ecology and evolution. Eawag, Kastanienbaum, Switzerland.
\item {\bf 2012}. Four guest lectures (8 contact hours) in course ``Evolutionary biodiversity dynamics'' with Prof. Ole Seehausen. Department of Biology, U. Bern, Switzerland.
\item {\bf 2008}. Six guest lectures (12 contact hours) in course ``Theoretical ecology and data-driven synthesis'' at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, U. Santa Barbara, California, USA.
\item {\bf 2007-2009}. “Kids Do Ecology” program (30 contact hours per year). National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). Univ. California Santa Barbara, USA.
\section*{{\Large 5. PhD's and Postdocs}}
\subsection*{5.1 PhD students}
\item {\bf 2015-2018} Co-supervision PhD. student Jorge Rodr\'iguez with Dr. Victor Egu\'iluz. Spanish Research Council Grant, Spain.
\item {\bf 2014-2017} Co-supervision PhD. student Vicente Jim\'enez with Dr. David Alonso. Spanish Research Council Grant, Spain.
\item {\bf 2014-2017} Co-supervision PhD. student Cecilia Andreazzi with Dr. Paulo Guimar\~aes, PhD. Fellowship, University of S\~ao Paulo, Brazil.
\item {\bf 2012-2015} Co-supervision PhD. student Simone Fontana with Dr. Francesco Pomati. Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant $31003A\_144162$, Switzerland.
\item {\bf 2012-2015} Co-supervision PhD. student Francisco Baldo with Dr. Pilar Drake, PhD. Fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain.
\subsection*{5.2 Postdocs}
\item {\bf 2018} Cecilia Andreazzi (SNSF $IZSEZO\_183490$, Research visit grant.)
\item {\bf 2017} Gian Marco Palamara (Lab discretional funding.)
\item {\bf 2015} Ayana Martins (BEPE fellowship, Brazil.)
\item {\bf 2013-2015} Charles N. de Santana (SNSF $31003A\_144053$.)
\item {\bf 2014} Jan Klecka ($SCIEX 12.327$, Switzerland.)
\item {\bf 2013-2014} Gregor Kalinkat (German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany.)
\item {\bf 2012} Josephine Rodriguez (Lab discretional funding.)
%\subsection*{Supervision and co-supervision of Masters, PhD students, and Postdocs}
%\item {\bf 2014-2017} Co-supervising PhD. student Vicente Jim\'enez Ontiveros with Dr. David
% Alonso (Ongoing). Spanish Research Council Grant CGL2012-39964.
%\item {\bf 2012-2015} Co-supervising PhD. student Simone Fontana with Dr. Francesco Pomati (Ongoing). Swiss National Science Foundation Grant $31003A\_144162$.
%\item {\bf 2013-2015} Postdoc Charles N. de Santana (September 2013-March 2015, SNSF $31003A\_144053$). Charles is now a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Wagner's Lab, Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland.
%\item {\bf 2013-2014} Postdoc Jan Klecka (July 2013-August 2014, SCIEX 12.327). Jan is now a research fellow at the Laboratory of Theoretical Ecology, Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic.
%\item {\bf 2012} Postdoc Josephine Rodriguez (March-May 2012). Josephine is now an associate professor at the University of Virginia’s College at Wise, USA.
%\noindent {\bf Charles N. de Santana}, {\small SNSF, September 2013-March 2015\\ Project title: \textit{A theory for next-generation food web data}}\\
%{\bf Gregor Kalinkat}, {\small DAAD, Germany, November 2014-April 2015, and SNSF May-October 2015\\ Project title: \textit{Analyzing the interplay between allometric constraints and intraspecific trait variation to predict food web dynamics (DAAD)} and \textit{Eco-evolutionary diversification dynamics in dendritic networks (SNSF)}} \\
%{\bf Jan Klecka}, {\small SCIEX, July 2013-August 2014 and SNSF, October-December 2014\\ Project title: \textit{Food webs in space: integrating metacommunity and food web research (SCIEX)} and \textit{Modeling the effects of predator phenotype on food web structure (SNSF)}}\\
%\subsection*{PhD students}
%\noindent{\bf Simone Fontana}, {\small SNSF grant with Dr. Francesco Pomati, 2013-2016\\ Project title: \textit{An individual-level approach to disentangle niches, drift and dispersal in phytoplankton metacommunity dynamics}} \\
%{\bf Vicente Jim\'enez}, {\small Spanish research grant with Dr. David Alonso, May-July 2015\\ Project title: \textit{Development of theoretical community models for biodiversity and species distributions: a generalized site-occupancy approach}}\\
%\subsection*{Visiting PhD students}
%\noindent {\bf Cecilia Andreazzi}, {\small Univ. S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil, October 2014-March 2015\\ Project title: \textit{Coevolution in individual-based food webs}}\\
%{\bf Marcelo Awade}, {\small Univ. S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil, November 2014-April 2015\\ Project title: \textit{Generalizing individual-based models}} \\
\section*{{\Large 6. Major awards and honors}}
{\bf 2018} August T. Larsson Fellowship of SLU (Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences). The aim of this fellowship
scheme is to “promote exciting and important research collaborations
by inviting guest researchers to spend one month per term over a
period of three years at SLU.”
{\bf 2003} Environmental Sciences Award to the Young Promise,
Enviromental Science Association, Madrid, Spain.
\section*{{\Large 7. Editorial and boards}}
\item {\bf 2016-present} Research commission board, NaXys research institute, U. Namur, Belgium
\item {\bf 2011-present} Subject editor {\bf Oikos}\footnote{\url{}}
\item {\bf 2018} Recommender for {\em PCI Ecology}\footnote{\url{}}
\item {\bf 2013-2018} Editorial board $Diversify-EC$ FP7 FET project.
\section*{{\Large 8. Invited talks}}
{\bf 2019} {\bf Tangling the webs of life}. Symposia ``Causes and consequences of temporally fluctuating selection in the wild'', Evolution AMS meeting, Providence, June, USA.\\
{\bf 2018} {\bf Fluctuating selection in e-co-evolutionary networks}. ``Networks on Networks'' workshop, University Darmstadt, February, Germany.\\
{\bf 2018} (``Keynote speaker'') {\bf Data-intensive tangling of the webs of life}. Kick-off meeting ``NaXys'' Research Institute, University of Namur, September, Belgium.\\
{\bf 2018} {\bf The stability and complexity of eco-evolutionary networks in meta-ecosystems}. ``UMR Biodiversite, Genes and Communautes (Biogeco)'', University Bordeaux, January, France.\\
{\bf 2017} {\bf The stability complexity continuum in eco-evolutionary networks}. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University of Freiburg, May, Germany.\\
{\bf 2017} (``Keynote speaker'') {\bf Interdependent networks in ecology and evolution}. Symposia ``Human driven scenarios for evolutionary and ecological changes'', MEDECOS conference, February, Seville, Spain.\\
{\bf 2016} {\bf Food web modeling}, CIESM Congress, September, Kiel, Germany.\\
{\bf 2015} {\bf Interdependent networks in ecology and evolution}. ``Ecological networks in a spatial context: beyond local analyses of species interactions'', Fribourg, September, Switzerland.\\
{\bf 2015} {\bf Eco-evolutionary diversification dynamics}. ``Mathematical models in ecology and evolution'' conference, Paris, July, France.\\
{\bf 2015} {\bf Eco-evolutionary diversification dynamics: from dreams to models}. Muenster graduate school of evolution workshop ``Community network approach to ecological complexity'', Muenster, March, Germany.\\
{\bf 2015} {\bf Radiations and diversification in biological networks}. ``Simulating the ecology and evolution of ecological interactions'', Spanish Research council, Almeria, January, Spain.\\
{\bf 2014} {\bf Do organisms dream with neutral landscapes?} ``Dispersal evolution in a community context'' workshop, University of Wuerzburg, September, Wuerzburg, Germany.\\
{\bf 2014} {\bf Diversification and biodiversity dynamics of hot and cold spots}. ``Non-adaptive selection: explaining macroscopic laws in ecology and evolution'' workshop, Lausanne, July, Switzerland.\\
{\bf 2014} {\bf Intraspecific trait variation and diversity in food webs}. Jena Network workshop, Jena, February, Germany.\\
{\bf 2013} {\bf Connecting diversification and biodiversity dynamics across spatial scales}, INTECOL meeting, London, August, UK.\\
{\bf 2012} {\bf Eco-evolutionary dynamics of individual-based networks}, Web of life conference, University of Montpellier, June, France.\\
{\bf 2012} {\bf Radiations, collapse and recovery of biodiversity in networks}, Mediterranean science commission workshop on ``Marine Extinctions'', Valencia, October, Spain.\\
{\bf 2011} {\bf Intraspecific variation in prey selection and diversity in food webs}, Ecology and Evolution Days, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, September, Switzerland.\\
{\bf 2011} {\bf Testing adaptive and non-adaptive radiations and biodiversity patterns in supernetworks}, Ecological Society of America Meeting, August, Austin, Texas, USA.\\
{\bf 2010} {\bf Exploring ideas to link systems biology and ecosystem dynamics}, ERDC, Environmental Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, March, Vicksburg, USA.\\
{\bf 2010} {\bf Eco-evo dynamics in networks: from genomes to radiations and ecosystems}, Center for Ecology, Evolution and Biogeochemistry, EAWAG-University of Bern, February, Switzerland.\\
{\bf 2009} {\bf Making connections between systems biology and evolving ecological networks}, CoSBi-University of Parma, July, Italy.\\
{\bf 2009} (``keynote speaker'') {\bf Towards a general framework in food webs driven by data at multiple biological levels}, $2^{nd}$ International workshop ``Body size and ecosystem dynamics: Implications for conservation and management of natural resources'', ESF program ($2^{nd}$ SIZEMIC meeting), University of Gothenburg, June, Sweden.\\
{\bf 2009} {\bf How to form collaborations to answer big burning ecological questions?} {\em SEEDS Leadership Meeting}, Ecological Society of America, February, New Mexico, USA.\\
{\bf 2008} {\bf Exploring biodiversity numbers for multilevel biological networks}. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, November, Iowa, USA.\\
{\bf 2007} {\bf Unifying diversity evolution in multilevel biological networks}. Microsoft Research Ltd., November, Cambridge, UK.\\
{\bf 2007} {\bf Evolution in multilevel complex networks}. Santa Fe Institute, February, New Mexico, USA.\\
{\bf 2006} {\bf Does topology alter persistence in a complex mutualist/antagonist ecological network?} Workshop on {\em Advances in Food Webs}, September, Yokohama, Japan.\\
{\bf 2003} {\bf Effect of habitat loss on complex food webs}. InterACT workshop on ``Community viability analysis: Identifying fragile systems and keystone species'', August, Link\"oping, Sweden.\\

Event Timeline