Recent Commits
Commit | Author | Details | Committed | ||||
e729dab3af8d | • Daniel | fixes | Oct 30 2019 | ||||
ba1f5fb3e126 | • Daniel | added input options to cornea xml format: lenticule anterior surface, lenticule… | Oct 30 2019 | ||||
9332e0ba3a8c | • Daniel | added command line conversion tool vtu -> inp; conversion includes creation of… | Oct 29 2019 | ||||
4ec9697325a9 | • Daniel | fixed error in lenticule definition | Oct 28 2019 | ||||
0b824d8a0827 | • Daniel | added conda env file | Oct 25 2019 | ||||
d2ba3288bb78 | • Daniel | fix for cornea meshing | Sep 20 2019 | ||||
9e06fec52dbc | • Daniel | modified main so that -x flag no longer needed | Sep 20 2019 | ||||
a30ed82bf34e | • Daniel | removed path defs | Sep 19 2019 | ||||
ee7fe7c48615 | • Daniel | initial commit | Sep 19 2019 |
- *MeshTool* is a CGAL-based c++ tool for creating FEM meshes. The tool produces VTK 3D meshes (vtkUnstructuredGrid) as output. Currently, two applications are supported:
- Creation of cornea meshes from Zernike-parameters of anterior and posterior surface.
- Creation of meshes from image segmentations.
- Folder <base_dir>\pre-post-processing\ contains scripts for generating Abaqus input files from these VTK meshes.
Quickest way to install is to use the docker or singularity container as explained here.
Commandline Parameters
From <base_dir>\bin:
#!shell ./bin/MeshTool -c <path_to_configuration_file> -m <mode>
- base_dir is the installation path of the MeshTool project.
- path_to_configuration_file is the path (relative or absolute) to a xml configuration file.
- mode is the operational model of the tool, currently one of 'cornea', or 'image'.
Image Meshing Mode
In this mode, MeshTool generates a VTK mesh from a segmented image. An example configuration is provided in test-data/image/config/image-to-mesh_from-mhd.xml. Required parameters are:
- File settings:
- path_to_input_file
- path_to_output_file
- Global meshing parameters: These are applicable to all subdomains of the mesh and based on CGAL mesh criteria.
- cell_radius_edge_ratio
- cell_size
- facet_angle
- facet_distance
- facet_size
If multiple labels (image colors) exist in the source image, a subdomain will be created for each label. Each subdomain can be meshed according to a specific set of parameters. These domain-specific meshing parameters are optional:
- cell_size: size of the cell
- dimension: 3
- domain_id: color value of the respective subdomain
The image meshing command has the following form:
#!shell ./bin/MeshTool -c test-data/test.xml -x <base_dir>/src/xml-io/imaging_meshing_schema.xsd -m 'image'
where 'base_dir' is the absolute path to the installation path of the MeshTool project.
Cornea Meshing Mode
Cornea and meshing parameters are specified in xml format. The corresponding xml schema and an example xml are in <base_dir>\src\xml-io. Paths to the configuration xml-file and the xml-schema file need to be passed to the executable, using commandline options '-c' and '-x', respectively:
From <base_dir>:
#!shell ./bin/MeshTool -c test-data/test.xml -x <base_dir>/src/xml-io/cornea_meshing_schema.xsd -m 'cornea'
Main Configuration options:
- Cornea
- Anterior/Posterior Surface: List of Zernike coefficients in single index (*<ZernikeCoefficientSingleIndex j='0'>*) or n-m notation (*<ZernikeCoefficient n='1' m='2'>*)
- Pupil Radius
- Distance between posterior and anterior surface
- Information for cornea generation, such as max number of zernike coefficients to be considered for generation, output file, etc
- Cornea boundary, currently: cone with custom angle, or cylinder with custom radius
- Lenticule:
- Anterior surface for lenticule
- Posterior surface for lenticule
- Lenticule configuration, in particular
- lenticule radius
- lenticule cap thickness: distance between anterior cornea surface and anterior lenticule surface
- lenticule surface distance: distance between anterior and posterior lenticule surface
- lenticule thickness: only relevant for generation of 3D volume by intersection of 2 volumes; value should greater than lenticule surface distance
- Meshing criteria for lenticule
- Mesh Criteria, based on CGAL mesh criteria
Conversion to Abaqus .inp
- <base_dir>\pre-post-processing\ provides an example configuration for generating Abaqus *.inp input files from the resulting VTK *.vtu meshes.
- <base_dir>\pre-post-processing\ provides a command line interface for this conversion: `shell script python <base_dir>\pre-post-processing\ -i <path_to_vtu_input> -o <path_to_inp_output> -p <base_dir>\pre-post-processing `
- Xerces library (needed by CodeSynthesis XSD)
- CodeSynthesis XSD
> Adapt DEPENDENCY_DIR and CGAL_DIR, VTK_DIR, XERCESC_ROOT_DIR, XSD_DIR in <base_dir>/src/CMakeLists.txt for your system
- go to main directory <base_dir>
#!shell mkdir build cd build cmake .. make make install
Compilation MacOS
- I had difficulties including the full path to boost libraries in the compiled meshtool executable; instead boost libraries were linked as if they were present in same directory as the meshtool binary.
- Compiling CGAL against system boost libraries (instead of custom boost installations) solved this issue... There should be more robust ways of fixing library paths using 'rpath', but it seems that 'rpath' related settings in MacOS are somewhat problematic: .
- To check libraries linked into executable do: `#!shell
otool -L path/to/binary `
- Installation of package with 'fixup_bundle' does not work. The problem seems to be related to the way apps are organized in MacOS. The bundling helper appears to require a certain folder structure to work correctly.
The executable can still be run from <build-dir>/src/MeshTool
Modifying XML schema
MeshTool uses the codesynthesis binding xml binding libraries for xml serialisation and reading. In case xml schemas are modified, binding libraries have to be re-generated. See the CodeSynthesis user guide for further information.
- For configuration file:
#!shell cd <base_dir>/src/xml-io path_to_xsd_library/bin/xsd cxx-tree cornea_meshing_schema.xsd
Usage on SKULL
MeshTool and dependencies are installed on on user account *abler*:
- dependencies: /home/abler/bms_dependencies/
- repository: /home/abler/bms_dependencies/cornea_meshing
#!shell cd /home/abler/cornea_meshing/build cmake .. make install
Example Meshing
From <base_dir> = '/home/abler/cornea_meshing'.
- For cornea meshing:
`#!shell ./bin/MeshTool -x /home/abler/cornea_meshing/src/xml-io/cornea_meshing_schema.xsd -c test-data/cornea/config/test_lenticule.xml -m 'cornea' `
- For image meshing:
`#!shell ./bin/MeshTool -x /home/abler/cornea_meshing/src/xml-io/imaging_meshing_schema.xsd -c test-data/image/config/image-to-mesh_from-mhd.xml -m 'image' `
Conversion to Abaqus inp
If not done already, add vtk to python path, adding the following to your .profile should work:
#!shell export PYTHONPATH=/home/abler/bms_dependencies/VTK-6.2.0_build/Wrapping/Python/:/home/abler/bms_dependencies/VTK-6.2.0_build/bin:/home/aler/bms_dependencies/VTK-6.2.0_build/lib:$PYTHONPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/abler/bms_dependencies/VTK-6.2.0_build/bin:/home/abler/bms_dependencies/VTK-6.2.0_build/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Activate python virtual-environment in shell:
#!shell source /home/abler/cornea_meshing/pyenv/bin/activate
Then, run analysis script:
#!shell python /home/abler/cornea_meshing/pre-post-processing/