# SP4E - Homework 1 ## General info This file provides a brief documentation and information related to the first Homework of the course Scientific Programming for Engineers, fall 2019. This homework is done by **O. Ashtari** and **A. Sieber** Last update: 16.10.2019 ## Project Description This project is intended to solve a minimization problem on n-dimensional quadratic functions defined as S(X)= XTAX - XTb, where XT=[x, y], T represents the transpose, A is an n by n square matrix and b a column vector. ## Setup The project is created with Python 3.7. It moreover requires the following libraries to be installed: * numpy * scipy * matplotlib * sys ## Use ### optimizer.py This script solves minimization problems using the scipy.optimize.minimize routine. The minimization solver can be specified as an input argumeent by entering the following command line: ``` $ python3 optimizer.py method ``` Where the variable method is one of the following: * Nelder-Mead * Powell * CG (default) * BFGS * L-BFGS-B * TNC * SLSQP The initial guess of the minimization process has to be specified directly in the optimizer.py file by changing the value of the variable X0. The matrix A and vector B can also be modified directly in the file. ### conjugate_gradient.py ### post_processing.py Post-processing file that takes as inputs the value of A, B as well as the intermediate solutions of the iterative minimization process and the method used. The file generates a 3D plot displaying the function to be minimized as well as the intermediate solutions.