SP4E - Homework 2
General Info
This file provides a brief documentation and information related to the second Homework of the course "Scientific Programming for Engineers", fall 2019.
This homework is done by O. Ashtari and A. Sieber.
Last update: 10.30.2019
Project Description
The aim of this project is to implement a familly of objects intended to compute two types of series: an arithmetic series and a series to approximate the value of pi number. The user can then decide how to dump the results by either printing them to the screen or writing them to a file. If the later option is chosen, a python file is available to plot the results stored in the file.
Executable File
After cloning this repository on your computer, you should build the program in a desired directory based on the CMakeLists.txt file in the root. To do so, inside your destination directory, you can build the executable file using commands:
$ cmake <location of CMakesLists.txt> $ make
where the command cmake is followed by the address of the directory where the CMakeLists.txt is located. The executable file main will be built in <build_directory>/src. The minimum requirement for CMake is the version 2.6.
Series Calculation in C++
To calculate series and dump them you should run the executable file main discussed in the previous section. The program works with the simple following command line (from your build directory):
$ ./src/main series_type dumper_type separator maximum_terms frequency precision
Arguments are introduced below:
- series_type is type of series which can either be arithmetic or pi.
- dumper_type determines how to dump the results and can either be print or write.
- separator is the delimiter which separates numbers in each row in the output file. This argument also determines the extension of the output file. Valid inputs are tab, pipe, and comma corresponding to .txt, .psv, and .csv file extensions respectively. The output file takes the name series_output and is generated only when the dumper type is write.
- maximum_terms is the maximum number of terms included in series calculation. Only positive integers are acceptable here.
- frequency is the intermittency of showing the results to the user. Only positive integers are acceptable here.
- precision indicates number of decimal places by which results are shown or written in file. Here also only positive integers are acceptable.
It should be mentioned here that all input arguments are mandatory and should be entered in the correct order. When the program runs, parameters recognized by the program are listed on screen. When the program runs in the dumping mode print, results shown on screen are written in a file named ostream_output.txt as well. The first and the second columns in results, either on screen or in file, contain number of terms included in series and the value of series summing them, respectively. If analytical value is available, for pi calculation for example, two more columns are shown. In this case, the thrid column shows the analytical (expected) value and the third column shows per cent error of series calculated up to that number of terms.
Post-Processing with Python
A output_reader.py post-processing routine is implemented in the src folder. It is intended to plot the series data written to file with the C++ program. This python script is written with Python 3.7 and requires the libraries matplotlib, numpy and argparse to be installed. The program works with the simple following command line.
$ python output_reader.py -f path_to_file -s separator
The argument path_to_file refers to the path to the file containing the data to be plotted (the path is to be taken from the location of the python file). The argument separator refers to the type of delimiter used in the data file to separate the different quantities. This second argument can either be tab, comma or pipe.
Work separtion between the authors
The idea was writing mother classes as interfaces first. This task was done at the exercise session: structure of two classes Series and DumperSeries, including their virtual functions, was formed and written. To be abale to work remotely, each of us took one of the daughters of Series (namely compute_arithmetic and compute_pi) and one of the daughters of DumperSeries (namely PrintSeries and WriteSeries) to work on. Moreover, two other major tasks of writing a python script for visualization and modifying Series class to avoid re-calculations were split between authors. Each of us developed his own part and worked on his own main.cc. Finally, mains were merged and the project reviewed.
Concluding remarks
Complexity of the program
Arithmetic Series
In the arithmetic series, summing from 1 to N needs N adding (+) operations, thus to print or to write the result for different values of N, from 1 to m, number of operations will be:
print order num. of operations ----------- ------------------ 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 m m ---------------------------------- sum1: m*(m+1)/2
However, if we keep track of the latest N as well as the corresponding value of summation, the program needs to only add one term to the available value. So, number of operations will be:
print order num. of operations ----------- ------------------ 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 m 1 ---------------------------------- sum2: m
Therefore, for a large m the ratio sum1/sum2 tends to 0.5*m.
Pi Series
For pi calculation, the problem is more complicated. To add each term like 1.0/(i*i) to the summation, one multiplying operation (*), one inversion operation (/), and one adding operation (+) (totally three operations) are required. Finally, to clculate the approximation for pi, square root of the summation multiplied by 6 is returned, which means two more operations. Hence, number of operations will be:
print order num. of operations ----------- ------------------ 1 1*(3)+2 2 2*(3)+2 3 3*(3)+2 4 4*(3)+2 m m*(3)+2 ---------------------------------- sum2: m*(3*m+7)/2
However, if we keep track of the latest N as well as the corresponding value of summation (without square root), the program needs to only add one term to the available value (three operations), multiply the result by 6, then claculate the square root. So, number of operations will be:
print order num. of operations ----------- ------------------ 1 3+2=5 2 3+2=5 3 3+2=5 4 3+2=5 m 3+2=5 ---------------------------------- sum2: 5*m
Therefore, for a large m the ratio of sum1/sum2 tends to 0.3*m.