# SP4E - Homework 2 ---- ## General Info This file provides a brief documentation and information related to the second Homework of the course "Scientific Programming for Engineers", fall 2019. This homework is done by **O. Ashtari** and **A. Sieber**. Last update: 10.30.2019 ---- ## Project Description <<<<<<< HEAD The aim of this project is to implement of familly of objects intended to compute two type of series: an arithmetic serie and a serie to approximate the value of pi. The user can then decide how to dump the results by either printing them to the screen or writing them to a file. If the later option is chosen, a python file is available to plot the results stored in the file. ======= The aim of this project is to implement of familly of objects intended to compute two type of series: an arithmetic serie and a serie to approximate the value of pi. The user can then decide how to dump the results by either printing them to the screen or writing them to a file. If the later option is chosen, a python file is available to plot the results stored in the file. >>>>>>> 49b66f9f67540aa07ba5c208324e0ad638c5522f ---- ## Requirements ---- ## Installation ---- ## Running ---- ## Work separtion between the authors ----