{ "NOTE": "RELEASE CONFIG", "config_version": "2019-04-11 dev3", "prerecording_min": 1, "postrecording_min": 1, "questionnaires": [ { "title_code": "ATTACK_INTENSITY", "title_en": "Int", "description_en": "Intensit\u00e9 de la douleur, de nulle \u00e0 extr\u00eame.", "question_type": "slider", "slider": { "slider_code": "PAIN_ESTIMATION" } }, { "title_code": "Pain localization", "title_en": "Loc", "description_en": "Quelle est la partie de la t\u00eate qui fait mal ?", "question_type": "choices", "choices": [ { "choice_code": "Right_ear", "choice_en": "Oeil droit" }, { "choice_code": "Left_ear", "choice_en": "Oeil gauche" }, { "choice_code": "Forehead_right", "choice_en": "Front droit" }, { "choice_code": "Forehead_left", "choice_en": "Front gauche" }, { "choice_code": "Temple right", "choice_en": "Tempe droite" }, { "choice_code": "Tempple left", "choice_en": "Tempe gauche" }, { "choice_code": "Upper part of the right head", "choice_en": "Partie superi\u00e9ure de la t\u00eate droite" }, { "choice_code": "Upper part of the left head", "choice_en": "Partie superi\u00e9ure de la t\u00eate gauche" }, { "choice_code": "Occiput right", "choice_en": "Occiput droit" }, { "choice_code": "Occiput left", "choice_en": "Occiput gauche" }, { "choice_code": "Neck right", "choice_en": "Nuque droite" }, { "choice_code": "Neck left", "choice_en": "Nuque gauche" } ] }, { "title_code": "SYMPTOMS during prodromal", "title_en": "Sym Pro", "description_en": "Quels sont les symptômes prodromiques associés (avant début de la douleur) ?", "question_type": "choices", "choices": [ { "choice_code": "Nothing", "choice_en": "Aucun" }, { "choice_code": "Mood", "choice_en": "Changement d'humeur" }, { "choice_code": "Fatigue", "choice_en": "Fatigue" }, { "choice_code": "WEAKENING", "choice_en": "Affaiblissement" }, { "choice_code": "Concentration", "choice_en": "Trouble de la concentration" }, { "choice_code": "Bayement", "choice_en": "Bayement" }, { "choice_code": "MUSCLE_WEAKNESS", "choice_en": "Faiblesse musculaire" }, { "choice_code": "SIGHT_PROBLEM", "choice_en": "Probl\u00e8me de vue" }, { "choice_code": "SENSITIVITY_LIGHT", "choice_en": "Sensibilit\u00e9 \u00e0 la lumi\u00e8re" }, { "choice_code": "SENSITIVITY_NOISE", "choice_en": "Sensibilit\u00e9 au bruit" }, { "choice_code": "THIRST", "choice_en": "Soif" }, { "choice_code": "OTHER", "choice_en": "Autre" } ] }, { "title_code": "SYMPTOMS during pain", "title_en": "Sym Douleur", "description_en": "Quels sont les symptomes associ\u00e9s pendant la crise (douleur) ?", "question_type": "choices", "choices": [ { "choice_code": "Nothing", "choice_en": "Aucun" }, { "choice_code": "PAIN_PULSE", "choice_en": "Douleurs pulsatiles" }, { "choice_code": "NAUSEA", "choice_en": "Naus\u00e9es" }, { "choice_code": "VOMITTING", "choice_en": "Vomissement" }, { "choice_code": "MOOD_SWING", "choice_en": "Changement d\u2019humeur" }, { "choice_code": "IRRITABILITY", "choice_en": "Irritabilit\u00e9" }, { "choice_code": "FATIGUE", "choice_en": "Fatigue" }, { "choice_code": "WEAKENING", "choice_en": "Faiblesse" }, { "choice_code": "CANNOT_FOCUS", "choice_en": "Concentration" }, { "choice_code": "BAYEMENT", "choice_en": "Bayement" }, { "choice_code": "MUSCLE_SENSITIVITY", "choice_en": "Sensibilit\u00e9 musculaire" }, { "choice_code": "SIGHT_PROBLEM", "choice_en": "Probl\u00e8me de vue" }, { "choice_code": "SENSITIVITY_LIGHT", "choice_en": "Sensibilit\u00e9 \u00e0 la lumi\u00e8re" }, { "choice_code": "SENSITIVITY_NOISE", "choice_en": "Sensibilit\u00e9 au bruit" }, { "choice_code": "THIRST", "choice_en": "Soif" }, { "choice_code": "OTHER", "choice_en": "Autre" } ] }, { "title_code": "HANDLING", "title_en": "Gestion", "description_en": "Qu\u2019avez-vous fait pour g\u00e9rer la crise migraineuse ?", "question_type": "choices", "choices": [ { "choice_code": "NOTHING", "choice_en": "Rien" }, { "choice_code": "DRUGS", "choice_en": "Prise de m\u00e9dicaments" }, { "choice_code": "CAFFEINE", "choice_en": "Caf\u00e9ine" }, { "choice_code": "COMPORTMENT", "choice_en": "Technique comportementale" }, { "choice_code": "RESTING", "choice_en": "Repos" }, { "choice_code": "OTHER", "choice_en": "Autre" } ] }, { "title_code": "TRIGGERS", "title_en": "D\u00e9cle", "description_en": "Quels sont les d\u00e9clencheurs potentiels ?", "question_type": "choices", "choices": [ { "choice_code": "Nothing", "choice_en": "Aucun" }, { "choice_code": "STRESS", "choice_en": "Stress" }, { "choice_code": "ANXIETY", "choice_en": "Anxi\u00e9t\u00e9" }, { "choice_code": "LACK_SLEEP", "choice_en": "Manque de sommeil" }, { "choice_code": "PHYSICAL_EFFORT", "choice_en": "Effort physique" }, { "choice_code": "SKIPPED_LUNCH", "choice_en": "Oubli d\u2019un repas" }, { "choice_code": "CAFFEINE", "choice_en": "Manque de caf\u00e9ine" }, { "choice_code": "ALCOHOL", "choice_en": "Alcool" }, { "choice_code": "FOOD", "choice_en": "Nourriture" }, { "choice_code": "DEHYDRATION", "choice_en": "Pas assez bu" }, { "choice_code": "NOISE_DISTURBANCE", "choice_en": "Nuisance sonore" }, { "choice_code": "BRIGHTNESS", "choice_en": "Luminosit\u00e9" }, { "choice_code": "TEMPERATURE", "choice_en": "Temp\u00e9rature" }, { "choice_code": "Others", "choice_en": "Autre" } ] } ] }