Static test cases

In ``static``, an example of how to solve a static problem is presented. The problem geometry is shown in :numref:`fig-ex-static`. The left and bottom side of a 2D plate are blocked with rollers and nodes from the left side are displaced upward by :math:`0.01\%`
of the length of the plate.

.. _fig-ex-static:
.. figure:: examples/c++/solid_mechanics_model/static/images/static_BC.svg
            :align: center

            Boundary conditions for the static example.

The solution for the static analysis is shown in :numref:`fig-ex-static_disp`.

.. _fig-ex-static_disp:
.. figure:: examples/c++/solid_mechanics_model/static/images/static_displ_mag.png
            :align: center
            :width: 70%

            Solution of the static analysis: displacement magnitude.