This model contains at least the following :cpp:class:`Arrays <akantu::Arrays>`:
-**blocked_dofs** contains a Boolean value for each degree of
freedom specifying whether that degree is blocked or not. A
Dirichlet boundary condition can be prescribed by setting the
**blocked_dofs** value of a degree of freedom to
``true``. The **displacement** is computed for all degrees
of freedom for which the **blocked_dofs** value is set to
``false``. For the remaining degrees of freedom, the imposed
values (zero by default after initialization) are kept.
-**displacement_rotation** contains the generalized displacements (*i.e.* displacements and rotations) of all degrees of freedom. It can be either a computed displacement for free degrees of freedom or an imposed displacement in case of blocked ones (:math:`\vec{u}` in the following).
-**external_force** contains the generalized external forces (forces and moments) applied to the nodes (:math:`\vec{f_{\st{ext}}}` in the following).
-**internal_force** contains the generalized internal forces (forces and moments) applied to the nodes (:math:`\vec{f_{\st{int}}}` in the following).
An example to help understand how to use this model will be presented in the
next section.
Model Setup
The easiest way to initialize the structural mechanics model is:
..code-block:: c++
The method :cpp:class:`initFull <akantu::StructuralMechanicsModel::initFull>` computes the shape
functions, initializes the internal vectors mentioned above and allocates the
memory for the stiffness matrix, unlike the solid mechanics model, its default
argument is ``_static``.
Material properties are defined using the :cpp:class:`StructuralMaterial
<akantu::StructuralMaterial>` structure described in
:numref:`tab-structmechmod-strucmaterial`. Such a definition could, for
instance, look like
..code-block:: c++
StructuralMaterial mat1;
.. _tab-structmechmod-strucmaterial:
..table:: Material properties for structural elements defined in the class :cpp:class:`StructuralMaterial <akantu::StructuralMaterial>`.
====== ======
Field Description
====== ======
``E`` Young's modulus
``A`` Cross section area
``I`` Second cross sectional moment of inertia (for 2D elements)
``Iy````I`` around beam :math:`y`--axis (for 3D elements)
``Iz````I`` around beam :math:`z`--axis (for 3D elements)
``GJ`` Polar moment of inertia of beam cross section (for 3D elements)
====== ======
Materials can be added to the model's ``element_material`` vector using
..code-block:: c++
They are successively numbered and then assigned to specific elements.
As explained before, the Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied through the
array **blocked_dofs**. Two options exist to define Neumann conditions.
If a nodal force is applied, it has to be directly set in the array
**force_momentum**. For loads distributed along the beam length, the
method :cpp:class:`computeForcesFromFunction <akantu::computeForcesFromFunction>` integrates them into nodal forces. The
method takes as input a function describing the distribution of loads along the
beam and a functor :cpp:class:`BoundaryFunctionType <akantu::BoundaryFunctionType>` specifing if the function is expressed in the local coordinates (``_bft_traction_local``) or in the
The :cpp:class:`StructuralMechanicsModel <akantu::StructuralMechanicsModel>` class can perform static analyses of structures. In this case, the equation to solve is the same as for the :cpp:class:`SolidMechanicsModel <akantu::SolidMechanicsModel>` used for static analyses
..math:: \mat{K} \vec{u} = \vec{f_{\st{ext}}}~,
:label: eqn-structmechmod-static
where :math:`\mat{K}` is the global stiffness matrix, :math:`\vec{u}` the
generalized displacement vector and :math:`\vec{f_{\st{ext}}}` the vector of
generalized external forces applied to the system.
is used. First a model has to be created and initialized.
..code-block:: c++
StructuralMechanicsModel model(mesh);
-:cpp:func:`model.initFull <akantu::StructuralMechanicsModel::initFull>` initializes all
internal vectors to zero.
Once the model is created and initialized, the boundary conditions can be set as explained in Section :ref:`sect:structMechMod:boundary`. Boundary conditions will prescribe the external forces or moments for the free degrees of freedom :math:`\vec{f_{\st{ext}}}` and displacements or rotations for the others. To completely define the system represented by equation (:eq:`eqn-structmechmod-static`), the global stiffness matrix :math:`\mat{K}` must be assembled.
..code-block:: c++
The computation of the static equilibrium is performed using the same