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* @file
* @author Marco Vocialta <>
* @brief Facet synchronizer for parallel simulations with cohesive elments
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2012, 2014 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "facet_synchronizer.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Mesh & mesh, const ElementSynchronizer & element_synchronizer,
const ID & id, MemoryID memory_id)
: ElementSynchronizer(mesh, id, memory_id) {
const auto & comm = mesh.getCommunicator();
auto spatial_dimension = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
facet_to_rank.initialize(mesh, _spatial_dimension = spatial_dimension - 1,
_ghost_type = _ghost, _with_nb_element = true,
_default_value = rank);
for (auto && scheme_pair :
element_synchronizer.communications.iterateSchemes(_recv)) {
auto proc = std::get<0>(scheme_pair);
const auto & scheme = std::get<1>(scheme_pair);
for (auto && elem : scheme) {
const auto & facet_to_element =
mesh.getSubelementToElement(elem.type, elem.ghost_type);
Vector<Element> facets = facet_to_element.begin(
for (UInt f = 0; f < facets.size(); ++f) {
auto & facet = facets(f);
if (facet == ElementNull)
if (facet.ghost_type == _not_ghost)
auto & facet_rank = facet_to_rank(facet);
if ((proc < facet_rank) || (facet_rank == rank))
facet_rank = proc;
ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> facet_global_connectivities;
mesh, _spatial_dimension = spatial_dimension - 1, _with_nb_element = true,
_with_nb_nodes_per_element = true);
/// init facet check tracking
ElementTypeMapArray<bool> facet_checked("facet_checked", id);
std::vector<CommunicationRequest> send_requests;
std::map<UInt, ElementTypeMapArray<UInt>> send_facets;
std::map<UInt, ElementTypeMapArray<UInt>> connectivities;
for (auto && sr : iterate_send_recv) {
GhostType interesting_ghost_type = sr == _send ? _not_ghost : _ghost;
for (auto && scheme_pair :
element_synchronizer.communications.iterateSchemes(sr)) {
facet_checked.initialize(mesh, _spatial_dimension = spatial_dimension - 1,
_ghost_type = interesting_ghost_type,
_with_nb_element = true, _default_value = false);
auto && proc = scheme_pair.first;
auto & elements = scheme_pair.second;
auto & facet_scheme = communications.getScheme(proc, sr);
// this creates empty arrays...
auto & facet_send_elements = send_facets[proc];
auto & connectivities_for_proc = connectivities[proc];
if (sr == _send) {
connectivities_for_proc.initialize(mesh, _spatial_dimension =
spatial_dimension - 1);
facet_send_elements.initialize(mesh, _spatial_dimension =
spatial_dimension - 1);
for (auto && element : elements) {
const auto & facet_to_element =
mesh.getSubelementToElement(element.type, element.ghost_type);
Vector<Element> facets = facet_to_element.begin(
for (UInt f = 0; f < facets.size(); ++f) {
auto & facet = facets(f);
if (facet == ElementNull)
if (facet.ghost_type != interesting_ghost_type)
if (sr == _recv && facet_to_rank(facet) != proc)
auto & checked = facet_checked(facet);
if (checked)
checked = true;
if (sr == _recv) {
} else {
facet_send_elements(facet.type, facet.ghost_type)
auto & global_conn =
facet_global_connectivities(facet.type, facet.ghost_type);
Vector<UInt> conn =
std::sort(, + conn.size());
connectivities_for_proc(facet.type, facet.ghost_type).push_back(conn);
/// do every communication by element type
for (auto && type : mesh.elementTypes(spatial_dimension - 1)) {
for (auto && pair : connectivities) {
auto proc = std::get<0>(pair);
const auto & connectivities_for_proc = std::get<1>(pair);
auto && tag = Tag::genTag(proc, proc, 1337);
comm.asyncSend(connectivities_for_proc(type, _ghost), proc, tag,
auto nb_nodes_per_facet = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(type);
Array<UInt> buffer;
Element facet{type, 0, _not_ghost};
send_requests, buffer,
[&](auto && proc, auto && message) {
auto & local_connectivities = connectivities[proc](type, _not_ghost);
auto & list = send_facets[proc](type, _not_ghost);
auto & send_scheme = communications.getScheme(proc, _send);
std::vector<bool> checked(list.size(), false);
for (auto && c_to_match : make_view(message, nb_nodes_per_facet)) {
#if !defined(AKANTU_NDEBUG)
bool found = false;
for (auto && pair : enumerate(
make_view(local_connectivities, nb_nodes_per_facet))) {
UInt f;
Vector<UInt> local_conn;
std::tie(f, local_conn) = pair;
if (checked[f])
if (c_to_match == local_conn) {
#if !defined(AKANTU_NDEBUG)
found = true;
checked[f] = true;
facet.element = list(f);
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(found, "facet not found");
[&]() { return Tag::genTag(rank, rank, 1337); });
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */ void FacetSynchronizer::setupFacetSynchronization(
// ElementSynchronizer & distributed_synchronizer) {
// Array<Element> * distrib_send_element =
// distributed_synchronizer.send_element; Array<Element> *
// distrib_recv_element = distributed_synchronizer.recv_element;
// /// build rank to facet correspondance
// ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> rank_to_facet("rank_to_facet", id);
// initRankToFacet(rank_to_facet);
// buildRankToFacet(rank_to_facet, distrib_recv_element);
// /// generate temp_send/recv element arrays with their connectivity
// Array<ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> *> temp_send_element(nb_proc);
// Array<ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> *> temp_recv_element(nb_proc);
// Array<ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> *> send_connectivity(nb_proc);
// Array<ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> *> recv_connectivity(nb_proc);
// UInt spatial_dimension = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
// for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_proc; ++p) {
// if (p == rank)
// continue;
// std::stringstream sstr;
// sstr << p;
// temp_send_element(p) = new ElementTypeMapArray<UInt>(
// "temp_send_element_proc_" + sstr.str(), id);
// mesh.initElementTypeMapArray(*temp_send_element(p), 1,
// spatial_dimension - 1);
// temp_recv_element(p) = new ElementTypeMapArray<UInt>(
// "temp_recv_element_proc_" + sstr.str(), id);
// mesh.initElementTypeMapArray(*temp_recv_element(p), 1,
// spatial_dimension - 1);
// send_connectivity(p) = new ElementTypeMapArray<UInt>(
// "send_connectivity_proc_" + sstr.str(), id);
// mesh.initElementTypeMapArray(*send_connectivity(p), 1,
// spatial_dimension - 1, true);
// recv_connectivity(p) = new ElementTypeMapArray<UInt>(
// "recv_connectivity_proc_" + sstr.str(), id);
// mesh.initElementTypeMapArray(*recv_connectivity(p), 1,
// spatial_dimension - 1, true);
// }
// /// build global connectivity arrays
// getFacetGlobalConnectivity<_not_ghost>(distributed_synchronizer,
// rank_to_facet, distrib_send_element,
// send_connectivity,
// temp_send_element);
// getFacetGlobalConnectivity<_ghost>(distributed_synchronizer, rank_to_facet,
// distrib_recv_element, recv_connectivity,
// temp_recv_element);
// /// build send/recv facet arrays
// buildSendElementList(send_connectivity, recv_connectivity,
// temp_send_element); buildRecvElementList(temp_recv_element);
// #ifndef AKANTU_NDEBUG
// /// count recv facets for each processor
// Array<UInt> nb_facets_recv(nb_proc);
// nb_facets_recv.clear();
// Mesh::type_iterator first = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension - 1, _ghost);
// Mesh::type_iterator last = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension - 1, _ghost);
// for (; first != last; ++first) {
// const Array<UInt> & r_to_f = rank_to_facet(*first, _ghost);
// UInt nb_facet = r_to_f.getSize();
// for (UInt f = 0; f < nb_facet; ++f) {
// UInt proc = r_to_f(f);
// if (proc != rank)
// ++nb_facets_recv(proc);
// }
// }
// for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_proc; ++p) {
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(nb_facets_recv(p) == recv_element[p].getSize(),
// "Wrong number of recv facets");
// }
// #endif
// for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_proc; ++p) {
// delete temp_send_element(p);
// delete temp_recv_element(p);
// delete send_connectivity(p);
// delete recv_connectivity(p);
// }
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */ void FacetSynchronizer::buildSendElementList(
// const Array<ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> *> & send_connectivity,
// const Array<ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> *> & recv_connectivity,
// const Array<ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> *> & temp_send_element) {
// StaticCommunicator & comm = StaticCommunicator::getStaticCommunicator();
// UInt spatial_dimension = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
// GhostType ghost_type = _ghost;
// Mesh::type_iterator first = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension - 1,
// ghost_type); Mesh::type_iterator last = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension -
// 1, ghost_type);
// /// do every communication by element type
// for (; first != last; ++first) {
// ElementType facet_type = *first;
// std::vector<CommunicationRequest *> send_requests;
// UInt * send_size = new UInt[nb_proc];
// /// send asynchronous data
// for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_proc; ++p) {
// if (p == rank)
// continue;
// const Array<UInt> & recv_conn =
// (*recv_connectivity(p))(facet_type, _ghost);
// send_size[p] = recv_conn.getSize();
// /// send connectivity size
// send_requests.push_back(
// comm.asyncSend(send_size + p, 1, p, Tag::genTag(rank, p, 0)));
// /// send connectivity data
// send_requests.push_back(comm.asyncSend(
//, recv_conn.getSize() *
// recv_conn.getNbComponent(), p, Tag::genTag(rank, p, 1)));
// }
// UInt * recv_size = new UInt[nb_proc];
// UInt nb_nodes_per_facet = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(facet_type);
// /// receive data
// for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_proc; ++p) {
// if (p == rank)
// continue;
// /// receive connectivity size
// comm.receive(recv_size + p, 1, p, Tag::genTag(p, rank, 0));
// Array<UInt> conn_to_match(recv_size[p], nb_nodes_per_facet);
// /// receive connectivity
// comm.receive(,
// conn_to_match.getSize() * conn_to_match.getNbComponent(),
// p, Tag::genTag(p, rank, 1));
// const Array<UInt> & send_conn =
// (*send_connectivity(p))(facet_type, _not_ghost);
// const Array<UInt> & list =
// (*temp_send_element(p))(facet_type, _not_ghost);
// UInt nb_local_facets = send_conn.getSize();
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(nb_local_facets == list.getSize(),
// "connectivity and facet list have different
// sizes");
// Array<bool> checked(nb_local_facets);
// checked.clear();
// Element facet(facet_type, 0, _not_ghost, _ek_regular);
// Array<UInt>::iterator<Vector<UInt>> c_to_match_it =
// conn_to_match.begin(nb_nodes_per_facet);
// Array<UInt>::iterator<Vector<UInt>> c_to_match_end =
// conn_to_match.end(nb_nodes_per_facet);
// /// for every sent facet of other processors, find the
// /// corresponding one in the local send connectivity data in
// /// order to build the send_element arrays
// for (; c_to_match_it != c_to_match_end; ++c_to_match_it) {
// Array<UInt>::const_iterator<Vector<UInt>> c_local_it =
// send_conn.begin(nb_nodes_per_facet);
// Array<UInt>::const_iterator<Vector<UInt>> c_local_end =
// send_conn.end(nb_nodes_per_facet);
// for (UInt f = 0; f < nb_local_facets; ++f, ++c_local_it) {
// if (checked(f))
// continue;
// if ((*c_to_match_it) == (*c_local_it)) {
// checked(f) = true;
// facet.element = list(f);
// send_element[p].push_back(facet);
// break;
// }
// }
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(c_local_it != c_local_end, "facet not found");
// }
// }
// /// wait for all communications to be done and free the
// /// communication request array
// comm.waitAll(send_requests);
// comm.freeCommunicationRequest(send_requests);
// delete[] send_size;
// delete[] recv_size;
// }
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */ void FacetSynchronizer::buildRecvElementList(
// const Array<ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> *> & temp_recv_element) {
// UInt spatial_dimension = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
// for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_proc; ++p) {
// if (p == rank)
// continue;
// GhostType ghost_type = _ghost;
// Mesh::type_iterator first =
// mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension - 1, ghost_type);
// Mesh::type_iterator last = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension - 1,
// ghost_type);
// for (; first != last; ++first) {
// ElementType facet_type = *first;
// const Array<UInt> & list =
// (*temp_recv_element(p))(facet_type, ghost_type);
// UInt nb_local_facets = list.getSize();
// Element facet(facet_type, 0, ghost_type, _ek_regular);
// for (UInt f = 0; f < nb_local_facets; ++f) {
// facet.element = list(f);
// recv_element[p].push_back(facet);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// void FacetSynchronizer::initRankToFacet(
// ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> & rank_to_facet) {
// auto spatial_dimension = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
// for (; first != last; ++first) {
// ElementType type = *first;
// UInt nb_facet = mesh.getNbElement(type, ghost_type);
// Array<UInt> & rank_to_f = rank_to_facet(type, ghost_type);
// rank_to_f.resize(nb_facet);
// for (UInt f = 0; f < nb_facet; ++f)
// rank_to_f(f) = rank;
// }
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */ void FacetSynchronizer::buildRankToFacet(
// ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> & rank_to_facet,
// const Array<Element> * elements) {
// for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_proc; ++p) {
// if (p == rank)
// continue;
// const Array<Element> & elem = elements[p];
// UInt nb_element = elem.getSize();
// for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_element; ++el) {
// ElementType type = elem(el).type;
// GhostType gt = elem(el).ghost_type;
// UInt el_index = elem(el).element;
// const Array<Element> & facet_to_element =
// mesh.getSubelementToElement(type, gt);
// UInt nb_facets_per_element = Mesh::getNbFacetsPerElement(type);
// ElementType facet_type = Mesh::getFacetType(type);
// for (UInt f = 0; f < nb_facets_per_element; ++f) {
// const Element & facet = facet_to_element(el_index, f);
// if (facet == ElementNull)
// continue;
// UInt facet_index = facet.element;
// GhostType facet_gt = facet.ghost_type;
// if (facet_gt == _not_ghost)
// continue;
// Array<UInt> & t_to_f = rank_to_facet(facet_type, facet_gt);
// if ((p < t_to_f(facet_index)) || (t_to_f(facet_index) == rank))
// t_to_f(facet_index) = p;
// }
// }
// }
// }
} // namespace akantu

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