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* @file dof_manager_default.hh
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date Tue Aug 11 14:06:18 2015
* @brief Default implementation of the dof manager
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "dof_manager.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
class SparseMatrixAIJ;
class NonLinearSolverDefault;
class TimeStepSolverDefault;
class DOFSynchronizer;
namespace akantu {
class DOFManagerDefault : public DOFManager {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Constructors/Destructors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
DOFManagerDefault(const ID & id = "dof_manager_default",
const MemoryID & memory_id = 0);
virtual ~DOFManagerDefault();
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Methods */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// register a mesh for dof that have a support type on nodes
virtual void registerMesh(Mesh & mesh);
void registerDOFsInternal(const ID & dof_id, UInt nb_dofs,
UInt nb_pure_local_dofs);
/// register an array of degree of freedom
virtual void registerDOFs(const ID & dof_id, Array<Real> & dofs_array,
const DOFSupportType & support_type);
/// the dof as an implied type of _dst_nodal and is defined only on a subset
/// of nodes
virtual void registerDOFs(const ID & dof_id, Array<Real> & dofs_array,
const ID & group_support);
/// Assemble an array to the global residual array
virtual void assembleToResidual(const ID & dof_id,
const Array<Real> & array_to_assemble,
Real scale_factor = 1.);
/// Assemble an array to the global lumped matrix array
virtual void assembleToLumpedMatrix(const ID & dof_id,
const Array<Real> & array_to_assemble,
const ID & lumped_mtx,
Real scale_factor = 1.);
* Assemble elementary values to the global matrix. The dof number is
* implicitly considered as conn(el, n) * nb_nodes_per_element + d.
* With 0 < n < nb_nodes_per_element and 0 < d < nb_dof_per_node
virtual void assembleElementalMatricesToMatrix(
const ID & matrix_id, const ID & dof_id,
const Array<Real> & elementary_mat, const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type, const MatrixType & elemental_matrix_type,
const Array<UInt> & filter_elements);
/// multiply a vector by a matrix and assemble the result to the residual
virtual void assembleMatMulVectToResidual(const ID & dof_id, const ID & A_id,
const Array<Real> & x,
Real scale_factor = 1);
/// multiply a vector by a lumped matrix and assemble the result to the
/// residual
virtual void assembleLumpedMatMulVectToResidual(const ID & dof_id,
const ID & A_id,
const Array<Real> & x,
Real scale_factor = 1);
/// Assemble an array to the global residual array
template <typename T>
void assembleToGlobalArray(const ID & dof_id,
const Array<T> & array_to_assemble,
Array<T> & global_array, T scale_factor);
/// clear the residual
virtual void clearResidual();
/// sets the matrix to 0
virtual void clearMatrix(const ID & mtx);
/// sets the lumped matrix to 0
virtual void clearLumpedMatrix(const ID & mtx);
/// update the global dofs vector
virtual void updateGlobalBlockedDofs();
/// apply boundary conditions to jacobian matrix
virtual void applyBoundary();
virtual void getEquationsNumbers(const ID & dof_id,
Array<UInt> & equation_numbers);
/// Get local part of an array corresponding to a given dofdata
template <typename T>
void getArrayPerDOFs(const ID & dof_id, const Array<T> & global_array,
Array<T> & local_array) const;
/// Get the part of the solution corresponding to the dof_id
virtual void getSolutionPerDOFs(const ID & dof_id,
Array<Real> & solution_array);
/// fill a Vector with the equation numbers corresponding to the given
/// connectivity
inline void extractElementEquationNumber(
const Array<UInt> & equation_numbers, const Vector<UInt> & connectivity,
UInt nb_degree_of_freedom, Vector<UInt> & local_equation_number);
/// extract a lumped matrix part corresponding to a given dof
virtual void getLumpedMatrixPerDOFs(const ID & dof_id, const ID & lumped_mtx,
Array<Real> & lumped);
/// Add a symmetric matrices to a symmetric sparse matrix
void addSymmetricElementalMatrixToSymmetric(
SparseMatrixAIJ & matrix, const Matrix<Real> & element_mat,
const Vector<UInt> & equation_numbers, UInt max_size);
/// Add a unsymmetric matrices to a symmetric sparse matrix (i.e. cohesive
/// elements)
void addUnsymmetricElementalMatrixToSymmetric(
SparseMatrixAIJ & matrix, const Matrix<Real> & element_mat,
const Vector<UInt> & equation_numbers, UInt max_size);
/// Add a matrices to a unsymmetric sparse matrix
void addElementalMatrixToUnsymmetric(SparseMatrixAIJ & matrix,
const Matrix<Real> & element_mat,
const Vector<UInt> & equation_numbers,
UInt max_size);
void addToProfile(const ID & matrix_id, const ID & dof_id,
const ElementType & type, const GhostType & ghost_type);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Accessors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// Get an instance of a new SparseMatrix
virtual SparseMatrix & getNewMatrix(const ID & matrix_id,
const MatrixType & matrix_type);
/// Get an instance of a new SparseMatrix as a copy of the SparseMatrix
/// matrix_to_copy_id
virtual SparseMatrix & getNewMatrix(const ID & matrix_id,
const ID & matrix_to_copy_id);
/// Get the reference of an existing matrix
SparseMatrixAIJ & getMatrix(const ID & matrix_id);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Non Linear Solver */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// Get instance of a non linear solver
virtual NonLinearSolver &
getNewNonLinearSolver(const ID & nls_solver_id,
const NonLinearSolverType & _non_linear_solver_type);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Time-Step Solver */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// Get instance of a time step solver
TimeStepSolver & getNewTimeStepSolver(const ID & id,
const TimeStepSolverType & type,
NonLinearSolver & non_linear_solver);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// Get the solution array
AKANTU_GET_MACRO_NOT_CONST(GlobalSolution, global_solution, Array<Real> &);
/// Get the residual array
AKANTU_GET_MACRO_NOT_CONST(Residual, residual, Array<Real> &);
/// Get the blocked dofs array
AKANTU_GET_MACRO(GlobalBlockedDOFs, global_blocked_dofs, const Array<bool> &);
/// Get the blocked dofs array
AKANTU_GET_MACRO(PreviousGlobalBlockedDOFs, previous_global_blocked_dofs,
const Array<bool> &);
/// Get the location type of a given dof
inline bool isLocalOrMasterDOF(UInt dof_num);
/// get the equation numbers (in local numbering) corresponding to a dof ID
inline const Array<UInt> & getLocalEquationNumbers(const ID & dof_id) const;
/// return the local index of the global equation number
inline UInt globalToLocalEquationNumber(UInt global) const;
/// converts local equation numbers to global equation numbers;
template <class S> inline void localToGlobalEquationNumber(S & inout);
/// get the array of dof types (use only if you know what you do...)
inline Int getDOFType(UInt local_id) const;
/// get the array of dof types (use only if you know what you do...)
inline const Array<UInt> & getDOFsAssociatedNodes(const ID & dof_id) const;
virtual DOFData & getNewDOFData(const ID & dof_id);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Class Members */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
struct DOFDataDefault : public DOFData {
DOFDataDefault(const ID & dof_id);
/// associated node for _dst_nodal dofs only
Array<UInt> associated_nodes;
typedef std::map<ID, SparseMatrixAIJ *> AIJMatrixMap;
typedef std::map<ID, NonLinearSolverDefault *> DefaultNonLinearSolversMap;
typedef std::map<ID, TimeStepSolverDefault *> DefaultTimeStepSolversMap;
typedef std::map<std::pair<ID, ID>,
std::vector<std::pair<ElementType, GhostType>>>
/// contains the the dofs that where added to the profile of a given matrix.
DOFToMatrixProfile matrix_profiled_dofs;
/// rhs to the system of equation corresponding to the residual linked to the
/// different dofs
Array<Real> residual;
/// solution of the system of equation corresponding to the different dofs
Array<Real> global_solution;
/// blocked degree of freedom in the system equation corresponding to the
/// different dofs
Array<bool> global_blocked_dofs;
/// blocked degree of freedom in the system equation corresponding to the
/// different dofs
Array<bool> previous_global_blocked_dofs;
/// define the dofs type, local, shared, ghost
Array<Int> dofs_type;
/// Map of the different matrices stored in the dof manager
AIJMatrixMap aij_matrices;
/// Map of the different time step solvers stored with there real type
DefaultTimeStepSolversMap default_time_step_solver_map;
/// Memory cache, this is an array to keep the temporary memory needed for
/// some operations, it is meant to be resized or cleared when needed
Array<Real> data_cache;
/// Release at last apply boundary on jacobian
UInt jacobian_release;
/// equation number in global numbering
Array<UInt> global_equation_number;
typedef unordered_map<UInt, UInt>::type equation_numbers_map;
/// dual information of global_equation_number
equation_numbers_map global_to_local_mapping;
/// synchronizer to maintain coherency in dof fields
DOFSynchronizer * synchronizer;
} // akantu
#include ""

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