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* @file synchronized_array.hh
* @author David Simon Kammer <>
* @brief synchronized array: a array can be registered to another (hereafter called top) array. If an element is added to or removed from the top array, the registered array removes or adds at the same position an element. The two arrays stay therefore synchronized.
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2012, 2014 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// std
#include <vector>
// akantu
#include "aka_array.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
enum SyncChoice {_added, _deleted};
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class SynchronizedArrayBase {
SynchronizedArrayBase() {};
~SynchronizedArrayBase() {};
virtual ID getID() const { return "call should be virtual"; };
virtual UInt syncDeletedElements(std::vector<UInt> & delete_el) = 0;
virtual UInt syncAddedElements(UInt nb_added_el) = 0;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class T>
class SynchronizedArray : public SynchronizedArrayBase, protected Array<T> {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Constructors/Destructors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
typedef typename Array<T>::value_type value_type;
typedef typename Array<T>::reference reference;
typedef typename Array<T>::pointer_type pointer_type;
typedef typename Array<T>::const_reference const_reference;
SynchronizedArray(UInt size, UInt nb_component,
const_reference value, const ID & id,
const_reference default_value,
const std::string restart_name);
virtual ~SynchronizedArray() {};
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Methods */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// push_back
inline void push_back(const_reference value);
inline void push_back(const value_type new_element[]);
/// erase
inline void erase(UInt i);
//template<typename R>
//inline void erase(const iterator<R> & it);
/// synchronize elements
void syncElements(SyncChoice sync_choice);
/// dump restart file
void dumpRestartFile(std::string file_name) const;
/// read restart file
void readRestartFile(std::string file_name);
/// register depending array
void registerDependingArray(SynchronizedArrayBase & array);
/// function to print the contain of the class
virtual void printself(std::ostream & stream, int indent = 0) const;
/// find position of element
Int find(const T & elem) const { return Array<T>::find(elem); };
/// set values to zero
inline void clear() { Array<T>::clear(); };
// inline void clear() { memset(values, 0, size*nb_component*sizeof(T)); };
/// set all entries of the array to the value t
/// @param t value to fill the array with
inline void set(T t) { Array<T>::set(t); }
/// set
template<template<typename> class C>
inline void set(const C<T> & vm) { Array<T>::set(vm); };
/// set all entries of the array to value t and set default value
inline void setAndChangeDefault(T t) {
this->default_value = t;
/// copy the content of an other array
void copy(const SynchronizedArray<T> & vect) { Array<T>::copy(vect); };
/// give the address of the memory allocated for this array
T * storage() const { return Array<T>::storage(); };
// T * storage() const { return this->values; };
// get nb component
UInt getNbComponent() const { return Array<T>::getNbComponent(); };
UInt syncDeletedElements(std::vector<UInt> & del_elements);
UInt syncAddedElements(UInt nb_add_elements);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Operators */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
inline reference operator()(UInt i, UInt j = 0) {
return Array<T>::operator()(i,j);
inline const_reference operator()(UInt i, UInt j = 0) const {
return Array<T>::operator()(i,j);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Accessors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
AKANTU_SET_MACRO(DefaultValue, default_value, T);
UInt getSize() const{ return this->size; };
ID getID() const { return Array<T>::getID(); };
const Array<T> & getArray() const {
const Array<T> & a = *(dynamic_cast<const Array<T> *>(this));
return a;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Class Members */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// init value when new elements added
T default_value;
/// restart file_name
const std::string restart_name;
/// elements that have been deleted
std::vector<UInt> deleted_elements;
/// number of elements to add
UInt nb_added_elements;
/// pointers to arrays to be updated
std::vector<SynchronizedArrayBase *> depending_arrays;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* inline functions */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include ""
/// standard output stream operator
template <typename T>
inline std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream,
const SynchronizedArray<T> & _this)
return stream;

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