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* @file by_element_type_tmpl.hh
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date Wed Aug 31 11:09:48 2011
* @brief implementation of template functions of the ByElementType and
* ByElementTypeVector classes
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ByElementType */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
inline std::string ByElementType<Stored>::printType(const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type) {
std::stringstream sstr; sstr << "(" << ghost_type << ":" << type << ")";
return sstr.str();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
inline bool ByElementType<Stored>::exists(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type) const {
return this->getData(ghost_type).find(type) != this->getData(ghost_type).end();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
inline const Stored & ByElementType<Stored>::operator()(const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type) const {
typename DataMap::const_iterator it =
if(it == this->getData(ghost_type).end())
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("No element of type "
<< ByElementType<Stored>::printType(type, ghost_type)
<< " in this ByElementType<"
<< debug::demangle(typeid(Stored).name()) << "> class");
return it->second;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
inline Stored & ByElementType<Stored>::operator()(const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type) {
typename DataMap::iterator it =
// if(it == this->getData(ghost_type).end())
// AKANTU_EXCEPTION("No element of type "
// << ByElementType<Stored>::printType(type, ghost_type)
// << " in this ByElementType<"
// << debug::demangle(typeid(Stored).name()) << "> class");
if(it == this->getData(ghost_type).end()) {
DataMap & data = this->getData(ghost_type);
const std::pair<typename DataMap::iterator, bool> & res =
data.insert(std::pair<ElementType, Stored>(type, Stored()));
it = res.first;
return it->second;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
inline Stored & ByElementType<Stored>::operator()(const Stored & insert,
const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type) {
typename DataMap::iterator it =
if(it != this->getData(ghost_type).end()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Element of type "
<< ByElementType<Stored>::printType(type, ghost_type)
<< " already in this ByElementType<"
<< debug::demangle(typeid(Stored).name()) << "> class");
} else {
DataMap & data = this->getData(ghost_type);
const std::pair<typename DataMap::iterator, bool> & res =
data.insert(std::pair<ElementType, Stored>(type, insert));
it = res.first;
return it->second;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
inline typename ByElementType<Stored>::DataMap &
ByElementType<Stored>::getData(GhostType ghost_type) {
if(ghost_type == _not_ghost) return data;
else return ghost_data;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
inline const typename ByElementType<Stored>::DataMap &
ByElementType<Stored>::getData(GhostType ghost_type) const {
if(ghost_type == _not_ghost) return data;
else return ghost_data;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// Works only if stored is a pointer to a class with a printself method
template<class Stored>
void ByElementType<Stored>::printself(std::ostream & stream, int indent) const {
std::string space;
for(Int i = 0; i < indent; i++, space += AKANTU_INDENT);
stream << space << "ByElementType<" << debug::demangle(typeid(Stored).name()) << "> [" << std::endl;
for(UInt g = _not_ghost; g <= _ghost; ++g) {
GhostType gt = (GhostType) g;
const DataMap & data = getData(gt);
typename DataMap::const_iterator it;
for(it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) {
stream << space << space << ByElementType<Stored>::printType(it->first, gt) << " [" << std::endl;
it->second->printself(stream, indent + 3);
stream << space << "]" << std::endl;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
ByElementType<Stored>::ByElementType(const ID & id,
const ID & parent_id) {
std::stringstream sstr;
if(parent_id != "") sstr << parent_id << ":";
sstr << id;
this->id = sstr.str();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class Stored>
ByElementType<Stored>::~ByElementType() {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline Vector<T> & ByElementTypeVector<T>::alloc(UInt size,
UInt nb_component,
const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type) {
std::string ghost_id = "";
if (ghost_type == _ghost) ghost_id = ":ghost";
Vector<T> * tmp;
typename ByElementTypeVector<T>::DataMap::iterator it =
if(it == this->getData(ghost_type).end()) {
std::stringstream sstr; sstr << this->id << ":" << type << ghost_id;
tmp = &(Memory::alloc<T>(sstr.str(), size,
nb_component, T()));
std::stringstream sstrg; sstrg << ghost_type;
this->getData(ghost_type)[type] = tmp;
} else {
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("The vector " << this->id << this->printType(type, ghost_type)
<< " already exists, it is resized instead of allocated.");
tmp = it->second;
return *tmp;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline void ByElementTypeVector<T>::alloc(UInt size,
UInt nb_component,
const ElementType & type) {
this->alloc(size, nb_component, type, _not_ghost);
this->alloc(size, nb_component, type, _ghost);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline void ByElementTypeVector<T>::free() {
for(UInt g = _not_ghost; g <= _ghost; ++g) {
GhostType gt = (GhostType) g;
const DataMap & data = this->getData(gt);
typename DataMap::const_iterator it;
for(it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline const Vector<T> & ByElementTypeVector<T>::operator()(const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type) const {
typename ByElementTypeVector<T>::DataMap::const_iterator it =
if(it == this->getData(ghost_type).end())
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("No element of type "
<< ByElementTypeVector<T>::printType(type, ghost_type)
<< " in this const ByElementTypeVector<"
<< debug::demangle(typeid(T).name()) << "> class(\""
<< this->id << "\")");
return *(it->second);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline Vector<T> & ByElementTypeVector<T>::operator()(const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type) {
typename ByElementTypeVector<T>::DataMap::iterator it =
if(it == this->getData(ghost_type).end())
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("No element of type "
<< ByElementTypeVector<T>::printType(type, ghost_type)
<< " in this ByElementTypeVector<"
<< debug::demangle(typeid(T).name()) << "> class (\""
<< this->id << "\")");
return *(it->second);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline void ByElementTypeVector<T>::setVector(const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type,
const Vector<T> & vect) {
typename ByElementTypeVector<T>::DataMap::iterator it =
if(AKANTU_DEBUG_TEST(dblWarning) && it != this->getData(ghost_type).end() && it->second != &vect) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_WARNING("The Vector " << this->printType(type, ghost_type)
<< " is already registred, this call can lead to a memory leak.");
this->getData(ghost_type)[type] = &(const_cast<Vector<T> &>(vect));
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T>
inline void ByElementTypeVector<T>::onElementsRemoved(const ByElementTypeVector<UInt> & new_numbering) {
for(UInt g = _not_ghost; g <= _ghost; ++g) {
GhostType gt = (GhostType) g;
ByElementTypeVector<UInt>::type_iterator it = new_numbering.firstType(0, gt, _ek_not_defined);
ByElementTypeVector<UInt>::type_iterator end = new_numbering.lastType(0, gt, _ek_not_defined);
for (; it != end; ++it) {
ElementType type = *it;
if(this->exists(type, gt)){
const Vector<UInt> & renumbering = new_numbering(type, gt);
Vector<T> & vect = this->operator()(type, gt);
UInt nb_component = vect.getNbComponent();
Vector<T> tmp(renumbering.getSize(), nb_component);
UInt new_size = 0;
for (UInt i = 0; i < vect.getSize(); ++i) {
UInt new_i = renumbering(i);
if(new_i != UInt(-1)) {
memcpy( + new_i * nb_component, + i *nb_component,
nb_component * sizeof(T));
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ElementType Iterator */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::type_iterator(DataMapIterator & list_begin,
DataMapIterator & list_end,
UInt dim, ElementKind ek) :
list_begin(list_begin), list_end(list_end), dim(dim), kind(ek) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::type_iterator(const type_iterator & it) :
list_begin(it.list_begin), list_end(it.list_end), dim(it.dim), kind(it.kind) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
inline typename ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::reference
ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::operator*() {
return list_begin->first;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
inline typename ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::reference
ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::operator*() const {
return list_begin->first;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
inline typename ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator &
ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::operator++() {
while((list_begin != list_end) &&
(((dim != 0) && (dim != Mesh::getSpatialDimension(list_begin->first))) ||
((kind != _ek_not_defined) && (kind != Mesh::getKind(list_begin->first)))))
return *this;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
typename ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::operator++(int) {
type_iterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
inline bool ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::operator==(const type_iterator & other) const {
return this->list_begin == other.list_begin;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
inline bool ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator::operator!=(const type_iterator & other) const {
return this->list_begin != other.list_begin;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
inline typename ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator
ByElementType<Stored>::firstType(UInt dim, GhostType ghost_type, ElementKind kind) const {
typename DataMap::const_iterator b,e;
if(ghost_type == _not_ghost) {
b = data.begin();
e = data.end();
} else {
b = ghost_data.begin();
e = ghost_data.end();
// loop until the first valid type
while((b != e) &&
(((dim != 0) && (dim != Mesh::getSpatialDimension(b->first))) ||
((kind != _ek_not_defined) && (kind != Mesh::getKind(b->first)))))
return typename ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator(b, e, dim, kind);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored>
inline typename ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator
ByElementType<Stored>::lastType(UInt dim, GhostType ghost_type, ElementKind kind) const {
typename DataMap::const_iterator e;
if(ghost_type == _not_ghost) {
e = data.end();
} else {
e = ghost_data.end();
return typename ByElementType<Stored>::type_iterator(e, e, dim, kind);

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