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* @file
* @author Guillaume Anciaux <>
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date Fri Jul 16 09:09:21 2010
* @brief Implementation of the inline functions of the class element_class
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<ElementType type> inline Real * ElementClass<type>::getQuadraturePoints() {
return quad;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<ElementType type> inline UInt ElementClass<type>::getShapeSize() {
return nb_nodes_per_element;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<ElementType type> inline UInt ElementClass<type>::getShapeDerivativesSize() {
return nb_nodes_per_element * spatial_dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<ElementType type>
void ElementClass<type>::preComputeStandards(const Real * coord,
const UInt dimension,
Real * shape,
Real * dshape,
Real * jacobians) {
// ask for computation of shapes
computeShapes(quad, nb_quadrature_points, shape);
// compute dnds
Real dnds[nb_nodes_per_element * spatial_dimension * nb_quadrature_points];
computeDNDS(quad, nb_quadrature_points, dnds);
// compute dxds
Real dxds[dimension * spatial_dimension * nb_quadrature_points];
computeDXDS(dnds, nb_quadrature_points, coord, dimension, dxds);
// jacobian
computeJacobian(dxds, nb_quadrature_points, dimension, jacobians);
// if dimension == spatial_dimension compute shape derivatives
if (dimension == spatial_dimension) {
computeShapeDerivatives(dxds, dnds, nb_quadrature_points, dimension, dshape);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeShapes(const Real * natural_coords,
const UInt nb_points,
Real * shapes) {
Real * cpoint = const_cast<Real *>(natural_coords);
for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_points; ++p) {
computeShapes(cpoint, shapes);
shapes += nb_nodes_per_element;
cpoint += spatial_dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeShapes(const Real * natural_coords,
const UInt nb_points,
Real * shapes,
const Real * local_coord,
UInt id) {
Real * cpoint = const_cast<Real *>(natural_coords);
for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_points; ++p) {
computeShapes(cpoint, shapes, local_coord, id);
shapes += nb_nodes_per_element;
cpoint += spatial_dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeDNDS(const Real * natural_coords,
const UInt nb_points,
Real * dnds) {
Real * cpoint = const_cast<Real *>(natural_coords);
Real * cdnds = dnds;
for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_points; ++p) {
computeDNDS(cpoint, cdnds);
cpoint += spatial_dimension;
cdnds += nb_nodes_per_element * spatial_dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeDXDS(const Real * dnds,
const UInt nb_points,
const Real * node_coords,
const UInt dimension,
Real * dxds) {
Real * cdnds = const_cast<Real *>(dnds);
Real * cdxds = dxds;
for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_points; ++p) {
computeDXDS(cdnds, node_coords, dimension, cdxds);
cdnds += nb_nodes_per_element * spatial_dimension;
cdxds += spatial_dimension * dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeDXDS(const Real * dnds,
const Real * node_coords,
const UInt dimension,
Real * dxds) {
/// @f$ J = dxds = dnds * x @f$
Math::matrix_matrix(spatial_dimension, dimension, nb_nodes_per_element,
dnds, node_coords, dxds);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeJacobian(const Real * dxds,
const UInt nb_points,
const UInt dimension,
Real * jac) {
Real * cdxds = const_cast<Real *>(dxds);
Real * cjac = jac;
for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_points; ++p) {
computeJacobian(cdxds, dimension, *cjac);
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT((cjac[0] > 0),
// "Negative jacobian computed, possible problem in the element node order.");
cdxds += spatial_dimension * dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeShapeDerivatives(const Real * dxds,
const Real * dnds,
const UInt nb_points,
__attribute__ ((unused)) const UInt dimension,
Real * shape_deriv) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dimension == spatial_dimension,"gradient in space "
<< dimension
<< " cannot be evaluated for element of dimension "
<< spatial_dimension);
Real * cdxds = const_cast<Real *>(dxds);
Real * cdnds = const_cast<Real *>(dnds);
for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_points; ++p) {
computeShapeDerivatives(cdxds, cdnds, shape_deriv);
cdnds += spatial_dimension * nb_nodes_per_element;
cdxds += spatial_dimension * spatial_dimension;
shape_deriv += nb_nodes_per_element * spatial_dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeShapeDerivatives(const Real * natural_coords,
const UInt nb_points,
const UInt dimension,
Real * shape_deriv,
const Real * local_coord,
UInt id) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dimension == spatial_dimension,"Gradient in space "
<< dimension
<< " cannot be evaluated for element of dimension "
<< spatial_dimension);
Real * cpoint = const_cast<Real *>(natural_coords);
for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_points; ++p) {
computeShapeDerivatives(cpoint, shape_deriv, local_coord, id);
shape_deriv += nb_nodes_per_element * dimension;
cpoint += dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeShapeDerivatives(const Real * dxds,
const Real * dnds,
Real * shape_deriv) {
/// @f$ dxds = J^{-1} @f$
Real inv_dxds[spatial_dimension * spatial_dimension];
if (spatial_dimension == 1) inv_dxds[0] = 1./dxds[0];
if (spatial_dimension == 2) Math::inv2(dxds, inv_dxds);
if (spatial_dimension == 3) Math::inv3(dxds, inv_dxds);
Math::matrixt_matrixt(nb_nodes_per_element, spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension,
dnds, inv_dxds, shape_deriv);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<ElementType type>
inline Real ElementClass<type>::getInradius(__attribute__ ((unused)) const Real * coord) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_ERROR("Function not implemented for type : " << type);
return 0;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeNormalsOnQuadPoint(const Real * coord,
const UInt dimension,
Real * normals) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT((dimension - 1) == spatial_dimension,
"cannot extract a normal because of dimension mismatch "
<< dimension << " " << spatial_dimension);
Real * cpoint = const_cast<Real *>(quad);
Real * cnormals = normals;
Real dnds[spatial_dimension*nb_nodes_per_element];
Real dxds[spatial_dimension*dimension];
for (UInt p = 0; p < nb_quadrature_points; ++p) {
if (dimension == 2) {
if (dimension == 3){
cpoint += spatial_dimension;
cnormals += dimension;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::interpolateOnNaturalCoordinates(const Real * natural_coords,
const Real * nodal_values,
UInt dimension,
Real * interpolated){
Real shapes[nb_nodes_per_element];
Math::matrix_matrix(1, dimension, nb_nodes_per_element,
shapes, nodal_values, interpolated);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::inverseMap(const types::RVector & real_coords,
const types::RMatrix & node_coords,
UInt dimension,
types::RVector & natural_coords,
Real tolerance){
//matric copy of the real_coords
types::RMatrix mreal_coords(,1,spatial_dimension);
//initial guess
types::RMatrix natural_guess(1, dimension, 0.);
// realspace coordinates provided by initial guess
types::RMatrix physical_guess(1, dimension);
// objective function f = real_coords - physical_guess
types::RMatrix f(1,dimension);
// dnds computed on the natural_guess
types::RMatrix dnds(nb_nodes_per_element,spatial_dimension);
// dxds computed on the natural_guess
types::RMatrix dxds(spatial_dimension,dimension);
// transposed dxds computed on the natural_guess
types::RMatrix dxds_t(dimension,spatial_dimension);
// G = dxds * dxds_t
types::RMatrix G(spatial_dimension,spatial_dimension);
// Ginv = G^{-1}
types::RMatrix Ginv(spatial_dimension,spatial_dimension);
// J = Ginv * dxds
types::RMatrix J(spatial_dimension,dimension);
// dxi = \xi_{k+1} - \xi in the iterative process
types::RMatrix dxi(1,spatial_dimension);
/* --------------------------- */
// init before iteration loop
/* --------------------------- */
// do interpolation
// compute initial objective function value f = real_coords - physical_guess
f = physical_guess;
f*= -1.;
f+= mreal_coords;
// compute initial error
Real inverse_map_error = f.norm();
/* --------------------------- */
// iteration loop
/* --------------------------- */
while(tolerance < inverse_map_error) {
//compute dxds
//compute G
dxds_t = dxds;
// inverse G
if (spatial_dimension == 1) Ginv[0] = 1./G[0];
else if (spatial_dimension == 2) Math::inv2(,;
else if (spatial_dimension == 3) Math::inv3(,;
//compute J
//compute increment
//update our guess
natural_guess += dxi;
// compute error
f = physical_guess;
f*= -1.;
f+= mreal_coords;
inverse_map_error = f.norm();
memcpy(,, sizeof(Real) * natural_coords.size());
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeShapes(const Real * natural_coords,
Real * shapes) {
computeShapes(natural_coords, shapes, NULL,0);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeShapes(__attribute__ ((unused)) const Real * natural_coords,
__attribute__ ((unused)) Real * shapes,
__attribute__ ((unused)) const Real * local_coord,
__attribute__ ((unused)) UInt id) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeDNDS(__attribute__((unused)) const Real * natural_coords,
__attribute__((unused)) Real * dnds){
// computeDNDS(natural_coords, dnds);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeShapeDerivatives(__attribute__ ((unused)) const Real * natural_coords,
__attribute__ ((unused)) Real * shape_deriv,
__attribute__ ((unused)) const Real * local_coord,
__attribute__ ((unused)) UInt id) {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline void ElementClass<type>::computeJacobian(__attribute__ ((unused)) const Real * dxds,
__attribute__ ((unused)) const UInt dimension,
__attribute__ ((unused)) Real & jac) {
//AKANTU_DEBUG_ERROR("Function not implemented for type : " << type);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline Real * ElementClass<type>::getGaussIntegrationWeights() {
return gauss_integration_weights;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <ElementType type>
inline bool ElementClass<type>::contains(__attribute__ ((unused)) const types::RVector & natural_coords) {
return false;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"
#include "element_classes/"

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