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* @file
* @author Marco Vocialta <>
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date Thu Feb 2 15:55:15 2012
* @brief
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "aka_common.hh"
#include "cohesive_element.hh"
#include "shape_cohesive.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template <class ShapeFunction>
// ShapeCohesive<ShapeFunction>::ShapeCohesive(const Mesh & mesh,
// const ID & id,
// const MemoryID & memory_id) {
// std::stringstream sstr;
// sstr << id << "sub_shapes_functions";
// sub_type_shape_function = ShapeFunction(mesh, sstr.str(), memory_id);
// }
// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template <class ShapeFunction>
// template <ElementType type>
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeFunction>::precomputeShapesOnControlPoints(GhostType ghost_type) {
// const ElementType sub_type = CohesiveElementSubElementType<type>::type;
// Real * natural_coords = this->control_points(sub_type, ghost_type).storage();
// UInt nb_points = this->control_points(sub_type, ghost_type).getSize();
// UInt size_of_shapes = CohesiveElement<type>::getShapeSize();
// UInt nb_element = this->mesh->getConnectivity(type, ghost_type).getSize();;
// Vector<Real> & shapes_tmp = sub_type_shape_function.shapes.alloc(nb_element*nb_points,
// size_of_shapes,
// type,
// ghost_type);
// Real * shapes_val =;
// for (UInt elem = 0; elem < nb_element; ++elem) {
// ElementClass<sub_type>::computeShapes(natural_coords,
// nb_points,shapes_val);
// shapes_val += size_of_shapes*nb_points;
// }
// }
// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template <class ShapeFunction>
// template <ElementType type>
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeFunction>::precomputeShapeDerivativesOnControlPoints(GhostType ghost_type) {
// const ElementType sub_type = CohesiveElementSubElementType<type>::type;
// Real * coord = this->mesh->getNodes().storage();
// UInt spatial_dimension = this->mesh->getSpatialDimension();
// UInt nb_nodes_per_element = CohesiveElement<type>::getNbNodesPerElement(type);
// UInt nb_nodes_per_sub_element = ElementClass<sub_type>::getNbNodesPerElement();
// UInt size_of_shapesd = CohesiveElement<type>::getShapeDerivativesSize();
// UInt nb_points = this->control_points(type, ghost_type).getSize();
// Real * natural_coords = this->control_points(type, ghost_type).storage();
// UInt * elem_val = this->mesh->getConnectivity(type, ghost_type).storage();;
// UInt nb_element = this->mesh->getConnectivity(type, ghost_type).getSize();
// Vector<Real> & shapes_derivatives_tmp =
// sub_type_shape_function.shapes_derivatives.alloc(nb_element*nb_points,
// size_of_shapesd,
// type,
// ghost_type);
// Real * shapesd_val =;
// Real local_coord[spatial_dimension * nb_nodes_per_element];
// CohesiveReduceFunctionMean reduce_function;
// for (UInt elem = 0; elem < nb_element; ++elem) {
// UInt el_offset = elem * nb_nodes_per_element;
// for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_nodes_per_sub_element; ++n) {
// for (UInt d = 0; d < spatial_dimension; ++d) {
// Real u_plus = coord[elem_val[el_offset + n] * spatial_dimension];
// Real u_minus = coord[elem_val[el_offset + n + nb_nodes_per_sub_element] * spatial_dimension];
// local_coord[n*spatial_dimension + d] = reduce_function(u_plus, u_minus);
// }
// }
// ElementClass<type>::computeDNDS(natural_coords, nb_points, shapesd_val);
// natural_coords += nb_points * spatial_dimension;
// shapesd_val += size_of_shapesd * nb_points;
// }
// }
// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template <class ShapeFunction>
// template <ElementType type, class ReduceFunction>
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeFunction>::interpolateOnControlPoints(const Vector<Real> &in_u,
// Vector<Real> &out_uq,
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom,
// GhostType ghost_type,
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const {
// const ElementType sub_type = CohesiveElementSubElementType<type>::type;
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(sub_type_shape_function.shapes.exists(sub_type, ghost_type),
// "No shapes for the type "
// << sub_type_shape_function.shapes.printType(sub_type, ghost_type));
// UInt nb_element = this->mesh->getNbElement(type, ghost_type);
// UInt * conn_val = this->mesh->getConnectivity(type, ghost_type).storage();
// const Vector<Real> & shapes = sub_type_shape_function.shapes(sub_type, ghost_type);
// UInt nb_nodes_per_element = CohesiveElement<type>::getNbNodesPerElement();
// UInt nb_nodes_per_sub_element = ElementClass<sub_type>::getNbNodesPerElement();
// UInt nb_points = this->control_points(type, ghost_type).getSize();
// UInt size_of_shapes = CohesiveElement<type>::getShapeSize();
// UInt * filter_elem_val = NULL;
// if(filter_elements != NULL) {
// nb_element = filter_elements->getSize();
// filter_elem_val = filter_elements->storage();
// }
// Real * shape_val =;
// Real * u_val =;
// Vector<Real>::iterator<types::Matrix> uq_it =
// out_uq.begin(nb_points, nb_degree_of_freedom);
// Vector<Real>::const_iterator<types::Matrix> shape =
// shapes.begin(nb_points, nb_nodes_per_element);
// types::Matrix u(nb_nodes_per_element, nb_degree_of_freedom);
// ReduceFunction reduce_function;
// for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_element; ++el) {
// UInt el_offset = el * nb_nodes_per_element;
// if(filter_elements != NULL) {
// shape = shapes.begin(nb_points, nb_nodes_per_element);
// shape += filter_elem_val[el];
// el_offset = filter_elem_val[el] * nb_nodes_per_element;
// }
// for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_nodes_per_sub_element; ++n) {
// for (UInt d = 0; d < nb_degree_of_freedom; ++d) {
// Real u_plus = u_val[conn_val[el_offset + n] * nb_degree_of_freedom + d];
// Real u_minus = u_val[conn_val[el_offset + n + nb_nodes_per_sub_element] * nb_degree_of_freedom + d];
// u(n, d) = reduce_function(u_plus, u_minus);
// }
// }
// /// @f$ u_q = \textbf{N} * u @f$
// uq_it->mul<false, false>(*shape, u);
// // Math::matrix_matrix(nb_points, nb_degree_of_freedom, nb_nodes_per_element,
// // shape, u, uq_val);
// ++uq_it;
// if(filter_elements == NULL) {
// ++shape;
// }
// }
// }
// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template <class ShapeFunction>
// template <ElementType type, class ReduceFunction>
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeFunction>::variationOnControlPoints(const Vector<Real> &in_u,
// Vector<Real> &nablauq,
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom,
// GhostType ghost_type,
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const {
// const ElementType sub_type = CohesiveElementSubElementType<type>::type;
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(sub_type_shape_function.shapes_derivatives.exists(sub_type, ghost_type),
// "No shapes for the type "
// << sub_type_shape_function.shapes.printType(sub_type, ghost_type));
// UInt nb_element = this->mesh->getNbElement(type, ghost_type);
// UInt spatial_dimension = this->mesh->getSpatialDimension();
// const Vector<UInt> & connectivity = this->mesh->getConnectivity(type, ghost_type);
// const Vector<Real> & shapes_derivatives =
// sub_type_shape_function.shapes_derivatives(sub_type, ghost_type);
// UInt element_dimension = CohesiveElement<type>::getSpatialDimension();
// UInt nb_nodes_per_element = CohesiveElement<type>::getNbNodesPerElement();
// UInt nb_nodes_per_sub_element = ElementClass<sub_type>::getNbNodesPerElement();
// UInt nb_points = this->control_points(type, ghost_type).getSize();
// Vector<UInt>::const_iterator<UInt> filter_elem;
// if(filter_elements != NULL) {
// nb_element = filter_elements->getSize();
// filter_elem = filter_elements->begin();
// }
// Vector<Real>::iterator<types::Matrix> nablauq_it =
// nablauq.begin(element_dimension, nb_degree_of_freedom);
// Vector<Real>::const_iterator<types::Matrix> shape_derivative =
// shapes_derivatives.begin(element_dimension, nb_nodes_per_element);
// types::Matrix u(nb_nodes_per_element, nb_degree_of_freedom);
// ReduceFunction reduce_function;
// for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_element; ++el) {
// UInt el_offset = el * nb_nodes_per_element;
// if(filter_elements != NULL) {
// shape_derivative = shapes_derivatives.begin(nb_points, nb_nodes_per_element);
// shape_derivative += *filter_elem;
// ++filter_elem;
// }
// for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_nodes_per_sub_element; ++n) {
// for (UInt d = 0; d < nb_degree_of_freedom; ++d) {
// Real u_plus = in_u(connectivity(*filter_elem, n), d);
// Real u_minus = in_u(connectivity(*filter_elem, n + nb_nodes_per_sub_element), d);
// u(n, d) = reduce_function(u_plus, u_minus);
// }
// }
// for (UInt q = 0; q < nb_points; ++q) {
// nablauq_it->mul<false, false>(*shape_derivative, u);
// ++shape_derivative;
// ++nablauq_it;
// }
// }
// }
// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template <class ShapeFunction>
// template <ElementType type, class ReduceFunction>
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeFunction>::computeNormalsOnControlPoints(const Vector<Real> &u,
// Vector<Real> &normals_u,
// GhostType ghost_type,
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const {
// const ElementType sub_type = CohesiveElementSubElementType<type>::type;
// UInt nb_element = this->mesh->getNbElement(type, ghost_type);
// UInt nb_points = this->control_points(type, ghost_type).getSize();
// UInt spatial_dimension = this->mesh->getSpatialDimension();
// if(filter_elements != NULL) {
// nb_element = filter_elements->getSize();
// }
// Vector<Real> tangents_u(nb_element * nb_points, (spatial_dimension * spatial_dimension -1));
// this->template variationOnControlPoints<type, ReduceFunction>(u,
// tangents_u,
// spatial_dimension,
// ghost_type,
// filter_elements);
// normals_u.resize(nb_points * nb_element);
// Vector<Real>::iterator<types::RVector> normal = normals_u.begin(spatial_dimension);
// Vector<Real>::iterator<types::RVector> normal_end = normals_u.end(spatial_dimension);
// Real * tangent =;
// if(spatial_dimension == 3)
// for (; normal != normal_end; ++normal) {
// Math::vectorProduct3(tangent, tangent+spatial_dimension, normal->storage());
// // (*normal) /= normal->norm();
// tangent += spatial_dimension * 2;
// }
// else if(spatial_dimension == 2)
// for (; normal != normal_end; ++normal) {
// types::RVector a1(tangent, spatial_dimension);
// (*normal)(0) = a1(1);
// (*normal)(1) = -a1(0);
// // (*normal) /= normal->norm();
// tangent += spatial_dimension;
// }
// }
// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// /* template instantiation */
// /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template<> \
// template<> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// precomputeShapesOnControlPoints<type> \
// ( \
// GhostType ghost_type); \
// \
// template<> \
// template<> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// precomputeShapeDerivativesOnControlPoints<type> \
// ( \
// GhostType ghost_type); \
// \
// template<> \
// template<> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// interpolateOnControlPoints<type, CohesiveReduceFunctionMean> \
// ( \
// const Vector<Real> &in_u, \
// Vector<Real> &out_uq, \
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom, \
// GhostType ghost_type, \
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const; \
// \
// template<> \
// template<> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// interpolateOnControlPoints<type, CohesiveReduceFunctionOpening> \
// ( \
// const Vector<Real> &in_u, \
// Vector<Real> &out_uq, \
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom, \
// GhostType ghost_type, \
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const; \
// \
// template <> \
// template <> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// variationOnControlPoints<type, CohesiveReduceFunctionMean> \
// ( \
// const Vector<Real> &in_u, \
// Vector<Real> &nablauq, \
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom, \
// GhostType ghost_type, \
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const; \
// \
// template <> \
// template <> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// computeNormalsOnControlPoints<type, CohesiveReduceFunctionMean> \
// ( \
// const Vector<Real> &u, \
// Vector<Real> &normals_u, \
// GhostType ghost_type, \
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const;
// template<> \
// template<> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// precomputeShapesOnControlPoints<type> \
// ( \
// GhostType ghost_type) { \
// } \
// \
// template<> \
// template<> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// precomputeShapeDerivativesOnControlPoints<type> \
// ( \
// GhostType ghost_type) { \
// } \
// \
// template<> \
// template<> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// interpolateOnControlPoints<type, CohesiveReduceFunctionMean> \
// ( \
// const Vector<Real> &in_u, \
// Vector<Real> &out_uq, \
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom, \
// GhostType ghost_type, \
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const { \
// } \
// \
// template<> \
// template<> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// interpolateOnControlPoints<type, CohesiveReduceFunctionOpening> \
// ( \
// const Vector<Real> &in_u, \
// Vector<Real> &out_uq, \
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom, \
// GhostType ghost_type, \
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const { \
// } \
// \
// template <> \
// template <> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// variationOnControlPoints<type, CohesiveReduceFunctionMean> \
// ( \
// const Vector<Real> &in_u, \
// Vector<Real> &nablauq, \
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom, \
// GhostType ghost_type, \
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const { \
// } \
// \
// template <> \
// template <> \
// void ShapeCohesive<ShapeLagrange>:: \
// computeNormalsOnControlPoints<type, CohesiveReduceFunctionMean> \
// ( \
// const Vector<Real> &u, \
// Vector<Real> &normals_u, \
// GhostType ghost_type, \
// const Vector<UInt> * filter_elements) const { \
// }

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