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* @file
* @author Guillaume Anciaux <>
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date creation: Thu Dec 01 2011
* @date last modification: Wed Jul 23 2014
* @brief inline implementations of common akantu type descriptions
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2012, 2014 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
* @section DESCRIPTION
* All common things to be included in the projects files
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//! standard output stream operator for ElementType
inline std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, ElementType type)
#define STRINGIFY(type) \
stream << BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(type)
switch(type) {
case _not_defined: stream << "_not_defined"; break;
case _max_element_type: stream << "_max_element_type"; break;
return stream;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//! standard input stream operator for ElementType
inline std::istream & operator >>(std::istream & stream, ElementType & type)
#define IF_SEQUENCE(_type) \
else if (tmp == BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(_type)) type = _type;
std::string tmp;
stream >> tmp;
if (1 == 2) {}
else AKANTU_EXCEPTION("unknown element type: '" << tmp << "'");
return stream;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//! standard output stream operator for ElementType
inline std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, ElementKind kind )
#define STRINGIFY(kind) \
stream << BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(kind)
return stream;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// standard output stream operator for InterpolationType
inline std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, InterpolationType type)
case _itp_lagrange_point_1 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_point_1" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_segment_2 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_segment_2" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_segment_3 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_segment_3" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_triangle_3 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_triangle_3" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_triangle_6 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_triangle_6" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_quadrangle_4 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_quadrangle_4" ; break;
case _itp_serendip_quadrangle_8 : stream << "_itp_serendip_quadrangle_8" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_tetrahedron_4 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_tetrahedron_4" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_tetrahedron_10 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_tetrahedron_10"; break;
case _itp_lagrange_hexahedron_8 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_hexahedron_8" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_pentahedron_6 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_pentahedron_6" ; break;
case _itp_serendip_hexahedron_20 : stream << "_itp_serendip_hexahedron_20" ; break;
case _itp_lagrange_pentahedron_15 : stream << "_itp_lagrange_pentahedron_15"; break;
case _itp_bernoulli_beam : stream << "_itp_bernoulli_beam" ; break;
case _itp_kirchhoff_shell : stream << "_itp_kirchhoff_shell" ; break;
case _itp_not_defined : stream << "_itp_not_defined" ; break;
return stream;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// standard output stream operator for GhostType
inline std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, GhostType type)
case _not_ghost : stream << "not_ghost"; break;
case _ghost : stream << "ghost" ; break;
case _casper : stream << "Casper the friendly ghost"; break;
return stream;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// standard output stream operator for SynchronizationTag
inline std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, SynchronizationTag type)
case _gst_smm_mass : stream << "_gst_smm_mass" ; break;
case _gst_smm_for_gradu : stream << "_gst_smm_for_gradu" ; break;
case _gst_smm_boundary : stream << "_gst_smm_boundary" ; break;
case _gst_smm_uv : stream << "_gst_smm_uv" ; break;
case _gst_smm_res : stream << "_gst_smm_res" ; break;
case _gst_smm_init_mat : stream << "_gst_smm_init_mat" ; break;
case _gst_smm_stress : stream << "_gst_smm_stress" ; break;
case _gst_smmc_facets : stream << "_gst_smmc_facets" ; break;
case _gst_smmc_facets_conn : stream << "_gst_smmc_facets_conn" ; break;
case _gst_smmc_facets_stress : stream << "_gst_smmc_facets_stress" ; break;
case _gst_smmc_damage : stream << "_gst_smmc_damage" ; break;
case _gst_ce_inserter : stream << "_gst_ce_inserter" ; break;
case _gst_gm_clusters : stream << "_gst_gm_clusters" ; break;
case _gst_htm_capacity : stream << "_gst_htm_capacity" ; break;
case _gst_htm_temperature : stream << "_gst_htm_temperature" ; break;
case _gst_htm_gradient_temperature : stream << "_gst_htm_gradient_temperature"; break;
case _gst_htm_phi : stream << "_gst_htm_phi" ; break;
case _gst_htm_gradient_phi : stream << "_gst_htm_gradient_phi" ; break;
case _gst_mnl_for_average : stream << "_gst_mnl_for_average" ; break;
case _gst_mnl_weight : stream << "_gst_mnl_weight" ; break;
case _gst_test : stream << "_gst_test" ; break;
case _gst_user_1 : stream << "_gst_user_1" ; break;
case _gst_user_2 : stream << "_gst_user_2" ; break;
case _gst_material_id : stream << "_gst_material_id" ; break;
case _gst_for_dump : stream << "_gst_for_dump" ; break;
case _gst_cf_nodal : stream << "_gst_cf_nodal" ; break;
case _gst_cf_incr : stream << "_gst_cf_incr" ; break;
case _gst_solver_solution : stream << "_gst_solver_solution" ; break;
return stream;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// standard output stream operator for SolveConvergenceCriteria
inline std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, SolveConvergenceCriteria criteria)
switch(criteria) {
case _scc_residual : stream << "_scc_residual" ; break;
case _scc_increment: stream << "_scc_increment"; break;
case _scc_residual_mass_wgh: stream << "_scc_residual_mass_wgh"; break;
return stream;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline std::string to_lower(const std::string & str) {
std::string lstr = str;
return lstr;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inline std::string trim(const std::string & to_trim) {
std::string trimed = to_trim;
//left trim
std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))));
// right trim
std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(isspace))).base(),
return trimed;
#include <cmath>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<typename T>
std::string printMemorySize(UInt size) {
Real real_size = size * sizeof(T);
UInt mult = (std::log(real_size) / std::log(2)) / 10;
std::stringstream sstr;
real_size /= Real(1 << (10 * mult));
sstr << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << real_size;
std::string size_prefix;
switch(mult) {
case 0: sstr << ""; break;
case 1: sstr << "Ki"; break;
case 2: sstr << "Mi"; break;
case 3: sstr << "Gi"; break; // I started on this type of machines
// (32bit computers) (Nicolas)
case 4: sstr << "Ti"; break;
case 5: sstr << "Pi"; break;
case 6: sstr << "Ei"; break; // theoritical limit of RAM of the current
// computers in 2014 (64bit computers) (Nicolas)
case 7: sstr << "Zi"; break;
case 8: sstr << "Yi"; break;
AKANTU_DEBUG_ERROR("The programmer in 2014 didn't thought so far (even wikipedia does not go further)."
<< " You have at least 1024 times more than a yobibit of RAM!!!"
<< " Just add the prefix corresponding in this switch case.");
sstr << "Byte";
return sstr.str();

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