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* Copyright (©) 2018-2023 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* This file is part of Akantu
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "contact_detector.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ContactDetector::ContactDetector(Mesh & mesh, const ID & id)
: ContactDetector(mesh, mesh.getNodes(), id) {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ContactDetector::ContactDetector(Mesh & mesh, Array<Real> positions,
const ID & id)
: Parsable(ParserType::_contact_detector, id), mesh(mesh),
positions(0, mesh.getSpatialDimension()) {
this->spatial_dimension = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const Parser & parser = getStaticParser();
const ParserSection & section =
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ContactDetector::parseSection(const ParserSection & section) {
auto type = section.getParameterValue<std::string>("type");
if (type == "implicit") {
this->detection_type = _implicit;
} else if (type == "explicit") {
this->detection_type = _explicit;
} else {
AKANTU_ERROR("Unknown detection type : " << type);
this->projection_tolerance =
this->max_iterations = section.getParameterValue<Int>("max_iterations");
this->extension_tolerance =
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ContactDetector::search(Array<ContactElement> & elements,
Array<Real> & gaps, Array<Real> & normals,
Array<Real> & tangents,
Array<Real> & projections) {
auto surface_dimension = spatial_dimension - 1;
auto && [bbox, master_grid] = this->globalSearch();
this->localSearch(bbox, *master_grid);
this->createContactElements(elements, gaps, normals, tangents, projections);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
std::pair<BBox, std::unique_ptr<SpatialGrid<Idx>>>
ContactDetector::globalSearch() const {
auto & master_list = surface_selector->getMasterList();
auto & slave_list = surface_selector->getSlaveList();
BBox bbox_master(spatial_dimension);
this->constructBoundingBox(bbox_master, master_list);
BBox bbox_slave(spatial_dimension);
this->constructBoundingBox(bbox_slave, slave_list);
auto && bbox_intersection = bbox_master.intersection(bbox_slave);
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Intersection BBox " << bbox_intersection);
Vector<Real> center(spatial_dimension);
Vector<Real> spacing(spatial_dimension);
auto && master_grid =
std::make_unique<SpatialGrid<Idx>>(spatial_dimension, spacing, center);
this->constructGrid(*master_grid, bbox_intersection, master_list);
// slave_grid.setCenter(center);
// slave_grid.setSpacing(spacing);
// this->constructGrid(slave_grid, bbox_intersection, slave_list);
return std::make_pair(bbox_intersection, std::move(master_grid));
// search slave grid nodes in contact element array and if they exits
// and still have orthogonal projection on its associated master
// facet remove it from the spatial grid or do not consider it for
// local search, maybe better option will be to have spatial grid of
// type node info and one of the variable of node info should be
// facet already exits
// so contact elements will be updated based on the above
// consideration , this means only those contact elements will be
// keep whose slave node is still in intersection bbox and still has
// projection in its master facet
// also if slave node is already exists in contact element and
// orthogonal projection does not exits then search the associated
// master facets with the current master facets within a given
// radius , this is subjected to computational cost as searching
// neighbbor cells can be more effective.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ContactDetector::localSearch(const BBox & intersection,
const SpatialGrid<Idx> & master_grid) {
// local search
// out of these array check each cell for closet node in that cell
// and neighbouring cells find the actual orthogonally closet
// check the projection of slave node on master facets connected to
// the closet master node, if yes update the contact element with
// slave node and master node and master surfaces connected to the
// master node
// these master surfaces will be needed later to update contact
// elements
auto pos_it = make_view(positions, spatial_dimension).begin();
for (auto && slave_node : surface_selector->getSlaveList()) {
bool pair_exists = false;
auto && pos_slave = pos_it[slave_node];
if (not intersection.contains(pos_slave)) {
Real closet_distance = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
Int closet_master_node{-1};
auto && master_cell_id = master_grid.getCellID(pos_slave);
/// loop over all the neighboring cells of the current cell
for (auto && neighbor_cell : master_cell_id.neighbors()) {
/// loop over the data of neighboring cells from master grid
for (auto && master_node : master_grid.getCell(neighbor_cell)) {
/// check for self contact
if (slave_node == master_node) {
bool is_valid = true;
auto && elements = this->mesh.getAssociatedElements(slave_node);
for (const auto & elem : elements) {
if (elem.kind() != _ek_regular) {
const auto & connectivity = this->mesh.getConnectivity(elem);
auto node_iter =
std::find(connectivity.begin(), connectivity.end(), master_node);
if (node_iter != connectivity.end()) {
is_valid = false;
if (not is_valid) {
auto && pos_master = pos_it[master_node];
Real distance = pos_slave.distance(pos_master);
if (distance <= closet_distance) {
closet_master_node = master_node;
closet_distance = distance;
pair_exists = true;
if (pair_exists) {
std::make_pair(slave_node, closet_master_node));
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ContactDetector::createContactElements(
Array<ContactElement> & contact_elements, Array<Real> & gaps,
Array<Real> & normals, Array<Real> & tangents, Array<Real> & projections) {
auto surface_dimension = spatial_dimension - 1;
Real alpha{1.0};
if (detection_type == _implicit) {
alpha = -1.0;
auto gaps_it = gaps.begin();
auto normals_it = normals.begin(spatial_dimension);
auto tangents_it = tangents.begin(spatial_dimension, surface_dimension);
auto projections_it = projections.begin(surface_dimension);
auto pos_it = make_view(positions, spatial_dimension).begin();
for (auto && [slave_node, master_node] : contact_pairs) {
const auto & slave = pos_it[slave_node];
auto && elements = this->mesh.getAssociatedElements(master_node);
auto && gap = gaps_it[slave_node];
auto && normal = normals_it[slave_node];
auto && tangent = tangents_it[slave_node];
auto && projection = projections_it[slave_node];
auto found_element = GeometryUtils::orthogonalProjection(
mesh, positions, slave, elements, gap, projection, normal, tangent,
alpha, this->max_iterations, this->projection_tolerance,
// if a valid projection is not found on the patch of elements
// index is -1 or if not a valid self contact, the contact element
// is not created
if (found_element == ElementNull or
!isValidSelfContact(slave_node, gap, normal)) {
gap = 0.;;;;
// create contact element
contact_elements.push_back(ContactElement(slave_node, found_element));
} // namespace akantu

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