This examples demonstrate some of the principal features of **Akantu**. Each
sub-folder contain concentrate on one particular features.
Common features
This shows how to impose boundary conditions by using the group of elements
defining the boundaries. Boundaries are applied mainly by using functors, some
are predefined in akantu asshown in the sub-example 'predefined_bc'. If this
is not sufficient the user can define it's one functor, example
This examples show some advanced features of the dumpers, to dump extra
fields than the default ones
This example shows how to initialize a parallel computation
This examples show some basic usage of the python interface
Solid Mechanics
This examples shows a dynamic wave propagation in a beam. It uses a central
difference explicit time integration scheme.
This example shows how to use the implicit dynamic solver.
This example shows how to do a static computation
This examples show some usage of the cohesive element in explicit or implicit
and with extrinsic or intrinsic elements
This example shows how to write a custom material outside of **Akantu** and
how to use it
Heat transfer
This example shows how to use the HeatTransferModel
Structural mechanics
This example shows how to use the StructuralMechanicsModel
This examples demonstrate some of the principal features of **Akantu**. Each
sub-folder contain concentrate on one particular features.
Common features
This shows how to impose boundary conditions by using the group of elements
defining the boundaries. Boundaries are applied mainly by using functors, some
are predefined in akantu asshown in the sub-example 'predefined_bc'. If this
is not sufficient the user can define it's one functor, example
This examples show some advanced features of the dumpers, to dump extra
fields than the default ones
This example shows how to initialize a parallel computation
This examples show some basic usage of the python interface
Solid Mechanics
This examples shows a dynamic wave propagation in a beam. It uses a central
difference explicit time integration scheme.
This example shows how to use the implicit dynamic solver.
This example shows how to do a static computation
This examples show some usage of the cohesive element in explicit or implicit
and with extrinsic or intrinsic elements
This example shows how to write a custom material outside of **Akantu** and
how to use it
Heat transfer
This example shows how to use the HeatTransferModel
Structural mechanics
This example shows how to use the StructuralMechanicsModel
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