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* @file
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date Wed Aug 12 13:31:56 2015
* @brief Implementation of ModelSolver
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "model_solver.hh"
#include "dof_manager.hh"
#include "non_linear_solver.hh"
#include "time_step_solver.hh"
#include "mesh.hh"
#if defined(AKANTU_USE_MPI)
#include "mpi_type_wrapper.hh"
#include "dof_manager_default.hh"
#if defined(AKANTU_USE_PETSC)
#include "dof_manager_petsc.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ModelSolver::ModelSolver(Mesh & mesh, const ID & id, UInt memory_id)
: Parsable(_st_model_solver, id), SolverCallback(), parent_id(id),
parent_memory_id(memory_id), mesh(mesh), dof_manager(NULL),
default_solver_id("") {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ModelSolver::~ModelSolver() { delete this->dof_manager; }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::initDOFManager() {
std::pair<Parser::const_section_iterator, Parser::const_section_iterator>
sub_sect = getStaticParser().getSubSections(_st_model_solver);
// default without external solver activated at compilation same as mumps that
// is the historical solver but with only the lumped solver
ID solver_type = "explicit";
#if defined(AKANTU_USE_MUMPS)
solver_type = "mumps";
#elif defined(AKANTU_USE_PETSC)
solver_type = "petsc";
const ParserSection * section = NULL;
Parser::const_section_iterator it;
for (it = sub_sect.first; it != sub_sect.second && section == NULL; ++it) {
if (it->getName() == this->parent_id) {
section = &(*it);
solver_type = section->getOption(solver_type);
if (section) {
this->initDOFManager(*section, solver_type);
} else {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::initDOFManager(const ID & solver_type) {
if (solver_type == "explicit") {
ID id = this->parent_id + ":dof_manager_default";
this->dof_manager = new DOFManagerDefault(mesh, id, this->parent_memory_id);
} else if (solver_type == "petsc") {
#if defined(AKANTU_USE_PETSC)
ID id = this->parent_id + ":dof_manager_petsc";
this->dof_manager = new DOFManagerPETSc(mesh, id, this->parent_memory_id);
"To use PETSc you have to activate it in the compilations options");
} else if (solver_type == "mumps") {
#if defined(AKANTU_USE_MUMPS)
ID id = this->parent_id + ":dof_manager_default";
this->dof_manager = new DOFManagerDefault(mesh, id, this->parent_memory_id);
"To use MUMPS you have to activate it in the compilations options");
} else {
"To use the solver "
<< solver_type
<< " you will have to code it. This is an unknown solver type.");
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T> static T getOptionToType(const std::string & opt_str) {
std::stringstream sstr(opt_str);
T opt;
sstr >> opt;
return opt;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::initDOFManager(const ParserSection & section,
const ID & solver_type) {
std::pair<Parser::const_section_iterator, Parser::const_section_iterator>
sub_sect = section.getSubSections(_st_time_step_solver);
Parser::const_section_iterator it;
for (it = sub_sect.first; it != sub_sect.second; ++it) {
ID solver_id = it->getName();
std::string str = it->getOption();
TimeStepSolverType tss_type =
it->getParameter("type", this->getDefaultSolverType());
ModelSolverOptions tss_options = this->getDefaultSolverOptions(tss_type);
std::pair<Parser::const_section_iterator, Parser::const_section_iterator>
sub_solvers_sect = it->getSubSections(_st_non_linear_solver);
Parser::const_section_iterator sub_it;
UInt nb_non_linear_solver_section =
NonLinearSolverType nls_type = tss_options.non_linear_solver_type;
if (nb_non_linear_solver_section == 1) {
const ParserSection & nls_section = *(sub_solvers_sect.first);
nls_type = getOptionToType<NonLinearSolverType>(nls_section.getName());
} else if (nb_non_linear_solver_section > 0) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("More than one non linear solver are provided for the "
"time step solver "
<< solver_id);
this->getNewSolver(solver_id, tss_type, nls_type);
if (nb_non_linear_solver_section == 1) {
const ParserSection & nls_section = *(sub_solvers_sect.first);
std::pair<Parser::const_section_iterator, Parser::const_section_iterator>
sub_integrator_sect = it->getSubSections(_st_integration_scheme);
for (sub_it = sub_integrator_sect.first;
sub_it != sub_integrator_sect.second; ++sub_it) {
const ParserSection & is_section = *sub_it;
const ID & dof_id = is_section.getName();
IntegrationSchemeType it_type = is_section.getParameter(
"type", tss_options.integration_scheme_type[dof_id]);
IntegrationScheme::SolutionType s_type = is_section.getParameter(
"solution_type", tss_options.solution_type[dof_id]);
this->setIntegrationScheme(solver_id, dof_id, it_type, s_type);
std::map<ID, IntegrationSchemeType>::const_iterator it =
std::map<ID, IntegrationSchemeType>::const_iterator end =
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (!this->hasIntegrationScheme(solver_id, it->first)) {
this->setIntegrationScheme(solver_id, it->first, it->second,
if (section.hasParameter("default_solver")) {
ID default_solver = section.getParameter("default_solver");
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
TimeStepSolver & ModelSolver::getSolver(const ID & solver_id) {
ID tmp_solver_id = solver_id;
if (tmp_solver_id == "")
tmp_solver_id = this->default_solver_id;
TimeStepSolver & tss = this->dof_manager->getTimeStepSolver(tmp_solver_id);
return tss;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const TimeStepSolver & ModelSolver::getSolver(const ID & solver_id) const {
ID tmp_solver_id = solver_id;
if (solver_id == "")
tmp_solver_id = this->default_solver_id;
const TimeStepSolver & tss =
return tss;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
TimeStepSolver & ModelSolver::getTimeStepSolver(const ID & solver_id) {
return this->getSolver(solver_id);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const TimeStepSolver &
ModelSolver::getTimeStepSolver(const ID & solver_id) const {
return this->getSolver(solver_id);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
NonLinearSolver & ModelSolver::getNonLinearSolver(const ID & solver_id) {
return this->getSolver(solver_id).getNonLinearSolver();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const NonLinearSolver &
ModelSolver::getNonLinearSolver(const ID & solver_id) const {
return this->getSolver(solver_id).getNonLinearSolver();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool ModelSolver::hasSolver(const ID & solver_id) const {
ID tmp_solver_id = solver_id;
if (solver_id == "")
tmp_solver_id = this->default_solver_id;
return this->dof_manager->hasTimeStepSolver(tmp_solver_id);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::setDefaultSolver(const ID & solver_id) {
"Cannot set the default solver to a solver that does not exists");
this->default_solver_id = solver_id;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::solveStep(const ID & solver_id) {
TimeStepSolver & tss = this->getSolver(solver_id);
// make one non linear solve
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::getNewSolver(const ID & solver_id,
TimeStepSolverType time_step_solver_type,
NonLinearSolverType non_linear_solver_type) {
if (this->default_solver_id == "") {
this->default_solver_id = solver_id;
if (non_linear_solver_type == _nls_auto) {
switch (time_step_solver_type) {
case _tsst_dynamic:
case _tsst_static:
non_linear_solver_type = _nls_newton_raphson;
case _tsst_dynamic_lumped:
non_linear_solver_type = _nls_lumped;
this->initSolver(time_step_solver_type, non_linear_solver_type);
NonLinearSolver & nls = this->dof_manager->getNewNonLinearSolver(
solver_id, non_linear_solver_type);
this->dof_manager->getNewTimeStepSolver(solver_id, time_step_solver_type,
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Real ModelSolver::getTimeStep(const ID & solver_id) const {
const TimeStepSolver & tss = this->getSolver(solver_id);
return tss.getTimeStep();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::setTimeStep(Real time_step, const ID & solver_id) {
TimeStepSolver & tss = this->getSolver(solver_id);
return tss.setTimeStep(time_step);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::setIntegrationScheme(
const ID & solver_id, const ID & dof_id,
const IntegrationSchemeType & integration_scheme_type,
IntegrationScheme::SolutionType solution_type) {
TimeStepSolver & tss = this->dof_manager->getTimeStepSolver(solver_id);
tss.setIntegrationScheme(dof_id, integration_scheme_type, solution_type);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool ModelSolver::hasDefaultSolver() const {
return (this->default_solver_id != "");
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool ModelSolver::hasIntegrationScheme(const ID & solver_id,
const ID & dof_id) const {
TimeStepSolver & tss = this->dof_manager->getTimeStepSolver(solver_id);
return tss.hasIntegrationScheme(dof_id);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::predictor() {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ModelSolver::corrector() {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
TimeStepSolverType ModelSolver::getDefaultSolverType() const {
return _tsst_dynamic_lumped;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
const TimeStepSolverType & type) const {
ModelSolverOptions options;
options.non_linear_solver_type = _nls_auto;
return options;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void ModelSolver::setIntegrationScheme(
// const ID & solver_id, const ID & dof_id,
// const IntegrationSchemeType & integration_scheme_type) {}
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// template <NewmarkBeta::IntegrationSchemeCorrectorType type>
// void SolidMechanicsModel::solve(Array<Real> &increment, Real block_val,
// bool need_factorize, bool
// has_profile_changed) {
// if(has_profile_changed) {
// this->initJacobianMatrix();
// need_factorize = true;
// }
// updateResidualInternal(); //doesn't do anything for static
// if(need_factorize) {
// Real c = 0.,d = 0.,e = 0.;
// if(method == _static) {
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Solving K inc = r");
// e = 1.;
// } else {
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Solving (c M + d C + e K) inc = r");
// NewmarkBeta * nmb_int = dynamic_cast<NewmarkBeta *>(integrator);
// c = nmb_int->getAccelerationCoefficient<type>(time_step);
// d = nmb_int->getVelocityCoefficient<type>(time_step);
// e = nmb_int->getDisplacementCoefficient<type>(time_step);
// }
// jacobian_matrix->clear();
// // J = c M + d C + e K
// if(stiffness_matrix)
// jacobian_matrix->add(*stiffness_matrix, e);
// if(mass_matrix)
// jacobian_matrix->add(*mass_matrix, c);
// #if !defined(AKANTU_NDEBUG)
// if(mass_matrix && AKANTU_DEBUG_TEST(dblDump))
// mass_matrix->saveMatrix("M.mtx");
// #endif
// if(velocity_damping_matrix)
// jacobian_matrix->add(*velocity_damping_matrix, d);
// jacobian_matrix->applyBoundary(*blocked_dofs, block_val);
// #if !defined(AKANTU_NDEBUG)
// if(AKANTU_DEBUG_TEST(dblDump))
// jacobian_matrix->saveMatrix("J.mtx");
// #endif
// solver->factorize();
// }
// // if (rhs.getSize() != 0)
// // solver->setRHS(rhs);
// // else
// solver->setOperators();
// solver->setRHS(*residual);
// // solve @f[ J \delta w = r @f]
// solver->solve(increment);
// UInt nb_nodes = displacement-> getSize();
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom = displacement->getNbComponent() * nb_nodes;
// bool * blocked_dofs_val = blocked_dofs->storage();
// Real * increment_val =;
// for (UInt j = 0; j < nb_degree_of_freedom;
// ++j,++increment_val, ++blocked_dofs_val) {
// if ((*blocked_dofs_val))
// *increment_val = 0.0;
// }
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// template<SolveConvergenceMethod cmethod, SolveConvergenceCriteria criteria>
// bool SolidMechanicsModel::solveStatic(Real tolerance, UInt max_iteration,
// bool do_not_factorize) {
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Solving Ku = f");
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(stiffness_matrix != NULL,
// "You should first initialize the implicit solver and
// assemble the stiffness matrix by calling
// initImplicit");
// AnalysisMethod analysis_method=method;
// Real error = 0.;
// method=_static;
// bool converged = this->template solveStep<cmethod, criteria>(tolerance,
// error, max_iteration, do_not_factorize);
// method=analysis_method;
// return converged;
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// template<SolveConvergenceMethod cmethod, SolveConvergenceCriteria criteria>
// bool SolidMechanicsModel::solveStep(Real tolerance,
// UInt max_iteration) {
// Real error = 0.;
// return this->template solveStep<cmethod,criteria>(tolerance,
// error,
// max_iteration);
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// template<SolveConvergenceMethod cmethod, SolveConvergenceCriteria criteria>
// bool SolidMechanicsModel::solveStep(Real tolerance, Real & error, UInt
// max_iteration,
// bool do_not_factorize) {
// EventManager::sendEvent(SolidMechanicsModelEvent::BeforeSolveStepEvent(method));
// this->implicitPred();
// this->updateResidual();
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(stiffness_matrix != NULL,
// "You should first initialize the implicit solver and
// assemble the stiffness matrix");
// bool need_factorize = !do_not_factorize;
// if (method==_implicit_dynamic) {
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(mass_matrix != NULL,
// "You should first initialize the implicit solver and
// assemble the mass matrix");
// }
// switch (cmethod) {
// case _scm_newton_raphson_tangent:
// case _scm_newton_raphson_tangent_not_computed:
// break;
// case _scm_newton_raphson_tangent_modified:
// this->assembleStiffnessMatrix();
// break;
// default:
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ERROR("The resolution method " << cmethod << " has not been
// implemented!");
// }
// this->n_iter = 0;
// bool converged = false;
// error = 0.;
// if(criteria == _scc_residual) {
// converged = this->testConvergence<criteria> (tolerance, error);
// if(converged) return converged;
// }
// do {
// if (cmethod == _scm_newton_raphson_tangent)
// this->assembleStiffnessMatrix();
// solve<NewmarkBeta::_displacement_corrector> (*increment, 1.,
// need_factorize);
// this->implicitCorr();
// if(criteria == _scc_residual) this->updateResidual();
// converged = this->testConvergence<criteria> (tolerance, error);
// if(criteria == _scc_increment && !converged) this->updateResidual();
// //this->dump();
// this->n_iter++;
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("[" << criteria << "] Convergence iteration "
// << std::setw(std::log10(max_iteration)) << this->n_iter
// << ": error " << error << (converged ? " < " : " > ")
// << tolerance);
// switch (cmethod) {
// case _scm_newton_raphson_tangent:
// need_factorize = true;
// break;
// case _scm_newton_raphson_tangent_not_computed:
// case _scm_newton_raphson_tangent_modified:
// need_factorize = false;
// break;
// default:
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ERROR("The resolution method " << cmethod << " has not
// been implemented!");
// }
// } while (!converged && this->n_iter < max_iteration);
// // this makes sure that you have correct strains and stresses after the
// solveStep function (e.g., for dumping)
// if(criteria == _scc_increment) this->updateResidual();
// if (converged) {
// EventManager::sendEvent(SolidMechanicsModelEvent::AfterSolveStepEvent(method));
// } else if(this->n_iter == max_iteration) {
// AKANTU_DEBUG_WARNING("[" << criteria << "] Convergence not reached after
// "
// << std::setw(std::log10(max_iteration)) <<
// this->n_iter <<
// " iteration" << (this->n_iter == 1 ? "" : "s") <<
// "!" << std::endl);
// }
// return converged;
// }
// void SolidMechanicsModel::updateResidualInternal() {
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Update the residual");
// // f = f_ext - f_int - Ma - Cv = r - Ma - Cv;
// if(method != _static) {
// // f -= Ma
// if(mass_matrix) {
// // if full mass_matrix
// Array<Real> * Ma = new Array<Real>(*acceleration, true, "Ma");
// *Ma *= *mass_matrix;
// /// \todo check unit conversion for implicit dynamics
// // *Ma /= f_m2a
// *residual -= *Ma;
// delete Ma;
// } else if (mass) {
// // else lumped mass
// UInt nb_nodes = acceleration->getSize();
// UInt nb_degree_of_freedom = acceleration->getNbComponent();
// Real * mass_val = mass->storage();
// Real * accel_val = acceleration->storage();
// Real * res_val = residual->storage();
// bool * blocked_dofs_val = blocked_dofs->storage();
// for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_nodes * nb_degree_of_freedom; ++n) {
// if(!(*blocked_dofs_val)) {
// *res_val -= *accel_val * *mass_val /f_m2a;
// }
// blocked_dofs_val++;
// res_val++;
// mass_val++;
// accel_val++;
// }
// } else {
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ERROR("No function called to assemble the mass matrix.");
// }
// // f -= Cv
// if(velocity_damping_matrix) {
// Array<Real> * Cv = new Array<Real>(*velocity);
// *Cv *= *velocity_damping_matrix;
// *residual -= *Cv;
// delete Cv;
// }
// }
// }
// /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// void SolidMechanicsModel::solveLumped(Array<Real> & x,
// const Array<Real> & A,
// const Array<Real> & b,
// const Array<bool> & blocked_dofs,
// Real alpha) {
// Real * A_val =;
// Real * b_val =;
// Real * x_val =;
// bool * blocked_dofs_val =;
// UInt nb_degrees_of_freedom = x.getSize() * x.getNbComponent();
// for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_degrees_of_freedom; ++n) {
// if(!(*blocked_dofs_val)) {
// *x_val = alpha * (*b_val / *A_val);
// }
// x_val++;
// A_val++;
// b_val++;
// blocked_dofs_val++;
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void TimeStepSolverDefault::updateAcceleration() {
// updateResidualInternal();
// if (method == _explicit_lumped_mass) {
// /* residual = residual_{n+1} - M * acceleration_n therefore
// solution = increment acceleration not acceleration */
// solveLumped(*increment_acceleration, *mass, *residual, *blocked_dofs,
// f_m2a);
// } else if (method == _explicit_consistent_mass) {
// solve<NewmarkBeta::_acceleration_corrector>(*increment_acceleration);
// }
// }

Event Timeline