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* @file
* @author Aurelia Cuba Ramos <>
* @author Emil Gallyamov <>
* @brief implementation tools for the analysis of ASR samples
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "asr_tools.hh"
#include "aka_voigthelper.hh"
#include "communicator.hh"
#include "material_FE2.hh"
#include "material_iterative_stiffness_reduction.hh"
#include "non_linear_solver.hh"
#include "solid_mechanics_model.hh"
#include <fstream>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ASRTools::ASRTools(SolidMechanicsModel & model)
: model(model), volume(0.), stress_limit(0), nb_dumps(0),
doubled_facets_ready(false), doubled_nodes_ready(false), node_pairs(0),
disp_stored(0, model.getSpatialDimension()),
ext_force_stored(0, model.getSpatialDimension()),
boun_stored(0, model.getSpatialDimension()),
tensile_homogenization(false) {
// register event handler for asr tools
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
// auto const dim = model.getSpatialDimension();
mesh.registerEventHandler(*this, _ehp_lowest);
if (mesh.hasMeshFacets())
mesh.getMeshFacets().registerEventHandler(*this, _ehp_lowest);
// resize the array of tuples
// TODO make it dependent on number of gel sites
/// find four corner nodes of the RVE
// /// resize stress limit according to the dimension size
// switch (dim) {
// case 2: {
// stress_limit.resize(VoigtHelper<2>::size * VoigtHelper<2>::size);
// break;
// }
// case 3: {
// stress_limit.resize(VoigtHelper<3>::size * VoigtHelper<3>::size);
// break;
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::computeModelVolume() {
auto const dim = model.getSpatialDimension();
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
auto & fem = model.getFEEngine("SolidMechanicsFEEngine");
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
this->volume = 0;
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_not_defined)) {
Array<Real> Volume(mesh.getNbElement(element_type) *
1, 1.);
this->volume += fem.integrate(Volume, element_type);
// auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
// std::cout << "starting reduction";
// comm.allReduce(this->volume, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
// std::cout << " ending reduction" << std::endl;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::applyFreeExpansionBC() {
/// boundary conditions
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const Vector<Real> & lowerBounds = mesh.getLowerBounds();
const Vector<Real> & upperBounds = mesh.getUpperBounds();
const UInt dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const Array<Real> & pos = mesh.getNodes();
Array<Real> & disp = model.getDisplacement();
Array<bool> & boun = model.getBlockedDOFs();
/// accessing bounds
Real bottom = lowerBounds(1);
Real left = lowerBounds(0);
Real top = upperBounds(1);
Real eps = std::abs((top - bottom) * 1e-6);
switch (dim) {
case 2: {
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if (std::abs(pos(i, 1) - bottom) < eps) {
boun(i, 1) = true;
disp(i, 1) = 0.0;
if (std::abs(pos(i, 0) - left) < eps) {
boun(i, 0) = true;
disp(i, 0) = 0.0;
case 3: {
/// accessing bounds
Real back = lowerBounds(2);
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if (std::abs(pos(i, 1) - bottom) < eps) {
boun(i, 1) = true;
disp(i, 1) = 0.0;
if ((std::abs(pos(i, 0) - left) < eps) &&
(std::abs(pos(i, 2) - back) < eps)) {
boun(i, 0) = true;
boun(i, 2) = true;
disp(i, 0) = 0.0;
disp(i, 2) = 0.0;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::applyLoadedBC(const Vector<Real> & traction,
const ID & element_group, bool multi_axial) {
/// boundary conditions
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const UInt dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const Vector<Real> & lowerBounds = mesh.getLowerBounds();
const Vector<Real> & upperBounds = mesh.getUpperBounds();
Real bottom = lowerBounds(1);
Real left = lowerBounds(0);
Real top = upperBounds(1);
Real eps = std::abs((top - bottom) * 1e-6);
const Array<Real> & pos = mesh.getNodes();
Array<Real> & disp = model.getDisplacement();
Array<bool> & boun = model.getBlockedDOFs();
switch (dim) {
case 2: {
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if (std::abs(pos(i, 1) - bottom) < eps) {
boun(i, 1) = true;
disp(i, 1) = 0.0;
if ((std::abs(pos(i, 1) - bottom) < eps) &&
(std::abs(pos(i, 0) - left) < eps)) {
boun(i, 0) = true;
disp(i, 0) = 0.0;
if (multi_axial && (std::abs(pos(i, 0) - left) < eps)) {
boun(i, 0) = true;
disp(i, 0) = 0.0;
case 3: {
Real back = lowerBounds(2);
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if ((std::abs(pos(i, 1) - bottom) < eps) &&
(std::abs(pos(i, 0) - left) < eps) &&
(std::abs(pos(i, 2) - back) < eps)) {
boun(i, 0) = true;
boun(i, 1) = true;
boun(i, 2) = true;
disp(i, 0) = 0.0;
disp(i, 1) = 0.0;
disp(i, 2) = 0.0;
if (std::abs(pos(i, 1) - bottom) < eps) {
boun(i, 1) = true;
disp(i, 1) = 0.0;
if (multi_axial && (std::abs(pos(i, 2) - back) < eps)) {
boun(i, 2) = true;
disp(i, 2) = 0.0;
if (multi_axial && (std::abs(pos(i, 0) - left) < eps)) {
boun(i, 0) = true;
disp(i, 0) = 0.0;
// try {
model.applyBC(BC::Neumann::FromTraction(traction), element_group);
// } catch (...) {
// }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::fillNodeGroup(NodeGroup & node_group, bool multi_axial) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const Vector<Real> & upperBounds = mesh.getUpperBounds();
const Vector<Real> & lowerBounds = mesh.getLowerBounds();
Real top = upperBounds(1);
Real right = upperBounds(0);
Real bottom = lowerBounds(1);
Real front;
if (dim == 3)
front = upperBounds(2);
Real eps = std::abs((top - bottom) * 1e-6);
const Array<Real> & pos = mesh.getNodes();
if (multi_axial) {
/// fill the NodeGroup with the nodes on the left, bottom and back
/// surface
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if (std::abs(pos(i, 0) - right) < eps)
if (std::abs(pos(i, 1) - top) < eps)
if (std::abs(pos(i, 2) - front) < eps)
/// fill the NodeGroup with the nodes on the bottom surface
else {
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if (std::abs(pos(i, 1) - top) < eps)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real ASRTools::computeAverageDisplacement(SpatialDirection direction) {
Real av_displ = 0;
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const Vector<Real> & upperBounds = mesh.getUpperBounds();
const Vector<Real> & lowerBounds = mesh.getLowerBounds();
Real right = upperBounds(0);
Real left = lowerBounds(0);
Real top = upperBounds(1);
Real front;
if (dim == 3)
front = upperBounds(2);
Real eps = std::abs((right - left) * 1e-6);
const Array<Real> & pos = mesh.getNodes();
const Array<Real> & disp = model.getDisplacement();
UInt nb_nodes = 0;
if (direction == _x) {
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if (std::abs(pos(i, 0) - right) < eps && mesh.isLocalOrMasterNode(i)) {
av_displ += disp(i, 0);
else if (direction == _y) {
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if (std::abs(pos(i, 1) - top) < eps && mesh.isLocalOrMasterNode(i)) {
av_displ += disp(i, 1);
else if ((direction == _z) && (model.getSpatialDimension() == 3)) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(model.getSpatialDimension() == 3,
"no z-direction in 2D problem");
for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.getNbNodes(); ++i) {
if (std::abs(pos(i, 2) - front) < eps && mesh.isLocalOrMasterNode(i)) {
av_displ += disp(i, 2);
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The parameter for the testing direction is wrong!!!");
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
comm.allReduce(av_displ, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
comm.allReduce(nb_nodes, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
return av_displ / nb_nodes;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real ASRTools::computeVolumetricExpansion(SpatialDirection direction) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
UInt tensor_component = 0;
if (dim == 2) {
if (direction == _x)
tensor_component = 0;
else if (direction == _y)
tensor_component = 3;
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The parameter for the testing direction is wrong!!!");
else if (dim == 3) {
if (direction == _x)
tensor_component = 0;
else if (direction == _y)
tensor_component = 4;
else if (direction == _z)
tensor_component = 8;
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("The parameter for the testing direction is wrong!!!");
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("This example does not work for 1D!!!");
Real gradu_tot = 0;
Real tot_volume = 0;
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_not_defined)) {
const FEEngine & fe_engine = model.getFEEngine();
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
const ElementTypeMapUInt & element_filter_map =
if (!element_filter_map.exists(element_type, gt))
const Array<UInt> & elem_filter =
if (!elem_filter.size())
// const Array<Real> & gradu_vec =
// model.getMaterial(m).getGradU(element_type);
Array<Real> gradu_vec(elem_filter.size() *
dim * dim, 0.);
fe_engine.gradientOnIntegrationPoints(model.getDisplacement(), gradu_vec,
dim, element_type, gt, elem_filter);
Array<Real> int_gradu_vec(elem_filter.size(), dim * dim, "int_of_gradu");
fe_engine.integrate(gradu_vec, int_gradu_vec, dim * dim, element_type,
_not_ghost, elem_filter);
for (UInt k = 0; k < elem_filter.size(); ++k) {
gradu_tot += int_gradu_vec(k, tensor_component);
Array<Real> Volume(mesh.getNbElement(element_type) *
1, 1.);
Real int_volume = fe_engine.integrate(Volume, element_type);
tot_volume += int_volume;
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
comm.allReduce(gradu_tot, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
comm.allReduce(tot_volume, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
return gradu_tot / tot_volume;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real ASRTools::computeDamagedVolume(const ID & mat_name) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
Real total_damage = 0;
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
const Material & mat = model.getMaterial(mat_name);
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_not_defined)) {
const FEEngine & fe_engine = model.getFEEngine();
const ElementTypeMapUInt & element_filter_map = mat.getElementFilter();
if (!element_filter_map.exists(element_type, gt))
const Array<UInt> & elem_filter = mat.getElementFilter(element_type);
if (!elem_filter.size())
const Array<Real> & damage = mat.getInternal<Real>("damage")(element_type);
total_damage += fe_engine.integrate(damage, element_type, gt, elem_filter);
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
comm.allReduce(total_damage, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
return total_damage;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::computeStiffnessReduction(std::ofstream & file_output, Real time,
bool tension) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dim != 1, "Example does not work for 1D");
/// variables for parallel execution
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
auto prank = comm.whoAmI();
/// save nodal values before test
if (dim == 2) {
Real int_residual_x = performLoadingTest(_x, tension);
Real int_residual_y = performLoadingTest(_y, tension);
if (prank == 0)
file_output << time << "," << int_residual_x << "," << int_residual_y
<< std::endl;
else {
Real int_residual_x = performLoadingTest(_x, tension);
Real int_residual_y = performLoadingTest(_y, tension);
Real int_residual_z = performLoadingTest(_z, tension);
if (prank == 0)
file_output << time << "," << int_residual_x << "," << int_residual_y
<< "," << int_residual_z << std::endl;
/// return the nodal values
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::computeStiffnessReductionFe2Material(std::ofstream & file_output,
Real time, bool tension) {
/// variables for parallel execution
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
auto prank = comm.whoAmI();
/// access the FE2 material and enable usage of homogenized stiffness
const UInt dim = 2;
MaterialFE2<dim> & mat =
dynamic_cast<MaterialFE2<dim> &>(model.getMaterial("FE2_mat"));
/// save nodal values before test
if (dim == 2) {
Real int_residual_x = performLoadingTest(_x, tension);
Real int_residual_y = performLoadingTest(_y, tension);
if (prank == 0)
file_output << time << "," << int_residual_x << "," << int_residual_y
<< std::endl;
else {
Real int_residual_x = performLoadingTest(_x, tension);
Real int_residual_y = performLoadingTest(_y, tension);
Real int_residual_z = performLoadingTest(_z, tension);
if (prank == 0)
file_output << time << "," << int_residual_x << "," << int_residual_y
<< "," << int_residual_z << std::endl;
/// return the nodal values
/// disable usage of homogenized stiffness
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::storeNodalFields() {
auto & disp = this->model.getDisplacement();
auto & boun = this->model.getBlockedDOFs();
auto & ext_force = this->model.getExternalForce();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::restoreNodalFields() {
auto & disp = this->model.getDisplacement();
auto & boun = this->model.getBlockedDOFs();
auto & ext_force = this->model.getExternalForce();
/// update grad_u
// model.assembleInternalForces();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::resetNodalFields() {
auto & disp = this->model.getDisplacement();
auto & boun = this->model.getBlockedDOFs();
auto & ext_force = this->model.getExternalForce();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::restoreInternalFields() {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::resetInternalFields() {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::storeDamageField() {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
if (mat.isInternal<Real>("damage_stored", _ek_regular) &&
mat.isInternal<UInt>("reduction_step_stored", _ek_regular)) {
for (auto & el_type : mat.getElementFilter().elementTypes(
_all_dimensions, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
auto & red_stored =
mat.getInternal<UInt>("reduction_step_stored")(el_type, _not_ghost);
auto & red_current =
mat.getInternal<UInt>("reduction_step")(el_type, _not_ghost);
auto & dam_stored =
mat.getInternal<Real>("damage_stored")(el_type, _not_ghost);
auto & dam_current =
mat.getInternal<Real>("damage")(el_type, _not_ghost);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::restoreDamageField() {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
if (mat.isInternal<Real>("damage_stored", _ek_regular) &&
mat.isInternal<UInt>("reduction_step_stored", _ek_regular)) {
for (auto & el_type : mat.getElementFilter().elementTypes(
_all_dimensions, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
auto & red_stored =
mat.getInternal<UInt>("reduction_step_stored")(el_type, _not_ghost);
auto & red_current =
mat.getInternal<UInt>("reduction_step")(el_type, _not_ghost);
auto & dam_stored =
mat.getInternal<Real>("damage_stored")(el_type, _not_ghost);
auto & dam_current =
mat.getInternal<Real>("damage")(el_type, _not_ghost);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real ASRTools::performLoadingTest(SpatialDirection direction, bool tension) {
UInt dir;
if (direction == _x)
dir = 0;
if (direction == _y)
dir = 1;
if (direction == _z) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(model.getSpatialDimension() == 3,
"Error in problem dimension!!!");
dir = 2;
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
/// boundary conditions
const Vector<Real> & lowerBounds = mesh.getLowerBounds();
const Vector<Real> & upperBounds = mesh.getUpperBounds();
Real bottom = lowerBounds(1);
Real top = upperBounds(1);
Real left = lowerBounds(0);
Real back;
if (dim == 3)
back = lowerBounds(2);
Real eps = std::abs((top - bottom) * 1e-6);
const auto & pos = mesh.getNodes();
auto & disp = model.getDisplacement();
auto & boun = model.getBlockedDOFs();
auto & ext_force = model.getExternalForce();
UInt nb_nodes = mesh.getNbNodes();
if (dim == 3) {
for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_nodes; ++i) {
/// fix one corner node to avoid sliding
if ((std::abs(pos(i, 1) - bottom) < eps) &&
(std::abs(pos(i, 0) - left) < eps) &&
(std::abs(pos(i, 2) - back) < eps)) {
boun(i, 0) = true;
boun(i, 1) = true;
boun(i, 2) = true;
disp(i, 0) = 0.0;
disp(i, 1) = 0.0;
disp(i, 2) = 0.0;
if ((std::abs(pos(i, dir) - lowerBounds(dir)) < eps)) {
boun(i, dir) = true;
disp(i, dir) = 0.0;
if ((std::abs(pos(i, dir) - upperBounds(dir)) < eps)) {
boun(i, dir) = true;
disp(i, dir) = (2 * tension - 1) * 1.e-1;
} else {
for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_nodes; ++i) {
/// fix one corner node to avoid sliding
if ((std::abs(pos(i, 1) - bottom) < eps) &&
(std::abs(pos(i, 0) - left) < eps)) {
boun(i, 0) = true;
boun(i, 1) = true;
disp(i, 0) = 0.0;
disp(i, 1) = 0.0;
if ((std::abs(pos(i, dir) - lowerBounds(dir)) < eps)) {
boun(i, dir) = true;
disp(i, dir) = 0.0;
if ((std::abs(pos(i, dir) - upperBounds(dir)) < eps)) {
boun(i, dir) = true;
disp(i, dir) = (2 * tension - 1) * 1.e-1;
try {
} catch (debug::Exception & e) {
auto & solver = model.getNonLinearSolver("static");
int nb_iter = solver.get("nb_iterations");
std::cout << "Didn't converge in " << nb_iter << " iterations."
<< std::endl;
throw e;
/// compute the force (residual in this case) along the edge of the
/// imposed displacement
Real int_residual = 0.;
const Array<Real> & residual = model.getInternalForce();
for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_nodes; ++n) {
if (std::abs(pos(n, dir) - upperBounds(dir)) < eps &&
mesh.isLocalOrMasterNode(n)) {
int_residual += -residual(n, dir);
/// restore historical internal fields
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
comm.allReduce(int_residual, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
return int_residual;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::computeAverageProperties(std::ofstream & file_output) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dim != 1, "Example does not work for 1D");
/// variables for parallel execution
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
auto prank = comm.whoAmI();
Real av_strain_x = computeVolumetricExpansion(_x);
Real av_strain_y = computeVolumetricExpansion(_y);
Real av_displ_x = computeAverageDisplacement(_x);
Real av_displ_y = computeAverageDisplacement(_y);
Real damage_agg = computeDamagedVolume("aggregate");
Real damage_paste = computeDamagedVolume("paste");
if (dim == 2) {
if (prank == 0)
file_output << av_strain_x << " " << av_strain_y << " " << av_displ_x
<< " " << av_displ_y << " " << damage_agg << " "
<< damage_paste << std::endl;
else {
Real av_displ_z = computeAverageDisplacement(_z);
Real av_strain_z = computeVolumetricExpansion(_z);
if (prank == 0)
file_output << av_strain_x << " " << av_strain_y << " " << av_strain_z
<< " " << av_displ_x << " " << av_displ_y << " " << av_displ_z
<< " " << damage_agg << " " << damage_paste << std::endl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::computeAverageProperties(std::ofstream & file_output,
Real time) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dim != 1, "Example does not work for 1D");
/// variables for parallel execution
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
auto prank = comm.whoAmI();
Real av_strain_x = computeVolumetricExpansion(_x);
Real av_strain_y = computeVolumetricExpansion(_y);
Real av_displ_x = computeAverageDisplacement(_x);
Real av_displ_y = computeAverageDisplacement(_y);
Real damage_agg = computeDamagedVolume("aggregate");
Real damage_paste = computeDamagedVolume("paste");
if (dim == 2) {
if (prank == 0)
file_output << time << "," << av_strain_x << "," << av_strain_y << ","
<< av_displ_x << "," << av_displ_y << "," << damage_agg << ","
<< damage_paste << std::endl;
else {
Real av_displ_z = computeAverageDisplacement(_z);
Real av_strain_z = computeVolumetricExpansion(_z);
if (prank == 0)
file_output << time << "," << av_strain_x << "," << av_strain_y << ","
<< av_strain_z << "," << av_displ_x << "," << av_displ_y
<< "," << av_displ_z << "," << damage_agg << ","
<< damage_paste << std::endl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::computeAveragePropertiesFe2Material(std::ofstream & file_output,
Real time) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dim != 1, "Example does not work for 1D");
/// variables for parallel execution
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
auto prank = comm.whoAmI();
Real av_strain_x = computeVolumetricExpansion(_x);
Real av_strain_y = computeVolumetricExpansion(_y);
Real av_displ_x = computeAverageDisplacement(_x);
Real av_displ_y = computeAverageDisplacement(_y);
Real damage_paste = averageScalarField("damage_ratio_paste");
Real damage_agg = averageScalarField("damage_ratio_agg");
if (dim == 2) {
if (prank == 0)
file_output << time << "," << av_strain_x << "," << av_strain_y << ","
<< av_displ_x << "," << av_displ_y << "," << damage_agg << ","
<< damage_paste << std::endl;
else {
Real av_displ_z = computeAverageDisplacement(_z);
Real av_strain_z = computeVolumetricExpansion(_z);
if (prank == 0)
file_output << time << "," << av_strain_x << "," << av_strain_y << ","
<< av_strain_z << "," << av_displ_x << "," << av_displ_y
<< "," << av_displ_z << "," << damage_agg << ","
<< damage_paste << std::endl;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::saveState(UInt current_step) {
/// variables for parallel execution
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
auto prank = comm.whoAmI();
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
/// save the reduction step on each quad
UInt nb_materials = model.getNbMaterials();
/// open the output file
std::stringstream file_stream;
file_stream << "./restart/reduction_steps_file_" << prank << "_"
<< current_step << ".txt";
std::string reduction_steps_file = file_stream.str();
std::ofstream file_output;;
if (!file_output.is_open())
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Could not create the file " + reduction_steps_file +
", does its folder exist?");
for (UInt m = 0; m < nb_materials; ++m) {
const Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
if (mat.getName() == "gel")
/// get the reduction steps internal field
const InternalField<UInt> & reduction_steps =
/// loop over all types in that material
for (auto element_type : reduction_steps.elementTypes(gt)) {
const Array<UInt> & elem_filter = mat.getElementFilter(element_type, gt);
if (!elem_filter.size())
const Array<UInt> & reduction_step_array =
reduction_steps(element_type, gt);
for (UInt i = 0; i < reduction_step_array.size(); ++i) {
file_output << reduction_step_array(i) << std::endl;
if (
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Error in writing data to file " +
/// close the file
/// write the number of the last successfully saved step in a file
if (prank == 0) {
std::string current_step_file = "./restart/current_step.txt";
std::ofstream file_output;;
file_output << current_step << std::endl;
if (
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Error in writing data to file " + current_step_file);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ASRTools::loadState(UInt & current_step) {
current_step = 0;
bool restart = false;
/// variables for parallel execution
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
auto prank = comm.whoAmI();
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
/// proc 0 has to save the current step
if (prank == 0) {
std::string line;
std::string current_step_file = "./restart/current_step.txt";
std::ifstream file_input;;
if (file_input.is_open()) {
std::getline(file_input, line);
std::stringstream sstr(line);
sstr >> current_step;
if (!current_step)
return restart;
if (prank == 0)
std::cout << "....Restarting simulation" << std::endl;
restart = true;
/// save the reduction step on each quad
UInt nb_materials = model.getNbMaterials();
/// open the output file
std::stringstream file_stream;
file_stream << "./restart/reduction_steps_file_" << prank << "_"
<< current_step << ".txt";
std::string reduction_steps_file = file_stream.str();
std::ifstream file_input;;
if (!file_input.is_open())
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Could not open file " + reduction_steps_file);
for (UInt m = 0; m < nb_materials; ++m) {
const Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
if (mat.getName() == "gel")
/// get the material parameters
Real E = mat.getParam("E");
Real max_damage = mat.getParam("max_damage");
Real max_reductions = mat.getParam("max_reductions");
/// get the internal field that need to be set
InternalField<UInt> & reduction_steps =
const_cast<InternalField<UInt> &>(mat.getInternal<UInt>("damage_step"));
InternalField<Real> & Sc =
const_cast<InternalField<Real> &>(mat.getInternal<Real>("Sc"));
InternalField<Real> & damage =
const_cast<InternalField<Real> &>(mat.getInternal<Real>("damage"));
/// loop over all types in that material
Real reduction_constant = mat.getParam("reduction_constant");
for (auto element_type : reduction_steps.elementTypes(gt)) {
const Array<UInt> & elem_filter = mat.getElementFilter(element_type, gt);
if (!elem_filter.size())
Array<UInt> & reduction_step_array = reduction_steps(element_type, gt);
Array<Real> & Sc_array = Sc(element_type, gt);
Array<Real> & damage_array = damage(element_type, gt);
const Array<Real> & D_tangent =
mat.getInternal<Real>("tangent")(element_type, gt);
const Array<Real> & eps_u =
mat.getInternal<Real>("ultimate_strain")(element_type, gt);
std::string line;
for (UInt i = 0; i < reduction_step_array.size(); ++i) {
std::getline(file_input, line);
if (
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Could not read data from file " +
std::stringstream sstr(line);
sstr >> reduction_step_array(i);
if (reduction_step_array(i) == 0)
if (reduction_step_array(i) == max_reductions) {
damage_array(i) = max_damage;
Real previous_damage =
1. -
(1. / std::pow(reduction_constant, reduction_step_array(i) - 1));
Sc_array(i) = eps_u(i) * (1. - previous_damage) * E * D_tangent(i) /
((1. - previous_damage) * E + D_tangent(i));
} else {
damage_array(i) =
1. - (1. / std::pow(reduction_constant, reduction_step_array(i)));
Sc_array(i) = eps_u(i) * (1. - damage_array(i)) * E * D_tangent(i) /
((1. - damage_array(i)) * E + D_tangent(i));
/// close the file
return restart;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real ASRTools::computePhaseVolume(const ID & mat_name) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
Real total_volume = 0;
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
const Material & mat = model.getMaterial(mat_name);
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_regular)) {
const FEEngine & fe_engine = model.getFEEngine();
const ElementTypeMapUInt & element_filter_map = mat.getElementFilter();
if (!element_filter_map.exists(element_type, gt))
const Array<UInt> & elem_filter = mat.getElementFilter(element_type);
if (!elem_filter.size())
Array<Real> volume(elem_filter.size() *
1, 1.);
total_volume += fe_engine.integrate(volume, element_type, gt, elem_filter);
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
comm.allReduce(total_volume, SynchronizerOperation::_sum);
return total_volume;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::applyEigenGradUinCracks(
const Matrix<Real> prescribed_eigen_grad_u, const ID & material_name) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(material_name);
const Real max_damage = mat.getParam("max_damage");
const ElementTypeMapUInt & element_filter = mat.getElementFilter();
for (auto element_type :
element_filter.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_not_defined)) {
if (!element_filter(element_type, gt).size())
const Array<Real> & damage =
mat.getInternal<Real>("damage")(element_type, gt);
const Real * dam_it =;
Array<Real> & eigen_gradu =
mat.getInternal<Real>("eigen_grad_u")(element_type, gt);
Array<Real>::matrix_iterator eigen_it = eigen_gradu.begin(dim, dim);
Array<Real>::matrix_iterator eigen_end = eigen_gradu.end(dim, dim);
for (; eigen_it != eigen_end; ++eigen_it, ++dam_it) {
if (Math::are_float_equal(max_damage, *dam_it)) {
Matrix<Real> & current_eigengradu = *eigen_it;
current_eigengradu = prescribed_eigen_grad_u;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::applyEigenGradUinCracks(
const Matrix<Real> prescribed_eigen_grad_u,
const ElementTypeMapUInt & critical_elements, bool to_add) {
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_not_defined)) {
const Array<UInt> & critical_elements_vec =
critical_elements(element_type, gt);
const Array<UInt> & material_index_vec =
model.getMaterialByElement(element_type, gt);
const Array<UInt> & material_local_numbering_vec =
model.getMaterialLocalNumbering(element_type, gt);
for (UInt e = 0; e < critical_elements_vec.size(); ++e) {
UInt element = critical_elements_vec(e);
Material & material = model.getMaterial(material_index_vec(element));
Array<Real> & eigen_gradu =
material.getInternal<Real>("eigen_grad_u")(element_type, gt);
UInt material_local_num = material_local_numbering_vec(element);
Array<Real>::matrix_iterator eigen_it = eigen_gradu.begin(dim, dim);
eigen_it += material_local_num;
Matrix<Real> & current_eigengradu = *eigen_it;
if (to_add)
current_eigengradu += prescribed_eigen_grad_u;
current_eigengradu = prescribed_eigen_grad_u;
// /*
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */ void ASRTools<dim>::fillCracks(ElementTypeMapReal & saved_damage) {
// const UInt dim = model.getSpatialDimension();
// const Material & mat_gel = model.getMaterial("gel");
// const Real E_gel = mat_gel.getParam("E");
// Real E_homogenized = 0.;
// GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
// const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
// for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
// Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
// if (mat.getName() == "gel")
// continue;
// const Real E = mat.getParam("E");
// InternalField<Real> & damage = mat.getInternal<Real>("damage");
// for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_regular)) {
// const Array<UInt> & elem_filter =
// mat.getElementFilter(element_type, gt); if (!elem_filter.size())
// continue;
// Array<Real> & damage_vec = damage(element_type, gt);
// Array<Real> & saved_damage_vec = saved_damage(element_type, gt);
// for (UInt i = 0; i < damage_vec.size(); ++i) {
// saved_damage_vec(elem_filter(i)) = damage_vec(i);
// E_homogenized = (E_gel - E) * damage_vec(i) + E;
// damage_vec(i) = 1. - (E_homogenized / E);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// /*
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */ void ASRTools<dim>::drainCracks(const ElementTypeMapReal &
// saved_damage) {
// // model.dump();
// const UInt dim = model.getSpatialDimension();
// const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
// GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
// for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
// Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
// if (mat.getName() == "gel")
// continue;
// else {
// InternalField<Real> & damage = mat.getInternal<Real>("damage");
// for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt,
// _ek_not_defined)) {
// const Array<UInt> & elem_filter =
// mat.getElementFilter(element_type, gt);
// if (!elem_filter.size())
// continue;
// Array<Real> & damage_vec = damage(element_type, gt);
// const Array<Real> & saved_damage_vec =
// saved_damage(element_type, gt); for (UInt i = 0; i <
// damage_vec.size(); ++i) {
// damage_vec(i) = saved_damage_vec(elem_filter(i));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // model.dump();
// }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <UInt dim> Real ASRTools::computeSmallestElementSize() {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
// constexpr auto dim = model.getSpatialDimension();
/// compute smallest element size
const Array<Real> & pos = mesh.getNodes();
Real el_h_min = 10000.;
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt)) {
UInt nb_nodes_per_element = mesh.getNbNodesPerElement(element_type);
UInt nb_element = mesh.getNbElement(element_type);
Array<Real> X(0, nb_nodes_per_element * dim);
model.getFEEngine().extractNodalToElementField(mesh, pos, X, element_type,
Array<Real>::matrix_iterator X_el = X.begin(dim, nb_nodes_per_element);
for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_element; ++el, ++X_el) {
Real el_h = model.getFEEngine().getElementInradius(*X_el, element_type);
if (el_h < el_h_min)
el_h_min = el_h;
/// find global Gauss point with highest stress
auto && comm = akantu::Communicator::getWorldCommunicator();
comm.allReduce(el_h_min, SynchronizerOperation::_min);
return el_h_min;
// /*
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// */
// /// apply homogeneous temperature on the whole specimen
// void ASRTools<dim>::applyTemperatureFieldToSolidmechanicsModel(
// const Real & temperature) {
// UInt dim = model.getMesh().getSpatialDimension();
// for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
// Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
// for (auto el_type : mat.getElementFilter().elementTypes(dim)) {
// const auto & filter = mat.getElementFilter()(el_type);
// if (filter.size() == 0)
// continue;
// auto & delta_T = mat.getArray<Real>("delta_T", el_type);
// auto dt = delta_T.begin();
// auto dt_end = delta_T.end();
// for (; dt != dt_end; ++dt) {
// *dt = temperature;
// }
// }
// }
// }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real ASRTools::computeDeltaGelStrainThermal(const Real delta_time_day,
const Real k,
const Real activ_energy,
const Real R, const Real T,
Real & amount_reactive_particles,
const Real saturation_const) {
/// compute increase in gel strain value for interval of time delta_time
/// as temperatures are stored in C, conversion to K is done
Real delta_strain = amount_reactive_particles * k *
std::exp(-activ_energy / (R * (T + 273.15))) *
amount_reactive_particles -= std::exp(-activ_energy / (R * (T + 273.15))) *
delta_time_day / saturation_const;
if (amount_reactive_particles < 0.)
amount_reactive_particles = 0.;
return delta_strain;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Real ASRTools::computeDeltaGelStrainLinear(const Real delta_time,
const Real k) {
/// compute increase in gel strain value for dt simply by deps = k *
/// delta_time
Real delta_strain = k * delta_time;
return delta_strain;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::applyBoundaryConditionsRve(
const Matrix<Real> & displacement_gradient) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
// /// transform into Green strain to exclude rotations
// auto F = displacement_gradient + Matrix<Real>::eye(dim);
// auto E = 0.5 * (F.transpose() * F - Matrix<Real>::eye(dim));
/// get the position of the nodes
const Array<Real> & pos = mesh.getNodes();
/// storage for the coordinates of a given node and the displacement
/// that will be applied
Vector<Real> x(dim);
Vector<Real> appl_disp(dim);
const auto & lower_bounds = mesh.getLowerBounds();
for (auto node : this->corner_nodes) {
x(0) = pos(node, 0);
x(1) = pos(node, 1);
x -= lower_bounds;
appl_disp.mul<false>(displacement_gradient, x);
(model.getBlockedDOFs())(node, 0) = true;
(model.getDisplacement())(node, 0) = appl_disp(0);
(model.getBlockedDOFs())(node, 1) = true;
(model.getDisplacement())(node, 1) = appl_disp(1);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::applyHomogeneousTemperature(const Real & temperature) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
for (auto el_type : mat.getElementFilter().elementTypes(dim)) {
const auto & filter = mat.getElementFilter()(el_type);
if (filter.size() == 0)
auto & deltas_T = mat.getArray<Real>("delta_T", el_type);
for (auto && delta_T : deltas_T) {
delta_T = temperature;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::removeTemperature() {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
for (auto el_type : mat.getElementFilter().elementTypes(dim)) {
const auto & filter = mat.getElementFilter()(el_type);
if (filter.size() == 0)
auto & deltas_T = mat.getArray<Real>("delta_T", el_type);
for (auto && delta_T : deltas_T) {
delta_T = 0.;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::findCornerNodes() {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
// find corner nodes
const auto & position = mesh.getNodes();
const auto & lower_bounds = mesh.getLowerBounds();
const auto & upper_bounds = mesh.getUpperBounds();
switch (dim) {
case 2: {
for (auto && data : enumerate(make_view(position, dim))) {
auto node = std::get<0>(data);
const auto & X = std::get<1>(data);
auto distance = X.distance(lower_bounds);
// node 1
if (Math::are_float_equal(distance, 0)) {
corner_nodes(0) = node;
// node 2
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), upper_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), lower_bounds(_y))) {
corner_nodes(1) = node;
// node 3
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), upper_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), upper_bounds(_y))) {
corner_nodes(2) = node;
// node 4
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), lower_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), upper_bounds(_y))) {
corner_nodes(3) = node;
case 3: {
for (auto && data : enumerate(make_view(position, dim))) {
auto node = std::get<0>(data);
const auto & X = std::get<1>(data);
auto distance = X.distance(lower_bounds);
// node 1
if (Math::are_float_equal(distance, 0)) {
corner_nodes(0) = node;
// node 2
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), upper_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), lower_bounds(_y)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_z), lower_bounds(_z))) {
corner_nodes(1) = node;
// node 3
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), upper_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), upper_bounds(_y)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_z), lower_bounds(_z))) {
corner_nodes(2) = node;
// node 4
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), lower_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), upper_bounds(_y)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_z), lower_bounds(_z))) {
corner_nodes(3) = node;
// node 5
if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), lower_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), lower_bounds(_y)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_z), upper_bounds(_z))) {
corner_nodes(4) = node;
// node 6
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), upper_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), lower_bounds(_y)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_z), upper_bounds(_z))) {
corner_nodes(5) = node;
// node 7
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), upper_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), upper_bounds(_y)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_z), upper_bounds(_z))) {
corner_nodes(6) = node;
// node 8
else if (Math::are_float_equal(X(_x), lower_bounds(_x)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_y), upper_bounds(_y)) &&
Math::are_float_equal(X(_z), upper_bounds(_z))) {
corner_nodes(7) = node;
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dim == 2, "This is 2D only!");
// for (UInt i = 0; i < corner_nodes.size(); ++i) {
// if (corner_nodes(i) == UInt(-1))
// AKANTU_ERROR("The corner node " << i + 1 << " wasn't found");
// }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real ASRTools::averageScalarField(const ID & field_name) {
auto & fem = model.getFEEngine("SolidMechanicsFEEngine");
Real average = 0;
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_not_defined)) {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
const auto & elem_filter =
if (!elem_filter.size())
const auto & scalar_field =
Array<Real> int_scalar_vec(elem_filter.size(), 1, "int_of_scalar");
fem.integrate(scalar_field, int_scalar_vec, 1, element_type, _not_ghost,
for (UInt k = 0; k < elem_filter.size(); ++k)
average += int_scalar_vec(k);
/// compute total model volume
if (!this->volume)
return average / this->volume;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Real ASRTools::averageTensorField(UInt row_index, UInt col_index,
const ID & field_type) {
auto & fem = model.getFEEngine("SolidMechanicsFEEngine");
Real average = 0;
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_not_defined)) {
if (field_type == "stress") {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
const auto & stress_vec = model.getMaterial(m).getStress(element_type);
const auto & elem_filter =
Array<Real> int_stress_vec(elem_filter.size(), dim * dim,
fem.integrate(stress_vec, int_stress_vec, dim * dim, element_type,
_not_ghost, elem_filter);
for (UInt k = 0; k < elem_filter.size(); ++k)
average +=
int_stress_vec(k, row_index * dim + col_index); // 3 is the value
// for the yy (in
// 3D, the value
// is 4)
} else if (field_type == "strain") {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
const auto & gradu_vec = model.getMaterial(m).getGradU(element_type);
const auto & elem_filter =
Array<Real> int_gradu_vec(elem_filter.size(), dim * dim,
fem.integrate(gradu_vec, int_gradu_vec, dim * dim, element_type,
_not_ghost, elem_filter);
for (UInt k = 0; k < elem_filter.size(); ++k)
/// averaging is done only for normal components, so stress and
/// strain are equal
average += 0.5 * (int_gradu_vec(k, row_index * dim + col_index) +
int_gradu_vec(k, col_index * dim + row_index));
} else if (field_type == "eigen_grad_u") {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
const auto & eigen_gradu_vec = model.getMaterial(m).getInternal<Real>(
const auto & elem_filter =
Array<Real> int_eigen_gradu_vec(elem_filter.size(), dim * dim,
fem.integrate(eigen_gradu_vec, int_eigen_gradu_vec, dim * dim,
element_type, _not_ghost, elem_filter);
for (UInt k = 0; k < elem_filter.size(); ++k)
/// averaging is done only for normal components, so stress and
/// strain are equal
average += int_eigen_gradu_vec(k, row_index * dim + col_index);
} else {
AKANTU_ERROR("Averaging not implemented for this field!!!");
/// compute total model volume
if (!this->volume)
return average / this->volume;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::homogenizeStressField(Matrix<Real> & stress) {
stress(0, 0) = averageTensorField(0, 0, "stress");
stress(1, 1) = averageTensorField(1, 1, "stress");
stress(0, 1) = averageTensorField(0, 1, "stress");
stress(1, 0) = averageTensorField(1, 0, "stress");
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::setStiffHomogenDir(Matrix<Real> & stress) {
auto dim = stress.rows();
Vector<Real> eigenvalues(dim);
Real hydrostatic_stress = 0;
UInt denominator = 0;
for (UInt i = 0; i < dim; ++i, ++denominator)
hydrostatic_stress += eigenvalues(i);
hydrostatic_stress /= denominator;
this->tensile_homogenization = (hydrostatic_stress > 0);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::homogenizeStiffness(Matrix<Real> & C_macro, bool tensile_test) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dim == 2, "Is only implemented for 2D!!!");
/// apply three independent loading states to determine C
/// 1. eps_el = (1;0;0) 2. eps_el = (0,1,0) 3. eps_el = (0,0,0.5)
/// clear the eigenstrain (to exclude stresses due to internal pressure)
Matrix<Real> zero_eigengradu(dim, dim, 0.);
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
for (auto element_type : mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_not_defined)) {
auto & prestrain_vect =
const_cast<Array<Real> &>(model.getMaterial("gel").getInternal<Real>(
auto prestrain_it = prestrain_vect.begin(dim, dim);
auto prestrain_end = prestrain_vect.end(dim, dim);
for (; prestrain_it != prestrain_end; ++prestrain_it)
(*prestrain_it) = zero_eigengradu;
/// save nodal values before tests
/// storage for results of 3 different loading states
UInt voigt_size = 1;
switch (dim) {
case 2: {
voigt_size = VoigtHelper<2>::size;
case 3: {
voigt_size = VoigtHelper<3>::size;
Matrix<Real> stresses(voigt_size, voigt_size, 0.);
Matrix<Real> strains(voigt_size, voigt_size, 0.);
Matrix<Real> H(dim, dim, 0.);
/// save the damage state before filling up cracks
// ElementTypeMapReal saved_damage("saved_damage");
// saved_damage.initialize(getFEEngine(), _nb_component = 1,
// _default_value = 0); this->fillCracks(saved_damage);
/// virtual test 1:
H(0, 0) = 0.01 * (2 * tensile_test - 1);
performVirtualTesting(H, stresses, strains, 0);
/// virtual test 2:
H(1, 1) = 0.01 * (2 * tensile_test - 1);
performVirtualTesting(H, stresses, strains, 1);
/// virtual test 3:
H(0, 1) = 0.01;
H(1, 0) = 0.01;
performVirtualTesting(H, stresses, strains, 2);
// /// set up the stress limit at 10% of stresses in undamaged state
// if (first_time) {
// auto && str_lim_mat_it =
// make_view(this->stress_limit, voigt_size, voigt_size).begin();
// *str_lim_mat_it = stresses * 0.1;
// }
// /// compare stresses with the lower limit and update if needed
// auto && str_lim_vec_it = make_view(this->stress_limit,
// voigt_size).begin(); for (UInt i = 0; i != voigt_size; ++i,
// ++str_lim_vec_it) {
// Vector<Real> stress = stresses(i);
// // Vector<Real> stress_lim = stress_limit(i);
// Real stress_norm = stress.norm();
// Real stress_limit_norm = (*str_lim_vec_it).norm();
// if (stress_norm < stress_limit_norm)
// // stresses(i) = *str_lim_vec_it;
// return;
// }
/// drain cracks
// this->drainCracks(saved_damage);
/// compute effective stiffness
Matrix<Real> eps_inverse(voigt_size, voigt_size);
/// Make C matrix symmetric
Matrix<Real> C_direct(voigt_size, voigt_size);
C_direct.mul<false, false>(stresses, eps_inverse);
for (UInt i = 0; i != voigt_size; ++i) {
for (UInt j = 0; j != voigt_size; ++j) {
C_macro(i, j) = 0.5 * (C_direct(i, j) + C_direct(j, i));
C_macro(j, i) = C_macro(i, j);
/// return the nodal values
} // namespace akantu
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::performVirtualTesting(const Matrix<Real> & H,
Matrix<Real> & eff_stresses,
Matrix<Real> & eff_strains,
const UInt test_no) {
auto & disp = model.getDisplacement();
auto & boun = model.getBlockedDOFs();
auto & ext_force = model.getExternalForce();
auto & solver = model.getNonLinearSolver();
solver.set("max_iterations", 50);
solver.set("threshold", 1e-6);
solver.set("convergence_type", SolveConvergenceCriteria::_solution);
/// get average stress and strain
eff_stresses(0, test_no) = averageTensorField(0, 0, "stress");
eff_strains(0, test_no) = averageTensorField(0, 0, "strain");
eff_stresses(1, test_no) = averageTensorField(1, 1, "stress");
eff_strains(1, test_no) = averageTensorField(1, 1, "strain");
eff_stresses(2, test_no) = averageTensorField(1, 0, "stress");
eff_strains(2, test_no) = 2. * averageTensorField(1, 0, "strain");
/// restore historical internal fields
/* --------------------------------------------------- */
void ASRTools::homogenizeEigenGradU(Matrix<Real> & eigen_gradu_macro) {
eigen_gradu_macro(0, 0) = averageTensorField(0, 0, "eigen_grad_u");
eigen_gradu_macro(1, 1) = averageTensorField(1, 1, "eigen_grad_u");
eigen_gradu_macro(0, 1) = averageTensorField(0, 1, "eigen_grad_u");
eigen_gradu_macro(1, 0) = averageTensorField(1, 0, "eigen_grad_u");
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::fillCracks(ElementTypeMapReal & saved_damage) {
const auto & mat_gel = model.getMaterial("gel");
Real E_gel = mat_gel.get("E");
Real E_homogenized = 0.;
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
if (mat.getName() == "gel" || mat.getName() == "FE2_mat")
Real E = mat.get("E");
auto & damage = mat.getInternal<Real>("damage");
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
for (auto && type : damage.elementTypes(gt)) {
const auto & elem_filter = mat.getElementFilter(type);
auto nb_integration_point =
auto sav_dam_it =
make_view(saved_damage(type), nb_integration_point).begin();
for (auto && data :
zip(elem_filter, make_view(damage(type), nb_integration_point))) {
auto el = std::get<0>(data);
auto & dam = std::get<1>(data);
Vector<Real> sav_dam = sav_dam_it[el];
sav_dam = dam;
for (auto q : arange(dam.size())) {
E_homogenized = (E_gel - E) * dam(q) + E;
dam(q) = 1. - (E_homogenized / E);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::drainCracks(const ElementTypeMapReal & saved_damage) {
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
if (mat.getName() == "gel" || mat.getName() == "FE2_mat")
auto & damage = mat.getInternal<Real>("damage");
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
for (auto && type : damage.elementTypes(gt)) {
const auto & elem_filter = mat.getElementFilter(type);
auto nb_integration_point =
auto sav_dam_it =
make_view(saved_damage(type), nb_integration_point).begin();
for (auto && data :
zip(elem_filter, make_view(damage(type), nb_integration_point))) {
auto el = std::get<0>(data);
auto & dam = std::get<1>(data);
Vector<Real> sav_dam = sav_dam_it[el];
dam = sav_dam;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::computeDamageRatio(Real & damage_ratio) {
damage_ratio = 0.;
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
for (UInt m = 0; m < model.getNbMaterials(); ++m) {
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(m);
if (mat.getName() == "gel" || mat.getName() == "FE2_mat")
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
const ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> & filter_map = mat.getElementFilter();
// Loop over the boundary element types
for (auto & element_type : filter_map.elementTypes(dim, gt)) {
const Array<UInt> & filter = filter_map(element_type);
if (!filter_map.exists(element_type, gt))
if (filter.size() == 0)
const FEEngine & fe_engine = model.getFEEngine();
auto & damage_array = mat.getInternal<Real>("damage")(element_type);
damage_ratio +=
fe_engine.integrate(damage_array, element_type, gt, filter);
/// compute total model volume
if (!this->volume)
damage_ratio /= this->volume;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::computeDamageRatioPerMaterial(Real & damage_ratio,
const ID & material_name) {
const auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
const auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
Material & mat = model.getMaterial(material_name);
const ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> & filter_map = mat.getElementFilter();
const FEEngine & fe_engine = model.getFEEngine();
damage_ratio = 0.;
Real mat_volume = 0.;
// Loop over the boundary element types
for (auto & element_type : filter_map.elementTypes(dim, gt)) {
const Array<UInt> & filter = filter_map(element_type);
if (!filter_map.exists(element_type, gt))
if (filter.size() == 0)
auto & damage_array = mat.getInternal<Real>("damage")(element_type);
damage_ratio += fe_engine.integrate(damage_array, element_type, gt, filter);
Array<Real> volume(
filter.size() * fe_engine.getNbIntegrationPoints(element_type), 1, 1.);
mat_volume += fe_engine.integrate(volume, element_type, gt, filter);
damage_ratio /= mat_volume;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void ASRTools::dumpRve() {
// if (this->nb_dumps % 10 == 0) {
// }
// this->nb_dumps += 1;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::applyBodyForce() {
auto spatial_dimension = model.getSpatialDimension();
auto & mass = model.getMass();
auto & force = model.getExternalForce();
Vector<Real> gravity(spatial_dimension);
gravity(1) = -9.81;
for (auto && data : zip(make_view(mass, spatial_dimension),
make_view(force, spatial_dimension))) {
const auto & mass_vec = (std::get<0>(data));
auto & force_vec = (std::get<1>(data));
force_vec += gravity * mass_vec;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::insertCohElemByCoord(const Vector<Real> & position) {
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const auto gt = _not_ghost;
// insert cohesive elements
auto & coh_model = dynamic_cast<SolidMechanicsModelCohesive &>(model);
auto & inserter = coh_model.getElementInserter();
auto & insertion = inserter.getInsertionFacetsByElement();
auto & mesh_facets = inserter.getMeshFacets();
Vector<Real> bary_facet(dim);
Real min_dist = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
Element source_facet;
[&](auto && facet) {
mesh_facets.getBarycenter(facet, bary_facet);
auto dist = bary_facet.distance(position);
if (dist < min_dist) {
min_dist = dist;
source_facet = facet;
_spatial_dimension = dim - 1);
inserter.getCheckFacets(source_facet.type, gt)(source_facet.element) = false;
insertion(source_facet) = true;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::insertCohElemByLimits(const Matrix<Real> & insertion_limits,
std::string coh_mat_name) {
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
auto pos_it = make_view(mesh.getNodes(), dim).begin();
// insert cohesive elements
auto & coh_model = dynamic_cast<SolidMechanicsModelCohesive &>(model);
auto & inserter = coh_model.getElementInserter();
auto & insertion = inserter.getInsertionFacetsByElement();
auto & mesh_facets = inserter.getMeshFacets();
auto coh_material = model.getMaterialIndex(coh_mat_name);
auto tolerance = Math::getTolerance();
Vector<Real> bary_facet(dim);
[&](auto && facet) {
mesh_facets.getBarycenter(facet, bary_facet);
UInt coord_in_limit = 0;
while (coord_in_limit < dim and
bary_facet(coord_in_limit) >
(insertion_limits(coord_in_limit, 0) - tolerance) and
bary_facet(coord_in_limit) <
(insertion_limits(coord_in_limit, 1) + tolerance))
if (coord_in_limit == dim) {
coh_model.getFacetMaterial(facet.type, facet.ghost_type)(
facet.element) = coh_material;
inserter.getCheckFacets(facet.type, facet.ghost_type)(facet.element) =
insertion(facet) = true;
_spatial_dimension = dim - 1);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::insertCohElemRandomly(const UInt & nb_coh_elem,
std::string coh_mat_name,
std::string matrix_mat_name) {
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
auto & coh_model = dynamic_cast<SolidMechanicsModelCohesive &>(model);
// get element types
const GhostType gt = _not_ghost;
auto type = *mesh.elementTypes(dim, gt, _ek_regular).begin();
auto type_facets = Mesh::getFacetType(type);
auto & inserter = coh_model.getElementInserter();
auto & insertion = inserter.getInsertionFacetsByElement();
Vector<Real> bary_facet(dim);
auto coh_material = model.getMaterialIndex(coh_mat_name);
auto & mesh_facets = inserter.getMeshFacets();
auto matrix_material_id = model.getMaterialIndex(matrix_mat_name);
auto & matrix_elements =
mesh_facets.createElementGroup("matrix_facets", dim - 1);
[&](auto && facet) {
mesh_facets.getBarycenter(facet, bary_facet);
auto & facet_material = coh_model.getFacetMaterial(
facet.type, facet.ghost_type)(facet.element);
if (facet_material == matrix_material_id)
_spatial_dimension = dim - 1);
// Will be used to obtain a seed for the random number engine
std::random_device rd;
// Standard mersenne_twister_engine seeded with rd()
std::mt19937 random_generator(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(
0, matrix_elements.getElements(type_facets).size() - 1);
for (auto _[[gnu::unused]] : arange(nb_coh_elem)) {
auto id = dis(random_generator);
Element facet;
facet.type = type_facets;
facet.element = matrix_elements.getElements(type_facets)(id);
facet.ghost_type = gt;
coh_model.getFacetMaterial(facet.type, facet.ghost_type)(facet.element) =
inserter.getCheckFacets(facet.type, facet.ghost_type)(facet.element) =
insertion(facet) = true;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
const Array<Element>
ASRTools::insertCohElOrFacetsByCoord(const Vector<Real> & position,
bool add_neighbors,
bool only_double_facets) {
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const auto gt = _not_ghost;
const auto & pos = mesh.getNodes();
const auto pos_it = make_view(pos, dim).begin();
auto & node_group = mesh.createNodeGroup("doubled_nodes");
// insert cohesive elements
auto & coh_model = dynamic_cast<SolidMechanicsModelCohesive &>(model);
auto & inserter = coh_model.getElementInserter();
auto & insertion = inserter.getInsertionFacetsByElement();
auto & mesh_facets = inserter.getMeshFacets();
Vector<Real> bary_facet(dim);
Real min_dist = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
Element cent_facet;
[&](auto && facet) {
mesh_facets.getBarycenter(facet, bary_facet);
auto dist = std::abs(bary_facet.distance(position));
if (dist < min_dist) {
min_dist = dist;
cent_facet = facet;
_spatial_dimension = dim - 1);
inserter.getCheckFacets(cent_facet.type, gt)(cent_facet.element) = false;
insertion(cent_facet) = true;
Array<Element> facets_added;
if (add_neighbors) {
auto & facet_conn = mesh_facets.getConnectivity(cent_facet.type, gt);
CSR<Element> nodes_to_elements;
MeshUtils::buildNode2Elements(mesh_facets, nodes_to_elements, dim - 1);
// Synchronizer element connected to the nodes of the facet
for (auto node : arange(2)) {
// add corner nodes to the group
node_group.add(facet_conn(cent_facet.element, node));
// add corner node to the tuples
std::get<0>(node_pairs(node)) = facet_conn(cent_facet.element, node);
// vector of the central facet
Vector<Real> cent_facet_dir(pos_it[facet_conn(cent_facet.element, !node)],
cent_facet_dir -=
Vector<Real>(pos_it[facet_conn(cent_facet.element, node)]);
cent_facet_dir /= cent_facet_dir.norm();
Real min_dot = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
Element neighbor;
Vector<Real> neighbor_facet_dir(dim);
for (auto & elem :
nodes_to_elements.getRow(facet_conn(cent_facet.element, node))) {
if (elem.element == cent_facet.element)
if (elem.type != cent_facet.type)
// vector of the neighboring facet
if (facet_conn(elem.element, 0) ==
facet_conn(cent_facet.element, node)) {
neighbor_facet_dir = pos_it[facet_conn(elem.element, 1)];
} else if (facet_conn(elem.element, 1) ==
facet_conn(cent_facet.element, node)) {
neighbor_facet_dir = pos_it[facet_conn(elem.element, 0)];
} else
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Neighboring facet doesn't have node in common with "
"the central one.");
neighbor_facet_dir -=
Vector<Real>(pos_it[facet_conn(cent_facet.element, node)]);
neighbor_facet_dir /= neighbor_facet_dir.norm();
Real dot =;
if (dot < min_dot) {
min_dot = dot;
neighbor = elem;
inserter.getCheckFacets(neighbor.type, gt)(neighbor.element) = false;
insertion(neighbor) = true;
// flag internal facets
auto & doubled_facets = mesh_facets.getData<bool>("doubled_facets");
doubled_facets.initialize(mesh_facets, _spatial_dimension = dim - 1,
_with_nb_element = true, _default_value = false);
for (auto & facet : facets_added) {
Array<bool> & doubled_facets_array =
doubled_facets(facet.type, facet.ghost_type);
doubled_facets_array(facet.element) = true;
// create empty element group with nodes to apply Dirichlet
"doubled_nodes", dim - 1);
return facets_added;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::onElementsAdded(const Array<Element> & elements,
const NewElementsEvent &) {
if (this->doubled_facets_ready)
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
auto & mesh_facets = mesh.getMeshFacets();
auto & doubled_facets = mesh_facets.getData<bool>("doubled_facets");
doubled_facets.initialize(mesh_facets, _spatial_dimension = dim - 1,
_with_nb_element = true, _default_value = false);
for (auto elements_range : akantu::MeshElementsByTypes(elements)) {
auto type = elements_range.getType();
auto ghost_type = elements_range.getGhostType();
if (mesh.getKind(type) != _ek_regular)
if (ghost_type != _not_ghost)
auto & doubled_facets_array =
mesh_facets.getData<bool>("doubled_facets", type, ghost_type);
auto & element_ids = elements_range.getElements();
for (auto && el : element_ids) {
doubled_facets_array(el) = true;
this->doubled_facets_ready = true;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::onNodesAdded(const Array<UInt> & new_nodes,
const NewNodesEvent &) {
if (new_nodes.size() == 0)
if (this->doubled_nodes_ready)
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
auto & node_group = mesh.getNodeGroup("doubled_nodes");
auto pos_it = make_view(mesh.getNodes(), mesh.getSpatialDimension()).begin();
for (auto & node : new_nodes) {
// complete pairs with lower nodes
Vector<Real> lower_coord = pos_it[node];
for (auto & pair : node_pairs) {
Vector<Real> upper_coord = pos_it[std::get<0>(pair)];
if (upper_coord == lower_coord)
std::get<1>(pair) = node;
this->doubled_nodes_ready = true;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::applyDeltaU(Real delta_u) {
// get element group with nodes to apply Dirichlet
auto & crack_facets = model.getMesh().getElementGroup("doubled_nodes");
DeltaU delta_u_bc(model, delta_u, getNodePairs());
model.applyBC(delta_u_bc, crack_facets);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ASRTools::applyGelStrain(const Matrix<Real> & prestrain) {
auto & mesh = model.getMesh();
auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(dim == 2, "This is 2D only!");
/// apply the new eigenstrain
for (auto element_type :
mesh.elementTypes(dim, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
Array<Real> & prestrain_vect =
const_cast<Array<Real> &>(model.getMaterial("gel").getInternal<Real>(
auto prestrain_it = prestrain_vect.begin(dim, dim);
auto prestrain_end = prestrain_vect.end(dim, dim);
for (; prestrain_it != prestrain_end; ++prestrain_it)
(*prestrain_it) = prestrain;
} // namespace akantu

Event Timeline