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Mon, Jul 8, 17:44

""" akantu python module"""
__author__ = "Guillaume Anciaux and Nicolas Richart"
__credits__ = [
"Guillaume Anciaux <>",
"Nicolas Richart <>",
__copyright__ = "Copyright (©) 2018-2021 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale" \
" de Lausanne) Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation" \
" en Mécanique des Solides)"
__license__ = "LGPLv3"
import warnings as _aka_warn
import scipy.sparse as _aka_sparse
import numpy as _aka_np
from . import py11_akantu as _py11_akantu
private_keys = set(dir(_py11_akantu)) - set(dir())
for k in private_keys:
globals()[k] = getattr(_py11_akantu, k)
if _py11_akantu.has_mpi():
from mpi4py import MPI # noqa: F401
except Exception:
def initialize(*args, **kwargs):
raise RuntimeError("No need to call initialize,"
" use parseInput to read an input file")
def finalize(*args, **kwargs):
_aka_warn.warn("No need to call finalize", DeprecationWarning)
class AkantuSparseMatrix (_aka_sparse.coo_matrix):
def __init__(self, aka_sparse):
self.aka_sparse = aka_sparse
matrix_type = self.aka_sparse.getMatrixType()
sz = self.aka_sparse.size()
row = self.aka_sparse.getIRN()[:, 0] - 1
col = self.aka_sparse.getJCN()[:, 0] - 1
data = self.aka_sparse.getA()[:, 0]
row = row.copy()
col = col.copy()
data = data.copy()
if matrix_type == _py11_akantu._symmetric:
non_diags = (row != col)
row_sup = col[non_diags]
col_sup = row[non_diags]
data_sup = data[non_diags]
col = _aka_np.concatenate((col, col_sup))
row = _aka_np.concatenate((row, row_sup))
data = _aka_np.concatenate((data, data_sup))
self, (data, (row, col)), shape=(sz, sz), dtype=data.dtype)
FromStress = _py11_akantu.FromHigherDim
FromTraction = _py11_akantu.FromSameDim
__version__ = _py11_akantu.getVersion()

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