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* Copyright (©) 2020-2023 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* This file is part of Akantu
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
#include "material_drucker_prager.hh"
namespace akantu {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// Deviatoric Stress
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// Yield Stress
template <Int dim>
inline Real
MaterialDruckerPrager<dim>::computeYieldStress(const Matrix<Real> & sigma) {
return this->alpha * sigma.trace() - this->k;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// Yield function
template <Int dim>
inline Real
MaterialDruckerPrager<dim>::computeYieldFunction(const Matrix<Real> & sigma) {
Matrix<Real, dim, dim> sigma_dev = Material::computeDeviatoric<dim>(sigma);
// compute deviatoric invariant J2
auto j2 = (1. / 2.) * sigma_dev.doubleDot(sigma_dev);
auto sigma_dev_eff = std::sqrt(3. * j2);
auto modified_yield_stress = computeYieldStress(sigma);
return sigma_dev_eff + modified_yield_stress;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <Int dim>
template <typename D1, typename D2, typename D3,
aka::enable_if_t<aka::are_vectors_v<D2, D3>> *>
inline void MaterialDruckerPrager<dim>::computeGradientAndPlasticMultplier(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<D1> & sigma_trial, Real & plastic_multiplier_guess,
Eigen::MatrixBase<D2> & gradient_f,
Eigen::MatrixBase<D3> & delta_inelastic_strain, Int max_iterations,
Real tolerance) {
const Int size = voigt_h::size;
// guess stress state at each iteration, initial guess is the trial state
Matrix<Real, dim, dim> sigma_guess(sigma_trial);
// plastic multiplier guess at each iteration, initial guess is zero
plastic_multiplier_guess = 0.;
// gradient of yield surface in voigt notation;
// plastic strain increment at each iteration;
// variation in sigma at each iteration
Vector<Real, size> delta_sigma;
// krocker delta vector in voigt notation
Vector<Real, size> kronecker_delta;
kronecker_delta.template block<dim, 1>(0, 0).fill(1.);
// hessian matrix of yield surface
Matrix<Real, size, size> hessian_f;
// scaling matrix for computing gradient and hessian from voigt notation
Matrix<Real, size, size> scaling_matrix =
Matrix<Real, size, size>::Identity();
scaling_matrix.template block<dim, dim>(0, 0) =
scaling_matrix.template block<dim, dim>(0, 0) * 2;
// elastic stifnness tensor
Matrix<Real, size, size> De;
make_named_tuple("tangent_moduli"_n = De));
// elastic compliance tensor
Matrix<Real, size, size> Ce = De.inverse();
// objective function to be computed
Vector<Real, size> f;;
// yield function value at each iteration
Real yield_function;
// if sigma is above the threshold value
auto above_threshold = [&sigma_guess](Real & k, Real & alpha) {
auto I1 = sigma_guess.trace();
return I1 >= k / alpha;
// to project stress state at origin of yield function if first
// invariant is greater than the threshold
if (above_threshold(k, alpha) and this->alpha > 0) {
auto update_first_obj = [&sigma_guess]() {
auto sigma_dev = Material::computeDeviatoric<dim>(sigma_guess);
auto error = (1. / 2) * sigma_dev.doubleDot(sigma_dev);
return error;
auto update_sec_obj = [&sigma_guess](Real & k, Real & alpha) {
auto error = alpha * sigma_guess.trace() - k;
return error;
auto projection_error = update_first_obj();
while (tolerance < projection_error) {
auto sigma_dev = Material::computeDeviatoric<dim>(sigma_guess);
sigma_guess += -projection_error * sigma_dev.inverse();
projection_error = update_first_obj();
projection_error = update_sec_obj(k, alpha);
while (tolerance < projection_error) {
sigma_guess += -projection_error * 1. / this->alpha *
Matrix<Real, dim, dim>::Identity();
projection_error = update_sec_obj(k, alpha);
auto delta_sigma_final = sigma_trial - sigma_guess;
auto delta_sigma_voigt = voigt_h::matrixToVoigt(delta_sigma_final);
delta_inelastic_strain = Ce * delta_sigma_voigt;
// lambda function to compute gradient of yield surface in voigt notation
auto compute_gradient_f = [&sigma_guess, &scaling_matrix, &kronecker_delta,
&gradient_f](Real & alpha) {
auto sigma_dev = Material::computeDeviatoric<dim>(sigma_guess);
Vector<Real> sigma_dev_voigt = voigt_h::matrixToVoigt(sigma_dev);
// compute deviatoric invariant
auto j2 = (1. / 2.) * sigma_dev.doubleDot(sigma_dev);
gradient_f =
scaling_matrix * sigma_dev_voigt * 3. / (2. * std::sqrt(3. * j2)) +
alpha * kronecker_delta;
// lambda function to compute hessian matrix of yield surface
auto compute_hessian_f = [&sigma_guess, &hessian_f, &scaling_matrix,
&kronecker_delta]() {
const Int size = voigt_h::size;
auto sigma_dev = Material::computeDeviatoric<dim>(sigma_guess);
auto sigma_dev_voigt = voigt_h::matrixToVoigt(sigma_dev);
// compute deviatoric invariant J2
auto j2 = (1. / 2.) * sigma_dev.doubleDot(sigma_dev);
auto temp = scaling_matrix * sigma_dev_voigt;
auto id = -kronecker_delta * kronecker_delta.transpose() / 3. +
Matrix<Real, size, size>::Identity();
hessian_f =
temp * temp.transpose() * -9. / (4. * std::pow(3. * j2, 3. / 2.)) +
+(3. / (2. * std::pow(3. * j2, 1. / 2.))) * scaling_matrix * id;
/* --------------------------- */
/* init before iteration loop */
/* --------------------------- */
auto update_f = [&f, &sigma_guess, &sigma_trial, &plastic_multiplier_guess,
&Ce, &De, &yield_function, &gradient_f,
&compute_gradient_f](Real & k, Real & alpha) {
// compute gradient
// compute yield function
auto sigma_dev = Material::computeDeviatoric<dim>(sigma_guess);
auto j2 = (1. / 2.) * sigma_dev.doubleDot(sigma_dev);
auto sigma_dev_eff = std::sqrt(3. * j2);
auto modified_yield_stress = alpha * sigma_guess.trace() - k;
yield_function = sigma_dev_eff + modified_yield_stress;
// compute increment strain
auto sigma_trial_voigt = voigt_h::matrixToVoigt(sigma_trial);
auto sigma_guess_voigt = voigt_h::matrixToVoigt(sigma_guess);
auto tmp = sigma_trial_voigt - sigma_guess_voigt;
delta_inelastic_strain = Ce * tmp;
// compute objective function
f = De * gradient_f * plastic_multiplier_guess;
f = tmp - f;
// compute error
auto error = std::max(f.norm(), std::abs(yield_function));
return error;
Real alpha_tmp{alpha};
Real k_tmp{k};
if (radial_return_mapping) {
alpha_tmp = 0;
k_tmp = std::abs(alpha * sigma_guess.trace() - k);
auto projection_error = update_f(k_tmp, alpha_tmp);
/* --------------------------- */
/* iteration loop */
/* --------------------------- */
Matrix<Real, size, size> xi;
Matrix<Real, size, size> xi_inv;
Vector<Real, size> tmp;
Vector<Real, size> tmp1;
Matrix<Real, size, size> tmp2;
Int iterations{0};
while (tolerance < projection_error and iterations < max_iterations) {
// compute hessian at previous step
// compute inverse matrix Xi
xi = Ce + plastic_multiplier_guess * hessian_f;
xi_inv = xi.inverse();
tmp = xi_inv * gradient_f;
auto denominator =;
// compute plastic multplier guess
tmp1 = xi_inv * delta_inelastic_strain;
plastic_multiplier_guess =
( + yield_function) / denominator;
// compute delta sigma
tmp2 = xi_inv - tmp * tmp.transpose() / denominator;
delta_sigma =
tmp2 * delta_inelastic_strain - tmp * yield_function / denominator;
// compute sigma_guess
Matrix<Real, dim, dim> delta_sigma_mat;
voigt_h::voigtToMatrix(delta_sigma, delta_sigma_mat);
sigma_guess += delta_sigma_mat;
projection_error = update_f(k_tmp, alpha_tmp);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// Infinitesimal deformations
template <Int dim>
template <class Args>
inline void MaterialDruckerPrager<dim>::computeStressOnQuad(Args && args) {
const auto & grad_u = args["grad_u"_n];
const auto & previous_grad_u = args["previous_grad_u"_n];
const auto & previous_sigma = args["previous_sigma"_n];
const auto & sigma_th = args["sigma_th"_n];
const auto & previous_sigma_th = args["previous_sigma_th"_n];
Real delta_sigma_th = sigma_th - previous_sigma_th;
Matrix<Real> grad_delta_u(grad_u);
grad_delta_u -= previous_grad_u;
// Compute trial stress, sigma_tr
Matrix<Real> sigma_tr(dim, dim);
tuple::make_named_tuple("grad_u"_n = grad_delta_u, "sigma"_n = sigma_tr,
"sigma_th"_n = delta_sigma_th));
sigma_tr += previous_sigma;
bool initial_yielding = (this->computeYieldFunction(sigma_tr) > 0);
// use closet point projection to compute the plastic multiplier and
// gradient and inealstic strain at the surface for the given trial stress
// state
Matrix<Real, dim, dim> delta_inelastic_strain;;
if (initial_yielding) {
constexpr auto size = voigt_h::size;
// plastic multiplier
Real dp{0.};
// gradient of yield surface in voigt notation
Vector<Real, size> gradient_f;
// inelastic strain in voigt notation
Vector<Real, size> delta_inelastic_strain_voigt;
// compute using closet-point projection
this->computeGradientAndPlasticMultplier(sigma_tr, dp, gradient_f,
for (auto i : arange(dim, size)) {
delta_inelastic_strain_voigt[i] /= 2.;
// Compute the increment in inelastic strain
tuple::append(args, "delta_grad_u"_n = grad_delta_u,
"delta_inelastic_strain"_n = delta_inelastic_strain));
} // namespace akantu

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