Akantu: Swiss-Made Open-Source Finite-Element Library
Akantu means a little element in Kinyarwanda, a Bantu language. From now on it is also an open- source object-oriented library which has the ambi- tion to be generic and efficient.
Building Akantu
In order to compile Akantu any compiler supporting fully C++14 should work. In addition some libraries are required:
- CMake (>= 3.5.1)
- Boost (preprocessor and Spirit)
- zlib
- blas/lapack
For the python interface:
- Python (>=3 is recommended)
- pybind11 (if not present the build system will try to download it)
To run parallel simulations:
- Scotch
To use the static or implicit dynamic solvers at least one of the following libraries is needed:
- MUMPS (since this is usually compiled in static you also need MUMPS dependencies)
To compile the tests and examples:
- Gmsh
- google-test (if not present the build system will try to download it)
On .deb based systems
sh > sudo apt install cmake libboost-dev libzlib-dev liblapack3 gmsh # For parallel > sudo apt install mpi-default-dev libmumps-dev # For sequential > sudo apt install libmumps-seq-dev
Configuring and compilation
Akantu is a CMake project, so to configure it, you can follow the usual way:
sh > cd akantu > mkdir build > cd build > ccmake .. [ Set the options that you need ] > make > make install
Using the python interface
You can install `Akantu` using pip:
sh > pip install akantu
You can then import the package in a python script as:
python import akantu
The python API is similar to the C++ one. If you encounter any problem with the python interface, you are welcome to do a merge request or post an issue on GitLab.
Tutorials with the python interface
To help getting started, multiple tutorials using the python interface are available as notebooks with pre-installed version of Akantu on Binder. The following tutorials are currently available: