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\akantu means ``little element'' in Kinyarwanda, a
Bantu language. From now on, it is also an open source
object-oriented \emph{Finite-Element} library with the ambition
to be generic and efficient.
\akantu is developed within the LSMS (Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratory, \url{lsms.}), where research is conducted at the interface of mechanics, material
science, and scientific computing.
The open-source philosophy is important for any
scientific software project evolution. The collaboration
permitted by shared codes enforces sanity when users (and not
only developers) can criticize the implementation details.
\akantu was born with the vision to associate genericity, robustness
and efficiency while benefiting the open-source visibility.\\
Genericity is necessary to allow the easy exploration of mathematical
formulations through algorithmic ideas. Robustness and reliability
is naturally expected from any simulation software, even more
in the context of parallel computations.
In order to achieve these goals, we made noticeable choices in
the architecture of \akantu. First we decided to use the object-oriented
paradigm through C++. Then, in order to prevent extra cost associated
to virtual function calls we designed the library as
a hybrid architecture with objects at high level layers and
vectorization for low level layers. Thus, \akantu benefits from
inheritance and polymorphism mechanisms without the counter
part of having virtual calls within critical loops.
This coding philosophy, which was demonstrated in the past to be highly
efficient, is quite innovative in the field of \textit{Finite-Element} software. \\
This document is appropriate for people willing to use \akantu
in order to perform a finite-element calculation for solid mechanics,
structural mechanics, contact mechanics or heat transfer. The solid mechanics solver,
that is the most complete and functional part of \akantu, is presented in details throughout
this document in a step by step approach.
%If further help should be required
%requests can be addressed to \href{}{}.
% \section{Data structures\label{chap:data-structure}}
% \subsection{Vectors\label{sec:vectors}}
% The Vector class is a template class that can store scalar types as Real, UInt,
% Int or bool. A Vector instance is defined by its size and its number of
% component. It also has an identifier and some extra internal variables for
% memory handling purpose.
% \begin{itemize}
% \item The size is the number of tupels stored in the Vector.
% \item The number of component is the number of values stored for each tuple.
% \end{itemize}
% \begin{figure}[!htb]
% \centering
% \includegraphics{figures/vectors}
% \caption{View of a Vector of size n and c compenents, (a) representation of
% the vector, (b) representation of the storage of the same Vector.}
% \label{fig:vectors}
% \end{figure}
% All the data are linerarized in memory in an array called values. This class
% member is public. So for a Vector of size $n$ and $c$ component, to access the
% $j^{th}$ component of th $i^{th}$ tuple, you have to get $values[i * c +
% j]$. You can also access to this value with accessor \code{at(i, j)} or the
% constant accessor \code{get(i, j)}.
% If you want to store a matrix on each tuple you have to linearize it. For
% exemple if you want to store a m * k matrix on each tuple you must specify c = m
% * k. To access a particular value in a matrix of a tuple you will have to do
% something like $values[ i * m * k + j_i * m + j_j]$.
% \subsubsection{Vector storage convention within FE object\label{sec:FE-convention}}
% The point of this section is to describe the convention of storage for vectors
% intented to be passed to {\bf FE} object methods. Indeed a convention of
% necessary since gradient operators or integrtaion loops will use vectors as
% input and ouput. Such vectors will be ordered with a specific convention that
% we intend to describe now.
% For vector objects, the size of the vector is always the number of nodes
% associated. The number of components is related to the order of the tensor
% considered. For a scalar field it is 1, for a vectorial field, the size of the
% vector is the number of components. For a $m\times n$ matrix field the number of
% components is $m\times n$.
% One common operation is the manipulation of continuum fields at the quadrature
% point positions. Here the size of the vector is $mn\_element \times
% nb\_quad\_points$ and the number of components is related to the stored
% object. For instance the method \verb$interpolateOnQuadraturePoints()$ take a
% nodal field stored in a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) and return a vector($n\_elem
% \times n\_quads$,$dim$).
% Basic gradient operations, like method \verb$gradientOnQuadraturePoints()$, will
% take as input a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) and return a vector($n\_elem \times
% n\_quads$,$dim \times spatial\_dimension$) where spatial dimension is the number
% of dimension in which the domain is embedded.
% In the same way the integration routines expect vector($n\_elem \times
% n\_quads$,$dim$) and will return vector($n\_elem$,$dim$). For non-Gaussian
% integrations, the input by be direction a nodal field. (At present time, only
% gaussian integrators are implemented within akantu).
% Last but not the least is the vectorial assembly process for which accept as
% input vector($n\_elem \times n\_quads \times n\_nodes\_per\_element$,$dim$)
% and will return a vector($n\_nodes$,$dim$) nodal object.\\
% {\bf The general convention is that the number of component shall always be the
% size of the object manipulated at the lowest level. The object could be a
% per-element, of per quadrature point or even per node basis this will also
% apply as shown below. The figures \ref{fig:vector-chain} and
% \ref{fig:interpolate-storage} shows the pattern of the vectors is the case a
% interpolation on quadrature points.}
% \begin{figure}
% \begin{equation}
% \left(
% \begin{array}{c}
% N_1 \\
% \vdots \\
% N_I
% \left\{
% \begin{array}{c}
% a_1 \\
% \vdots \\
% a_{dim} \\
% \end{array}
% \right. \\
% \vdots \\
% N_{nb\_nodes}
% \end{array}
% \right)
% \begin{array}{c}
% \Longrightarrow \\
% interpolate\\
% On\\
% Quadrature\\
% Points\\
% \end{array}
% \left(
% \begin{array}{c}
% E_1 \\
% \vdots \\
% E_e
% \left\{
% \begin{array}{c}
% q_1 \\
% \vdots \\
% \left.
% \begin{array}{c}
% a_1 \\
% \vdots \\
% a_{dim}
% \end{array}
% \right\} q_i \\
% \vdots \\
% q_p \\
% \end{array}
% \right. \\
% \vdots \\
% E_{nb\_elements}
% \end{array}
% \right)
% \end{equation}
% \caption{\label{fig:vector-chain}Pattern of vectors manipulated during
% interpolation on quadrature points. Symbols N (resp. E, q) denotes nodes
% (resp. elements, quadrature points).}
% \end{figure}
% \begin{figure}[!htb]
% \centering
% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{figures/interpolate}
% \caption{Input and output vector of interpolateOnQuadraturePoints. The output
% Vector has nb\_quadrature\_points tuples, the quadrature points are grouped
% by elements (p is the number of quadrature points per element).}
% \label{fig:interpolate-storage}
% \end{figure}

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