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* @file asr_tools.hh
* @author Aurelia Cuba Ramos <>
* @date Tue Jan 16 10:26:53 2014
* @brief tools for the analysis of ASR samples
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <aka_array.hh>
#include <aka_iterators.hh>
#include <boundary_condition_functor.hh>
#include <map>
#include <mesh.hh>
#include <mesh_accessor.hh>
#include <mesh_events.hh>
#include <unordered_set>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "material_cohesive_linear_sequential.hh"
#include "solid_mechanics_model.hh"
#include "solid_mechanics_model_cohesive.hh"
#include "fluid_diffusion_model.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
class NodeGroup;
class SolidMechanicsModel;
} // namespace akantu
namespace akantu {
class ASRTools : public MeshEventHandler {
ASRTools(SolidMechanicsModel & model);
virtual ~ASRTools() = default;
/// This function is used in case of uni-axial boundary conditions:
/// It detects the nodes, on which a traction needs to be applied and stores
/// them in a node group
void fillNodeGroup(NodeGroup & node_group, bool multi_axial = false);
/// compute volumes of each phase
void computePhaseVolumes();
/// compute volume of the model passed to ASRTools (RVE if FE2_mat)
void computeModelVolume();
/// Apply free expansion boundary conditions
void applyFreeExpansionBC();
/// Apply loaded boundary conditions
void applyLoadedBC(const Vector<Real> & traction, const ID & element_group,
bool multi_axial);
/// This function computes the average displacement along one side of the
/// sample,
/// caused by the expansion of gel pockets
Real computeAverageDisplacement(SpatialDirection direction);
/// This function computes a compoment of average volumetric strain tensor,
/// i.e. eps_macro_xx or eps_macro_yy or eps_macro_zz
Real computeVolumetricExpansion(SpatialDirection direction);
/// This function computes the amount of damage in one material phase
Real computeDamagedVolume(const ID & mat_name);
/// This function is used to compute the average stiffness by performing a
/// virtual loading test
Real performLoadingTest(SpatialDirection direction, bool tension);
/// perform tension tests and integrate the internal force on the upper
/// surface
void computeStiffnessReduction(std::ofstream & file_output, Real time,
bool tension = true);
/// just the average properties, NO tension test
void computeAverageProperties(std::ofstream & file_output);
/// Same as the last one but writes a csv with first column having time in
/// days
void computeAverageProperties(std::ofstream & file_output, Real time);
/// computes and writes only displacements and strains
void computeAveragePropertiesCohesiveModel(std::ofstream & file_output,
Real time);
/// Averages strains & displacements + damage ratios in FE2 material
void computeAveragePropertiesFe2Material(std::ofstream & file_output,
Real time);
/// Save the state of the simulation for subsequent restart
void saveState(UInt current_step);
/// Load to previous state of the simulation for restart
bool loadState(UInt & current_step);
/// compute the volume occupied by a given material
Real computePhaseVolume(const ID & mat_name);
/// apply eigenstrain in cracks, that are filled with gel
void applyEigenGradUinCracks(const Matrix<Real> prescribed_eigen_grad_u,
const ID & material_name);
/// apply eigenstrain in the cracks, that advanced in the last step
void applyEigenGradUinCracks(const Matrix<Real> prescribed_eigen_grad_u,
const ElementTypeMapUInt & critical_elements,
bool to_add = false);
/// fill fully cracked elements with gel
void fillCracks(ElementTypeMapReal & saved_damage);
/// drain the gel in fully cracked elements
void drainCracks(const ElementTypeMapReal & saved_damage);
Real computeSmallestElementSize();
// /// apply homogeneous temperature on Solid Mechanics Model
// void applyTemperatureFieldToSolidmechanicsModel(const Real & temperature);
/// compute ASR strain by a sigmoidal rule (Larive, 1998)
void computeASRStrainLarive(const Real & delta_time_day, const Real & T,
Real & ASRStrain, const Real & eps_inf,
const Real & time_ch_ref,
const Real & time_lat_ref, const Real & U_C,
const Real & U_L, const Real & T_ref);
/// compute increase in gel strain within 1 timestep
Real computeDeltaGelStrainThermal(const Real delta_time_day, const Real k,
const Real activ_energy, const Real R,
const Real T,
Real & amount_reactive_particles,
const Real saturation_const);
/// compute linear increase in gel strain
Real computeDeltaGelStrainLinear(const Real delta_time, const Real k);
/// insert multiple blocks of cohesive elements
void insertASRCohesivesRandomly(const UInt & nb_coh_elem,
std::string matrix_mat_name, Real gap_ratio);
/// insert multiple blocks of cohesive elements
void insertASRCohesivesRandomly3D(const UInt & nb_coh_elem,
std::string matrix_mat_name,
Real gap_ratio);
/// insert block of cohesive elements based on the coord of the central
void insertASRCohesivesByCoords(const Matrix<Real> & positions,
Real gap_ratio = 0);
/// communicates crack numbers from not ghosts to ghosts cohesive elements
void communicateCrackNumbers();
/// put flags on all nodes who have a ghost counterpart
void communicateFlagsOnNodes();
/// pick facets by passed coordinates
void pickFacetsByCoord(const Matrix<Real> & positions);
/// pick facets by passed coordinates
void pickFacetsRandomly(UInt nb_insertions, std::string facet_mat_name);
/// pick two neighbors of a central facet in 2D: returns true if success
bool pickFacetNeighborsOld(Element & cent_facet);
/// version working for both 2d and 3d
bool pickFacetNeighbors(Element & cent_facet);
/// optimise doubled facets group, insert facets, and cohesive elements,
/// update connectivities
void insertOppositeFacetsAndCohesives();
/// no cohesive elements in-between neighboring solid elements
void preventCohesiveInsertionInNeighbors();
/// assign crack tags to the clusters
void assignCrackNumbers();
/// change coordinates of central crack nodes to create an artificial gap
void insertGap(const Real gap_ratio);
/// same in 3D
void insertGap3D(const Real gap_ratio);
/// on elements added for asr-tools
void onElementsAdded(const Array<Element> & elements,
const NewElementsEvent & element_event);
void onNodesAdded(const Array<UInt> & new_nodes,
const NewNodesEvent & nodes_event);
/// update the element group in case connectivity changed after cohesive
/// elements insertion
void updateElementGroup(const std::string group_name);
/// works only for the MaterialCohesiveLinearSequential
template <UInt dim> UInt insertSingleCohesiveElementPerModel();
// /// apply self-weight force
// void applyBodyForce();
/// apply delta u on nodes
void applyDeltaU(Real delta_u);
/// apply eigenstrain on gel material
void applyGelStrain(const Matrix<Real> & prestrain);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// RVE part
/// apply boundary contions based on macroscopic deformation gradient
virtual void
applyBoundaryConditionsRve(const Matrix<Real> & displacement_gradient);
/// apply homogeneous temperature field from the macroscale level to the RVEs
virtual void applyHomogeneousTemperature(const Real & temperature);
/// remove temperature from RVE on the end of ASR advancement
virtual void removeTemperature();
/// averages scalar field over the WHOLE!!! volume of a model
Real averageScalarField(const ID & field_name);
/// compute average stress or strain in the model
Real averageTensorField(UInt row_index, UInt col_index,
const ID & field_type);
/// compute effective stiffness of the RVE (in tension by default)
void homogenizeStiffness(Matrix<Real> & C_macro, bool tensile_test = true);
/// compute average eigenstrain
void homogenizeEigenGradU(Matrix<Real> & eigen_gradu_macro);
/// compute damage to the RVE area ratio
void computeDamageRatio(Real & damage);
/// compute damage to material area ratio
void computeDamageRatioPerMaterial(Real & damage_ratio,
const ID & material_name);
/// compute ratio between total crack and RVE volumes
void computeCrackVolume(Real & crack_volume_ratio);
/// compute crack volume to material volume ratio
void computeCrackVolumePerMaterial(Real & crack_volume,
const ID & material_name);
/// dump the RVE
void dumpRve();
/// compute average stress in the RVE
void homogenizeStressField(Matrix<Real> & stress);
/// compute hydrostatic part of the stress and assign homogen direction
void setStiffHomogenDir(Matrix<Real> & stress);
/// storing nodal fields before tests
void storeNodalFields();
/// restoring nodal fields before tests
void restoreNodalFields();
/// resetting nodal fields
void resetNodalFields();
/// restoring internal fields after tests
void restoreInternalFields();
/// resetting internal fields with history
void resetInternalFields();
/// store damage in materials who have damage
void storeDamageField();
/// assign stored values to the current ones
void restoreDamageField();
/// find the corner nodes
void findCornerNodes();
/// perform virtual testing
void performVirtualTesting(const Matrix<Real> & H,
Matrix<Real> & eff_stresses,
Matrix<Real> & eff_strains, const UInt test_no);
/// clear the eigenstrain (to exclude stresses due to internal pressure)
void clearASREigenStrain();
/// store elemental eigenstrain in an array
void storeASREigenStrain(Array<Real> & stored_eig);
/// restore eigenstrain in ASR sites from previously stored values
void restoreASREigenStrain(Array<Real> & stored_eig);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessors
bool isTensileHomogen() { return this->tensile_homogenization; };
/// phase volumes
Real getPhaseVolume(const std::string & material_name) {
if (not this->phase_volumes.size())
return this->phase_volumes.find(material_name)->second;
/// set the value of the insertion flag
AKANTU_SET_MACRO(CohesiveInsertion, cohesive_insertion, bool);
/// get the corner nodes
AKANTU_GET_MACRO(CornerNodes, corner_nodes, const Array<UInt> &);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Members */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
SolidMechanicsModel & model;
// /// 2D hardcoded - no 3D support currently
// using voigt_h = VoigtHelper<2>;
/// volume of the RVE
Real volume;
/// corner nodes 1, 2, 3, 4 (see Leonardo's thesis, page 98)
Array<UInt> corner_nodes;
/// bottom nodes
std::unordered_set<UInt> bottom_nodes;
/// left nodes
std::unordered_set<UInt> left_nodes;
/// dump counter
UInt nb_dumps;
/// flag to activate ASR expansion through cohesive elements
bool cohesive_insertion;
/// booleans for applying delta u
bool doubled_facets_ready;
bool doubled_nodes_ready;
// arrays to store nodal values during virtual tests
Array<Real> disp_stored;
Array<Real> ext_force_stored;
Array<bool> boun_stored;
/// if stiffness homogenization will be done in tension
bool tensile_homogenization{false};
/// phase volumes
std::map<std::string, Real> phase_volumes;
/// array to store flags on nodes position modification
Array<bool> modified_pos;
/// array to store flags on nodes that are synchronized between processors
Array<bool> partition_border_nodes;
/// array to store flags on nodes where ASR elements are inserted
Array<bool> ASR_nodes;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ASR material selector */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class GelMaterialSelector : public MeshDataMaterialSelector<std::string> {
GelMaterialSelector(SolidMechanicsModel & model, std::string gel_material,
const UInt nb_gel_pockets,
std::string aggregate_material = "aggregate",
bool gel_pairs = false)
: MeshDataMaterialSelector<std::string>("physical_names", model),
model(model), gel_material(gel_material),
nb_gel_pockets(nb_gel_pockets), nb_placed_gel_pockets(0),
aggregate_material(aggregate_material), gel_pairs(gel_pairs) {}
void initGelPocket() {
aggregate_material_id = model.getMaterialIndex(aggregate_material);
Mesh & mesh = this->model.getMesh();
UInt dim = model.getSpatialDimension();
// Element el{_triangle_3, 0, _not_ghost};
for (auto el_type : model.getMaterial(aggregate_material)
.elementTypes(dim)) {
const auto & filter =
if (!filter.size() == 0)
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Check the element type for aggregate material");
Element el{el_type, 0, _not_ghost};
UInt nb_element = mesh.getNbElement(el.type, el.ghost_type);
Array<Real> barycenter(nb_element, dim);
for (auto && data : enumerate(make_view(barycenter, dim))) {
el.element = std::get<0>(data);
auto & bary = std::get<1>(data);
mesh.getBarycenter(el, bary);
/// generate the gel pockets
Vector<Real> center(dim);
std::set<int> checked_baries;
while (nb_placed_gel_pockets != nb_gel_pockets) {
/// get a random bary center
UInt bary_id = rand() % nb_element;
if (checked_baries.find(bary_id) != checked_baries.end())
el.element = bary_id;
if (MeshDataMaterialSelector<std::string>::operator()(el) ==
aggregate_material_id) {
nb_placed_gel_pockets += 1;
is_gel_initialized = true;
std::cout << nb_placed_gel_pockets << " gelpockets placed" << std::endl;
void initGelPocketPairs() {
aggregate_material_id = model.getMaterialIndex(aggregate_material);
Mesh & mesh = this->model.getMesh();
auto & mesh_facets = mesh.getMeshFacets();
UInt dim = model.getSpatialDimension();
// Element el{_triangle_3, 0, _not_ghost};
for (auto el_type : model.getMaterial(aggregate_material)
.elementTypes(dim)) {
const auto & filter =
if (!filter.size() == 0)
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Check the element type for aggregate material");
Element el{el_type, 0, _not_ghost};
UInt nb_element = mesh.getNbElement(el.type, el.ghost_type);
Array<Real> barycenter(nb_element, dim);
for (auto && data : enumerate(make_view(barycenter, dim))) {
el.element = std::get<0>(data);
auto & bary = std::get<1>(data);
mesh.getBarycenter(el, bary);
/// generate the gel pockets
Vector<Real> center(dim);
std::set<int> checked_baries;
while (nb_placed_gel_pockets != nb_gel_pockets) {
/// get a random bary center
UInt bary_id = rand() % nb_element;
if (checked_baries.find(bary_id) != checked_baries.end())
el.element = bary_id;
if (MeshDataMaterialSelector<std::string>::operator()(el) ==
aggregate_material_id) {
auto & sub_to_element =
mesh_facets.getSubelementToElement(el.type, el.ghost_type);
auto sub_to_el_it =
const Vector<Element> & subelements_to_element =
bool successful_placement{false};
for (auto & subelement : subelements_to_element) {
auto && connected_elements = mesh_facets.getElementToSubelement(
subelement.type, subelement.ghost_type)(subelement.element);
for (auto & connected_element : connected_elements) {
if (connected_element.element == el.element)
if (MeshDataMaterialSelector<std::string>::operator()(
connected_element) == aggregate_material_id) {
nb_placed_gel_pockets += 1;
successful_placement = true;
if (successful_placement)
is_gel_initialized = true;
std::cout << nb_placed_gel_pockets << " ASR-pocket pairs placed"
<< std::endl;
UInt operator()(const Element & elem) {
if (not is_gel_initialized) {
if (this->gel_pairs) {
} else {
UInt temp_index = MeshDataMaterialSelector<std::string>::operator()(elem);
if (temp_index != aggregate_material_id)
return temp_index;
auto iit = gel_pockets.begin();
auto eit = gel_pockets.end();
if (std::find(iit, eit, elem) != eit) {
return model.getMaterialIndex(gel_material);
return temp_index;
SolidMechanicsModel & model;
std::string gel_material;
std::vector<Element> gel_pockets;
UInt nb_gel_pockets;
UInt nb_placed_gel_pockets;
std::string aggregate_material{"aggregate"};
UInt aggregate_material_id{1};
bool is_gel_initialized{false};
bool gel_pairs{false};
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
using MaterialCohesiveRules = std::map<std::pair<ID, ID>, ID>;
class GelMaterialCohesiveRulesSelector : public MaterialSelector {
GelMaterialCohesiveRulesSelector(SolidMechanicsModelCohesive & model,
const MaterialCohesiveRules & rules,
std::string gel_material,
const UInt nb_gel_pockets,
std::string aggregate_material = "aggregate",
bool gel_pairs = false)
: model(model), mesh_data_id("physical_names"), mesh(model.getMesh()),
mesh_facets(model.getMeshFacets()), dim(model.getSpatialDimension()),
rules(rules), gel_selector(model, gel_material, nb_gel_pockets,
aggregate_material, gel_pairs),
default_cohesive(model) {}
UInt operator()(const Element & element) {
if (mesh_facets.getSpatialDimension(element.type) == (dim - 1)) {
const std::vector<Element> & element_to_subelement =
mesh_facets.getElementToSubelement(element.type, element.ghost_type)(
// Array<bool> & facets_check = model.getFacetsCheck();
const Element & el1 = element_to_subelement[0];
const Element & el2 = element_to_subelement[1];
ID id1 = model.getMaterial(gel_selector(el1)).getName();
ID id2 = id1;
if (el2 != ElementNull) {
id2 = model.getMaterial(gel_selector(el2)).getName();
auto rit = rules.find(std::make_pair(id1, id2));
if (rit == rules.end()) {
rit = rules.find(std::make_pair(id2, id1));
if (rit != rules.end()) {
return model.getMaterialIndex(rit->second);
if (Mesh::getKind(element.type) == _ek_cohesive) {
return default_cohesive(element);
return gel_selector(element);
SolidMechanicsModelCohesive & model;
ID mesh_data_id;
const Mesh & mesh;
const Mesh & mesh_facets;
UInt dim;
MaterialCohesiveRules rules;
GelMaterialSelector gel_selector;
DefaultMaterialCohesiveSelector default_cohesive;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Boundary conditions functors */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class Pressure : public BC::Neumann::NeumannFunctor {
Pressure(SolidMechanicsModel & model, const Array<Real> & pressure_on_qpoint,
const Array<Real> & quad_coords)
: model(model), pressure_on_qpoint(pressure_on_qpoint),
quad_coords(quad_coords) {}
inline void operator()(const IntegrationPoint & quad_point,
Vector<Real> & dual, const Vector<Real> & coord,
const Vector<Real> & normal) const {
// get element types
auto && mesh = model.getMesh();
const UInt dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const GhostType gt = akantu::_not_ghost;
const UInt facet_nb = quad_point.element;
const ElementKind cohesive_kind = akantu::_ek_cohesive;
const ElementType type_facet = quad_point.type;
const ElementType type_coh = FEEngine::getCohesiveElementType(type_facet);
auto && cohesive_conn = mesh.getConnectivity(type_coh, gt);
const UInt nb_nodes_coh_elem = cohesive_conn.getNbComponent();
auto && facet_conn = mesh.getConnectivity(type_facet, gt);
const UInt nb_nodes_facet = facet_conn.getNbComponent();
auto && fem_boundary = model.getFEEngineBoundary();
UInt nb_quad_points = fem_boundary.getNbIntegrationPoints(type_facet, gt);
auto facet_nodes_it = make_view(facet_conn, nb_nodes_facet).begin();
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(nb_nodes_coh_elem == 2 * nb_nodes_facet,
"Different number of nodes belonging to one cohesive "
"element face and facet");
// const akantu::Mesh &mesh_facets = cohesive_mesh.getMeshFacets();
const Array<std::vector<Element>> & elem_to_subelem =
mesh.getElementToSubelement(type_facet, gt);
const auto & adjacent_elems = elem_to_subelem(facet_nb);
auto normal_corrected = normal;
// loop over all adjacent elements
UInt coh_elem_nb;
if (not adjacent_elems.empty()) {
for (UInt f : arange(adjacent_elems.size())) {
if (adjacent_elems[f].kind() != cohesive_kind)
coh_elem_nb = adjacent_elems[f].element;
Array<UInt> upper_nodes(nb_nodes_coh_elem / 2);
Array<UInt> lower_nodes(nb_nodes_coh_elem / 2);
for (UInt node : arange(nb_nodes_coh_elem / 2)) {
upper_nodes(node) = cohesive_conn(coh_elem_nb, node);
lower_nodes(node) =
cohesive_conn(coh_elem_nb, node + nb_nodes_coh_elem / 2);
bool upper_face = true;
bool lower_face = true;
Vector<UInt> facet_nodes = facet_nodes_it[facet_nb];
for (UInt s : arange(nb_nodes_facet)) {
auto idu = upper_nodes.find(facet_nodes(s));
auto idl = lower_nodes.find(facet_nodes(s));
if (idu == UInt(-1))
upper_face = false;
else if (idl == UInt(-1))
lower_face = false;
if (upper_face && not lower_face)
normal_corrected *= -1;
else if (not upper_face && lower_face)
normal_corrected *= 1;
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Error in defining side of the cohesive element");
auto flow_qpoint_it = make_view(quad_coords, dim).begin();
bool node_found;
for (auto qp : arange(nb_quad_points)) {
const Vector<Real> flow_quad_coord =
flow_qpoint_it[coh_elem_nb * nb_quad_points + qp];
if (flow_quad_coord != coord)
Real P = pressure_on_qpoint(coh_elem_nb * nb_quad_points + qp);
// if (P < 0)
// P = 0.;
dual = P * normal_corrected;
node_found = true;
if (not node_found)
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Quad point is not found in the flow mesh");
SolidMechanicsModel & model;
const Array<Real> & pressure_on_qpoint;
const Array<Real> & quad_coords;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class PressureSimple : public BC::Neumann::NeumannFunctor {
PressureSimple(SolidMechanicsModel & model, const Real pressure,
const std::string group_name)
: model(model), pressure(pressure), group_name(group_name) {}
inline void operator()(const IntegrationPoint & quad_point,
Vector<Real> & dual, const Vector<Real> & /*coord*/,
const Vector<Real> & normal) const {
// get element types
auto && mesh = model.getMesh();
"Element group is not registered in the mesh");
const GhostType gt = akantu::_not_ghost;
const UInt facet_nb = quad_point.element;
const ElementType type_facet = quad_point.type;
auto && facet_conn = mesh.getConnectivity(type_facet, gt);
const UInt nb_nodes_facet = facet_conn.getNbComponent();
auto facet_nodes_it = make_view(facet_conn, nb_nodes_facet).begin();
auto & group = mesh.getElementGroup(group_name);
Array<UInt> element_ids = group.getElements(type_facet);
"Provided group doesn't contain this element type");
auto id = element_ids.find(facet_nb);
"Quad point doesn't belong to this element group");
auto normal_corrected = normal;
if (id < element_ids.size() / 2)
normal_corrected *= -1;
else if (id >= element_ids.size())
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Error in defining side of the cohesive element");
normal_corrected *= 1;
dual = pressure * normal_corrected;
SolidMechanicsModel & model;
const Real pressure;
const std::string group_name;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class PressureVolumeDependent : public BC::Neumann::NeumannFunctor {
PressureVolumeDependent(SolidMechanicsModel & model,
const Real ASR_volume_ratio,
const std::string group_name,
const Real compressibility)
: model(model), ASR_volume_ratio(ASR_volume_ratio),
group_name(group_name), compressibility(compressibility) {}
inline void operator()(const IntegrationPoint & quad_point,
Vector<Real> & dual, const Vector<Real> & /*coord*/,
const Vector<Real> & /*normal*/) const {
// get element types
auto && mesh = model.getMesh();
"Element group is not registered in the mesh");
auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const GhostType gt = akantu::_not_ghost;
const UInt facet_nb = quad_point.element;
const ElementType type_facet = quad_point.type;
auto && facet_conn = mesh.getConnectivity(type_facet, gt);
const UInt nb_nodes_facet = facet_conn.getNbComponent();
auto facet_nodes_it = make_view(facet_conn, nb_nodes_facet).begin();
auto & group = mesh.getElementGroup(group_name);
Array<UInt> element_ids = group.getElements(type_facet);
auto && pos = mesh.getNodes();
const auto pos_it = make_view(pos, dim).begin();
auto && disp = model.getDisplacement();
const auto disp_it = make_view(disp, dim).begin();
auto && fem_boundary = model.getFEEngineBoundary();
UInt nb_quad_points = fem_boundary.getNbIntegrationPoints(type_facet, gt);
"Provided group doesn't contain this element type");
auto id = element_ids.find(facet_nb);
"Quad point doesn't belong to this element group");
// get normal to the current positions
const auto & current_pos = model.getCurrentPosition();
Array<Real> quad_normals(0, dim);
fem_boundary.computeNormalsOnIntegrationPoints(current_pos, quad_normals,
type_facet, gt);
auto normals_it = quad_normals.begin(dim);
Vector<Real> normal_corrected(
normals_it[quad_point.element * nb_quad_points + quad_point.num_point]);
// auto normal_corrected = normal;
UInt opposite_facet_nb(-1);
if (id < element_ids.size() / 2) {
normal_corrected *= -1;
opposite_facet_nb = element_ids(id + element_ids.size() / 2);
} else if (id >= element_ids.size())
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Error in defining side of the cohesive element");
else {
normal_corrected *= 1;
opposite_facet_nb = element_ids(id - element_ids.size() / 2);
/// compute current area of a gap
Vector<UInt> first_facet_nodes = facet_nodes_it[facet_nb];
Vector<UInt> second_facet_nodes = facet_nodes_it[opposite_facet_nb];
/* corners of a quadrangle consequently
\ |
D--N--C */
UInt A, B, C, D;
A = first_facet_nodes(0);
B = first_facet_nodes(1);
C = second_facet_nodes(0);
D = second_facet_nodes(1);
/// quadrangle's area through diagonals
Vector<Real> AC, BD;
Vector<Real> A_pos = Vector<Real>(pos_it[A]) + Vector<Real>(disp_it[A]);
Vector<Real> B_pos = Vector<Real>(pos_it[B]) + Vector<Real>(disp_it[B]);
Vector<Real> C_pos = Vector<Real>(pos_it[C]) + Vector<Real>(disp_it[C]);
Vector<Real> D_pos = Vector<Real>(pos_it[D]) + Vector<Real>(disp_it[D]);
Vector<Real> M_pos = (A_pos + B_pos) * 0.5;
Vector<Real> N_pos = (C_pos + D_pos) * 0.5;
Vector<Real> MN = M_pos - N_pos;
Vector<Real> AB = A_pos - B_pos;
Vector<Real> AB_0 = Vector<Real>(pos_it[A]) - Vector<Real>(pos_it[B]);
// ASR volume computed as AB * thickness (AB * ratio)
Real ASR_volume = AB_0.norm() * AB_0.norm() * ASR_volume_ratio;
Real current_volume = AB.norm() * MN.norm();
current_volume =
Math::are_float_equal(current_volume, 0.) ? 0 : current_volume;
Real volume_change = current_volume - ASR_volume;
Real pressure_change{0};
if (volume_change < 0) {
pressure_change = -volume_change / ASR_volume / this->compressibility;
dual = pressure_change * normal_corrected;
SolidMechanicsModel & model;
const Real ASR_volume_ratio;
const std::string group_name;
const Real compressibility;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
class PressureVolumeDependent3D : public BC::Neumann::NeumannFunctor {
PressureVolumeDependent3D(SolidMechanicsModel & model,
const Real ASR_volume_ratio,
const std::string group_name,
const Real compressibility)
: model(model), ASR_volume_ratio(ASR_volume_ratio),
group_name(group_name), compressibility(compressibility) {}
inline void operator()(const IntegrationPoint & quad_point,
Vector<Real> & dual, const Vector<Real> & /*coord*/,
const Vector<Real> & /*normal*/) const {
// get element types
auto && mesh = model.getMesh();
"Element group is not registered in the mesh");
auto dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
const GhostType gt = akantu::_not_ghost;
const UInt facet_nb = quad_point.element;
const ElementType type_facet = quad_point.type;
auto && facet_conn = mesh.getConnectivity(type_facet, gt);
const UInt nb_nodes_facet = facet_conn.getNbComponent();
auto facet_nodes_it = make_view(facet_conn, nb_nodes_facet).begin();
auto & group = mesh.getElementGroup(group_name);
Array<UInt> element_ids = group.getElements(type_facet);
auto && pos = mesh.getNodes();
const auto pos_it = make_view(pos, dim).begin();
auto && disp = model.getDisplacement();
const auto disp_it = make_view(disp, dim).begin();
auto && fem_boundary = model.getFEEngineBoundary();
UInt nb_quad_points = fem_boundary.getNbIntegrationPoints(type_facet, gt);
"Provided group doesn't contain this element type");
auto id = element_ids.find(facet_nb);
"Quad point doesn't belong to this element group");
// get normal to the current positions
const auto & current_pos = model.getCurrentPosition();
Array<Real> quad_normals(0, dim);
fem_boundary.computeNormalsOnIntegrationPoints(current_pos, quad_normals,
type_facet, gt);
auto normals_it = quad_normals.begin(dim);
Vector<Real> normal_corrected(
normals_it[quad_point.element * nb_quad_points + quad_point.num_point]);
// auto normal_corrected = normal;
if (id < element_ids.size() / 2) {
normal_corrected *= -1;
// opposite_facet_nb = element_ids(id + element_ids.size() / 2);
} else if (id >= element_ids.size()) {
AKANTU_EXCEPTION("Error in defining side of the cohesive element");
} else {
normal_corrected *= 1;
// opposite_facet_nb = element_ids(id - element_ids.size() / 2);
// /// compute current area of a gap
// Vector<UInt> first_facet_nodes = facet_nodes_it[facet_nb];
// Vector<UInt> second_facet_nodes = facet_nodes_it[opposite_facet_nb];
// /* corners of a quadrangle consequently
// A---M---B
// \ |
// D--N--C */
// UInt A, B, C, D;
// A = first_facet_nodes(0);
// B = first_facet_nodes(1);
// C = second_facet_nodes(0);
// D = second_facet_nodes(1);
// /// quadrangle's area through diagonals
// Vector<Real> AC, BD;
// Vector<Real> A_pos = Vector<Real>(pos_it[A]) + Vector<Real>(disp_it[A]);
// Vector<Real> B_pos = Vector<Real>(pos_it[B]) + Vector<Real>(disp_it[B]);
// Vector<Real> C_pos = Vector<Real>(pos_it[C]) + Vector<Real>(disp_it[C]);
// Vector<Real> D_pos = Vector<Real>(pos_it[D]) + Vector<Real>(disp_it[D]);
// Vector<Real> M_pos = (A_pos + B_pos) * 0.5;
// Vector<Real> N_pos = (C_pos + D_pos) * 0.5;
// Vector<Real> MN = M_pos - N_pos;
// Vector<Real> AB = A_pos - B_pos;
// Vector<Real> AB_0 = Vector<Real>(pos_it[A]) - Vector<Real>(pos_it[B]);
// // ASR volume computed as AB * thickness (AB * ratio)
// Real ASR_volume = AB_0.norm() * AB_0.norm() * ASR_volume_ratio;
// Real current_volume = AB.norm() * MN.norm();
// current_volume =
// Math::are_float_equal(current_volume, 0.) ? 0 : current_volume;
// Real volume_change = current_volume - ASR_volume;
// Real pressure_change{0};
// if (volume_change < 0) {
// pressure_change = -volume_change / ASR_volume / this->compressibility;
// }
// dual = pressure_change * normal_corrected;
dual = 1e6 * normal_corrected;
SolidMechanicsModel & model;
const Real ASR_volume_ratio;
const std::string group_name;
const Real compressibility;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
class DeltaU : public BC::Dirichlet::DirichletFunctor {
DeltaU(const SolidMechanicsModel & model, const Real delta_u,
const Array<std::tuple<UInt, UInt>> & node_pairs)
: model(model), delta_u(delta_u), node_pairs(node_pairs),
displacement(model.getDisplacement()) {}
inline void operator()(UInt node, Vector<bool> & flags, Vector<Real> & primal,
const Vector<Real> &) const {
// get element types
auto && mesh = model.getMesh();
const UInt dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
auto && mesh_facets = mesh.getMeshFacets();
auto disp_it = make_view(displacement, dim).begin();
CSR<Element> nodes_to_elements;
MeshUtils::buildNode2Elements(mesh_facets, nodes_to_elements, dim - 1);
// get actual distance between two nodes
Vector<Real> node_disp(disp_it[node]);
Vector<Real> other_node_disp(dim);
bool upper_face = false;
bool lower_face = false;
for (auto && pair : this->node_pairs) {
if (node == std::get<0>(pair)) {
other_node_disp = disp_it[std::get<1>(pair)];
upper_face = true;
} else if (node == std::get<1>(pair)) {
other_node_disp = disp_it[std::get<0>(pair)];
lower_face = true;
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(upper_face == true or lower_face == true,
"Error in identifying the node in tuple");
Real sign = -upper_face + lower_face;
// compute normal at node (averaged between two surfaces)
Vector<Real> normal(dim);
for (auto & elem : nodes_to_elements.getRow(node)) {
if (mesh.getKind(elem.type) != _ek_regular)
if (elem.ghost_type != _not_ghost)
auto & doubled_facets_array = mesh_facets.getData<bool>(
"doubled_facets", elem.type, elem.ghost_type);
if (doubled_facets_array(elem.element) != true)
auto && fe_engine_facet = model.getFEEngine("FacetsFEEngine");
auto nb_qpoints_per_facet =
fe_engine_facet.getNbIntegrationPoints(elem.type, elem.ghost_type);
const auto & normals_on_quad =
auto normals_it = make_view(normals_on_quad, dim).begin();
normal +=
sign * Vector<Real>(normals_it[elem.element * nb_qpoints_per_facet]);
normal /= normal.norm();
// get distance between two nodes in normal direction
Real node_disp_norm =;
Real other_node_disp_norm = * normal);
Real dist = node_disp_norm + other_node_disp_norm;
Real prop_factor = dist == 0. ? 0.5 : node_disp_norm / dist;
// get correction displacement
Real correction = delta_u - dist;
// apply absolute value of displacement
primal += normal * correction * prop_factor;
const SolidMechanicsModel & model;
const Real delta_u;
const Array<std::tuple<UInt, UInt>> node_pairs;
Array<Real> displacement;
} // namespace akantu
#endif /* __AKANTU_ASR_TOOLS_HH__ */

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