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* @file
* @author Aurelia Isabel Cuba Ramos <>
* @date Thu Feb 18 16:03:56 2016
* @brief Implementation of material iterative stiffness reduction
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "communicator.hh"
#include "material_damage_iterative_orthotropic.hh"
#include "non_linear_solver.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <UInt spatial_dimension>
MaterialDamageIterativeOrthotropic(SolidMechanicsModel & model,
const ID & id)
: parent(model, id), nb_state_changes("nb_state_changes", *this),
damage_prev_iteration("damage_prev_iteration", *this),
in_tension("in_tension", *this) {
this->registerParam("max_state_changes_allowed", max_state_changes_allowed,
Real(5), _pat_parsmod,
"How many times an element can change between tension "
"and compression stiffness");
this->registerParam("contact", contact, true, _pat_parsmod,
"Account for contact by recovering initial stiffness in "
"direction orthogonal to crack");
this->registerParam("iso_damage", iso_damage, false, _pat_parsmod,
"Reduce stiffness in all directions");
this->registerParam("loading_test", loading_test, false, _pat_modifiable,
"Indicate to material that it's in the loading test");
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialDamageIterativeOrthotropic<spatial_dimension>::initMaterial() {
this->E = this->E1;
this->nu = this->nu12;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialDamageIterativeOrthotropic<spatial_dimension>::computeStress(
const ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type) {
PlaneStressToolbox<spatial_dimension, MaterialThermal<spatial_dimension>>::
computeStress(el_type, ghost_type);
/// if in loading test stop updating stiffness after 1st iteration
Int nb_iter = this->model.getDOFManager().getNonLinearSolver("static").get(
if (not(nb_iter > 0 and this->loading_test)) {
computeC(el_type, ghost_type);
auto C_it =
this->C_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin(voigt_h::size, voigt_h::size);
auto sigma_th_it = make_view(this->sigma_th(el_type, ghost_type)).begin();
const auto & elem_filter = this->element_filter(el_type);
auto & extra_vol = this->extra_volume(el_type);
Array<Real> volumetric_strain(
elem_filter.size() * this->fem.getNbIntegrationPoints(el_type), 1, 0.);
auto vol_strain_it = volumetric_strain.begin();
auto dam_it = this->damage(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
/// compute stress according to anisotropic material law
this->computeStressOnQuad(grad_u, sigma, *C_it, *sigma_th_it);
/// compute volumetric strain in record it into extra_volume array
if (*dam_it) {
*vol_strain_it = grad_u.trace();
*vol_strain_it *= *vol_strain_it > 0;
/// integrate volumetric strain across elements, subtract initial volume
this->fem.integrate(volumetric_strain, extra_vol, 1, el_type, ghost_type,
this->computeNormalizedEquivalentStress(el_type, ghost_type);
this->norm_max_equivalent_stress = 0;
this->findMaxNormalizedEquivalentStress(el_type, ghost_type);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <UInt spatial_dimension>
inline void MaterialDamageIterativeOrthotropic<spatial_dimension>::computeC(
const ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type) {
Real * dam = this->damage(el_type, ghost_type).storage();
Real * dam_prev_iter =
this->damage_prev_iteration(el_type, ghost_type).storage();
auto E1_it = this->E1_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto E2_it = this->E2_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto E3_it = this->E3_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto nu12_it = this->nu12_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto nu13_it = this->nu13_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto nu23_it = this->nu23_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto G12_it = this->G12_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto G13_it = this->G13_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto G23_it = this->G23_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto Cprime_it = this->Cprime_field(el_type, ghost_type)
.begin(spatial_dimension * spatial_dimension,
spatial_dimension * spatial_dimension);
auto C_it =
this->C_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin(voigt_h::size, voigt_h::size);
auto eigC_it = this->eigC_field(el_type, ghost_type).begin(voigt_h::size);
auto dir_vecs_it = this->dir_vecs_field(el_type, ghost_type)
.begin(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
auto flick_it = this->nb_state_changes(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
auto tension_it = this->in_tension(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
/// parameters reduction & update of C and Cprime only if damage changed
// if (*dam != *dam_prev_iter) {
/// reduce or recover elastic moduli due to damage
updateElasticModuli(sigma, grad_u, *dam, *E1_it, *E2_it, *E3_it, *nu12_it,
*nu13_it, *nu23_it, *G12_it, *G13_it, *G23_it,
*dir_vecs_it, *flick_it, *tension_it);
/// construct the stiffness matrix with update parameters
*E1_it, *E2_it, *E3_it, *nu12_it, *nu13_it, *nu23_it, *G12_it, *G13_it,
*G23_it, *Cprime_it, *C_it, *eigC_it, *dir_vecs_it);
// }
/// update damage at previous iteration value
*dam_prev_iter = *dam;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <UInt spatial_dimension>
inline void
Matrix<Real> & /*sigma*/, Matrix<Real> & grad_u, Real & dam, Real & _E1,
Real & /*_E2*/, Real & /*_E3*/, Real & _nu12, Real & _nu13,
Real & /*_nu23*/, Real & _G12, Real & _G13, Real & /*_G23*/,
Matrix<Real> & _dir_vecs, Real & nb_flicks, bool & in_tension) {
if (not dam) {
_E1 = this->E1;
_nu12 = this->nu12;
_nu13 = this->nu13;
} else {
Matrix<Real> strain(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
strain = 0.5 * (grad_u + grad_u.transpose());
Vector<Real> normal_to_crack(spatial_dimension);
/// normals are stored row-wise
for (auto i : arange(spatial_dimension)) {
normal_to_crack(i) = _dir_vecs(0, i);
auto def_on_crack = strain * normal_to_crack;
auto def_normal_to_crack =;
// auto traction_on_crack = sigma * normal_to_crack;
// auto stress_normal_to_crack =;
/// coefficients of the cubic spline function
// if (nb_flicks == this->max_state_changes_allowed) {
// _E1 = std::sqrt(this->E1 * this->E1 * (1 - dam));
// _nu12 = std::sqrt(this->nu12 * this->nu12 * (1 - dam));
// _nu13 = std::sqrt(this->nu13 * this->nu13 * (1 - dam));
// // _G12 = std::sqrt(this->G12 * this->G12 * (1 - dam));
// // _G13 = std::sqrt(this->G13 * this->G13 * (1 - dam));
// std::cout << "Max number of state changes" << std::endl;
// } else {
if (def_normal_to_crack >= 0) {
if (not in_tension)
in_tension = true;
_E1 = this->E1 * (1 - dam);
_nu12 = this->nu12 * (1 - dam);
_nu13 = this->nu13 * (1 - dam);
_G12 = this->G12 * (1 - dam);
_G13 = this->G13 * (1 - dam);
} else {
if (in_tension)
in_tension = false;
// _E1 = std::min(-def_normal_to_crack * 1e13 + this->E1 * (1 - dam),
// this->E1);
// _nu12 = std::min(this->nu12 * _E1 / this->E1, this->nu12);
// _nu13 = std::min(this->nu13 * _E1 / this->E1, this->nu13);
_E1 = this->E1;
_nu12 = this->nu12;
_nu13 = this->nu13;
// _G12 = this->G12;
// _G13 = this->G13;
// }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <UInt spatial_dimension>
inline void
Matrix<Real> & sigma, Real & dam, Real & _E1, Real & _E2, Real & /*_E3*/,
Real & _nu12, Real & _nu13, Real & _nu23, Real & /*_G12*/, Real & /*_G13*/,
Real & /*_G23*/, Matrix<Real> & _dir_vecs, Real & nb_flicks) {
/// detect compression in the normal to crack plane direction
Vector<Real> normal_to_crack(spatial_dimension);
/// normals are stored row-wise
for (auto i : arange(spatial_dimension))
normal_to_crack(i) = _dir_vecs(0, i);
auto traction_on_crack = sigma * normal_to_crack;
auto stress_normal_to_crack =;
/// elements who exceed max allowed number of state changes get the average
/// elastic properties
if (nb_flicks == this->max_state_changes_allowed) {
_E1 = std::sqrt(this->E1 * this->E1 * (1 - dam));
_nu12 = std::sqrt(this->nu12 * this->nu12 * (1 - dam));
_nu13 = std::sqrt(this->nu13 * this->nu13 * (1 - dam));
// _G12 = std::sqrt(this->G12 * this->G12 * (1 - dam));
// _G13 = std::sqrt(this->G13 * this->G13 * (1 - dam));
} else {
/// recover stiffness only when compressive stress is considerable
if (this->contact && std::abs(stress_normal_to_crack) > this->E / 1e9 &&
stress_normal_to_crack < 0) {
_E1 = this->E1;
_nu12 = this->nu12;
_nu13 = this->nu13;
// _G12 = this->G12;
// _G13 = this->G13;
} else {
_E1 = this->E1 * (1 - dam);
_nu12 = this->nu12 * (1 - dam);
_nu13 = this->nu13 * (1 - dam);
// _G12 = this->G12 * (1 - dam);
// _G13 = this->G13 * (1 - dam);
// _G12 = std::sqrt(this->G12 * this->G12 * (1 - dam));
// _G13 = std::sqrt(this->G13 * this->G13 * (1 - dam));
if (this->iso_damage) {
_E2 = this->E2 * (1 - dam);
_nu23 = this->nu23 * (1 - dam);
/// update shear moduli (Stable orthotropic materials (Li & Barbic))
// _G12 = std::sqrt(_E1 * _E2) / 2 / (1 + std::sqrt(_nu12 *
// this->nu12)); _G13 = std::sqrt(_E1 * _E3) / 2 / (1 + std::sqrt(_nu13
// * this->nu13));
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialDamageIterativeOrthotropic<
spatial_dimension>::computeTangentModuli(ElementType el_type,
Array<Real> & tangent_matrix,
GhostType ghost_type) {
auto release = this->model.getDisplacementRelease();
if (release != this->last_displacement_release) {
/// if in loading test stop updating stiffness after 1st iteration
Int nb_iter = this->model.getDOFManager().getNonLinearSolver("static").get(
if (not(nb_iter > 0 and this->loading_test))
computeC(el_type, ghost_type);
OrthotropicParent::computeTangentModuli(el_type, tangent_matrix, ghost_type);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialDamageIterativeOrthotropic<spatial_dimension>::beforeSolveStep() {
for (auto & el_type : this->element_filter.elementTypes(
_all_dimensions, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
this->nb_state_changes(el_type, _not_ghost).clear();
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace akantu

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