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* @file
* @author Leonardo Snozzi <>
* @date Tue Dec 7 13:04:58 2010
* @brief
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "contact_search.hh"
#include "solid_mechanics_model.hh"
#include "grid_2d_neighbor_structure.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Grid2dNeighborStructure::Grid2dNeighborStructure(const ContactSearch & contact_search,
const Surface & master_surface,
const ContactNeighborStructureType & type,
const ContactNeighborStructureID & id) :
ContactNeighborStructure(contact_search, master_surface, type, id),
mesh(contact_search.getContact().getModel().getFEM().getMesh()) {
UInt spatial_dimension = contact_search.getContact().getModel().getFEM().getMesh().getSpatialDimension();
if(spatial_dimension != 2)
AKANTU_DEBUG_ERROR("Wrong ContactType for contact in 2d!");
/// make sure that the increments are computed
const_cast<SolidMechanicsModel &>(contact_search.getContact().getModel()).setIncrementFlagOn();
/// set increment to zero
max_increment[0] = 0.;
max_increment[1] = 0.;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Grid2dNeighborStructure::~Grid2dNeighborStructure() {
delete neighbor_list;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Grid2dNeighborStructure::initNeighborStructure() {
neighbor_list = new NeighborList();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool Grid2dNeighborStructure::check() {
UInt nb_surfaces = mesh.getNbSurfaces();
Real * inc_val = contact_search.getContact().getModel().getIncrement().values;
Real max[2] = {0. ,0.};
UInt * surf_nodes_off = contact_search.getContact().getSurfaceToNodesOffset().values;
UInt * surf_nodes = contact_search.getContact().getSurfaceToNodes().values;
for (UInt s = 0; s < nb_surfaces; ++s)
for (UInt n = surf_nodes_off[s]; n < surf_nodes_off[n+1]; ++n) {
UInt i_node = surf_nodes[n];
for (UInt i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
max[i] = std::max(max[i], fabs(inc_val[2*i_node+i]));
for (UInt i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
max_increment[i] += max[i];
if(max_increment[i] > spacing)
return true;
return false;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Grid2dNeighborStructure::update() {
delete[] this->neighbor_list;
neighbor_list = new NeighborList();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Grid2dNeighborStructure::createGrid(bool initial_position) {
Real * coord;
if (initial_position)
coord = mesh.getNodes().values;
coord = contact_search.getContact().getModel().getCurrentPosition().values;
UInt nb_surfaces = mesh.getNbSurfaces();
/// get the size of the grid
spacing = getMinSize(coord);
/// get bounds of master surface
Real * x_bounds = new Real[2*nb_surfaces];
Real * y_bounds = new Real[2*nb_surfaces];
getBounds(coord, x_bounds, y_bounds);
/// find intersections between mastersurface and the other ones
Real x_intersection[2];
Real y_intersection[2];
bool intersection = getBoundsIntersection(x_bounds, y_bounds, x_intersection, y_intersection);
/// if every slave surfaces to far away from master surface neighbor list is empty
if(intersection == false)
/// adjust intersection space
x_intersection[0] -= 1.49999*spacing;
x_intersection[1] += 1.49999*spacing;
y_intersection[0] -= 1.49999*spacing;
y_intersection[1] += 1.49999*spacing;
x_intersection[0] = std::max(x_intersection[0], x_bounds[2*master_surface]);
x_intersection[1] = std::min(x_intersection[0+1], x_bounds[2*master_surface+1]);
y_intersection[0] = std::max(y_intersection[0], y_bounds[2*master_surface]);
y_intersection[1] = std::min(y_intersection[0+1], y_bounds[2*master_surface+1]);
/// define grid dimension
UInt nb_cells[3];
nb_cells[0] = std::ceil(fabs(x_intersection[1]-x_intersection[0])/spacing);
nb_cells[1] = std::ceil(fabs(y_intersection[1]-y_intersection[0])/spacing);
nb_cells[2] = nb_cells[0]*nb_cells[1];
Real origin[2];
origin[0] = x_intersection[0] - (nb_cells[0]*spacing-fabs(x_intersection[1]-x_intersection[0]))/2.;
origin[1] = y_intersection[0] - (nb_cells[1]*spacing-fabs(y_intersection[1]-y_intersection[0]))/2.;
/// fill grid cells with master segments
Vector<UInt> cell_to_segments(0, 1);
UInt * cell_to_segments_offset = new UInt[nb_cells[2]+1];
memset(cell_to_segments_offset, 0, (nb_cells[2]+1)*sizeof(UInt));
traceSegments(coord, origin, nb_cells, cell_to_segments_offset, cell_to_segments);
/// loop over slave nodes to find out impactor ones
UInt * surf_nodes_off = contact_search.getContact().getSurfaceToNodesOffset().values;
UInt * surf_nodes = contact_search.getContact().getSurfaceToNodes().values;
UInt * impactors = neighbor_list->impactor_nodes.values;
UInt * cell_seg_val = cell_to_segments.values;
ElementType el_type = _segment_2; /* Only linear element at the moment */
UInt * conn_val = contact_search.getContact().getModel().getFEM().getMesh().getConnectivity(el_type, _not_ghost).values;
UInt elem_nodes = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(el_type);
std::stringstream sstr_fo; sstr_fo << id << ":facets_offset:" << el_type;
neighbor_list->facets_offset(el_type, _not_ghost) = new Vector<UInt>(0, 1, sstr_fo.str());
std::stringstream sstr_f; sstr_f << id << ":facets:" << el_type;
neighbor_list->facets(el_type, _not_ghost) = new Vector<UInt>(0, 1, sstr_f.str());
neighbor_list->facets_offset(el_type, _not_ghost)->push_back((UInt)0);
const Int cell_index[9][2] = {{0,-1},{-1,-1},{-1,0},{-1,1},{0,1},{1,1},{1,0},{1,-1},{0,-1}};
Int nb_x = nb_cells[0];
Int nb_y = nb_cells[1];
Vector<UInt> checked(0,1);
/// loop over slave surfaces
for (UInt s = 0; s < nb_surfaces; ++s) {
if(s == master_surface)
/// check is slave surface inside grid
if(x_bounds[2*s+1] < origin[0] || y_bounds[2*s+1] < origin[1])
if(x_bounds[2*s] > origin[0]+spacing*nb_cells[0] || y_bounds[2*s] > origin[1]+spacing*nb_cells[1])
/// loop over slave nodes of considered surface
for (UInt n = surf_nodes_off[s]; n < surf_nodes_off[s+1]; ++n) {
UInt i_node = surf_nodes[n];
Real x_node = (coord[2*i_node] - origin[0])/spacing;
Real y_node = (coord[2*i_node+1] - origin[1])/spacing;
Int ii = (int)(x_node);
Int jj = (int)(y_node);
/// is node in one grid cell?
if((ii < 0 || jj < 0) || (ii>=nb_x || jj>=nb_y))
Int i_start; /* which cells are to be considered */
if(std::ceil(x_node-ii-0.5)==1 && std::ceil(y_node-jj-0.5)==0)
i_start = 3;
else {
i_start = std::ceil(x_node-ii-0.5) + std::ceil(y_node-jj-0.5);
bool stored = false;
/// look at actual cell and 3 adjacent cells
for (Int k = -1; k < 3; ++k) {
Int x_index = ii;
Int y_index = jj;
if ( k >= 0) {
x_index += cell_index[i_start*2+k][0];
y_index += cell_index[i_start*2+k][1];
if ((x_index < 0 || y_index < 0) || (x_index>=nb_x || y_index>=nb_y))
continue; /* cell does not exists */
UInt i_cell = (UInt)(x_index+y_index*nb_x);
/// loop over segments related to the considered cell
for (UInt el = cell_to_segments_offset[i_cell]; el < cell_to_segments_offset[i_cell+1]; ++el) {
UInt i_segment = cell_seg_val[el];
bool i_checked = false;
for (UInt l=0; l<checked.getSize(); l++) {
if(i_segment == checked.values[l]) { /* Segment already visited */
i_checked = true;
/// check segment-node distance
if (i_checked == false) {
Real * x1 = &coord[2*conn_val[i_segment*elem_nodes]];
Real * x2 = &coord[2*conn_val[i_segment*elem_nodes+1]];
Real * x3 = &coord[2*i_node];
Real vec_surf[2];
Real vec_dist[2];
Math::vector_2d(x1, x2, vec_surf);
Math::vector_2d(x1, x3, vec_dist);
Real length = Math::distance_2d(x1, x2);
Real proj = Math::vectorDot2(vec_surf, vec_dist)/(length*length);
if(proj < 0. || proj >1.) {
Real dist;
if(proj < 0.)
dist = Math::distance_2d(x1, x3);
dist = Math::distance_2d(x2, x3);
if(dist < 0.5*spacing) {
if (stored == false) {
stored = true;
neighbor_list->facets_offset(el_type, _not_ghost)->push_back((UInt)0);
neighbor_list->facets_offset(el_type, _not_ghost)->values[neighbor_list->impactor_nodes.getSize()]++;
neighbor_list->facets(el_type, _not_ghost)->push_back(i_segment);
else {
Real vec_normal[2];
Math::normal2(vec_surf, vec_normal);
Real gap = Math::vectorDot2(vec_dist, vec_normal);
if(fabs(gap) < 0.5*spacing) {
if (stored == false) {
stored = true;
neighbor_list->facets_offset(el_type, _not_ghost)->push_back((UInt)0);
neighbor_list->facets_offset(el_type, _not_ghost)->values[neighbor_list->impactor_nodes.getSize()]++;
neighbor_list->facets(el_type, _not_ghost)->push_back(i_segment);
} /* end loop segments */
} /* end loop over cells */
} /* end loop over slave nodes */
} /* end loop over surfaces */
/// convert occurence array in a csv one
UInt * facet_off = neighbor_list->facets_offset(el_type, _not_ghost)->values;
for (UInt i = 1; i < neighbor_list->facets_offset(el_type, _not_ghost)->getSize(); ++i) facet_off[i] += facet_off[i-1];
/// free temporary vectors
delete[] x_bounds;
delete[] y_bounds;
delete[] cell_to_segments_offset;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Real Grid2dNeighborStructure::getMinSize(Real * coord) {
ElementType el_type = _segment_2; /* Only linear element at the moment */
UInt * conn_val = mesh.getConnectivity(el_type, _not_ghost).values;
UInt nb_elements = mesh.getConnectivity(el_type, _not_ghost).getSize();
UInt * surface_id_val = mesh.getSurfaceID(el_type, _not_ghost).values;
UInt elem_nodes = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(el_type);
Real min_size = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
/// loop over master segments
for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_elements; ++el)
if (surface_id_val[el] == master_surface) {
Real * x1 = &coord[2*conn_val[el*elem_nodes]];
Real * x2 = &coord[2*conn_val[el*elem_nodes+1]];
Real length = (x1[0]-x2[0])*(x1[0]-x2[0])+(x1[1]-x2[1])*(x1[1]-x2[1]);
if (length < min_size)
min_size = length;
return sqrt(min_size);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Grid2dNeighborStructure::getBounds(Real * coord, Real * x_bounds, Real * y_bounds) {
/// initialize bounds
UInt nb_surfaces = mesh.getNbSurfaces();
for (UInt s = 0; s < nb_surfaces; ++s) {
x_bounds[s*2] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
x_bounds[s*2+1] = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
y_bounds[s*2] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
y_bounds[s*2+1] = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
UInt * surf_nodes_off = contact_search.getContact().getSurfaceToNodesOffset().values;
UInt * surf_nodes = contact_search.getContact().getSurfaceToNodes().values;
/// find min and max coordinates of each surface
for (UInt s = 0; s < nb_surfaces; ++s) {
for (UInt n = surf_nodes_off[s]; n < surf_nodes_off[s+1]; ++n) {
UInt i_node = surf_nodes[n];
if(coord[i_node*2] < x_bounds[s*2])
x_bounds[s*2] = coord[i_node*2];
if(coord[i_node*2] > x_bounds[2*s+1])
x_bounds[2*s+1] = coord[i_node*2];
if(coord[i_node*2+1] < y_bounds[2*s])
y_bounds[2*s] = coord[i_node*2+1];
if(coord[i_node*2+1] > y_bounds[2*s+1])
y_bounds[2*s+1] = coord[i_node*2+1];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool Grid2dNeighborStructure::getBoundsIntersection(Real * x_bounds, Real * y_bounds, Real * x_int, Real * y_int) {
bool find_intersection = false;
UInt nb_surfaces = mesh.getNbSurfaces();
x_int[0] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
x_int[1] = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
y_int[0] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
y_int[1] = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
/// enlarge bounds of master surface within a tolerance
x_bounds[2*master_surface] -= 1.49999*spacing;
x_bounds[2*master_surface+1] += 1.49999*spacing;
y_bounds[2*master_surface] -= 1.49999*spacing;
y_bounds[2*master_surface+1] += 1.49999*spacing;
/// loop over surfaces
for (UInt s = 0; s < nb_surfaces; ++s) {
if(s == master_surface)
/// find if intersection in x exists
if(x_bounds[2*master_surface] > x_bounds[2*s]) {
/* starting point of possible intersection */
x_temp[0] = x_bounds[2*master_surface];
/* find ending point of possible intersection */
if(x_bounds[2*s+1] < x_bounds[2*master_surface])
else if(x_bounds[2*s+1] < x_bounds[2*master_surface+1])
x_temp[1] = x_bounds[2*s+1];
x_temp[1] = x_bounds[2*master_surface+1];
else {
/* starting point of possible intersection */
x_temp[0] = x_bounds[2*s];
/* find ending point of possible intersection */
if(x_bounds[2*master_surface+1] < x_bounds[2*s])
else if(x_bounds[2*master_surface+1] < x_bounds[2*s+1])
x_temp[1] = x_bounds[2*master_surface+1];
x_temp[1] = x_bounds[2*s+1];
/// find if intersection in y exists
if(y_bounds[2*master_surface] > y_bounds[2*s]) {
/* starting point of possible intersection */
y_temp[0] = y_bounds[2*master_surface];
/* find ending point of possible intersection */
if(y_bounds[2*s+1] < y_bounds[2*master_surface])
else if(y_bounds[2*s+1] < y_bounds[2*master_surface+1])
y_temp[1] = y_bounds[2*s+1];
y_temp[1] = y_bounds[2*master_surface+1];
else {
/* starting point of possible intersection */
y_temp[0] = y_bounds[2*s];
/* find ending point of possible intersection */
if(y_bounds[2*master_surface+1] < y_bounds[2*s])
else if(y_bounds[2*master_surface+1] < y_bounds[2*s+1])
y_temp[1] = y_bounds[2*master_surface+1];
y_temp[1] = y_bounds[2*s+1];
/// intersection exists, find its minimum/maximum
find_intersection = true;
x_int[0] = std::min(x_int[0], x_temp[0]);
x_int[1] = std::max(x_int[1], x_temp[1]);
y_int[0] = std::min(y_int[0], y_temp[0]);
y_int[1] = std::max(y_int[1], y_temp[1]);
return find_intersection;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Grid2dNeighborStructure::traceSegments(Real * coord, Real * origin,
UInt * nb_cells, UInt * cell_to_seg_off, Vector<UInt> & cell_to_segments) {
Vector<UInt> temp(0, 2);
UInt index[2] = {0, 0};
ElementType el_type = _segment_2; /* Only linear element at the moment */
UInt elem_nodes = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(el_type);
UInt * surface_id_val = mesh.getSurfaceID(el_type, _not_ghost).values;
UInt * conn_val = mesh.getConnectivity(el_type, _not_ghost).values;
UInt nb_segments = mesh.getConnectivity(el_type, _not_ghost).getSize();
Int nb_x = nb_cells[0];
Int nb_y = nb_cells[1];
/// Detect cells which are crossed by the segments
for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_segments; ++el)
if (surface_id_val[el] == master_surface) {
/* Compute relative coords and index of the staring and ending cell (in respect to the grid) */
Real x1 = (coord[2*conn_val[elem_nodes*el]] - origin[0])/spacing;
Real y1 = (coord[2*conn_val[elem_nodes*el]+1] - origin[1])/spacing;
Real x2 = (coord[2*conn_val[elem_nodes*el+1]] - origin[0])/spacing;
Real y2 = (coord[2*conn_val[elem_nodes*el+1]+1] - origin[1])/spacing;
Int ii = (Int)std::floor(x1);
Int jj = (Int)std::floor(y1);
Int kk = (Int)std::floor(x2);
Int ll = (Int)std::floor(y2);
/// check if segment outside grid
if((std::max(ii,kk)<0 || std::min(ii,kk)>=nb_x) || (std::max(jj,ll)<0 || std::min(jj,ll)>=nb_y))
/* */
Real dx = fabs(x2-x1);
Real dy = fabs(y2-y1);
Int n = 0;
Int ii_inc, jj_inc;
Real error;
if(dx == 0.) {
ii_inc = 0;
error = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
else if(x2 > x1) {
ii_inc = 1;
n = kk-ii;
error = (ii+1-x1)*dy;
else { /* x1 < x2 */
ii_inc = -1;
n = ii-kk;
error = (x1-ii)*dy;
if(dy == 0.) {
jj_inc = 0;
error = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
else if(y2 > y1) {
jj_inc = 1;
n += ll-jj;
error -= (jj+1-y1)*dx;
else { /* y1 < y2 */
jj_inc = -1;
n += jj-ll;
error -= (y1-jj)*dx;
while(true) {
/* check if intersected cell belong to the grid */
if((ii>=0 && ii< nb_x) && (jj>=0 && jj<nb_y)) {
/* Increase offset */
index[0] = (UInt)(ii+jj*nb_x);
index[1] = el;
/* Move to the next cell */
if(error > 0) { /* ..move in y-direction */
jj += jj_inc;
error -= dx;
else { /* ..move in x-direction */
ii += ii_inc;
error += dy;
/// convert the occurrence array in a csr one
for (UInt i = 1; i < nb_cells[2]; ++i) cell_to_seg_off[i] += cell_to_seg_off[i-1];
for (UInt i = nb_cells[2]; i > 0; --i) cell_to_seg_off[i] = cell_to_seg_off[i-1];
cell_to_seg_off[0] = 0;
/// rearrange segments to get the cell-segments list
UInt * cell_val = cell_to_segments.values;
UInt * tmp = temp.values;
UInt nb_traced = temp.getSize();
for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_traced; i++) {
cell_val[cell_to_seg_off[tmp[2*i]]] = tmp[2*i+1];
/// reconvert occurence array in a csr one
for (UInt i = nb_cells[2]; i > 0; --i) cell_to_seg_off[i] = cell_to_seg_off[i-1];
cell_to_seg_off[0] = 0;

Event Timeline