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* @file
* @author David Simon Kammer <>
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date creation: Tue Aug 17 2010
* @date last modification: Wed Jan 24 2018
* @brief implementation of common part of all partitioner
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2018 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "mesh_partition.hh"
#include "aka_iterators.hh"
#include "aka_types.hh"
#include "mesh_accessor.hh"
#include "mesh_iterators.hh"
#include "mesh_utils.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_map>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
MeshPartition::MeshPartition(const Mesh & mesh, UInt spatial_dimension,
const ID & id, const MemoryID & memory_id)
: Memory(id, memory_id), mesh(mesh), spatial_dimension(spatial_dimension),
partitions("partition", id, memory_id),
ghost_partitions("ghost_partition", id, memory_id),
ghost_partitions_offset("ghost_partition_offset", id, memory_id),
saved_connectivity("saved_connectivity", id, memory_id) {
UInt nb_total_element = 0;
for (auto && type :
mesh.elementTypes(spatial_dimension, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
linearized_offsets.push_back(std::make_pair(type, nb_total_element));
nb_total_element += mesh.getConnectivity(type).size();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
MeshPartition::~MeshPartition() = default;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
UInt MeshPartition::linearized(const Element & element) {
auto it =
std::find_if(linearized_offsets.begin(), linearized_offsets.end(),
[&element](auto & a) { return a.first == element.type; });
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(it != linearized_offsets.end(),
"A bug might be crawling around this corner...");
return (it->second + element.element);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Element MeshPartition::unlinearized(UInt lin_element) {
ElementType type{_not_defined};
UInt offset{0};
for (auto & pair : linearized_offsets) {
if (lin_element < pair.second)
std::tie(type, offset) = pair;
return Element{type, lin_element - offset, _not_ghost};
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* conversion in c++ of the METIS_MeshToDual (mesh.c) function wrote by George
* in Metis (University of Minnesota)
void MeshPartition::buildDualGraph(
Array<Int> & dxadj, Array<Int> & dadjncy, Array<Int> & edge_loads,
std::function<Int(const Element &, const Element &)> edge_load_func,
Array<Int> & vertex_loads,
std::function<Int(const Element &)> vertex_load_func) {
CSR<Element> nodes_to_elements;
MeshUtils::buildNode2Elements(mesh, nodes_to_elements);
std::unordered_map<UInt, std::vector<UInt>> adjacent_elements;
// for each elements look for its connected elements
[&](auto && element) {
const auto & conn = mesh.getConnectivity(element);
std::map<Element, UInt> hits;
// count the number of nodes shared with a given element
for (auto && node : conn) {
for (auto && connected_element : nodes_to_elements.getRow(node)) {
// define a minumum number of nodes to share to be considered as a
// ajacent element
UInt magic_number{conn.size()};
for (auto n : arange(mesh.getNbFacetTypes(element.type))) {
magic_number = std::min(
mesh.getNbNodesPerElement(mesh.getFacetType(element.type, n)),
// check all neighbors to see which ones are "adjacent"
for (auto && data : hits) {
const auto & adjacent_element = data.first;
// not adjacent to miself
if (adjacent_element == element)
// not enough shared nodes
if (data.second < magic_number)
/// Patch in order to prevent neighboring cohesive elements
/// from detecting each other
auto element_kind = element.kind();
auto adjacent_element_kind = adjacent_element.kind();
if (element_kind == adjacent_element_kind &&
element_kind == _ek_cohesive)
_spatial_dimension = mesh.getSpatialDimension(),
_element_kind = _ek_not_defined);
// prepare the arrays
auto nb_elements{adjacent_elements.size()};
dxadj.resize(nb_elements + 1);
for (auto && data : adjacent_elements) {
const auto & element{data.first};
const auto & neighbors{data.second};
dxadj[element] = neighbors.size();
/// convert the dxadj array of sizes in a csr one of offsets
for (UInt i = 1; i < nb_elements; ++i)
dxadj(i) += dxadj(i - 1);
for (UInt i = nb_elements; i > 0; --i)
dxadj(i) = dxadj(i - 1);
dxadj(0) = 0;
// fill the different arrays
for (auto && data : adjacent_elements) {
const auto & element{data.first};
const auto & neighbors{data.second};
auto unlinearized_element = unlinearized(element);
vertex_loads(element) = vertex_load_func(unlinearized_element);
auto pos = dxadj(element);
for (auto && neighbor : neighbors) {
dadjncy(pos) = neighbor;
edge_loads(pos) =
edge_load_func(unlinearized_element, unlinearized(neighbor));
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* TODO this function should most probably be rewritten in a more modern way
* conversion in c++ of the GENDUALMETIS (mesh.c) function wrote by George in
* Metis (University of Minnesota)
// void MeshPartition::buildDualGraph(
// Array<Int> & dxadj, Array<Int> & dadjncy, Array<Int> & edge_loads,
// std::function<Int(const Element &, const Element &)> edge_load_func,
// Array<Int> & vertex_loads,
// std::function<Int(const Element &)> vertex_load_func) {
// std::map<ElementType, std::tuple<const Array<UInt> *, UInt, UInt>>
// connectivities;
// UInt spatial_dimension = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
// UInt nb_total_element{0};
// for (auto & type :
// mesh.elementTypes(spatial_dimension, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
// auto type_p1 = mesh.getP1ElementType(type);
// auto nb_nodes_per_element_p1 = mesh.getNbNodesPerElement(type_p1);
// const auto & conn = mesh.getConnectivity(type, _not_ghost);
// for (auto n : arange(mesh.getNbFacetTypes(type_p1))) {
// auto magic_number =
// mesh.getNbNodesPerElement(mesh.getFacetType(type_p1, n));
// connectivities[type] =
// std::make_tuple(&conn, nb_nodes_per_element_p1, magic_number);
// }
// nb_total_element += conn.size();
// }
// CSR<Element> node_to_elem;
// MeshUtils::buildNode2Elements(mesh, node_to_elem);
// dxadj.resize(nb_total_element + 1);
// /// initialize the dxadj array
// auto dxadj_it = dxadj.begin();
// for (auto & pair : connectivities) {
// const auto & connectivity = *std::get<0>(pair.second);
// auto nb_nodes_per_element_p1 = std::get<1>(pair.second);
// std::fill_n(dxadj_it, connectivity.size(), nb_nodes_per_element_p1);
// dxadj_it += connectivity.size();
// }
// /// convert the dxadj_val array in a csr one
// for (UInt i = 1; i < nb_total_element; ++i)
// dxadj(i) += dxadj(i - 1);
// for (UInt i = nb_total_element; i > 0; --i)
// dxadj(i) = dxadj(i - 1);
// dxadj(0) = 0;
// dadjncy.resize(2 * dxadj(nb_total_element));
// /// weight map to determine adjacency
// std::unordered_map<UInt, UInt> weight_map;
// for (auto & pair : connectivities) {
// auto type = pair.first;
// const auto & connectivity = *std::get<0>(pair.second);
// auto nb_nodes_per_element = std::get<1>(pair.second);
// auto magic_number = std::get<2>(pair.second);
// Element element{type, 0, _not_ghost};
// for (const auto & conn :
// make_view(connectivity, connectivity.getNbComponent())) {
// auto linearized_el = linearized(element);
// /// fill the weight map
// for (UInt n : arange(nb_nodes_per_element)) {
// auto && node = conn(n);
// for (auto k = node_to_elem.rbegin(node); k !=
// node_to_elem.rend(node);
// --k) {
// auto & current_element = *k;
// auto current_el = linearized(current_element);
// AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(current_el != UInt(-1),
// "Linearized element not found");
// if (current_el <= linearized_el)
// break;
// auto weight_map_insert =
// weight_map.insert(std::make_pair(current_el, 1));
// if (not weight_map_insert.second)
// (weight_map_insert.first->second)++;
// }
// }
// /// each element with a weight of the size of a facet are adjacent
// for (auto & weight_pair : weight_map) {
// auto & adjacent_el = weight_pair.first;
// auto magic = weight_pair.second;
// if (magic != magic_number)
// continue;
// /// Patch in order to prevent neighboring cohesive elements
// /// from detecting each other
// auto adjacent_element = unlinearized(adjacent_el);
// auto el_kind = element.kind();
// auto adjacent_el_kind = adjacent_element.kind();
// if (el_kind == adjacent_el_kind && el_kind == _ek_cohesive)
// continue;
// #endif
// UInt index_adj = dxadj(adjacent_el)++;
// UInt index_lin = dxadj(linearized_el)++;
// dadjncy(index_lin) = adjacent_el;
// dadjncy(index_adj) = linearized_el;
// }
// element.element++;
// weight_map.clear();
// }
// }
// Int k_start = 0, linerized_el = 0, j = 0;
// for (auto & pair : connectivities) {
// const auto & connectivity = *std::get<0>(pair.second);
// auto nb_nodes_per_element_p1 = std::get<1>(pair.second);
// auto nb_element = connectivity.size();
// for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_element; ++el, ++linerized_el) {
// for (Int k = k_start; k < dxadj(linerized_el); ++k, ++j)
// dadjncy(j) = dadjncy(k);
// dxadj(linerized_el) = j;
// k_start += nb_nodes_per_element_p1;
// }
// }
// for (UInt i = nb_total_element; i > 0; --i)
// dxadj(i) = dxadj(i - 1);
// dxadj(0) = 0;
// vertex_loads.resize(dxadj.size() - 1);
// edge_loads.resize(dadjncy.size());
// UInt adj = 0;
// for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_total_element; ++i) {
// auto el = unlinearized(i);
// vertex_loads(i) = vertex_load_func(el);
// UInt nb_adj = dxadj(i + 1) - dxadj(i);
// for (UInt j = 0; j < nb_adj; ++j, ++adj) {
// auto el_adj_id = dadjncy(dxadj(i) + j);
// auto el_adj = unlinearized(el_adj_id);
// Int load = edge_load_func(el, el_adj);
// edge_loads(adj) = load;
// }
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MeshPartition::fillPartitionInformation(
const Mesh & mesh, const Int * linearized_partitions) {
CSR<Element> node_to_elem;
MeshUtils::buildNode2Elements(mesh, node_to_elem);
UInt linearized_el = 0;
for (auto & type :
mesh.elementTypes(spatial_dimension, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
UInt nb_element = mesh.getNbElement(type);
UInt nb_nodes_per_element = Mesh::getNbNodesPerElement(type);
auto & partition = partitions.alloc(nb_element, 1, type, _not_ghost);
auto & ghost_part_csr = ghost_partitions_csr(type, _not_ghost);
auto & ghost_partition_offset =
ghost_partitions_offset.alloc(nb_element + 1, 1, type, _ghost);
auto & ghost_partition = ghost_partitions.alloc(0, 1, type, _ghost);
const auto & connectivity = mesh.getConnectivity(type, _not_ghost);
auto conn_it = connectivity.begin(connectivity.getNbComponent());
for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_element; ++el, ++linearized_el) {
UInt part = linearized_partitions[linearized_el];
partition(el) = part;
std::list<UInt> list_adj_part;
for (UInt n = 0; n < nb_nodes_per_element; ++n) {
auto conn = Vector<UInt>(*(conn_it + el));
UInt node = conn(n);
for (const auto & adj_element : node_to_elem.getRow(node)) {
UInt adj_el = linearized(adj_element);
UInt adj_part = linearized_partitions[adj_el];
if (part != adj_part) {
for (auto & adj_part : list_adj_part) {
/// convert the ghost_partitions_offset array in an offset array
auto & ghost_partitions_offset_ptr = ghost_partitions_offset(type, _ghost);
for (UInt i = 1; i < nb_element; ++i)
ghost_partitions_offset_ptr(i) += ghost_partitions_offset_ptr(i - 1);
for (UInt i = nb_element; i > 0; --i)
ghost_partitions_offset_ptr(i) = ghost_partitions_offset_ptr(i - 1);
ghost_partitions_offset_ptr(0) = 0;
// All Facets
for (Int sp = spatial_dimension - 1; sp >= 0; --sp) {
for (auto & type : mesh.elementTypes(sp, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
UInt nb_element = mesh.getNbElement(type);
auto & partition = partitions.alloc(nb_element, 1, type, _not_ghost);
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Allocating partitions for " << type);
auto & ghost_part_csr = ghost_partitions_csr(type, _not_ghost);
auto & ghost_partition_offset =
ghost_partitions_offset.alloc(nb_element + 1, 1, type, _ghost);
auto & ghost_partition = ghost_partitions.alloc(0, 1, type, _ghost);
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Allocating ghost_partitions for " << type);
const Array<std::vector<Element>> & elem_to_subelem =
mesh.getElementToSubelement(type, _not_ghost);
// Facet loop
for (UInt i(0); i < mesh.getNbElement(type, _not_ghost); ++i) {
const auto & adjacent_elems = elem_to_subelem(i);
if (adjacent_elems.empty()) {
partition(i) = 0;
Element min_elem{_max_element_type, std::numeric_limits<UInt>::max(),
UInt min_part(std::numeric_limits<UInt>::max());
std::set<UInt> adjacent_parts;
for (auto adj_elem : adjacent_elems) {
if (adj_elem == ElementNull) // case of boundary elements
auto adjacent_elem_part = partitions(adj_elem);
if (adjacent_elem_part < min_part) {
min_part = adjacent_elem_part;
min_elem = adj_elem;
partition(i) = min_part;
auto git = ghost_partitions_csr(min_elem.type, _not_ghost)
auto gend = ghost_partitions_csr(min_elem.type, _not_ghost)
for (; git != gend; ++git) {
for (auto & part : adjacent_parts) {
ghost_partition_offset(i + 1) =
ghost_partition_offset(i + 1) + adjacent_elems.size();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MeshPartition::tweakConnectivity() {
MeshAccessor mesh_accessor(const_cast<Mesh &>(mesh));
for (auto && type :
mesh.elementTypes(spatial_dimension, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
auto & connectivity = mesh_accessor.getConnectivity(type, _not_ghost);
auto & saved_conn = saved_connectivity.alloc(
connectivity.size(), connectivity.getNbComponent(), type, _not_ghost);
for (auto && conn :
make_view(connectivity, connectivity.getNbComponent())) {
for (auto && node : conn) {
if (mesh.isPeriodicSlave(node)) {
node = mesh.getPeriodicMaster(node);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MeshPartition::restoreConnectivity() {
MeshAccessor mesh_accessor(const_cast<Mesh &>(mesh));
for (auto && type : saved_connectivity.elementTypes(
spatial_dimension, _not_ghost, _ek_not_defined)) {
auto & conn = mesh_accessor.getConnectivity(type, _not_ghost);
auto & saved_conn = saved_connectivity(type, _not_ghost);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
bool MeshPartition::hasPartitions(const ElementType & type,
const GhostType & ghost_type) {
return partitions.exists(type, ghost_type);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MeshPartition::printself(std::ostream & stream, int indent) const {
std::string space(indent, AKANTU_INDENT);
stream << space << "MeshPartition ["
<< "\n";
stream << space << " + id : " << id << "\n";
stream << space << " + nb partitions: " << nb_partitions << "\n";
stream << space << " + partitions [ "
<< "\n";
partitions.printself(stream, indent + 2);
stream << space << " ]"
<< "\n";
stream << space << "]"
<< "\n";
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
} // namespace akantu

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