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* @file
* @author Guillaume Anciaux <>
* @date Tue Feb 8 10:48:01 2011
* @brief periodic boundary condition connectivity tweak
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <map>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "mesh_utils.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// class that sorts a set of nodes of same coordinates in 'dir' direction
class CoordinatesComparison {
CoordinatesComparison (const UInt dimension,
const UInt dirx, const UInt diry,
Real * coords):
bool operator() (UInt n1, UInt n2){
Real p1_x = coordinates[dim*n1+dir_x];
Real p2_x = coordinates[dim*n2+dir_x];
Real diff_x = p1_x - p2_x;
if (dim == 2 || fabs(diff_x) > Math::getTolerance())
return diff_x > 0.0 ? false : true;
else if (dim > 2){
Real p1_y = coordinates[dim*n1+dir_y];
Real p2_y = coordinates[dim*n2+dir_y];
Real diff_y = p1_y - p2_y;
return diff_y > 0 ? false : true;
return true;
UInt dim;
UInt dir_x;
UInt dir_y;
Real * coordinates;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// void MeshUtils::tweakConnectivityForPBC(Mesh & mesh,
// bool flag_x,
// bool flag_y,
// bool flag_z){
// std::map<UInt,UInt> pbc_pair;
// mesh.computeBoundingBox();
// mesh.pbc_directions[0] = flag_x;
// mesh.pbc_directions[1] = flag_y;
// mesh.pbc_directions[2] = flag_z;
// if (flag_x) computePBCMap(mesh,0,pbc_pair);
// if (flag_y) computePBCMap(mesh,1,pbc_pair);
// if (flag_z) computePBCMap(mesh,2,pbc_pair);
// {
// std::map<UInt,UInt>::iterator it = pbc_pair.begin();
// std::map<UInt,UInt>::iterator end = pbc_pair.end();
// Real * coords = mesh.nodes->values;
// UInt dim = mesh.getSpatialDimension();
// while(it != end){
// UInt i1 = (*it).first;
// UInt i2 = (*it).second;
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("pairing " << i1 << "("
// << coords[dim*i1] << "," << coords[dim*i1+1] << ","
// << coords[dim*i1+2]
// << ") with"
// << i2 << "("
// << coords[dim*i2] << "," << coords[dim*i2+1] << ","
// << coords[dim*i2+2]
// << ")");
// ++it;
// }
// }
// //allocate and initialize list of reversed elements
// mesh.initByElementTypeUIntVector(mesh.reversed_elements_pbc,1,0,,"reversed");
// // now loop over the elements to change the connectivity of some elements
// const Mesh::ConnectivityTypeList & type_list = mesh.getConnectivityTypeList();
// Mesh::ConnectivityTypeList::const_iterator it;
// for(it = type_list.begin(); it != type_list.end(); ++it) {
// ElementType type = *it;
// UInt nb_elem = mesh.getNbElement(type);
// UInt nb_nodes_per_elem = mesh.getNbNodesPerElement(type);
// UInt * conn = mesh.getConnectivityPointer(type)->values;
// UInt index = 0;
// Vector<UInt> & list = *(mesh.reversed_elements_pbc[type]);
// for (UInt el = 0; el < nb_elem; el++) {
// UInt flag_should_register_elem = false;
// for (UInt k = 0; k < nb_nodes_per_elem; ++k,++index){
// if (pbc_pair.count(conn[index])){
// flag_should_register_elem = true;
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("elem list size " << list.getSize());
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("node " << conn[index] +1
// << " switch to "
// << pbc_pair[conn[index]]+1);
// // for (UInt toto = 0; toto < 3; ++toto) {
// // AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("dir " << toto << " coords "
// // << mesh.nodes->values[conn[index]*3+toto]
// // << " switch to "
// // << mesh.nodes->values[pbc_pair[conn[index]]*3+toto]);
// // }
// std::stringstream str_temp;
// str_temp << "initial elem(" << el << ") is ";
// for (UInt l = 0 ; l < nb_nodes_per_elem ; ++ l){
// str_temp << conn[el*nb_nodes_per_elem+l]+1 << " ";
// }
// AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO(str_temp.str());
// conn[index] = pbc_pair[conn[index]];
// }
// }
// if (flag_should_register_elem) list.push_back(el);
// }
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MeshUtils::computePBCMap(const Mesh & mymesh,
const UInt dir,
std::map<UInt,UInt> & pbc_pair){
std::vector<UInt> selected_left;
std::vector<UInt> selected_right;
Real * coords = mymesh.nodes->values;
const UInt nb_nodes = mymesh.nodes->getSize();
const UInt dim = mymesh.getSpatialDimension();
if (dim <= dir) return;
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("min " << mymesh.lower_bounds[dir]);
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("max " << mymesh.upper_bounds[dir]);
for (UInt i = 0; i < nb_nodes; ++i) {
AKANTU_DEBUG_TRACE("treating " << coords[dim*i+dir]);
if(Math::are_float_equal(coords[dim*i+dir], mymesh.lower_bounds[dir])){
AKANTU_DEBUG_TRACE("pushing node " << i << " on the left side");
else if(Math::are_float_equal(coords[dim*i+dir], mymesh.upper_bounds[dir])){
AKANTU_DEBUG_TRACE("pushing node " << i << " on the right side");
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("found " << selected_left.size() << " and " << selected_right.size()
<< " nodes at each boundary for direction " << dir);
// match pairs
MeshUtils::matchPBCPairs(mymesh, dir, selected_left, selected_right, pbc_pair);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MeshUtils::computePBCMap(const Mesh & mymesh,
const SurfacePair & surface_pair,
const ElementType type,
std::map<UInt,UInt> & pbc_pair) {
std::vector<UInt> selected_first;
std::vector<UInt> selected_second;
// get access to surface information
UInt nb_surface_element = mymesh.getNbElement(type);
const Vector<UInt> & surface_id = mymesh.getSurfaceID(type);
const Vector<UInt> & connect = mymesh.getConnectivity(type);
UInt nodes_per_surface_element = mymesh.getNbNodesPerElement(type);
// find nodes on surfaces
for(UInt i=0; i < nb_surface_element; ++i) {
if (surface_id(i) == surface_pair.first) {
for(UInt j=0; j<nodes_per_surface_element; ++j)
else if (surface_id(i) == surface_pair.second) {
for(UInt j=0; j<nodes_per_surface_element; ++j)
// sort and eliminate repetition of nodes
std::vector<UInt>::iterator it_s;
std::sort(selected_first.begin(), selected_first.end());
it_s = std::unique(selected_first.begin(), selected_first.end());
selected_first.resize(it_s - selected_first.begin());
std::sort(selected_second.begin(), selected_second.end());
it_s = std::unique(selected_second.begin(), selected_second.end());
selected_second.resize(it_s - selected_second.begin());
// coordinates
const Vector<Real> & coords = mymesh.getNodes();
const UInt dim = mymesh.getSpatialDimension();
// variables to find min and max of surfaces
Real first_max[3], first_min[3];
Real second_max[3], second_min[3];
for (UInt i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
first_min[i] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
second_min[i] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
first_max[i] = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
second_max[i] = -std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
// find min and max of surface nodes
for (std::vector<UInt>::iterator it = selected_first.begin();
it != selected_first.end();
++it) {
for (UInt i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
if (first_min[i] > coords(*it,i)) first_min[i] = coords(*it,i);
if (first_max[i] < coords(*it,i)) first_max[i] = coords(*it,i);
for (std::vector<UInt>::iterator it = selected_second.begin();
it != selected_second.end();
++it) {
for (UInt i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
if (second_min[i] > coords(*it,i)) second_min[i] = coords(*it,i);
if (second_max[i] < coords(*it,i)) second_max[i] = coords(*it,i);
// find direction of pbc
Int first_dir=-1, second_dir=-2;
for (UInt i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
if (Math::are_float_equal(first_min[i], first_max[i])) {
first_dir = i;
if (Math::are_float_equal(second_min[i], second_max[i])) {
second_dir = i;
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(first_dir == second_dir, "Surface pair has not same direction. Surface "
<< surface_pair.first << " dir=" << first_dir << " ; Surface "
<< surface_pair.second << " dir=" << second_dir);
UInt dir = first_dir;
// match pairs
if (first_min[dir] < second_min[dir])
MeshUtils::matchPBCPairs(mymesh, dir, selected_first, selected_second, pbc_pair);
MeshUtils::matchPBCPairs(mymesh, dir, selected_second, selected_first, pbc_pair);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void MeshUtils::matchPBCPairs(const Mesh & mymesh,
const UInt dir,
std::vector<UInt> & selected_left,
std::vector<UInt> & selected_right,
std::map<UInt,UInt> & pbc_pair) {
Real * coords = mymesh.nodes->values;
const UInt dim = mymesh.getSpatialDimension();
UInt dir_x,dir_y;
if (dim == 3){
if (dir == 0){
dir_x = 1;dir_y = 2;
else if (dir == 1){
dir_x = 0;dir_y = 2;
else if (dir == 2){
dir_x = 0;dir_y = 1;
else if (dim == 2){
if (dir == 0){
dir_x = 1;
else if (dir == 1){
dir_x = 0;
CoordinatesComparison compare_nodes(dim,dir_x,dir_y,coords);
std::vector<UInt>::iterator it_left = selected_left.begin();
std::vector<UInt>::iterator end_left = selected_left.end();
std::vector<UInt>::iterator it_right = selected_right.begin();
std::vector<UInt>::iterator end_right = selected_right.end();
while ((it_left != end_left) && (it_right != end_right) ){
UInt i1 = *it_left;
UInt i2 = *it_right;
AKANTU_DEBUG_TRACE("do I pair? " << i1 << "("
<< coords[dim*i1] << "," << coords[dim*i1+1] << ","
<< coords[dim*i1+2]
<< ") with"
<< i2 << "("
<< coords[dim*i2] << "," << coords[dim*i2+1] << ","
<< coords[dim*i2+2]
<< ") in direction " << dir);
Real dx = 0.0;
Real dy = 0.0;
if (dim == 2) dx = coords[dim*i1+dir_x] - coords[dim*i2+dir_x];
if (dim == 3) dy = coords[dim*i1+dir_y] - coords[dim*i2+dir_y];
if (fabs(dx*dx+dy*dy) < Math::getTolerance())
//then i match these pairs
if (pbc_pair.count(i2)){
i2 = pbc_pair[i2];
pbc_pair[i1] = i2;
AKANTU_DEBUG_TRACE("pairing " << i1 << "("
<< coords[dim*i1] << "," << coords[dim*i1+1] << ","
<< coords[dim*i1+2]
<< ") with"
<< i2 << "("
<< coords[dim*i2] << "," << coords[dim*i2+1] << ","
<< coords[dim*i2+2]
<< ") in direction " << dir);
else if (fabs(dy) < Math::getTolerance() && dx > 0) ++it_right;
else if (fabs(dy) < Math::getTolerance() && dx < 0) ++it_left;
else if (dy > 0) ++it_right;
else if (dy < 0) ++it_left;
else {
AKANTU_DEBUG_ERROR("this should not append");
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("found " << pbc_pair.size() << " pairs for direction " << dir);

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