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* Copyright (©) 2015-2023 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* This file is part of Akantu
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "communicator.hh"
#include "model.hh"
#include "non_local_manager.hh"
#include "non_local_neighborhood.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <fstream>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class WeightFunction>
template <class Func>
inline void
NonLocalNeighborhood<WeightFunction>::foreach_weight(GhostType ghost_type,
Func && func) {
auto && weight_vect = *pair_weight[ghost_type];
for (auto && [pair, weight] :
make_view(weight_vect, weight_vect.getNbComponent()))) {
auto && [q1, q2] = pair;
std::forward<decltype(func)>(func)(q1, q2, weight);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class WeightFunction>
template <class Func>
inline void
NonLocalNeighborhood<WeightFunction>::foreach_weight(GhostType ghost_type,
Func && func) const {
auto && weight_vect = *;
for (auto && [pair, weight] :
make_view(weight_vect, weight_vect.getNbComponent()))) {
auto && [q1, q2] = pair;
std::forward<decltype(func)>(func)(q1, q2, weight);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class WeightFunction>
NonLocalManager & manager, const ElementTypeMapReal & quad_coordinates,
const ID & id)
: NonLocalNeighborhoodBase(manager.getModel(), quad_coordinates, id),
non_local_manager(manager) {
this->weight_function = std::make_unique<WeightFunction>(manager);
this->registerSubSection(ParserType::_weight_function, "weight_parameter",
for (auto ghost_type : ghost_types) {
if (pair_weight.find(ghost_type) == pair_weight.end()) {
pair_weight[ghost_type] = std::make_unique<Array<Real>>(0, 2);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class WeightFunction>
void NonLocalNeighborhood<WeightFunction>::computeWeights() {
Int nb_weights_per_pair = 2; /// w1: q1->q2, w2: q2->q1
/// get the elementtypemap for the neighborhood volume for each quadrature
/// point
ElementTypeMapReal & quadrature_points_volumes =
/// update the internals of the weight function if applicable (not
/// all the weight functions have internals and do noting in that
/// case)
for (auto ghost_type : ghost_types) {
/// allocate the array to store the weight, if it doesn't exist already
if (not pair_weight[ghost_type]) {
pair_weight[ghost_type] =
std::make_unique<Array<Real>>(0, nb_weights_per_pair);
auto && pair_lists = pair_list[ghost_type];
auto && pair_weights = *pair_weight[ghost_type];
auto && jacobians = this->non_local_manager.getJacobians();
/// loop over all pairs in the current pair list array and their
/// corresponding weights
// Compute the weights
for (auto && [weight, pairs] :
zip(make_view(pair_weights, nb_weights_per_pair), pair_lists)) {
const auto & [q1, q2] = pairs;
/// get the coordinates for the given pair of quads
auto && q1_coord = this->quad_coordinates.get(q1);
auto && q2_coord = this->quad_coordinates.get(q2);
auto && quad_volumes_1 = quadrature_points_volumes(q1);
const auto & q2_wJ = jacobians(q2);
/// compute distance between the two quadrature points
auto r = q1_coord.distance(q2_coord);
/// compute the weight for averaging on q1 based on the distance
weight(0) = q2_wJ * (*this->weight_function)(r, q1, q2);
quad_volumes_1 += weight(0);
if (q2.ghost_type != _ghost and q1.global_num != q2.global_num) {
const auto & q1_wJ = jacobians(q1);
auto && quad_volumes_2 = quadrature_points_volumes(q2);
/// compute the weight for averaging on q2
weight(1) = q1_wJ * (*this->weight_function)(r, q2, q1);
quad_volumes_2 += weight(1);
} else {
weight(1) = 0.;
/// normalize the weights
for (auto ghost_type : ghost_types) {
[&](const auto & q1, const auto & q2, auto & weight) {
auto q1_volume = quadrature_points_volumes(q1);
auto ghost_type2 = q2.ghost_type;
weight(0) *= 1. / q1_volume;
if (ghost_type2 != _ghost) {
auto q2_volume = quadrature_points_volumes(q2);
weight(1) *= 1. / q2_volume;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class WeightFunction>
void NonLocalNeighborhood<WeightFunction>::saveWeights(
const std::string & filename) const {
std::ofstream pout;
std::stringstream sstr;
const Communicator & comm = model.getMesh().getCommunicator();
auto prank = comm.whoAmI();
sstr << filename << "." << prank;;
for (auto ghost_type : ghost_types) {
"the weights have not been computed yet");
const auto & weights = *;
for (auto && weight : make_view(weights, 2)) {
pout << "w1: " << weight(0) << " w2: " << weight(1) << "\n";
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class WeightFunction>
void NonLocalNeighborhood<WeightFunction>::weightedAverageOnNeighbours(
const ElementTypeMapReal & to_accumulate, ElementTypeMapReal & accumulated,
Int /*nb_degree_of_freedom*/, GhostType ghost_type2) const {
auto it = non_local_variables.find(accumulated.getName());
// do averaging only for variables registered in the neighborhood
if (it == non_local_variables.end()) {
[ghost_type2, &to_accumulate,
&accumulated](const auto & q1, const auto & q2, auto & weight) {
auto && to_acc_2 = to_accumulate.get(q2);
auto && acc_1 = accumulated.get(q1);
acc_1 += weight(0) * to_acc_2;
if (ghost_type2 != _ghost) {
auto && to_acc_1 = to_accumulate.get(q1);
auto && acc_2 = accumulated.get(q2);
acc_2 += weight(1) * to_acc_1;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class WeightFunction>
void NonLocalNeighborhood<WeightFunction>::updateWeights() {
// Update the weights for the non local variable averaging
if (this->weight_function->getUpdateRate() and
(this->non_local_manager.getNbStressCalls() %
this->weight_function->getUpdateRate() ==
0)) {
} // namespace akantu

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