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* @file model_manager.hh
* @author Alejandro M. Aragón <>
* @date Wed Aug 22 12:14:00 2012
* @brief higher order object that deals with collections of models
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#include "aka_common.hh"
#include "mesh.hh"
#include "mesh_io_abaqus.hh"
#include "model.hh"
#include "aka_tree.hh"
#include "solid_mechanics_model.hh"
#include "aka_plane.hh"
#include "aka_timer.hh"
template <class Model_policy>
class Model_manager {
typedef Model_policy model_type;
typedef model_type* model_pointer;
typedef model_type& model_reference;
typedef std::list<model_type*> model_container;
typedef typename model_container::iterator model_iterator;
typedef typename model_container::const_iterator const_model_iterator;
model_container models_; //!< Models
//! Default constructor
Model_manager() : models_() {}
virtual void add_model(model_reference m)
{ models_.push_back(&m); }
virtual void add_model(model_pointer m)
{ models_.push_back(m); }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Model_manager& mm) {
os<<"Model manager info:"<<endl;
os<<" models: "<<mm.models_.size()<<endl;
size_t i=0;
for (const_model_iterator it = mm.models_.begin(); it != mm.models_.end(); ++it) {
os<<"\tmodel "<<++i<<" memory address: "<<*it<<endl;
os<<"\tmodel "<<**it<<endl;
return os;
template <class tree>
void print_mathematica(const tree& t) {
typedef typename tree::value_type volume_type;
typedef typename tree::const_leaf_iterator iterator;
int d = volume_type::dim();
if (d == 2)
for (typename tree::const_leaf_iterator it = t.leaves_begin(); it != t.leaves_end(); ++it)
cout<<*it<<", ";
enum Kinematic_type { static_object_t = 0, dynamic_object_t = 1 };
template <class Bounding_policy, bool Accelerate = false, template <class> class Cost_policy = Cost_functor>
class Contact_model_manager : public Model_manager<SolidMechanicsModel> {
typedef Real time_type;
typedef ctimer chronograph_type;
typedef SolidMechanicsModel model_type;
typedef model_type* model_pointer;
typedef model_type& model_reference;
// Geometric
typedef Bounding_policy volume_type;
typedef typename volume_type::point_type point_type;
typedef typename point_type::value_type value_type;
typedef typename volume_type::aabb_type aabb_type;
// Bounding volume hierarchy related types
typedef Cost_policy<volume_type> cost_functor;
typedef Tree<volume_type, Cost_policy > tree_type;
typedef typename tree_type::leaf_iterator tree_leaf_iterator;
typedef typename tree_type::iterator tree_iterator;
typedef typename tree_type::const_iterator const_tree_iterator;
typedef std::list<tree_type*> forest_container;
typedef typename forest_container::iterator forest_iterator;
typedef typename forest_container::const_iterator const_forest_iterator;
// leaf information
typedef std::vector<const Real*> coordinate_type;
typedef std::map<tree_iterator, coordinate_type> leaves_data;
typedef typename leaves_data::iterator leaves_data_iterator;
typedef std::map<model_pointer, leaves_data> model_leaf_map;
typedef typename model_leaf_map::iterator model_leaf_iterator;
typedef std::tuple<leaves_data_iterator, leaves_data_iterator> check_type;
struct Check_comparator {
bool operator()(const check_type& c1, const check_type& c2) const
{ return std::get<0>(c1)->first < std::get<0>(c2)->first; }
typedef typename std::set<check_type, Check_comparator> check_container;
typedef typename check_container::iterator check_iterator;
// kinematic types
typedef point_type velocity_type;
typedef std::list<velocity_type> velocity_container;
typedef typename velocity_container::iterator velocity_iterator;
typedef unsigned long mask_size;
// timer type
typedef std::priority_queue<time_type, std::vector<time_type>, std::greater<time_type> > timer_type;
//! Structure used to do a postorder update of tree hierarchies
struct Updater {
tree_type &t_; //!< Reference to hierarchy
Updater(tree_type& t) : t_(t) {}
void operator()(tree_iterator it) {
if (!it.is_leaf()) {
volume_type& v = *it;
volume_type& lv = *it.left();
volume_type& rv = *it.right();
v = lv + rv;
assert(lv.last_time_ == rv.last_time_);
v.last_time_ = lv.last_time_;
v.velocity_ = 0.5 * (lv.velocity_ + rv.velocity_);
v.acceleration_ = 0.5 * (lv.acceleration_ + rv.acceleration_);
struct Printer {
void operator()(tree_iterator it)
{ cout<<*it<<", "; }
typedef std::tuple<time_type, tree_iterator, tree_iterator> tuple_type;
struct Tuple_compare {
bool operator()(const tuple_type& t1, const tuple_type& t2) const
{ return std::get<0>(t1) > std::get<0>(t2); }
typedef typename std::priority_queue<tuple_type, std::vector<tuple_type>, Tuple_compare> hierarchy_timer;
template <bool flag>
struct Bool2Type {
enum { value = flag };
forest_container forest_; //!< Bounding volume hierarchies
hierarchy_timer timer_; //!< Priority queue of times
model_leaf_map leaf_data_; //!< Leaf data
mask_size masks_; //!< Variable used for static objects
tree_iterator null_;
check_container fine_check_; //!< Container for fine check
chronograph_type chrono_;
//! Default constructor
: Model_manager(), forest_(), timer_(), masks_(), null_(tree_iterator(nullptr)), chrono_() {
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(time_type(), null_, null_));
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(inf, null_, null_));
//! Destructor
~Contact_model_manager() {
for (forest_iterator it = forest_.begin(); it != forest_.end(); ++it)
delete *it;
virtual void add_model(model_pointer m, Kinematic_type k = dynamic_object_t) {
if (models_.size() > 8*sizeof(mask_size)) {
cout<<"*** ERROR *** Type used for masks is too small to handle all models."<<endl;
tree_type *tree = construct_tree_bottom_up<tree_type, volume_type>(*m, leaf_data_[m]);
// print_mathematica(*tree);
// mask model as dynamic or static
masks_ |= (k << (models_.size()-1));
void update_forest(time_type t) {
int k=0;
model_leaf_iterator it = leaf_data_.begin();
forest_iterator fit = forest_.begin();
for (; it != leaf_data_.end(); ++it, ++fit) {
// check if the object is dynamic to update
if (!(masks_ & (1 << k++)))
// loop over leaves
for (leaves_data_iterator lit = it->second.begin(); lit != it->second.end(); ++lit) {
std::vector<point_type> pts;
size_t nnodes = lit->second.size();
for (size_t i=0; i<nnodes; ++i)
Real t_old = lit->first->last_time_;
// get old position
const point_type& p0 = lit->first->center();
volume_type v = Volume_creator<volume_type>::create(lit->second);
const point_type& p1 =;
const point_type& v0 = lit->first->velocity_;
const point_type& v1 = v.velocity_;
v.velocity_ = 1/(t - t_old) * (p1-p0);
v.acceleration_ = 1/(t - t_old) * (v1-v0);
v.last_time_ = t;
// set new volume
*lit->first = v;
tree_type &t = **fit;
Updater u(t);
class Time_exception : public std::exception {
virtual const char* what() const throw()
{ return "*** EXCEPTION *** Zero time increment."; }
/*! \param t - Current elapsed time
* \param Dt - Time step
void intersect(time_type t, time_type& Dt) {
cout<<"Time ***"<<t<<endl;
cout<<"Dt -> "<<Dt<<endl;
static time_type Dt1 = Dt;
const tuple_type& tuple =;
time_type top = std::get<0>(tuple);
cout<<" Top time -> "<<top<<endl;
Real offset = (Accelerate ? 2 : 1)*Dt;
// // update hierarchy
// if (t + offset > top && t > offset) {
// // update hierarchies and get positions
// cout<<"updating BECAUSE t + offset > top"<<endl;
// update_forest(t);
// cout<<"Graphics3D[{";
// for (forest_iterator itt = forest_.begin(); itt != forest_.end(); ++itt)
// cout<<*(*itt)->root()<<",";
// cout<<"}]";
// }
// update hierarchies and get positions
auto left = std::get<1>(tuple);
auto right = std::get<2>(tuple);
if (left != null_ && right != null_) {
point_type cl = left->center();
point_type cr = right->center();
cout<<"sp1.Center=["<<cl[0]<<","<<cl[1]<<","<<cl[2]<<"]; sp1.Radius="<<left->radius()<<"; sp2.Center=["<<cr[0]<<","<<cr[1]<<","<<cr[2]<<"]; sp2.Radius="<<right->radius()<<";"<<endl;
// cout<<"Sphere(); SetProperties(PhiResolution=32); SetProperties(ThetaResolution=32); SetProperties(Center=["<<cl[0]<<","<<cl[1]<<","<<cl[2]<<"]); SetProperties(Radius="<<left->radius()<<"); Show()"<<endl;
// cout<<"Sphere(); SetProperties(PhiResolution=32); SetProperties(ThetaResolution=32); SetProperties(Center=["<<cr[0]<<","<<cr[1]<<","<<cr[2]<<"]); SetProperties(Radius="<<right->radius()<<"); Show()"<<endl;
// cout<<"ROOTS AFTER UPDATING"<<endl;
// cout<<"Graphics3D[{Opacity[0.5],";
// for (forest_iterator itt = forest_.begin(); itt != forest_.end(); ++itt)
// cout<<*(*itt)->root()<<",";
// cout<<"}]"<<endl;
// set time step if required
if (t + Dt > top && top != 0 && top != t) {
Real tmp = Dt;
Dt = std::abs(top - t);
if (Dt > Dt1)
Dt = Dt1;
if (Dt < 1e-10) {
cout<<"TOO SMALL"<<endl;
throw Time_exception();
cout<<"*** SETTING Dt -> "<<Dt<<endl;
// if (Dt == 0) {
// // update hierarchies and get positions
// update_forest(t);
// cout<<"Graphics3D[{";
// for (forest_iterator itt = forest_.begin(); itt != forest_.end(); ++itt)
// cout<<*(*itt)->root()<<",";
// cout<<"}]"<<endl;
// throw Time_exception();
// }
cout<<"new Dt -> "<<Dt<<endl;
for (model_iterator mit = models_.begin(); mit != models_.end(); ++mit) {
cout<<"calling to set time step "<<(Dt)<<endl;
// if there are enough models to carry out intersection
if (models_.size() > 1 && top <= t) {
// // update hierarchies and get positions
// update_forest(t);
// if first step, add next time to timer and return because there
// is not enough information for the computation of intersection times
if (t <= (Accelerate ? 2 : 1)*Dt) {
// remove time from timer
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(t, null_, null_));
cout<<"top time -> "<<top<<endl;
cout<<"timer size -> "<<timer_.size()<<endl;
// get collision time
// t = std::min(t, top);
// check if iterators are null to compute O(n^2) collision times
tree_iterator it1 = std::get<1>(tuple);
tree_iterator it2 = std::get<2>(tuple);
// remove time from timer
if (it1 == null_ || it2 == null_) {
// do O(n^2) operation to obtain next time of intersections
for (forest_iterator it1 = forest_.begin(); it1 != --forest_.end(); ++it1) {
forest_iterator it2 = it1;
for (++it2; it2 != forest_.end(); ++it2) {
// get collision time
cout<<"Calling check_collision in O(n^2) branch"<<endl;
check_collision(t, Dt, (*it1)->root(), (*it2)->root());
} // inner hierarchy loop
} // outer hierarchy loop
// else use collision information previously computed (avoids O(n^2) operation above)
else {
cout<<"Calling check_collision in non-O(n^2) branch"<<endl;
check_collision(t, Dt, it1, it2);
} // if statement on enough models
// else do nothing as there are not enough models to carry out intersection
// or the check engine is shut down until the next time in timer
// carry out fine check if necessary
if (!fine_check_.empty()) {
// loop over elements in the set
for (check_iterator it = fine_check_.begin(); it != fine_check_.end(); ++it) {
const check_type& c = *it;
leaves_data_iterator lit1 = std::get<0>(c);
leaves_data_iterator lit2 = std::get<1>(c);
bool penetrate = check_penetration(lit1, lit2);
if (penetrate) {
cout<<"FINALLY PENETRATING at time " <<t<<" !!!"<<endl;
} // non-empty fine check container
const tuple_type& tuple2 =;
time_type top2 = std::get<0>(tuple);
cout<<"top -> "<<top<<endl;
cout<<"top2 -> "<<top2<<endl;
if (top2 - top > 0) {
Dt = std::min(std::abs(top2 - top) + 1e-6, Dt1);
cout<<"***** CHANGING DT TO "<<Dt<<endl;
for (model_iterator mit = models_.begin(); mit != models_.end(); ++mit) {
cout<<"calling to set time step "<<(Dt)<<endl;
// checks if a point s moves away from a plane, indicating that a node has
// penetrated and that further checking is required
bool check_penetration(const point_type& s, const point_type& v, Plane& p) {
// compute distance to plane
value_type dist = p.normal() * s - p.distance();
value_type denom = p.normal() * v;
// point is moving away from the plane, indicating that has penetrated already
if (denom * dist > 0.)
return true;
return false;
template <class iterator>
void check_collision(time_type t, time_type& Dt, iterator it1, iterator it2) {
check_collision(t, Dt, it1, it2, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
while (!timer_.empty()) {
const tuple_type& tuple =;
time_type tstar = std::get<0>(tuple);
iterator left = std::get<1>(tuple);
iterator right = std::get<2>(tuple);
// return if collision happens later in time
if (tstar > t)
check_collision(t, Dt, left, right, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
// remove tuple from the timer and call chack collision on their
// iterators
template <class iterator>
void handle_collision(time_type t, time_type& Dt, iterator it1, iterator it2) {
// if volumes are leaves
if (it1.is_leaf() && it2.is_leaf()) {
cout<<" Leaves found"<<endl;
const point_type& cl = it1->center();
const point_type& cr = it2->center();
cout<<"sp1.Center=["<<cl[0]<<","<<cl[1]<<","<<cl[2]<<"]; sp1.Radius="<<it1->radius()<<"; sp2.Center=["<<cr[0]<<","<<cr[1]<<","<<cr[2]<<"]; sp2.Radius="<<it2->radius()<<";"<<endl;
// add leaves to carry out penetration tests
leaves_data_iterator lit1, lit2;
// check for penetration
for (model_leaf_iterator it = leaf_data_.begin(); it != leaf_data_.end(); ++it) {
leaves_data_iterator lit = it->second.find(it1);
if (lit != it->second.end())
lit1 = lit;
lit = it->second.find(it2);
if (lit != it->second.end())
lit2 = lit;
// // now that leaves have been found, check collision of axis-aligned bounding boxes
// aabb_type bb1, bb2;
// for (model_leaf_iterator it = leaf_data_.begin(); it != leaf_data_.end(); ++it) {
// leaves_data_iterator lit = it->second.find(it1);
// if (lit != it->second.end())
// for (int i=0; i<lit->second.size(); ++i)
// bb1 += point_type(lit->second[i]);
// lit = it->second.find(it2);
// if (lit != it->second.end())
// for (int i=0; i<lit->second.size(); ++i)
// bb2 += point_type(lit->second[i]);
// }
// // assign velocities
// bb1.velocity_ = s1.velocity_;
// bb2.velocity_ = s2.velocity_;
// // get time of intersection between aabbs
// Real ts = check_collision(bb1,bb2);
// traverse down the left hierarchy if its volume is bigger or if the
// right volume is a leaf
if ((!it1.is_leaf() && it1->measure() >= it2->measure()) || it2.is_leaf()) {
cout<<" s1 >= s2 OR s2 is leaf"<<endl;
iterator lit = it1.left();
iterator rit = it1.right();
assert(lit != null_);
assert(rit != null_);
check_collision(t, Dt, lit, it2, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
check_collision(t, Dt, rit, it2, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
// traverse down the right hierarchy if its volume is bigger or if the
// right volume is a leaf
else if ((!it2.is_leaf() && it2->measure() > it1->measure()) || it1.is_leaf()) {
cout<<" s1 < s2 OR s1 is leaf"<<endl;
iterator lit = it2.left();
iterator rit = it2.right();
assert(lit != null_);
assert(rit != null_);
check_collision(t, Dt, it1, lit, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
check_collision(t, Dt, it1, rit, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
else {
// should never call this branch
assert (false);
// check collision considering acceleration
// the equation to solve is
// alpha t^4/4 + beta t^3 + gamma t^2 + delta t + epsilon = 0
// where alpha = (a.a)/4, beta = (a.v), gamma = a.s + v.v, delta = 2(s.v),
// epsilon = s.s - r^2, a = a1-a2, v = v1-v2, s = c1-c2, r = r1-r2
template <class iterator>
void check_collision(time_type t, time_type& Dt, iterator it1, iterator it2, Bool2Type<true>) {
// check for collision
if (*it1 & *it2)
handle_collision(t, Dt, it1, it2);
const point_type& v1 = it1->velocity_;
const point_type& v2 = it2->velocity_;
point_type a1 = it1->acceleration_;
point_type a2 = it2->acceleration_;
a1[0] = a1[1] = a2[0] = a2[1] = 0;
a1[2] = a1[2] = -9.81;
Real r = it1->radius() + it2->radius();
point_type s = it2->center() - it1->center();
point_type v = v2 - v1;
point_type a = a2 - a1;
// get coefficients
Real alpha = (a*a)/4;
Real beta = a*v;
Real gamma = a*s + v*v;
Real delta = 2*(s*v);
Real epsilon = s*s - r*r;
// obtain roots from quartic equation by calling the function such that
// the coefficient for the quartic term is equal to one
std::vector<Real> x(4, -1);
cout<<"calling solve quartic with coefficients "<<endl;
cout<<(beta/alpha)<<", "<<(gamma/alpha)<<", "<<(delta/alpha)<<", "<<(epsilon/alpha)<<endl;
uint32_t roots = solve_quartic(beta/alpha, gamma/alpha, delta/alpha, epsilon/alpha,
&x[0], &x[1], &x[2], &x[3]);
// if there are roots, take the first one as an indication of the collision
if (roots > 0) {
Real tmin = std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity();
for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i)
if (x[i] > 0)
tmin = std::min(tmin, x[i]);
if (tmin+t != std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN()) {
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(tmin+t, it1, it2));
// change time step
cout<<"APPROXIMATE COLLISION TIME -> t + tmin = "<<t<<" + "<<tmin<<" = "<<(tmin+t)<<endl;
if (tmin == 0) {
// if (tmin < Dt) {
// cout<<"CHANGING TIME STEP TO "<<tmin<<endl;
// Dt = tmin;
// }
cout<<" roots -> "<<roots<<endl;
cout<<" values -> ";
for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i)
cout<<x[i]<<", ";
// check collision for constant velocity
template <class iterator>
void check_collision(time_type t, time_type& Dt, iterator it1, iterator it2, Bool2Type<false> flag) {
const volume_type& s1 = *it1;
const volume_type& s2 = *it2;
const point_type& v1 = s1.velocity_;
const point_type& v2 = s2.velocity_;
// vector between spheress
point_type s = -;
// relative motion of s1 with respect to stationary s0
point_type v = v2 - v1;
// sum of radii
value_type r = s1.radius() + s2.radius();
value_type c = s*s - r*r;
cout<<"Checking collisiong between:"<<endl;
cout<<" "<<s1<<", velocity: "<<v1<<endl;
cout<<" "<<s2<<", velocity: "<<v2<<endl;
cout<<" Relative velocity: "<<v<<endl;
// already intersecting, call recursively on branches
if (c < 0.) {
cout<<" Intersecting bounding volumes"<<endl;
handle_collision(t, Dt, it1, it2);
value_type epsilon = 1e-8;
value_type a = v*v;
// if spheres not moving relative to each other
if (a < epsilon) {
cout<<" Objects not moving relative to each other"<<endl;
cout<<" a: "<<a<<endl;
value_type b = v*s;
// if spheres not moving towards each other
if (b >= 0.) {
cout<<" Objects not moving towards each other"<<endl;
cout<<" b: "<<b<<endl;
value_type d = b*b - a*c;
// if no real-valued root (d < 0), spheres do not intersect
// otherwise add time to timer
if (d >= 0.) {
time_type ts = (-b - sqrt(d))/a;
if (ts > 0.) {
cout<<" Objects intersects at time "<<(t+ts)<<endl;
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(t + ts, it1, it2));
else {
cout<<" ts negative: "<<ts<<endl;
else {
cout<<" Objects do not intersect"<<endl;
cout<<" d: "<<d<<endl;
bool check_penetration(leaves_data_iterator it1, leaves_data_iterator it2) {
const coordinate_type& c1 = it1->second;
const coordinate_type& c2 = it2->second;
for (size_t i=0; i<c1.size(); ++i) {
point_type r(c1[i]);
// swith on the number of coordinates of the second container
switch (c2.size()) {
// triangle case
case 3:
// form plane from three points
// get element extreme points
point_type o(c2[0]);
point_type p(c2[1]);
point_type q(c2[2]);
Plane pi(o,p,q);
// check for actual penetration using relative velocity
if (check_penetration(r, it1->first->velocity_ - it2->first->velocity_, pi))
return true;
cout<<"*** ERROR *** Function check_penetration in file "<<__FILE__<<", line "<<__LINE__;
cout<<", is not implemented for node container of size "<<c2.size()<<endl;
cout<<"*** ABORTING *** "<<endl;
} // loop over coordinates of first container
return false;
// intersects aabbs a and b moving with constant velocities.
// On intersection, return time of first contact
time_type check_collision(const aabb_type& a, const aabb_type& b) {
// overlapping aabbs
if (a & b) {
cout<<"*** ERROR *** Colliding bounding boxes"<<endl;
cout<<" Aborting..."<<endl;
// compute relative velocity
const point_type v = b.velocity_ - a.velocity_;
// initialize times of first and last contact
time_type tf = 0., tl = 0.;
// for each axis, determine the time of first and last contact
for (int i=0; i<point_type::dim(); ++i) {
if (v[i] < 0.) {
if (b.max(i) < a.min(i))
return inf; // non-intersecting
if (a.max(i) < b.min(i))
tf = std::max((a.max(i) - b.min(i)) / v[i], tf);
if (b.max(i) > a.min(i))
tl = std::min((a.min(i) - b.max(i)) / v[i], tl);
if (v[i] > 0.) {
if (b.min(i) > a.max(i))
return inf; // non-intersecting
if (b.max(i) < a.min(i))
tf = std::max((a.min(i) - b.max(i)) / v[i], tf);
if (a.max(i) > b.min(i))
tl = std::min((a.max(i) - b.min(i)) / v[i], tl);
return tf;
/*! \brief Solve quartic equation x^4 + a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0.
* Solves the quartic equation. Returns the number of roots
* found. Roots are filled in ascending order.
* Code taken from the Ion Beam Simulator, which is distrubuted under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
uint32_t solve_quartic(Real a, Real b, Real c, Real d,
Real *x0, Real *x1, Real *x2, Real *x3 );
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Contact_model_manager& mm) {
os<<"Contact model manager info:"<<endl;
os<<" models: "<<mm.models_.size()<<endl;
size_t i=0;
const_forest_iterator tit = mm.forest_.begin();
for (const_model_iterator it = mm.models_.begin(); it != mm.models_.end(); ++it) {
os<<"\tmodel "<<++i<<" memory address: "<<*it<<endl;
os<<"\tmodel: "<<**it<<endl;
os<<"\ttree: ";
return os;
template <class Bounding_policy, bool Accelerate = false, template <class> class Cost_policy = Cost_functor>
class Contact_model_manager2 : public Model_manager<SolidMechanicsModel> {
typedef Real time_type;
typedef ctimer chronograph_type;
typedef SolidMechanicsModel model_type;
typedef model_type* model_pointer;
typedef model_type& model_reference;
// Geometric
typedef Bounding_policy volume_type;
typedef typename volume_type::point_type point_type;
typedef typename point_type::value_type value_type;
typedef typename volume_type::aabb_type aabb_type;
// Bounding volume hierarchy related types
typedef Cost_policy<volume_type> cost_functor;
typedef Tree<volume_type, Cost_policy > tree_type;
typedef typename tree_type::leaf_iterator tree_leaf_iterator;
typedef typename tree_type::iterator tree_iterator;
typedef typename tree_type::const_iterator const_tree_iterator;
typedef std::list<tree_type*> forest_container;
typedef typename forest_container::iterator forest_iterator;
typedef typename forest_container::const_iterator const_forest_iterator;
// leaf information
typedef std::vector<const Real*> coordinate_type;
typedef std::map<tree_iterator, coordinate_type> leaves_data;
typedef typename leaves_data::iterator leaves_data_iterator;
typedef std::map<model_pointer, leaves_data> model_leaf_map;
typedef typename model_leaf_map::iterator model_leaf_iterator;
typedef std::tuple<leaves_data_iterator, leaves_data_iterator> check_type;
struct Check_comparator {
bool operator()(const check_type& c1, const check_type& c2) const
{ return std::get<0>(c1)->first < std::get<0>(c2)->first; }
typedef typename std::set<check_type, Check_comparator> check_container;
typedef typename check_container::iterator check_iterator;
// kinematic types
typedef point_type velocity_type;
typedef std::list<velocity_type> velocity_container;
typedef typename velocity_container::iterator velocity_iterator;
typedef unsigned long mask_size;
// timer type
typedef std::priority_queue<time_type, std::vector<time_type>, std::greater<time_type> > timer_type;
//! Structure used to do a postorder update of tree hierarchies
struct Updater {
tree_type &t_; //!< Reference to hierarchy
Updater(tree_type& t) : t_(t) {}
void operator()(tree_iterator it) {
if (!it.is_leaf()) {
volume_type& v = *it;
volume_type& lv = *it.left();
volume_type& rv = *it.right();
v = lv + rv;
assert(lv.last_time_ == rv.last_time_);
v.last_time_ = lv.last_time_;
v.velocity_ = 0.5 * (lv.velocity_ + rv.velocity_);
v.acceleration_ = 0.5 * (lv.acceleration_ + rv.acceleration_);
struct Printer {
void operator()(tree_iterator it)
{ cout<<*it<<", "; }
typedef std::tuple<time_type, tree_iterator, tree_iterator> tuple_type;
struct Tuple_compare {
bool operator()(const tuple_type& t1, const tuple_type& t2) const
{ return std::get<0>(t1) > std::get<0>(t2); }
typedef typename std::priority_queue<tuple_type, std::vector<tuple_type>, Tuple_compare> hierarchy_timer;
template <bool flag>
struct Bool2Type {
enum { value = flag };
forest_container forest_; //!< Bounding volume hierarchies
hierarchy_timer timer_; //!< Priority queue of times
model_leaf_map leaf_data_; //!< Leaf data
mask_size masks_; //!< Variable used for static objects
tree_iterator null_;
check_container fine_check_; //!< Container for fine check
chronograph_type chrono_;
//! Default constructor
: Model_manager(), forest_(), timer_(), masks_(), null_(tree_iterator(nullptr)), chrono_() {
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(time_type(), null_, null_));
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(inf, null_, null_));
//! Destructor
~Contact_model_manager2() {
for (forest_iterator it = forest_.begin(); it != forest_.end(); ++it)
delete *it;
virtual void add_model(model_pointer m, Kinematic_type k = dynamic_object_t) {
if (models_.size() > 8*sizeof(mask_size)) {
cout<<"*** ERROR *** Type used for masks is too small to handle all models."<<endl;
tree_type *tree = construct_tree_bottom_up<tree_type, volume_type>(*m, leaf_data_[m]);
// print_mathematica(*tree);
// mask model as dynamic or static
masks_ |= (k << (models_.size()-1));
void update_forest(time_type t) {
int k=0;
model_leaf_iterator it = leaf_data_.begin();
forest_iterator fit = forest_.begin();
for (; it != leaf_data_.end(); ++it, ++fit) {
// check if the object is dynamic to update
if (!(masks_ & (1 << k++)))
// loop over leaves
for (leaves_data_iterator lit = it->second.begin(); lit != it->second.end(); ++lit) {
std::vector<point_type> pts;
size_t nnodes = lit->second.size();
for (size_t i=0; i<nnodes; ++i)
Real t_old = lit->first->last_time_;
// get old position
const point_type& p0 = lit->first->center();
volume_type v = Volume_creator<volume_type>::create(lit->second);
const point_type& p1 =;
const point_type& v0 = lit->first->velocity_;
const point_type& v1 = v.velocity_;
v.velocity_ = 1/(t - t_old) * (p1-p0);
v.acceleration_ = 1/(t - t_old) * (v1-v0);
v.last_time_ = t;
// set new volume
*lit->first = v;
tree_type &t = **fit;
Updater u(t);
class Time_exception : public std::exception {
virtual const char* what() const throw()
{ return "*** EXCEPTION *** Zero time increment."; }
/*! \param t - Current elapsed time
* \param Dt - Time step
void intersect(time_type t, time_type& Dt) {
cout<<"Time ***"<<t<<endl;
cout<<"Dt -> "<<Dt<<endl;
static time_type Dt1 = Dt;
const tuple_type& tuple =;
time_type top = std::get<0>(tuple);
cout<<" Top time -> "<<top<<endl;
Real offset = (Accelerate ? 2 : 1)*Dt;
// // update hierarchy
// if (t + offset > top && t > offset) {
// // update hierarchies and get positions
// cout<<"updating BECAUSE t + offset > top"<<endl;
// update_forest(t);
// cout<<"Graphics3D[{";
// for (forest_iterator itt = forest_.begin(); itt != forest_.end(); ++itt)
// cout<<*(*itt)->root()<<",";
// cout<<"}]";
// }
// update hierarchies and get positions
auto left = std::get<1>(tuple);
auto right = std::get<2>(tuple);
if (left != null_ && right != null_) {
point_type cl = left->center();
point_type cr = right->center();
cout<<"sp1.Center=["<<cl[0]<<","<<cl[1]<<","<<cl[2]<<"]; sp1.Radius="<<left->radius()<<"; sp2.Center=["<<cr[0]<<","<<cr[1]<<","<<cr[2]<<"]; sp2.Radius="<<right->radius()<<";"<<endl;
// cout<<"Sphere(); SetProperties(PhiResolution=32); SetProperties(ThetaResolution=32); SetProperties(Center=["<<cl[0]<<","<<cl[1]<<","<<cl[2]<<"]); SetProperties(Radius="<<left->radius()<<"); Show()"<<endl;
// cout<<"Sphere(); SetProperties(PhiResolution=32); SetProperties(ThetaResolution=32); SetProperties(Center=["<<cr[0]<<","<<cr[1]<<","<<cr[2]<<"]); SetProperties(Radius="<<right->radius()<<"); Show()"<<endl;
// cout<<"ROOTS AFTER UPDATING"<<endl;
// cout<<"Graphics3D[{Opacity[0.5],";
// for (forest_iterator itt = forest_.begin(); itt != forest_.end(); ++itt)
// cout<<*(*itt)->root()<<",";
// cout<<"}]"<<endl;
// set time step if required
if (t + Dt > top && top != 0 && top != t) {
Real tmp = Dt;
Dt = std::abs(top - t);
if (Dt > Dt1)
Dt = Dt1;
if (Dt < 1e-10) {
cout<<"TOO SMALL"<<endl;
throw Time_exception();
cout<<"*** SETTING Dt -> "<<Dt<<endl;
// if (Dt == 0) {
// // update hierarchies and get positions
// update_forest(t);
// cout<<"Graphics3D[{";
// for (forest_iterator itt = forest_.begin(); itt != forest_.end(); ++itt)
// cout<<*(*itt)->root()<<",";
// cout<<"}]"<<endl;
// throw Time_exception();
// }
cout<<"new Dt -> "<<Dt<<endl;
for (model_iterator mit = models_.begin(); mit != models_.end(); ++mit) {
cout<<"calling to set time step "<<(Dt)<<endl;
// if there are enough models to carry out intersection
if (models_.size() > 1 && top <= t) {
// // update hierarchies and get positions
// update_forest(t);
// if first step, add next time to timer and return because there
// is not enough information for the computation of intersection times
if (t <= (Accelerate ? 2 : 1)*Dt) {
// remove time from timer
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(t, null_, null_));
cout<<"top time -> "<<top<<endl;
cout<<"timer size -> "<<timer_.size()<<endl;
// get collision time
// t = std::min(t, top);
// check if iterators are null to compute O(n^2) collision times
tree_iterator it1 = std::get<1>(tuple);
tree_iterator it2 = std::get<2>(tuple);
// remove time from timer
if (it1 == null_ || it2 == null_) {
// do O(n^2) operation to obtain next time of intersections
for (forest_iterator it1 = forest_.begin(); it1 != --forest_.end(); ++it1) {
forest_iterator it2 = it1;
for (++it2; it2 != forest_.end(); ++it2) {
// get collision time
cout<<"Calling check_collision in O(n^2) branch"<<endl;
check_collision(t, Dt, (*it1)->root(), (*it2)->root());
} // inner hierarchy loop
} // outer hierarchy loop
// else use collision information previously computed (avoids O(n^2) operation above)
else {
cout<<"Calling check_collision in non-O(n^2) branch"<<endl;
check_collision(t, Dt, it1, it2);
} // if statement on enough models
// else do nothing as there are not enough models to carry out intersection
// or the check engine is shut down until the next time in timer
// carry out fine check if necessary
if (!fine_check_.empty()) {
// loop over elements in the set
for (check_iterator it = fine_check_.begin(); it != fine_check_.end(); ++it) {
const check_type& c = *it;
leaves_data_iterator lit1 = std::get<0>(c);
leaves_data_iterator lit2 = std::get<1>(c);
bool penetrate = check_penetration(lit1, lit2);
if (penetrate) {
cout<<"FINALLY PENETRATING at time " <<t<<" !!!"<<endl;
} // non-empty fine check container
const tuple_type& tuple2 =;
time_type top2 = std::get<0>(tuple);
cout<<"top -> "<<top<<endl;
cout<<"top2 -> "<<top2<<endl;
if (top2 - top > 0) {
Dt = std::min(std::abs(top2 - top) + 1e-6, Dt1);
cout<<"***** CHANGING DT TO "<<Dt<<endl;
for (model_iterator mit = models_.begin(); mit != models_.end(); ++mit) {
cout<<"calling to set time step "<<(Dt)<<endl;
// checks if a point s moves away from a plane, indicating that a node has
// penetrated and that further checking is required
bool check_penetration(const point_type& s, const point_type& v, Plane& p) {
// compute distance to plane
value_type dist = p.normal() * s - p.distance();
value_type denom = p.normal() * v;
// point is moving away from the plane, indicating that has penetrated already
if (denom * dist > 0.)
return true;
return false;
template <class iterator>
void check_collision(time_type t, time_type& Dt, iterator it1, iterator it2) {
check_collision(t, Dt, it1, it2, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
while (!timer_.empty()) {
const tuple_type& tuple =;
time_type tstar = std::get<0>(tuple);
iterator left = std::get<1>(tuple);
iterator right = std::get<2>(tuple);
// return if collision happens later in time
if (tstar > t)
check_collision(t, Dt, left, right, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
// remove tuple from the timer and call chack collision on their
// iterators
template <class iterator>
void handle_collision(time_type t, time_type& Dt, iterator it1, iterator it2) {
// if volumes are leaves
if (it1.is_leaf() && it2.is_leaf()) {
cout<<" Leaves found"<<endl;
const point_type& cl = it1->center();
const point_type& cr = it2->center();
cout<<"sp1.Center=["<<cl[0]<<","<<cl[1]<<","<<cl[2]<<"]; sp1.Radius="<<it1->radius()<<"; sp2.Center=["<<cr[0]<<","<<cr[1]<<","<<cr[2]<<"]; sp2.Radius="<<it2->radius()<<";"<<endl;
// add leaves to carry out penetration tests
leaves_data_iterator lit1, lit2;
// check for penetration
for (model_leaf_iterator it = leaf_data_.begin(); it != leaf_data_.end(); ++it) {
leaves_data_iterator lit = it->second.find(it1);
if (lit != it->second.end())
lit1 = lit;
lit = it->second.find(it2);
if (lit != it->second.end())
lit2 = lit;
// // now that leaves have been found, check collision of axis-aligned bounding boxes
// aabb_type bb1, bb2;
// for (model_leaf_iterator it = leaf_data_.begin(); it != leaf_data_.end(); ++it) {
// leaves_data_iterator lit = it->second.find(it1);
// if (lit != it->second.end())
// for (int i=0; i<lit->second.size(); ++i)
// bb1 += point_type(lit->second[i]);
// lit = it->second.find(it2);
// if (lit != it->second.end())
// for (int i=0; i<lit->second.size(); ++i)
// bb2 += point_type(lit->second[i]);
// }
// // assign velocities
// bb1.velocity_ = s1.velocity_;
// bb2.velocity_ = s2.velocity_;
// // get time of intersection between aabbs
// Real ts = check_collision(bb1,bb2);
// traverse down the left hierarchy if its volume is bigger or if the
// right volume is a leaf
if ((!it1.is_leaf() && it1->measure() >= it2->measure()) || it2.is_leaf()) {
cout<<" s1 >= s2 OR s2 is leaf"<<endl;
iterator lit = it1.left();
iterator rit = it1.right();
assert(lit != null_);
assert(rit != null_);
check_collision(t, Dt, lit, it2, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
check_collision(t, Dt, rit, it2, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
// traverse down the right hierarchy if its volume is bigger or if the
// right volume is a leaf
else if ((!it2.is_leaf() && it2->measure() > it1->measure()) || it1.is_leaf()) {
cout<<" s1 < s2 OR s1 is leaf"<<endl;
iterator lit = it2.left();
iterator rit = it2.right();
assert(lit != null_);
assert(rit != null_);
check_collision(t, Dt, it1, lit, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
check_collision(t, Dt, it1, rit, Bool2Type<Accelerate>());
else {
// should never call this branch
assert (false);
// check collision considering acceleration
// the equation to solve is
// alpha t^4/4 + beta t^3 + gamma t^2 + delta t + epsilon = 0
// where alpha = (a.a)/4, beta = (a.v), gamma = a.s + v.v, delta = 2(s.v),
// epsilon = s.s - r^2, a = a1-a2, v = v1-v2, s = c1-c2, r = r1-r2
template <class iterator>
void check_collision(time_type t, time_type& Dt, iterator it1, iterator it2, Bool2Type<true>) {
// check for collision
if (*it1 & *it2)
handle_collision(t, Dt, it1, it2);
const point_type& v1 = it1->velocity_;
const point_type& v2 = it2->velocity_;
point_type a1 = it1->acceleration_;
point_type a2 = it2->acceleration_;
a1[0] = a1[1] = a2[0] = a2[1] = 0;
a1[2] = a1[2] = -9.81;
Real r = it1->radius() + it2->radius();
point_type s = it2->center() - it1->center();
point_type v = v2 - v1;
point_type a = a2 - a1;
// get coefficients
Real alpha = (a*a)/4;
Real beta = a*v;
Real gamma = a*s + v*v;
Real delta = 2*(s*v);
Real epsilon = s*s - r*r;
// obtain roots from quartic equation by calling the function such that
// the coefficient for the quartic term is equal to one
std::vector<Real> x(4, -1);
cout<<"calling solve quartic with coefficients "<<endl;
cout<<(beta/alpha)<<", "<<(gamma/alpha)<<", "<<(delta/alpha)<<", "<<(epsilon/alpha)<<endl;
uint32_t roots = solve_quartic(beta/alpha, gamma/alpha, delta/alpha, epsilon/alpha,
&x[0], &x[1], &x[2], &x[3]);
// if there are roots, take the first one as an indication of the collision
if (roots > 0) {
Real tmin = std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity();
for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i)
if (x[i] > 0)
tmin = std::min(tmin, x[i]);
if (tmin+t != std::numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN()) {
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(tmin+t, it1, it2));
// change time step
cout<<"APPROXIMATE COLLISION TIME -> t + tmin = "<<t<<" + "<<tmin<<" = "<<(tmin+t)<<endl;
if (tmin == 0) {
// if (tmin < Dt) {
// cout<<"CHANGING TIME STEP TO "<<tmin<<endl;
// Dt = tmin;
// }
cout<<" roots -> "<<roots<<endl;
cout<<" values -> ";
for (size_t i=0; i<x.size(); ++i)
cout<<x[i]<<", ";
// check collision for constant velocity
template <class iterator>
void check_collision(time_type t, time_type& Dt, iterator it1, iterator it2, Bool2Type<false> flag) {
const volume_type& s1 = *it1;
const volume_type& s2 = *it2;
const point_type& v1 = s1.velocity_;
const point_type& v2 = s2.velocity_;
// vector between spheress
point_type s = -;
// relative motion of s1 with respect to stationary s0
point_type v = v2 - v1;
// sum of radii
value_type r = s1.radius() + s2.radius();
value_type c = s*s - r*r;
cout<<"Checking collisiong between:"<<endl;
cout<<" "<<s1<<", velocity: "<<v1<<endl;
cout<<" "<<s2<<", velocity: "<<v2<<endl;
cout<<" Relative velocity: "<<v<<endl;
// already intersecting, call recursively on branches
if (c < 0.) {
cout<<" Intersecting bounding volumes"<<endl;
handle_collision(t, Dt, it1, it2);
value_type epsilon = 1e-8;
value_type a = v*v;
// if spheres not moving relative to each other
if (a < epsilon) {
cout<<" Objects not moving relative to each other"<<endl;
cout<<" a: "<<a<<endl;
value_type b = v*s;
// if spheres not moving towards each other
if (b >= 0.) {
cout<<" Objects not moving towards each other"<<endl;
cout<<" b: "<<b<<endl;
value_type d = b*b - a*c;
// if no real-valued root (d < 0), spheres do not intersect
// otherwise add time to timer
if (d >= 0.) {
time_type ts = (-b - sqrt(d))/a;
if (ts > 0.) {
cout<<" Objects intersects at time "<<(t+ts)<<endl;
timer_.push(std::make_tuple(t + ts, it1, it2));
else {
cout<<" ts negative: "<<ts<<endl;
else {
cout<<" Objects do not intersect"<<endl;
cout<<" d: "<<d<<endl;
bool check_penetration(leaves_data_iterator it1, leaves_data_iterator it2) {
const coordinate_type& c1 = it1->second;
const coordinate_type& c2 = it2->second;
for (size_t i=0; i<c1.size(); ++i) {
point_type r(c1[i]);
// swith on the number of coordinates of the second container
switch (c2.size()) {
// triangle case
case 3:
// form plane from three points
// get element extreme points
point_type o(c2[0]);
point_type p(c2[1]);
point_type q(c2[2]);
Plane pi(o,p,q);
// check for actual penetration using relative velocity
if (check_penetration(r, it1->first->velocity_ - it2->first->velocity_, pi))
return true;
cout<<"*** ERROR *** Function check_penetration in file "<<__FILE__<<", line "<<__LINE__;
cout<<", is not implemented for node container of size "<<c2.size()<<endl;
cout<<"*** ABORTING *** "<<endl;
} // loop over coordinates of first container
return false;
// intersects aabbs a and b moving with constant velocities.
// On intersection, return time of first contact
time_type check_collision(const aabb_type& a, const aabb_type& b) {
// overlapping aabbs
if (a & b) {
cout<<"*** ERROR *** Colliding bounding boxes"<<endl;
cout<<" Aborting..."<<endl;
// compute relative velocity
const point_type v = b.velocity_ - a.velocity_;
// initialize times of first and last contact
time_type tf = 0., tl = 0.;
// for each axis, determine the time of first and last contact
for (int i=0; i<point_type::dim(); ++i) {
if (v[i] < 0.) {
if (b.max(i) < a.min(i))
return inf; // non-intersecting
if (a.max(i) < b.min(i))
tf = std::max((a.max(i) - b.min(i)) / v[i], tf);
if (b.max(i) > a.min(i))
tl = std::min((a.min(i) - b.max(i)) / v[i], tl);
if (v[i] > 0.) {
if (b.min(i) > a.max(i))
return inf; // non-intersecting
if (b.max(i) < a.min(i))
tf = std::max((a.min(i) - b.max(i)) / v[i], tf);
if (a.max(i) > b.min(i))
tl = std::min((a.max(i) - b.min(i)) / v[i], tl);
return tf;
/*! \brief Solve quartic equation x^4 + a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0.
* Solves the quartic equation. Returns the number of roots
* found. Roots are filled in ascending order.
* Code taken from the Ion Beam Simulator, which is distrubuted under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
uint32_t solve_quartic(Real a, Real b, Real c, Real d,
Real *x0, Real *x1, Real *x2, Real *x3 );
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Contact_model_manager2& mm) {
os<<"Contact model manager info:"<<endl;
os<<" models: "<<mm.models_.size()<<endl;
size_t i=0;
const_forest_iterator tit = mm.forest_.begin();
for (const_model_iterator it = mm.models_.begin(); it != mm.models_.end(); ++it) {
os<<"\tmodel "<<++i<<" memory address: "<<*it<<endl;
os<<"\tmodel: "<<**it<<endl;
os<<"\ttree: ";
return os;
#endif /* __AKANTU_MODEL_MANAGER_HH__ */

Event Timeline