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* @file
* @author Marco Vocialta <>
* @author Mauro Corrado <>
* @date creation: Tue May 08 2012
* @date last modification: Thu Nov 19 2015
* @brief Linear irreversible cohesive law of mixed mode loading with
* random stress definition for extrinsic type
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2014 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "material_cohesive_linear.hh"
#include "solid_mechanics_model_cohesive.hh"
#include "sparse_matrix.hh"
#include "dof_synchronizer.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension>
MaterialCohesiveLinear<spatial_dimension>::MaterialCohesiveLinear(SolidMechanicsModel & model,
const ID & id) :
sigma_c_eff("sigma_c_eff", *this),
delta_c_eff("delta_c_eff", *this),
insertion_stress("insertion_stress", *this),
opening_prec("opening_prec", *this),
residual_sliding("residual_sliding", *this),
friction_force("friction_force", *this),
reduction_penalty("reduction_penalty", *this) {
this->registerParam("beta", beta, Real(0.),
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Beta parameter");
this->registerParam("G_c", G_c, Real(0.),
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Mode I fracture energy");
this->registerParam("penalty", penalty, Real(0.),
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Penalty coefficient");
this->registerParam("volume_s", volume_s, Real(0.),
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Reference volume for sigma_c scaling");
this->registerParam("m_s", m_s, Real(1.),
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Weibull exponent for sigma_c scaling");
this->registerParam("kappa", kappa, Real(1.),
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Kappa parameter");
this->registerParam("contact_after_breaking", contact_after_breaking, false,
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Activation of contact when the elements are fully damaged");
this->registerParam("max_quad_stress_insertion", max_quad_stress_insertion, false,
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Insertion of cohesive element when stress is high enough just on one quadrature point");
this->registerParam("friction", friction, false,
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Activation of friction in case of contact");
this->registerParam("mu", mu_max, Real(0.),
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Maximum value of the friction coefficient");
this->registerParam("penalty_for_friction", friction_penalty, Real(0.),
_pat_parsable | _pat_readable,
"Penalty parameter for the friction behavior");
this->registerParam("recompute", recompute, false,
_pat_parsable | _pat_modifiable,
"recompute solution");
use_previous_delta_max = true;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialCohesiveLinear<spatial_dimension>::initMaterial() {
/// compute scalars
beta2_kappa2 = beta * beta/kappa/kappa;
beta2_kappa = beta * beta/kappa;
if (Math::are_float_equal(beta, 0))
beta2_inv = 0;
beta2_inv = 1./beta/beta;
if (!Math::are_float_equal(delta_c, 0.))
delta_c_eff.setDefaultValue(2 * G_c / sigma_c);
if (model->getIsExtrinsic()) scaleInsertionTraction();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialCohesiveLinear<spatial_dimension>::scaleInsertionTraction() {
// do nothing if volume_s hasn't been specified by the user
if (Math::are_float_equal(volume_s, 0.)) return;
const Mesh & mesh_facets = model->getMeshFacets();
const FEEngine & fe_engine = model->getFEEngine();
const FEEngine & fe_engine_facet = model->getFEEngine("FacetsFEEngine");
// loop over facet type
Mesh::type_iterator first = mesh_facets.firstType(spatial_dimension - 1);
Mesh::type_iterator last = mesh_facets.lastType(spatial_dimension - 1);
Real base_sigma_c = sigma_c;
for(;first != last; ++first) {
ElementType type_facet = *first;
const Array< std::vector<Element> > & facet_to_element
= mesh_facets.getElementToSubelement(type_facet);
UInt nb_facet = facet_to_element.getSize();
UInt nb_quad_per_facet = fe_engine_facet.getNbIntegrationPoints(type_facet);
// iterator to modify sigma_c for all the quadrature points of a facet
Array<Real>::vector_iterator sigma_c_iterator
= sigma_c(type_facet).begin_reinterpret(nb_quad_per_facet, nb_facet);
for (UInt f = 0; f < nb_facet; ++f, ++sigma_c_iterator) {
const std::vector<Element> & element_list = facet_to_element(f);
// compute bounding volume
Real volume = 0;
std::vector<Element>::const_iterator elem = element_list.begin();
std::vector<Element>::const_iterator elem_end = element_list.end();
for (; elem != elem_end; ++elem) {
if (*elem == ElementNull) continue;
// unit vector for integration in order to obtain the volume
UInt nb_quadrature_points = fe_engine.getNbIntegrationPoints(elem->type);
Vector<Real> unit_vector(nb_quadrature_points, 1);
volume += fe_engine.integrate(unit_vector, elem->type,
elem->element, elem->ghost_type);
// scale sigma_c
*sigma_c_iterator -= base_sigma_c;
*sigma_c_iterator *= std::pow(volume_s / volume, 1. / m_s);
*sigma_c_iterator += base_sigma_c;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialCohesiveLinear<spatial_dimension>::checkInsertion(bool check_only) {
const Mesh & mesh_facets = model->getMeshFacets();
CohesiveElementInserter & inserter = model->getElementInserter();
Real tolerance = Math::getTolerance();
Mesh::type_iterator it = mesh_facets.firstType(spatial_dimension - 1);
Mesh::type_iterator last = mesh_facets.lastType(spatial_dimension - 1);
for (; it != last; ++it) {
ElementType type_facet = *it;
ElementType type_cohesive = FEEngine::getCohesiveElementType(type_facet);
const Array<bool> & facets_check = inserter.getCheckFacets(type_facet);
Array<bool> & f_insertion = inserter.getInsertionFacets(type_facet);
Array<UInt> & f_filter = facet_filter(type_facet);
Array<Real> & sig_c_eff = sigma_c_eff(type_cohesive);
Array<Real> & del_c = delta_c_eff(type_cohesive);
Array<Real> & ins_stress = insertion_stress(type_cohesive);
Array<Real> & trac_old = tractions_old(type_cohesive);
Array<Real> & open_prec = opening_prec(type_cohesive);
Array<Real> & res_sliding = residual_sliding(type_cohesive);
Array<bool> & red_penalty = reduction_penalty(type_cohesive);
const Array<Real> & f_stress = model->getStressOnFacets(type_facet);
const Array<Real> & sigma_lim = sigma_c(type_facet);
Real max_ratio = 0.;
UInt index_f = 0;
UInt index_filter = 0;
UInt nn = 0;
UInt nb_quad_facet = model->getFEEngine("FacetsFEEngine").getNbIntegrationPoints(type_facet);
UInt nb_facet = f_filter.getSize();
// if (nb_facet == 0) continue;
Array<Real>::const_iterator<Real> sigma_lim_it = sigma_lim.begin();
Matrix<Real> stress_tmp(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
Matrix<Real> normal_traction(spatial_dimension, nb_quad_facet);
Vector<Real> stress_check(nb_quad_facet);
UInt sp2 = spatial_dimension * spatial_dimension;
const Array<Real> & tangents = model->getTangents(type_facet);
const Array<Real> & normals
= model->getFEEngine("FacetsFEEngine").getNormalsOnIntegrationPoints(type_facet);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator normal_begin = normals.begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator tangent_begin = tangents.begin(tangents.getNbComponent());
Array<Real>::const_matrix_iterator facet_stress_begin =
f_stress.begin(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension * 2);
std::vector<Real> new_sigmas;
std::vector< Vector<Real> > new_normal_traction;
std::vector<Real> new_delta_c;
// loop over each facet belonging to this material
for (UInt f = 0; f < nb_facet; ++f, ++sigma_lim_it) {
UInt facet = f_filter(f);
// skip facets where check shouldn't be realized
if (!facets_check(facet)) continue;
// compute the effective norm on each quadrature point of the facet
for (UInt q = 0; q < nb_quad_facet; ++q) {
UInt current_quad = facet * nb_quad_facet + q;
const Vector<Real> & normal = normal_begin[current_quad];
const Vector<Real> & tangent = tangent_begin[current_quad];
const Matrix<Real> & facet_stress_it = facet_stress_begin[current_quad];
// compute average stress on the current quadrature point
Matrix<Real> stress_1(,
Matrix<Real> stress_2( + sp2,
stress_tmp += stress_2;
stress_tmp /= 2.;
Vector<Real> normal_traction_vec(normal_traction(q));
// compute normal and effective stress
stress_check(q) = computeEffectiveNorm(stress_tmp, normal, tangent,
// verify if the effective stress overcomes the threshold
Real final_stress = stress_check.mean();
if (max_quad_stress_insertion)
final_stress = *std::max_element(, + nb_quad_facet);
if (final_stress > (*sigma_lim_it - tolerance)) {
if (model->isExplicit()){
f_insertion(facet) = true;
if (!check_only) {
// store the new cohesive material parameters for each quadrature point
for (UInt q = 0; q < nb_quad_facet; ++q) {
Real new_sigma = stress_check(q);
Vector<Real> normal_traction_vec(normal_traction(q));
if (spatial_dimension != 3)
normal_traction_vec *= -1.;
Real new_delta;
// set delta_c in function of G_c or a given delta_c value
if (Math::are_float_equal(delta_c, 0.))
new_delta = 2 * G_c / new_sigma;
new_delta = (*sigma_lim_it) / new_sigma * delta_c;
Real ratio = final_stress/(*sigma_lim_it);
if (ratio > max_ratio){
max_ratio = ratio;
index_f = f;
index_filter = f_filter(f);
/// Insertion of only 1 cohesive element in case of implicit approach. The one subjected to the highest stress.
if (!model->isExplicit()){
StaticCommunicator & comm = StaticCommunicator::getStaticCommunicator();
Array<Real> abs_max(comm.getNbProc());
abs_max(comm.whoAmI()) = max_ratio;
comm.allGather(, 1);
Array<Real>::scalar_iterator it = std::max_element(abs_max.begin(), abs_max.end());
Int pos = it - abs_max.begin();
if (pos != comm.whoAmI()) {
if (nn) {
f_insertion(index_filter) = true;
if (!check_only) {
// Array<Real>::iterator<Matrix<Real> > normal_traction_it =
// normal_traction.begin_reinterpret(nb_quad_facet, spatial_dimension, nb_facet);
Array<Real>::const_iterator<Real> sigma_lim_it = sigma_lim.begin();
for (UInt q = 0; q < nb_quad_facet; ++q) {
// Vector<Real> ins_s(normal_traction_it[index_f].storage() + q * spatial_dimension,
// spatial_dimension);
Real new_sigma = (sigma_lim_it[index_f]);
Vector<Real> normal_traction_vec(spatial_dimension, 0.0);
Real new_delta;
//set delta_c in function of G_c or a given delta_c value
if (!Math::are_float_equal(delta_c, 0.))
new_delta = delta_c;
new_delta = 2 * G_c / (new_sigma);
// update material data for the new elements
UInt old_nb_quad_points = sig_c_eff.getSize();
UInt new_nb_quad_points = new_sigmas.size();
sig_c_eff.resize(old_nb_quad_points + new_nb_quad_points);
ins_stress.resize(old_nb_quad_points + new_nb_quad_points);
trac_old.resize(old_nb_quad_points + new_nb_quad_points);
del_c.resize(old_nb_quad_points + new_nb_quad_points);
open_prec.resize(old_nb_quad_points + new_nb_quad_points);
res_sliding.resize(old_nb_quad_points + new_nb_quad_points);
red_penalty.resize(old_nb_quad_points + new_nb_quad_points);
for (UInt q = 0; q < new_nb_quad_points; ++q) {
sig_c_eff(old_nb_quad_points + q) = new_sigmas[q];
del_c(old_nb_quad_points + q) = new_delta_c[q];
res_sliding(old_nb_quad_points + q) = 0.;
red_penalty(old_nb_quad_points + q) = false;
for (UInt dim = 0; dim < spatial_dimension; ++dim) {
ins_stress(old_nb_quad_points + q, dim) = new_normal_traction[q](dim);
trac_old(old_nb_quad_points + q, dim) = new_normal_traction[q](dim);
open_prec(old_nb_quad_points + q, dim) = 0.;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialCohesiveLinear<spatial_dimension>::computeTraction(const Array<Real> & normal,
ElementType el_type,
GhostType ghost_type) {
/// define iterators
Array<Real>::vector_iterator traction_it =
tractions(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::vector_iterator opening_it =
opening(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::vector_iterator opening_prec_it =
opening_prec(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::vector_iterator opening_prec_prev_it =
opening_prec.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::vector_iterator contact_traction_it =
contact_tractions(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::vector_iterator contact_opening_it =
contact_opening(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::const_iterator< Vector<Real> > normal_it =
Array<Real>::vector_iterator traction_end =
tractions(el_type, ghost_type).end(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>sigma_c_it =
sigma_c_eff(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_max_it =
delta_max(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_max_prev_it =
delta_max.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_c_it =
delta_c_eff(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>damage_it =
damage(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::vector_iterator insertion_stress_it =
insertion_stress(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>res_sliding_it =
residual_sliding(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>res_sliding_prev_it =
residual_sliding.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::vector_iterator friction_force_it =
friction_force(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<bool>::iterator<bool> reduction_penalty_it =
reduction_penalty(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Real * memory_space = new Real[2*spatial_dimension];
Vector<Real> normal_opening(memory_space, spatial_dimension);
Vector<Real> tangential_opening(memory_space + spatial_dimension,
// Vector<Real> open_prec(spatial_dimension);
// Vector<Real> open(spatial_dimension);
/// loop on each quadrature point
for (; traction_it != traction_end;
++traction_it, ++opening_it, ++opening_prec_it, ++normal_it, ++sigma_c_it,
++delta_max_it, ++delta_c_it, ++damage_it, ++contact_traction_it,
++insertion_stress_it, ++contact_opening_it, ++delta_max_prev_it,
++res_sliding_it, ++res_sliding_prev_it, ++opening_prec_prev_it,
++friction_force_it, ++reduction_penalty_it) {
if (!model->isExplicit())
*delta_max_it = *delta_max_prev_it;
// check if the local displacement increment is too large. If so,
// reduce arbitrary it in order to prevent problems of
// instability
Real normal_opening_prec_norm = opening_prec_it->dot(*normal_it);
// open_prec = *opening_prec_it;
// Real open_prec_norm = open_prec.norm();
// open = *opening_it;
// Real open_norm = open.norm();
// Real delta_open = std::abs(open_norm - open_prec_norm);
// // if (delta_open > 1.0e-01){
// // *opening_it = *opening_prec_it + ((*opening_it - *opening_prec_it) / 50.0);
// // }
// *opening_prec_it = *opening_it;
/// compute normal and tangential opening vectors
Real normal_opening_norm = opening_it->dot(*normal_it);
normal_opening = (*normal_it);
normal_opening *= normal_opening_norm;
tangential_opening = *opening_it;
tangential_opening -= normal_opening;
Real tangential_opening_norm = tangential_opening.norm();
* compute effective opening displacement
* @f$ \delta = \sqrt{
* \frac{\beta^2}{\kappa^2} \Delta_t^2 + \Delta_n^2 } @f$
Real delta = tangential_opening_norm * tangential_opening_norm * beta2_kappa2;
bool penetration = normal_opening_norm < -Math::getTolerance();
if (contact_after_breaking == false && Math::are_float_equal(*damage_it, 1.))
penetration = false;
/// if during the convergence loop a cohesive element continues to
/// jumps from penetration to opening, and convergence is not
/// reached, its penalty parameter will be reduced in the
/// recomputation of the same incremental step. recompute is set
/// equal to true when convergence is not reached in the
/// solveStepCohesive function and the execution of the program
/// goes back to the main file where the variable load_reduction
/// is set equal to true.
if (!model->isExplicit() && !recompute)
if ((normal_opening_prec_norm * normal_opening_norm) < -Math::getTolerance()){
*reduction_penalty_it = true;
if (penetration) {
Real current_penalty = 0.;
if (recompute && *reduction_penalty_it){
/// the penalty parameter is locally reduced
current_penalty = penalty / 1000.;
current_penalty = penalty;
/// use penalty coefficient in case of penetration
*contact_traction_it = normal_opening;
*contact_traction_it *= current_penalty;
*contact_opening_it = normal_opening;
/* ----------------------------------------- */
if (friction){
Real damage = std::min(*delta_max_prev_it / *delta_c_it, Real(1.));
Real mu = mu_max * std::sqrt(damage);
Real normal_opening_prec_norm = opening_prec_prev_it->dot(*normal_it);
Vector<Real> normal_opening_prec = (*normal_it);
normal_opening_prec *= normal_opening_prec_norm;
Real tau_max = mu * current_penalty * (normal_opening_prec.norm());
Real delta_sliding_norm = std::abs(tangential_opening_norm - *res_sliding_prev_it);
// tau is the norm of the friction force, acting tangentially to the surface
Real tau = std::min(friction_penalty * delta_sliding_norm, tau_max);
if ((tangential_opening_norm - *res_sliding_it) < -Math::getTolerance())
tau = -tau;
// from tau get the x and y components of friction, to be added in the force vector
Vector<Real> tangent(spatial_dimension);
tangent = tangential_opening / tangential_opening_norm;
*friction_force_it = tau * tangent;
//update residual_sliding
*res_sliding_it = tangential_opening_norm - (tau / friction_penalty);
/// end add friction
/* ----------------------------------------- */
/// don't consider penetration contribution for delta
*opening_it = tangential_opening;
else {
delta += normal_opening_norm * normal_opening_norm;
delta = std::sqrt(delta);
/// update maximum displacement and damage
*delta_max_it = std::max(*delta_max_it, delta);
*damage_it = std::min(*delta_max_it / *delta_c_it, Real(1.));
* Compute traction @f$ \mathbf{T} = \left(
* \frac{\beta^2}{\kappa} \Delta_t \mathbf{t} + \Delta_n
* \mathbf{n} \right) \frac{\sigma_c}{\delta} \left( 1-
* \frac{\delta}{\delta_c} \right)@f$
if (Math::are_float_equal(*damage_it, 1.))
else if (Math::are_float_equal(*damage_it, 0.)) {
if (penetration)
*traction_it = *insertion_stress_it;
else {
*traction_it = tangential_opening;
*traction_it *= beta2_kappa;
*traction_it += normal_opening;
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(*delta_max_it != 0.,
"Division by zero, tolerance might be too low");
*traction_it *= *sigma_c_it / *delta_max_it * (1. - *damage_it);
if (friction)
*traction_it += *friction_force_it;
delete [] memory_space;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialCohesiveLinear<spatial_dimension>::checkDeltaMax(GhostType ghost_type) {
/// This function set a predefined value to the parameter
/// delta_max_prev of the elements that have been inserted in the
/// last loading step for which convergence has not been
/// reached. This is done before reducing the loading and re-doing
/// the step. Otherwise, the updating of delta_max_prev would be
/// done with reference to the non-convergent solution. In this
/// function also other variables related to the contact and
/// friction behavior are correctly set.
Mesh & mesh = fem_cohesive->getMesh();
Mesh::type_iterator it = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension,
ghost_type, _ek_cohesive);
Mesh::type_iterator last_type = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension,
ghost_type, _ek_cohesive);
/// the variable "recompute" is set to true to activate the
/// procedure that reduce the penalty parameter for
/// compression. This procedure is set true only during the phase of
/// load_reduction, that has to be set in the maiin file. The
/// penalty parameter will be reduced only for the elements having
/// reduction_penalty = true.
recompute = true;
for(; it != last_type; ++it) {
Array<UInt> & elem_filter = element_filter(*it, ghost_type);
UInt nb_element = elem_filter.getSize();
if (nb_element == 0) continue;
ElementType el_type = *it;
/// define iterators
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_max_it =
delta_max(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_max_end =
delta_max(el_type, ghost_type).end();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_max_prev_it =
delta_max.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_c_it =
delta_c_eff(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
// Array<Real>::vector_iterator opening_prec_it =
// opening_prec(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
// Array<Real>::vector_iterator opening_prec_prev_it =
// opening_prec.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>res_sliding_it =
residual_sliding(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>res_sliding_prev_it =
residual_sliding.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
/// loop on each quadrature point
for (; delta_max_it != delta_max_end;
++delta_max_it, ++delta_max_prev_it, ++delta_c_it,
// ++opening_prec_it, ++opening_prec_prev_it,
++res_sliding_it, ++res_sliding_prev_it) {
if (*delta_max_prev_it == 0)
/// elements inserted in the last incremental step, that did
/// not converge
*delta_max_it = *delta_c_it / 1000;
/// elements introduced in previous incremental steps, for
/// which a correct value of delta_max_prev already exists
*delta_max_it = *delta_max_prev_it;
/// in case convergence is not reached, set opening_prec to the
/// value referred to the previous incremental step
// *opening_prec_it = *opening_prec_prev_it;
/// in case convergence is not reached, set "residual_sliding"
/// for the friction behaviour to the value referred to the
/// previous incremental step
*res_sliding_it = *res_sliding_prev_it;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialCohesiveLinear<spatial_dimension>::resetVariables(GhostType ghost_type) {
/// This function set the variables "recompute" and
/// "reduction_penalty" to false. It is called by solveStepCohesive
/// when convergence is reached. Such variables, in fact, have to be
/// false at the beginning of a new incremental step.
Mesh & mesh = fem_cohesive->getMesh();
Mesh::type_iterator it = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension,
ghost_type, _ek_cohesive);
Mesh::type_iterator last_type = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension,
ghost_type, _ek_cohesive);
recompute = false;
// std::cout << "RESET VARIABLE" << std::endl;
for(; it != last_type; ++it) {
Array<UInt> & elem_filter = element_filter(*it, ghost_type);
UInt nb_element = elem_filter.getSize();
if (nb_element == 0) continue;
ElementType el_type = *it;
Array<bool>::iterator<bool> reduction_penalty_it =
reduction_penalty(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<bool>::iterator<bool> reduction_penalty_end =
reduction_penalty(el_type, ghost_type).end();
/// loop on each quadrature point
for (; reduction_penalty_it != reduction_penalty_end;
++reduction_penalty_it) {
*reduction_penalty_it = false;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension>
void MaterialCohesiveLinear<spatial_dimension>::computeTangentTraction(const ElementType & el_type,
Array<Real> & tangent_matrix,
const Array<Real> & normal,
GhostType ghost_type) {
/// define iterators
Array<Real>::matrix_iterator tangent_it =
tangent_matrix.begin(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::matrix_iterator tangent_end =
tangent_matrix.end(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator normal_it =
Array<Real>::vector_iterator opening_it =
opening(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::vector_iterator opening_prec_it =
opening_prec.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
/// NB: delta_max_it points on delta_max_previous, i.e. the
/// delta_max related to the solution of the previous incremental
/// step
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_max_it =
delta_max.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>sigma_c_it =
sigma_c_eff(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>delta_c_it =
delta_c_eff(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>damage_it =
damage(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<Real>::iterator< Vector<Real> > contact_opening_it =
contact_opening(el_type, ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::iterator<Real>res_sliding_prev_it =
residual_sliding.previous(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Array<bool>::iterator<bool> reduction_penalty_it =
reduction_penalty(el_type, ghost_type).begin();
Vector<Real> normal_opening(spatial_dimension);
Vector<Real> tangential_opening(spatial_dimension);
for (; tangent_it != tangent_end;
++tangent_it, ++normal_it, ++opening_it, ++opening_prec_it,
++delta_max_it, ++sigma_c_it, ++delta_c_it, ++damage_it,
++contact_opening_it, ++res_sliding_prev_it, ++reduction_penalty_it) {
/// During the update of the residual the interpenetrations are
/// stored in the array "contact_opening", therefore, in the case
/// of penetration, in the array "opening" there are only the
/// tangential components.
*opening_it += *contact_opening_it;
/// compute normal and tangential opening vectors
Real normal_opening_norm = opening_it->dot(*normal_it);
normal_opening = (*normal_it);
normal_opening *= normal_opening_norm;
tangential_opening = *opening_it;
tangential_opening -= normal_opening;
Real tangential_opening_norm = tangential_opening.norm();
bool penetration = normal_opening_norm < -Math::getTolerance();
if (contact_after_breaking == false && Math::are_float_equal(*damage_it, 1.))
penetration = false;
Real derivative = 0; // derivative = d(t/delta)/ddelta
Real t = 0;
Real delta = tangential_opening_norm * tangential_opening_norm * beta2_kappa2;
Matrix<Real> n_outer_n(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
n_outer_n.outerProduct(*normal_it, *normal_it);
if (penetration){
Real current_penalty = 0.;
if (recompute && *reduction_penalty_it)
current_penalty = penalty / 1000.;
current_penalty = penalty;
/// stiffness in compression given by the penalty parameter
*tangent_it += n_outer_n;
*tangent_it *= current_penalty;
/* ------------------------------------- */
if (friction){
Real damage = std::min(*delta_max_it / *delta_c_it, Real(1.));
// the friction coefficient mu is increasing with the
// damage. It equals the maximum value when damage = 1.
Real mu = mu_max * damage;
Real normal_opening_prec_norm = opening_prec_it->dot(*normal_it);
Vector<Real> normal_opening_prec = (*normal_it);
normal_opening_prec *= normal_opening_prec_norm;
Real tau_max = mu * current_penalty * normal_opening_prec.norm();
Real delta_sliding_norm = std::abs(tangential_opening_norm - *res_sliding_prev_it);
// tau is the norm of the friction force, acting tangentially to the surface
Real tau = std::min(friction_penalty * delta_sliding_norm, tau_max);
if (tau < tau_max && tau_max > Math::getTolerance()){
Matrix<Real> I(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
Matrix<Real> nn(n_outer_n);
I -= nn;
*tangent_it += I * friction_penalty;
/// end add friction
/* ------------------------------------- */
*opening_it = tangential_opening;
normal_opening_norm = opening_it->dot(*normal_it);
normal_opening = (*normal_it);
normal_opening *= normal_opening_norm;
delta += normal_opening_norm * normal_opening_norm;
delta = std::sqrt(delta);
/// Delta has to be different from 0 to have finite values of
/// tangential stiffness. At the element insertion, delta =
/// 0. Therefore, a fictictious value is defined, for the
/// evaluation of the first value of K.
if (delta < Math::getTolerance())
delta = (*delta_c_it)/1000.;
if (delta >= *delta_max_it){
if (delta <= *delta_c_it){
derivative = -*sigma_c_it/(delta * delta);
t = *sigma_c_it * (1 - delta / *delta_c_it);
} else {
derivative = 0.;
t = 0.;
} else if (delta < *delta_max_it){
Real tmax = *sigma_c_it * (1 - *delta_max_it / *delta_c_it);
t = tmax / *delta_max_it * delta;
/// computation of the derivative of the constitutive law (dT/ddelta)
Matrix<Real> I(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
Matrix<Real> nn(n_outer_n);
nn *= (1 - beta2_kappa);
nn += I;
nn *= t/delta;
Vector<Real> t_tilde(normal_opening);
t_tilde *= (1 - beta2_kappa2);
Vector<Real> mm(*opening_it);
mm *= beta2_kappa2;
t_tilde += mm;
Vector<Real> t_hat(normal_opening);
t_hat += beta2_kappa * tangential_opening;
Matrix<Real> prov(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
prov.outerProduct(t_hat, t_tilde);
prov *= derivative/delta;
prov += nn;
Matrix<Real> tmp(spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
for (UInt i = 0; i < spatial_dimension; ++i) {
for (UInt j = 0; j < spatial_dimension; ++j) {
tmp(j,i) = prov(i,j);
*tangent_it += tmp;
/// check if the tangential stiffness matrix is symmetric
// for (UInt h = 0; h < spatial_dimension; ++h){
// for (UInt l = h; l < spatial_dimension; ++l){
// if (l > h){
// Real k_ls = (*tangent_it)[spatial_dimension*h+l];
// Real k_us = (*tangent_it)[spatial_dimension*l+h];
// // std::cout << "k_ls = " << k_ls << std::endl;
// // std::cout << "k_us = " << k_us << std::endl;
// if (std::abs(k_ls) > 1e-13 && std::abs(k_us) > 1e-13){
// Real error = std::abs((k_ls - k_us) / k_us);
// if (error > 1e-10){
// std::cout << "non symmetric cohesive matrix" << std::endl;
// // std::cout << "error " << error << std::endl;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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