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* @file
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date Wed Aug 31 11:09:48 2011
* @brief Non-local inline implementation
* @section LICENSE
* Copyright (©) 2010-2011 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "aka_types.hh"
#include "grid_synchronizer.hh"
#include "synchronizer_registry.hh"
#include "integrator.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <fstream>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
# include "aka_debug_tools.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt DIM, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
MaterialNonLocal<DIM, WeightFunction>::MaterialNonLocal(SolidMechanicsModel & model,
const ID & id) :
Material(model, id), weight_func(NULL), spatial_grid(NULL),
compute_stress_calls(0), is_creating_grid(false), grid_synchronizer(NULL) {
this->is_non_local = true;
this->weight_func = new WeightFunction<DIM>(*this);
this->registerSubSection(_st_non_local, "weight_function", *weight_func);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::~MaterialNonLocal() {
delete spatial_grid;
delete weight_func;
delete grid_synchronizer;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::initMaterial() {
// Material::initMaterial();
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
InternalField<Real> quadrature_points_coordinates("quadrature_points_coordinates_tmp_nl", *this);
ElementTypeMap<UInt> nb_ghost_protected;
Mesh::type_iterator it = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension, _ghost);
Mesh::type_iterator last_type = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension, _ghost);
for(; it != last_type; ++it)
nb_ghost_protected(mesh.getNbElement(*it, _ghost), *it, _ghost);
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Creating cell list");
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Creating pairs");
#if not defined(AKANTU_NDEBUG)
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Cleaning extra ghosts");
AKANTU_DEBUG_INFO("Computing weights");
// >>>>>> DEBUG CODE >>>>>> //
#if defined(AKANTU_DEBUG_TOOLS) && defined(AKANTU_CORE_CXX11)
[this, &quadrature_points_coordinates](const Element & el)->std::string {
std::stringstream out;
FEEngine & fem = this->model->getFEEngine();
Mesh mesh(spatial_dimension, getID() + "mesh_tmp");
Array<UInt> & connectivity = const_cast<Array<UInt> &>(mesh.getConnectivity(_segment_2));
Array<Real> & nodes = const_cast<Array<Real> &>(mesh.getNodes());
Array<bool> g_notg(0,1);
Array<Real> dist(0,1);
Array<Real> weight(0,1);
Array<Real> damage(0,1);
Array<Real> jac(0,1);
UInt nb_quad_per_elem =
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator quad_it = quadrature_points_coordinates(el.type, el.ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
std::map<Vector<Real>, UInt> numbering;
UInt counter = 0;
const Vector<Real> quad = quad_it[el.element * nb_quad_per_elem];
numbering[el.element * nb_quad_per_elem] = counter++;
g_notg.push_back(el.ghost_type == _ghost);
damage.push_back((getArray("damage", el.type, el.ghost_type)(el.element * fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(el.type, el.ghost_type))));
jac.push_back(fem.getIntegratorInterface().getJacobians(el.type, el.ghost_type)(el.element * fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(el.type, el.ghost_type)));
Vector<UInt> conn(2);
conn(0) = 0;
bool found = false;
GhostType ghost_type1 = _not_ghost;
for (ghost_type_t::iterator git = ghost_type_t::begin(); git != ghost_type_t::end(); ++git) {
GhostType ghost_type2 = *git;
UInt existing_pairs_num = ghost_type2 - _not_ghost;
pair_type::iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].begin();
pair_type::iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].end();
// Compute the weights
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
ElementType type1 = first_pair_types->first;
ElementType type2 = first_pair_types->second;
const Array<UInt> & elem_mat_1 = element_filter(type1, ghost_type1);
const Array<UInt> & elem_mat_2 = element_filter(type2, ghost_type2);
const Array<UInt> & pairs = pair_list(type1, ghost_type1)(type2, ghost_type2);
const Array<Real> & weights = pair_weight(type1, ghost_type1)(type2, ghost_type2);
UInt nb_quad1 = fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(type1, ghost_type1);
UInt nb_quad2 = fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(type2, ghost_type2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator pair_w = weights.begin(2);
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair, ++pair_w) {
UInt _q1 = (*first_pair)(0);
UInt _q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
QuadraturePoint q1(type1, elem_mat_1(_q1 / nb_quad1), _q1 % nb_quad1, ghost_type1);
QuadraturePoint q2(type2, elem_mat_2(_q2 / nb_quad2), _q2 % nb_quad2, ghost_type2);
if(el == (Element) q1 || el == (Element) q2) {
QuadraturePoint q;
Real w1;
UInt ele;
// Real w2;
if(el == (Element) q1) {
q = q2;
w1 = (*pair_w)(0);
ele = q.element * nb_quad2;
// w2 = (*pair_w)(1);
} else {
q = q1;
w1 = (*pair_w)(1);
ele = q.element * nb_quad1;
// w2 = (*pair_w)(0);
found = true;
fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(q.type, q.ghost_type);
quad_it = quadrature_points_coordinates(q.type, q.ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
const Vector<Real> & quad_coord = quad_it[q.element * nb_quad_per_elem];
std::map<Vector<Real>, UInt>::iterator nit = numbering.find(quad_coord);
if(nit != numbering.end()) {
conn(1) = nit->second;
if(conn(1) == 0) {
weight(0) = w1;
} else {
conn(1) = counter++;
numbering[quad_coord] = conn(1);
g_notg.push_back(q.ghost_type == _ghost);
damage.push_back((getArray("damage", q.type, q.ghost_type)(q.global_num)));
jac.push_back(fem.getIntegratorInterface().getJacobians(q.type, q.ghost_type)(ele));
if(found) {
std::stringstream sstr;
sstr << "neigh_mesh" << el;
out << "./neighbors" << sstr.str() << " dumped!";
DumperParaview dumper(sstr.str(), "./neighbors", false);
dumper.registerField("ghost", new DumperIOHelper::NodalField<bool>(g_notg));
dumper.registerField("distance", new DumperIOHelper::NodalField<Real>(dist));
dumper.registerField("weight", new DumperIOHelper::NodalField<Real>(weight));
dumper.registerField("damage", new DumperIOHelper::NodalField<Real>(damage));
dumper.registerField("jacobian", new DumperIOHelper::NodalField<Real>(jac));
return out.str();
// <<<<<< DEBUG CODE <<<<<< //
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::cleanupExtraGhostElement(const ElementTypeMap<UInt> & nb_ghost_protected) {
// Create list of element to keep
std::set<Element> relevant_ghost_element;
pair_type::const_iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[1].begin();
pair_type::const_iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[1].end();
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
ElementType type2 = first_pair_types->second;
GhostType ghost_type2 = _ghost;
UInt nb_quad2 = this->model->getFEEngine().getNbQuadraturePoints(type2);
Array<UInt> & elem_filter = element_filter(type2, ghost_type2);
const Array<UInt> & pairs =
pair_list(first_pair_types->first, _not_ghost)(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair) {
UInt _q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
QuadraturePoint q2(type2, elem_filter(_q2 / nb_quad2), _q2 % nb_quad2, ghost_type2);
// Create list of element to remove and new numbering for element to keep
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
std::set<Element> ghost_to_erase;
Mesh::type_iterator it = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension, _ghost);
Mesh::type_iterator last_type = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension, _ghost);
RemovedElementsEvent remove_elem(mesh);
Element element;
element.ghost_type = _ghost;
for(; it != last_type; ++it) {
element.type = *it;
UInt nb_ghost_elem = mesh.getNbElement(*it, _ghost);
UInt nb_ghost_elem_protected = 0;
try {
nb_ghost_elem_protected = nb_ghost_protected(*it, _ghost);
} catch (...) {}
if(!remove_elem.getNewNumbering().exists(*it, _ghost))
remove_elem.getNewNumbering().alloc(nb_ghost_elem, 1, *it, _ghost);
else remove_elem.getNewNumbering(*it, _ghost).resize(nb_ghost_elem);
Array<UInt> & elem_filter = element_filter(*it, _ghost);
Array<UInt> & new_numbering = remove_elem.getNewNumbering(*it, _ghost);
UInt ng = 0;
for (UInt g = 0; g < nb_ghost_elem; ++g) {
element.element = elem_filter(g);
if(element.element >= nb_ghost_elem_protected &&
element) == relevant_ghost_element.end())) {
new_numbering(g) = UInt(-1);
} else {
new_numbering(g) = ng;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::createCellList(ElementTypeMapArray<Real> & quadrature_points_coordinates) {
const Real safety_factor = 1.2; // for the cell grid spacing
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
Real lower_bounds[spatial_dimension];
Real upper_bounds[spatial_dimension];
Vector<Real> spacing(spatial_dimension, weight_func->getRadius() * safety_factor);
Vector<Real> center(spatial_dimension);
for (UInt i = 0; i < spatial_dimension; ++i) {
center(i) = (upper_bounds[i] + lower_bounds[i]) / 2.;
spatial_grid = new SpatialGrid<QuadraturePoint>(spatial_dimension, spacing, center);
computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates(quadrature_points_coordinates, _not_ghost);
fillCellList(quadrature_points_coordinates, _not_ghost);
is_creating_grid = true;
SynchronizerRegistry & synch_registry = this->model->getSynchronizerRegistry();
std::stringstream sstr; sstr << getID() << ":grid_synchronizer";
grid_synchronizer = GridSynchronizer::createGridSynchronizer(mesh,
synch_registry.registerSynchronizer(*grid_synchronizer, _gst_mnl_for_average);
synch_registry.registerSynchronizer(*grid_synchronizer, _gst_mnl_weight);
is_creating_grid = false;
#if not defined(AKANTU_NDEBUG)
Mesh * mesh_tmp = NULL;
if(AKANTU_DEBUG_TEST(dblDump)) {
mesh_tmp = new Mesh(spatial_dimension, "mnl_grid");
std::stringstream sstr_grid;
StaticCommunicator & comm = StaticCommunicator::getStaticCommunicator();
Int prank = comm.whoAmI();
sstr_grid << "material_non_local_grid_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << prank << ".msh";
delete mesh_tmp;
this->computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates(quadrature_points_coordinates, _ghost);
fillCellList(quadrature_points_coordinates, _ghost);
#if not defined(AKANTU_NDEBUG)
if(AKANTU_DEBUG_TEST(dblDump)) {
mesh_tmp = new Mesh(spatial_dimension, "mnl_grid");
std::stringstream sstr_grid;
StaticCommunicator & comm = StaticCommunicator::getStaticCommunicator();
Int prank = comm.whoAmI();
sstr_grid << "material_non_local_grid_ghost_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << prank << ".msh";
delete mesh_tmp;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::fillCellList(const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> & quadrature_points_coordinates,
const GhostType & ghost_type) {
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
QuadraturePoint q;
q.ghost_type = ghost_type;
Mesh::type_iterator it = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension, ghost_type);
Mesh::type_iterator last_type = mesh.lastType (spatial_dimension, ghost_type);
for(; it != last_type; ++it) {
Array<UInt> & elem_filter = element_filter(*it, ghost_type);
UInt nb_element = elem_filter.getSize();
UInt nb_quad = this->model->getFEEngine().getNbQuadraturePoints(*it, ghost_type);
const Array<Real> & quads = quadrature_points_coordinates(*it, ghost_type);
q.type = *it;
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator quad = quads.begin(spatial_dimension);
UInt * elem =;
for (UInt e = 0; e < nb_element; ++e) {
q.element = *elem;
for (UInt nq = 0; nq < nb_quad; ++nq) {
q.num_point = nq;
spatial_grid->insert(q, *quad);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::updatePairList(const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> & quadrature_points_coordinates) {
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost;
QuadraturePoint quad_point;
quad_point.ghost_type = ghost_type;
// generate the pair of neighbor depending of the cell_list
Mesh::type_iterator it = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension, ghost_type);
Mesh::type_iterator last_type = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension, ghost_type);
for(; it != last_type; ++it) {
// Preparing datas
const Array<Real> & quads = quadrature_points_coordinates(*it, ghost_type);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator first_quad = quads.begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator last_quad = quads.end(spatial_dimension);
ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> & pairs = pair_list(ElementTypeMapArray<UInt>("pairs", getID(), memory_id),
ElementType current_element_type = _not_defined;
GhostType current_ghost_type = _casper;
UInt existing_pairs_num = 0;
Array<UInt> * neighbors = NULL;
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > element_index_material_it;
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator quad_coord_it;
UInt my_num_quad = 0;
quad_point.type = *it;
// loop over quad points
for(;first_quad != last_quad; ++first_quad, ++my_num_quad) {
SpatialGrid<QuadraturePoint>::CellID cell_id = spatial_grid->getCellID(*first_quad);
SpatialGrid<QuadraturePoint>::neighbor_cells_iterator first_neigh_cell =
SpatialGrid<QuadraturePoint>::neighbor_cells_iterator last_neigh_cell =
quad_point.element = my_num_quad / this->model->getFEEngine().getNbQuadraturePoints(*it,
// loop over neighbors cells of the one containing the current quadrature
// point
for (; first_neigh_cell != last_neigh_cell; ++first_neigh_cell) {
SpatialGrid<QuadraturePoint>::Cell::iterator first_neigh_quad =
SpatialGrid<QuadraturePoint>::Cell::iterator last_neigh_quad =
// loop over the quadrature point in the current cell of the cell list
for (;first_neigh_quad != last_neigh_quad; ++first_neigh_quad){
QuadraturePoint quad = *first_neigh_quad;
UInt nb_quad_per_elem =
// little optimization to not search in the map at each quad points
if(quad.type != current_element_type ||
quad.ghost_type != current_ghost_type) {
current_element_type = quad.type;
current_ghost_type = quad.ghost_type;
existing_pairs_num = quad.ghost_type == _not_ghost ? 0 : 1;
if(!pairs.exists(current_element_type, current_ghost_type)) {
neighbors = &(pairs.alloc(0, 2,
} else {
neighbors = &(pairs(current_element_type,
element_index_material_it = this->model->getElementIndexByMaterial(current_element_type,
quad_coord_it = quadrature_points_coordinates(current_element_type, current_ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
const Vector<UInt> & el_mat = element_index_material_it[quad.element];
UInt neigh_num_quad = el_mat(1) * nb_quad_per_elem + quad.num_point;
const Vector<Real> & neigh_quad = quad_coord_it[neigh_num_quad];
Real distance = first_quad->distance(neigh_quad);
if(distance <= weight_func->getRadius() &&
(quad.ghost_type == _ghost ||
(quad.ghost_type == _not_ghost && my_num_quad <= neigh_num_quad))) { // storing only half lists
UInt pair[2];
pair[0] = my_num_quad;
pair[1] = neigh_num_quad;
// >>>>>> DEBUG CODE >>>>>> //
#if defined(AKANTU_DEBUG_TOOLS) && defined(AKANTU_CORE_CXX11)
[this, &first_quad, &neigh_quad, &distance,
&quad_point, &quad](const Element & el)->std::string {
std::stringstream out;
if((Element) quad_point == el) {
out << " neigh1: " << quad << " -- " << *first_quad << " " << neigh_quad << " dist: " << distance;
if((Element) quad == el) {
out << " neigh2: " << quad_point << " -- " << *first_quad << " " << neigh_quad << " dist: " << distance;
return out.str();
// <<<<<< DEBUG CODE <<<<<< //
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::computeWeights(const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> & quadrature_points_coordinates) {
GhostType ghost_type1;
ghost_type1 = _not_ghost;
InternalField<Real> quadrature_points_volumes("quadrature_points_volumes", *this);
const FEEngine & fem = this->model->getFEEngine();
for(UInt gt = _not_ghost; gt <= _ghost; ++gt) {
GhostType ghost_type2 = (GhostType) gt;
UInt existing_pairs_num = gt - _not_ghost;
pair_type::iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].begin();
pair_type::iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].end();
// Compute the weights
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
ElementType type1 = first_pair_types->first;
ElementType type2 = first_pair_types->second;
const Array<UInt> & pairs = pair_list(type1, ghost_type1)(type2, ghost_type2);
std::string ghost_id = "";
if (ghost_type1 == _ghost) ghost_id = ":ghost";
ElementTypeMapArray<Real> & weights_type_1 = pair_weight(type1, ghost_type1);
std::stringstream sstr; sstr << getID() << ":pair_weight:" << type1 << ghost_id;
Array<Real> * tmp_weight = NULL;
if(!weights_type_1.exists(type2, ghost_type2)) {
tmp_weight = &(weights_type_1.alloc(0, 2, type2, ghost_type2));
} else {
tmp_weight = &(weights_type_1(type2, ghost_type2));
Array<Real> & weights = *tmp_weight;
const Array<Real> & jacobians_1 = fem.getIntegratorInterface().getJacobians(type1, ghost_type1);
const Array<Real> & jacobians_2 = fem.getIntegratorInterface().getJacobians(type2, ghost_type2);
const Array<UInt> & elem_mat_1 = element_filter(type1, ghost_type1);
const Array<UInt> & elem_mat_2 = element_filter(type2, ghost_type2);
UInt nb_quad1 = fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(type1);
UInt nb_quad2 = fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(type2);
Array<Real> & quads_volumes1 = quadrature_points_volumes(type1, ghost_type1);
Array<Real> & quads_volumes2 = quadrature_points_volumes(type2, ghost_type2);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator iquads1;
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator iquads2;
iquads1 = quadrature_points_coordinates(type1, ghost_type1).begin(spatial_dimension);
iquads2 = quadrature_points_coordinates(type2, ghost_type2).begin(spatial_dimension);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
Array<Real>::vector_iterator weight = weights.begin(2);
this->weight_func->selectType(type1, ghost_type1, type2, ghost_type2);
// Weight function
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair, ++weight) {
UInt _q1 = (*first_pair)(0);
UInt _q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
const Vector<Real> & pos1 = iquads1[_q1];
const Vector<Real> & pos2 = iquads2[_q2];
QuadraturePoint q1(_q1 / nb_quad1, _q1 % nb_quad1, _q1, pos1, type1, ghost_type1);
QuadraturePoint q2(_q2 / nb_quad2, _q2 % nb_quad2, _q2, pos2, type2, ghost_type2);
Real r = pos1.distance(pos2);
Real w2J2 = jacobians_2(elem_mat_2(q2.element)*nb_quad2 + q2.num_point);
Real w = this->weight_func->operator()(r, q1, q2);
(*weight)(0) = w2J2 * w;
quads_volumes1(_q1) += (*weight)(0);
if(ghost_type2 != _ghost && _q1 != _q2) {
Real w1J1 = jacobians_1(elem_mat_1(q1.element)*nb_quad1 + q1.num_point);
(*weight)(1) = w1J1 * this->weight_func->operator()(r, q2, q1);
quads_volumes2(_q2) += (*weight)(1);
} else
(*weight)(1) = 0;
//normalize the weights
for(UInt gt = _not_ghost; gt <= _ghost; ++gt) {
GhostType ghost_type2 = (GhostType) gt;
UInt existing_pairs_num = gt - _not_ghost;
pair_type::iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].begin();
pair_type::iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].end();
first_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].begin();
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
ElementType type1 = first_pair_types->first;
ElementType type2 = first_pair_types->second;
const Array<UInt> & pairs = pair_list(type1, ghost_type1)(type2, ghost_type2);
Array<Real> & weights = pair_weight(type1, ghost_type1)(type2, ghost_type2);
Array<Real> & quads_volumes1 = quadrature_points_volumes(type1, ghost_type1);
Array<Real> & quads_volumes2 = quadrature_points_volumes(type2, ghost_type2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
Array<Real>::vector_iterator weight = weights.begin(2);
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair, ++weight) {
UInt q1 = (*first_pair)(0);
UInt q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
(*weight)(0) *= 1. / quads_volumes1(q1);
if(ghost_type2 != _ghost) (*weight)(1) *= 1. / quads_volumes2(q2);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
template<typename T>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::weightedAvergageOnNeighbours(const ElementTypeMapArray<T> & to_accumulate,
ElementTypeMapArray<T> & accumulated,
UInt nb_degree_of_freedom,
GhostType ghost_type2) const {
UInt existing_pairs_num = 0;
if (ghost_type2 == _ghost) existing_pairs_num = 1;
pair_type::const_iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].begin();
pair_type::const_iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].end();
GhostType ghost_type1 = _not_ghost; // does not make sens the ghost vs ghost so this should always by _not_ghost
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
const Array<UInt> & pairs =
pair_list(first_pair_types->first, ghost_type1)(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
const Array<Real> & weights =
pair_weight(first_pair_types->first, ghost_type1)(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
const Array<T> & to_acc = to_accumulate(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
Array<T> & acc = accumulated(first_pair_types->first, ghost_type1);
if(ghost_type2 == _not_ghost) acc.clear();
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator pair_w = weights.begin(2);
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair, ++pair_w) {
UInt q1 = (*first_pair)(0);
UInt q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
for(UInt d = 0; d < nb_degree_of_freedom; ++d){
acc(q1, d) += (*pair_w)(0) * to_acc(q2, d);
if(ghost_type2 != _ghost) acc(q2, d) += (*pair_w)(1) * to_acc(q1, d);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::updateResidual(GhostType ghost_type) {
// Update the weights for the non local variable averaging
if(ghost_type == _not_ghost &&
this->weight_func->getUpdateRate() &&
(this->compute_stress_calls % this->weight_func->getUpdateRate() == 0)) {
ElementTypeMapArray<Real> quadrature_points_coordinates("quadrature_points_coordinates", getID());
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
mesh.initElementTypeMapArray(quadrature_points_coordinates, spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates(quadrature_points_coordinates, _not_ghost);
computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates(quadrature_points_coordinates, _ghost);
if(ghost_type == _not_ghost) ++this->compute_stress_calls;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::computeAllNonLocalStresses(GhostType ghost_type) {
// Update the weights for the non local variable averaging
if(ghost_type == _not_ghost) {
if(this->weight_func->getUpdateRate() &&
(this->compute_stress_calls % this->weight_func->getUpdateRate() == 0)) {
ElementTypeMapArray<Real> quadrature_points_coordinates("quadrature_points_coordinates", getID());
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
mesh.initElementTypeMapArray(quadrature_points_coordinates, spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates(quadrature_points_coordinates, _not_ghost);
computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates(quadrature_points_coordinates, _ghost);
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator it = non_local_variables.begin();
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator end = non_local_variables.end();
for(;it != end; ++it) {
NonLocalVariable & non_local_variable = it->second;
this->weightedAvergageOnNeighbours(*non_local_variable.local, *non_local_variable.non_local,
non_local_variable.nb_component, _not_ghost);
} else {
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator it = non_local_variables.begin();
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator end = non_local_variables.end();
for(;it != end; ++it) {
NonLocalVariable & non_local_variable = it->second;
this->weightedAvergageOnNeighbours(*non_local_variable.local, *non_local_variable.non_local,
non_local_variable.nb_component, _ghost);
// >>>>>> DEBUG CODE >>>>>> //
#if defined(AKANTU_CORE_CXX11)
[non_local_variable, &element_filter](const Element & el)->std::string {
std::stringstream out;
if(element_filter.exists(el.type, el.ghost_type)) {
UInt pos = element_filter(el.type, el.ghost_type).find(el.element);
if(pos != UInt(-1)) {
out << (*non_local_variable.local)(el.type, el.ghost_type).getID()
<< ": loc "
<< (*non_local_variable.local)(el.type, el.ghost_type).begin(non_local_variable.nb_component)[pos]
<< " - non loc "
<< (*non_local_variable.non_local)(el.type, el.ghost_type).begin(non_local_variable.nb_component)[pos];
return out.str();
debug::element_manager.printData(debug::_dm_material, "MaterialNonLocal: computeAllNonLocalStress",
*non_local_variable.local, this->element_filter);
debug::element_manager.printData(debug::_dm_material, "MaterialNonLocal: computeAllNonLocalStress",
*non_local_variable.non_local, this->element_filter);
// <<<<<< DEBUG CODE <<<<<< //
// >>>>>> DEBUG CODE >>>>>> //
#if defined(AKANTU_DEBUG_TOOLS) && defined(AKANTU_CORE_CXX11)
ElementTypeMapArray<Real> quadrature_points_coordinates("quadrature_points_coordinates", id);
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
mesh.initElementTypeMapArray(quadrature_points_coordinates, spatial_dimension, spatial_dimension);
computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates(quadrature_points_coordinates, _not_ghost);
computeQuadraturePointsCoordinates(quadrature_points_coordinates, _ghost);
[this, &quadrature_points_coordinates](const Element & el)->std::string {
static UInt step = 0;
std::stringstream out;
GhostType ghost_type1 = _not_ghost;
FEEngine & fem = this->model->getFEEngine();
Mesh & mesh = this->model->getMesh();
std::ofstream quad_out;
std::stringstream sstro;
sstro << "neigh_vals_" << el.element << ".csv";
if(step == 0) {;
quad_out << "#id,step,gt,realid,w1,w2";
for (UInt i = 0; i < spatial_dimension; ++i) {
std::stringstream sstr; sstr << ",x" << i ;
quad_out << sstr.str();
quad_out << ",dam,jac";
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator it = non_local_variables.begin();
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator end = non_local_variables.end();
for(;it != end; ++it) {
NonLocalVariable & non_local_variable = it->second;
for (UInt i = 0; i < non_local_variable.nb_component; ++i) {
std::stringstream sstr; sstr << "," << non_local_variable.local->getID() << i;
quad_out << sstr.str();
for (UInt i = 0; i < non_local_variable.nb_component; ++i) {
std::stringstream sstr; sstr << "," << non_local_variable.non_local->getID() << i;
quad_out << sstr.str();
quad_out << std::endl;
} else {, std::ios_base::app);
for (ghost_type_t::iterator git = ghost_type_t::begin(); git != ghost_type_t::end(); ++git) {
GhostType ghost_type2 = *git;
UInt existing_pairs_num = ghost_type2 - _not_ghost;
pair_type::iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].begin();
pair_type::iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].end();
// Compute the weights
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
ElementType type1 = first_pair_types->first;
ElementType type2 = first_pair_types->second;
const Array<UInt> & elem_mat_1 = element_filter(type1, ghost_type1);
const Array<UInt> & elem_mat_2 = element_filter(type2, ghost_type2);
UInt nb_quad1 = fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(type1, ghost_type1);
UInt nb_quad2 = fem.getNbQuadraturePoints(type2, ghost_type2);
const Array<UInt> & pairs = pair_list(type1, ghost_type1)(type2, ghost_type2);
const Array<Real> & weights = pair_weight(type1, ghost_type1)(type2, ghost_type2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator pair_w = weights.begin(2);
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair, ++pair_w) {
UInt _q1 = (*first_pair)(0);
UInt _q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
QuadraturePoint q1(type1, elem_mat_1(_q1 / nb_quad1), _q1 % nb_quad1, ghost_type1);
QuadraturePoint q2(type2, elem_mat_2(_q2 / nb_quad2), _q2 % nb_quad2, ghost_type2);
q1.global_num = _q1;
q2.global_num = _q2;
if(el == (Element) q1 || el == (Element) q2) {
QuadraturePoint q;
Real w1, w2;
UInt nb_quad;
if(el == (Element) q1) {
q = q2;
nb_quad = nb_quad2;
w1 = (*pair_w)(0);
w2 = (*pair_w)(1);
} else {
q = q1;
nb_quad = nb_quad1;
w1 = (*pair_w)(1);
w2 = (*pair_w)(0);
quad_out << ((q.ghost_type == _ghost ? mesh.getNbElement(q.type, q.ghost_type) : 0) + q.global_num)
<< "," << step << "," << q.ghost_type << "," << q.global_num;
quad_out << "," << w1 << "," << w2;
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator iquads =
quadrature_points_coordinates(q.type, q.ghost_type).begin(spatial_dimension);
const Vector<Real> & coord = iquads[q.global_num];
for(UInt i(0); i < coord.size(); ++i) {
quad_out << "," << coord(i);
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator nlit = non_local_variables.begin();
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator nlend = non_local_variables.end();
for(;nlit != nlend; ++nlit) {
NonLocalVariable & non_local_variable = nlit->second;
const Array<Real> & local = (*non_local_variable.local)(q.type, q.ghost_type);
for(UInt i(0); i < local.getNbComponent(); ++i) {
quad_out << "," << local(q.global_num, i);
const Array<Real> & non_local = (*non_local_variable.non_local)(q.type, q.ghost_type);
for(UInt i(0); i < non_local.getNbComponent(); ++i) {
quad_out << "," << non_local(q.global_num, i);
Real d = getArray("damage", q.type, q.ghost_type)(q.global_num);
Real j = fem.getIntegratorInterface().getJacobians(q.type, q.ghost_type)(q.element*nb_quad + q.num_point);
quad_out << "," << d << "," << j;
quad_out << std::endl;
return out.str();
// <<<<<< DEBUG CODE <<<<<< //
// >>>>>> DEBUG CODE >>>>>> //
#if defined(AKANTU_CORE_CXX11)
[ghost_type, this](const Element & el)->std::string {
std::stringstream out;
if(el.ghost_type == ghost_type && element_filter.exists(el.type, ghost_type)) {
UInt pos = element_filter(el.type, el.ghost_type).find(el.element);
if(pos != UInt(-1)) {
Real d = getArray("damage", el.type, el.ghost_type)(pos);
out << " damage: " << d;
return out.str();
// <<<<<< DEBUG CODE <<<<<< //
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::savePairs(const std::string & filename) const {
std::ofstream pout;
std::stringstream sstr;
StaticCommunicator & comm = StaticCommunicator::getStaticCommunicator();
Int prank = comm.whoAmI();
sstr << filename << "." << prank;;
GhostType ghost_type1;
ghost_type1 = _not_ghost;
for(UInt gt = _not_ghost; gt <= _ghost; ++gt) {
GhostType ghost_type2 = (GhostType) gt;
UInt existing_pairs_num = gt - _not_ghost;
pair_type::const_iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].begin();
pair_type::const_iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].end();
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
const Array<UInt> & pairs =
(*pair_list(first_pair_types->first, ghost_type1))(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
const Array<Real> & weights =
(*pair_weight(first_pair_types->first, ghost_type1))(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
pout << "Types : " << first_pair_types->first << " (" << ghost_type1 << ") - " << first_pair_types->second << " (" << ghost_type2 << ")" << std::endl;
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
Array<Real>::const_vector_iterator pair_w = weights.begin(2);
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair, ++pair_w) {
UInt q1 = (*first_pair)(0);
UInt q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
pout << q1 << " " << q2 << " "<< (*pair_w)(0) << " " << (*pair_w)(1) << std::endl;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::neighbourhoodStatistics(const std::string & filename) const {
std::ofstream pout;;
const Mesh & mesh = this->model->getFEEngine().getMesh();
GhostType ghost_type1;
ghost_type1 = _not_ghost;
StaticCommunicator & comm = StaticCommunicator::getStaticCommunicator();
Int prank = comm.whoAmI();
InternalField<UInt> nb_neighbors("nb_neighbours", *const_cast<MaterialNonLocal *>(this));
for(UInt gt = _not_ghost; gt <= _ghost; ++gt) {
GhostType ghost_type2 = (GhostType) gt;
UInt existing_pairs_num = gt - _not_ghost;
pair_type::const_iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].begin();
pair_type::const_iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[existing_pairs_num].end();
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
const Array<UInt> & pairs =
pair_list(first_pair_types->first, ghost_type1)(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
if(prank == 0) {
pout << ghost_type2 << " ";
pout << "Types : " << first_pair_types->first << " " << first_pair_types->second << std::endl;
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::const_iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
Array<UInt> & nb_neigh_1 = nb_neighbors(first_pair_types->first, ghost_type1);
Array<UInt> & nb_neigh_2 = nb_neighbors(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair) {
UInt q1 = (*first_pair)(0);
UInt q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
if(q1 != q2) ++(nb_neigh_2(q2));
Mesh::type_iterator it = mesh.firstType(spatial_dimension, ghost_type1);
Mesh::type_iterator last_type = mesh.lastType(spatial_dimension, ghost_type1);
UInt nb_quads = 0;
Real sum_nb_neig = 0;
UInt max_nb_neig = 0;
UInt min_nb_neig = std::numeric_limits<UInt>::max();
for(; it != last_type; ++it) {
Array<UInt> & nb_neighor = nb_neighbors(*it, ghost_type1);
Array<UInt>::iterator<UInt> nb_neigh = nb_neighor.begin();
Array<UInt>::iterator<UInt> end_neigh = nb_neighor.end();
for (; nb_neigh != end_neigh; ++nb_neigh, ++nb_quads) {
UInt nb = *nb_neigh;
sum_nb_neig += nb;
max_nb_neig = std::max(max_nb_neig, nb);
min_nb_neig = std::min(min_nb_neig, nb);
comm.allReduce(&nb_quads, 1, _so_sum);
comm.allReduce(&sum_nb_neig, 1, _so_sum);
comm.allReduce(&max_nb_neig, 1, _so_max);
comm.allReduce(&min_nb_neig, 1, _so_min);
if(prank == 0) {
pout << ghost_type2 << " ";
pout << "Nb quadrature points: " << nb_quads << std::endl;
Real mean_nb_neig = sum_nb_neig / Real(nb_quads);
pout << ghost_type2 << " ";
pout << "Average nb neighbors: " << mean_nb_neig << "(" << sum_nb_neig << ")" << std::endl;
pout << ghost_type2 << " ";
pout << "Max nb neighbors: " << max_nb_neig << std::endl;
pout << ghost_type2 << " ";
pout << "Min nb neighbors: " << min_nb_neig << std::endl;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
inline UInt MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::getNbDataForElements(const Array<Element> & elements,
SynchronizationTag tag) const {
UInt nb_quadrature_points = this->getModel().getNbQuadraturePoints(elements);
UInt size = 0;
if(tag == _gst_mnl_for_average) {
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::const_iterator it = non_local_variables.begin();
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::const_iterator end = non_local_variables.end();
for(;it != end; ++it) {
const NonLocalVariable & non_local_variable = it->second;
size += non_local_variable.nb_component * sizeof(Real) * nb_quadrature_points;
size += weight_func->getNbDataForElements(elements, tag);
return size;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
inline void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::packElementData(CommunicationBuffer & buffer,
const Array<Element> & elements,
SynchronizationTag tag) const {
if(tag == _gst_mnl_for_average) {
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::const_iterator it = non_local_variables.begin();
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::const_iterator end = non_local_variables.end();
for(;it != end; ++it) {
const NonLocalVariable & non_local_variable = it->second;
buffer, elements);
weight_func->packElementData(buffer, elements, tag);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
inline void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::unpackElementData(CommunicationBuffer & buffer,
const Array<Element> & elements,
SynchronizationTag tag) {
if(tag == _gst_mnl_for_average) {
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator it = non_local_variables.begin();
typename std::map<ID, NonLocalVariable>::iterator end = non_local_variables.end();
for(;it != end; ++it) {
NonLocalVariable & non_local_variable = it->second;
buffer, elements);
weight_func->unpackElementData(buffer, elements, tag);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
// inline void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::onElementsAdded(const Array<Element> & element_list) {
// Material::onElementsAdded(element_list, event);
// }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<UInt spatial_dimension, template <UInt> class WeightFunction>
inline void MaterialNonLocal<spatial_dimension, WeightFunction>::onElementsRemoved(const Array<Element> & element_list,
const ElementTypeMapArray<UInt> & new_numbering,
__attribute__((unused)) const RemovedElementsEvent & event) {
Material::onElementsRemoved(element_list, new_numbering, event);
pair_type::const_iterator first_pair_types = existing_pairs[1].begin();
pair_type::const_iterator last_pair_types = existing_pairs[1].end();
// Renumber element to keep
for (; first_pair_types != last_pair_types; ++first_pair_types) {
ElementType type2 = first_pair_types->second;
GhostType ghost_type2 = _ghost;
UInt nb_quad2 = this->model->getFEEngine().getNbQuadraturePoints(type2);
Array<UInt> & pairs =
pair_list(first_pair_types->first, _not_ghost)(first_pair_types->second, ghost_type2);
Array<UInt>::iterator< Vector<UInt> > first_pair = pairs.begin(2);
Array<UInt>::iterator< Vector<UInt> > last_pair = pairs.end(2);
for(;first_pair != last_pair; ++first_pair) {
UInt _q2 = (*first_pair)(1);
const Array<UInt> & renumbering = new_numbering(type2, ghost_type2);
UInt el = _q2 / nb_quad2;
UInt new_el = renumbering(el);
AKANTU_DEBUG_ASSERT(new_el != UInt(-1), "A local quad as been removed instead f just renumbered");
(*first_pair)(1) = new_el * nb_quad2 + _q2 % nb_quad2;

Event Timeline