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Sat, Sep 14, 06:17

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import akantu as aka
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
from sksparse.cholmod import cholesky
import sys
from prototype_internodes.functions import *
from prototype_internodes.functions_contact_probl import *
from prototype_internodes.init_model import init_model
# example
def main():
mesh_file = 'contact.msh'
material_file = 'material.dat'
spatial_dimension = 2
mesh = aka.Mesh(spatial_dimension)
# initialize model
model = aka.SolidMechanicsModel(mesh)
# boundary conditions
displacements = np.zeros(mesh.getNbNodes()*spatial_dimension)
model.applyBC(aka.FixedValue(0., aka._x), 'lower_bottom')
model.applyBC(aka.FixedValue(0., aka._y), 'lower_bottom')
# Dirichlet
# nodes_top = mesh.getElementGroup('upper_top').getNodeGroup().getNodes().ravel()
# displacements = displacements.reshape([-1, 2])
# displacements[nodes_top, 1] = -0.1
# displacements = displacements.ravel()
# Neumann (K is not invertible)
traction = np.zeros(spatial_dimension)
traction[1] = -1e9
model.applyBC(aka.FromTraction(traction), "upper_top")
# init and solve
model, data = init_model(model, mesh, mesh_file, material_file, spatial_dimension,
displacements, "upper_bottom", "lower_top")
solve_step_iterative(model, data, nb_max_iter=10, plot=True)
def solve_step_iterative(model, data, nb_max_iter=10, plot=False):
#---------- assemble stiffness matrices: K, K_free ----------
K_aka = model.dof_manager.getMatrix("K")
K = sp.sparse.csc_matrix(aka.AkantuSparseMatrix(K_aka))
# K for all non blocked dofs
rescaling = 30e9 # with E
K_free = K[np.ix_(data['free_dofs'], data['free_dofs'])] / rescaling
# calculate perturbed K free
epsilon = 1e-8
K_tilde = K_free + epsilon*sp.sparse.identity(data['nb_free_dofs'])
#---------- ordering and indexing of K and K_tilde ----------
sorter_free_dofs = np.argsort(data['free_dofs'])
indx1b = sorter_free_dofs[np.searchsorted(data['free_dofs'], data['dofs1b'], sorter=sorter_free_dofs)]
indx2b = sorter_free_dofs[np.searchsorted(data['free_dofs'], data['dofs2b'], sorter=sorter_free_dofs)]
indxb = np.append(indx1b, indx2b)
# ordering for cholesky of K_tilde with scikit-sparse
factor = cholesky(K_tilde, beta=0)
permut = factor.P()
permut_inv = np.argsort(permut)
indx_permut = np.setdiff1d(permut, indxb, assume_unique=True)
ordering = np.append(indx_permut, indxb)
ordering_inv = np.argsort(ordering)
K_tilde_order = K_tilde[np.ix_(ordering, ordering)]
K_free_order = K_free[np.ix_(ordering, ordering)]
#---------- cholesky decomposition of K_tilde with scikit-sparse ----------
# this is not very efficient in sksparse
chol_factor = cholesky(K_tilde_order, beta=0, ordering_method="natural")
L = chol_factor.L()
L = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(L)
# explicit calculations of blocks
boundary_start = data['nb_free_dofs'] - len(indxb)
L22 = L[boundary_start:, boundary_start:]
L22L22_T =
#---------- assemble external forces: f, f_ordering ----------
f = model.getExternalForce().ravel()
# f for all non blocked dofs
f_free = f[data['free_dofs']]
f_free_order = f_free[ordering]
#---------- initialize interface ----------
# 1i denotes interface 1, 2i denotes inteface 2
# take all boundary initialy as interface nodes
# possible selection with radius calculation
nodes1i = data['nodes1b']
positions1i = data['positions1b']
nodes2i = data['nodes2b']
positions2i = data['positions2b']
if plot:
plt.triplot(data['positions'][:, 0], data['positions'][:, 1], data['connectivity'])
# plt.ylim([0.9, 1.1])
#---------- internodes iterations ----------
# run until converged or nb_max_iter is attained
for i in range(nb_max_iter):
print('--- iteration', i+1, '---')
# select nodes belonging to interface
nodes1i, nodes2i, positions1i, positions2i, radiuses1, radiuses2 = find_contact_nodes(nodes1i, nodes2i,
positions1i, positions2i)
dofs1i = nodes_to_dofs(nodes1i).ravel()
dofs2i = nodes_to_dofs(nodes2i).ravel()
nb_constraint_dofs = len(dofs1i)
# local index of the interface among the boundary dofs
sorter_boundary_dofs = np.argsort(data['boundary_dofs'])
indx1i_loc = sorter_boundary_dofs[np.searchsorted(data['boundary_dofs'], dofs1i, sorter=sorter_boundary_dofs)]
indx2i_loc = sorter_boundary_dofs[np.searchsorted(data['boundary_dofs'], dofs2i, sorter=sorter_boundary_dofs)]
# global index of the interface among all dofs
boundary_start = data['nb_free_dofs'] - len(indxb)
indx1i = indx1i_loc + boundary_start
indx2i = indx2i_loc + boundary_start
# subassemble matrices
R12_normal, R21_normal, R12, R21 = assemble_Rijs(positions1i, positions2i, radiuses1, radiuses2)
M1i, M2i = assemble_interface_masses(model, dofs1i, dofs2i)
B, B_tilde, C = assemble_Bs(M1i, M2i, R12, R21, indx1i, indx2i, data['nb_free_dofs'], nb_constraint_dofs)
b = assemble_b(f_free_order, R12_normal, K, data['displacements'], data['free_dofs'],
data['blocked_dofs'], positions1i, positions2i, nb_constraint_dofs, rescaling)
A_size = data['nb_free_dofs'] + nb_constraint_dofs
A_op = lambda x: linearoperator_A(x, K_tilde_order, B, B_tilde, data['nb_free_dofs'])
A_op_spla = LinearOperator((A_size, A_size), matvec=A_op)
# prepare preconditioner
V = prepare_precond(M1i, M2i, R12, R21, L22, L22L22_T,
indx1i_loc, indx2i_loc, data['nb_boundary_dofs'])
M_inv_op = lambda y: linearoperator_precond(y, L22, V, B, M1i, chol_factor,
data['nb_free_dofs'], data['nb_boundary_dofs'])
M_inv_op_spla = LinearOperator((A_size, A_size), matvec=M_inv_op)
# solve
positions_new, displacements, lambdas = solve_iterative(A_op_spla, b, M_inv_op_spla,
data['positions'], data['displacements'], data['free_dofs'], ordering,
nb_constraint_dofs, data['nb_dofs'], rescaling)
if plot:
plt.triplot(positions_new[:, 0], positions_new[:, 1], data['connectivity'])
plt.title('Iteration ' + str(i+1))
# plt.ylim([0.9, 1.1])
# add or remove nodes
nodes1i, nodes2i, diff_nb_nodes1i, diff_nb_nodes2i = remove_traction(positions_new,
data['connectivity1b'], data['connectivity2b'], data['connectivity1b_body'], data['connectivity2b_body'],
nodes1i, nodes2i, data['nodes1b'], data['nodes2b'], lambdas, R12, R21)
positions1i = data['positions'][nodes1i, :]
positions2i = data['positions'][nodes2i, :]
if np.abs(diff_nb_nodes1i)+np.abs(diff_nb_nodes2i) == 0:
print('successfully converged in', i+1, 'iterations')
return positions_new, displacements
if __name__ == '__main__':

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