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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.linalg import lstsq
from scipy import spatial
import sys
from prototype_internodes.functions import nodes_to_dofs
def find_contact_nodes(nodes1i, nodes2i, coords1i, coords2i):
radiuses1, nnzR21 = compute_radiuses(nodes1i, nodes2i, coords1i, coords2i)
radiuses2, nnzR12 = compute_radiuses(nodes2i, nodes1i, coords2i, coords1i)
nodes1i_mask = nnzR12 > 0
nodes2i_mask = nnzR21 > 0
while np.any(nodes1i_mask == False) or np.any(nodes2i_mask == False):
nodes1i = nodes1i[nodes1i_mask]
nodes2i = nodes2i[nodes2i_mask]
coords1i = coords1i[nodes1i_mask]
coords2i = coords2i[nodes2i_mask]
dofs1i = nodes_to_dofs(nodes1i).ravel()
dofs2i = nodes_to_dofs(nodes2i).ravel()
radiuses1, nnzR21 = compute_radiuses(nodes1i, nodes2i, coords1i, coords2i)
radiuses2, nnzR12 = compute_radiuses(nodes2i, nodes1i, coords2i, coords1i)
nodes1i_mask = nnzR12 > 0
nodes2i_mask = nnzR21 > 0
return nodes1i, nodes2i, coords1i, coords2i, radiuses1, radiuses2
def compute_radiuses(nodes1i, nodes2i, coords1i, coords2i):
c = 0.5 # conditition (2)
C = 0.95 # condition (3)
n = 1 # consider n nearest neighboors
d = 0.05 # tolerance, for radius of "attack" estimation
M = len(coords1i)
N = len(coords2i)
radiuses = np.zeros(M)
nnzRMM = np.zeros(M)
nnzRNM = np.zeros(N)
nnzCMM = np.zeros(M)
nnzCNM = np.zeros(M)
maxS = np.inf
f = 0
niter = 0
maxiter = 10
while maxS > f and niter < maxiter-1:
f = np.floor(1/(np.power(1-c, 4)*(1+4*c))) # maximum number of supports
for k in range(M):
point = coords1i[k, :].reshape(1, -1)
neighbors = coords1i.copy()
neighbors[k, :] = np.inf
distMM = spatial.distance.cdist(neighbors, point).ravel()
distMN = spatial.distance.cdist(coords2i, point).ravel()
rMM = np.min(distMM)
rNM = np.sqrt(d*d + 0.25*np.power(rMM, 2))
radius = np.maximum(rMM, rNM)
# rMM = distMM[np.argpartition(distMM, n)[:n]]
# rNM = np.sqrt(d*d + 0.25*np.power(rMM, 2))
# radius = np.maximum([rMM[-1], rNM])
# if radius > rMM[0]/c:
# radius = rMM[0]/c
if radius > rMM/c:
radius = rMM/c
s1 = distMM < radius
s2 = distMN < C*radius
nnzRMM[s1] = nnzRMM[s1] + 1
nnzRNM[s2] = nnzRNM[s2] + 1
nnzCMM[k] = np.sum(s1)
nnzCNM[k] = np.sum(s2)
radiuses[k] = radius
maxS = np.max(nnzRMM)
if maxS > f:
c = 0.5 * (1 + c);
nnzRMM = np.zeros(M)
nnzRNM = np.zeros(N)
nnzCMM = np.zeros(M)
nnzCNM = np.zeros(M)
niter = niter+1
return radiuses, nnzRNM
def wendland(dists, radiuses):
result = np.zeros(len(dists))
mask = dists <= radiuses
result[mask] = np.power(1-dists[mask]/radiuses[mask], 4) * (1+4*dists[mask]/radiuses[mask])
return result
def phi_constructor(coords_i, coords_j, radiuses_j, rad_func):
N = len(coords_i)
M = len(coords_j)
dists = spatial.distance.cdist(coords_i, coords_j)
radiuses_j = np.tile(radiuses_j, N)
phi = rad_func(dists.ravel(), radiuses_j.ravel())
return phi.reshape([N, M])
def Rij_constructor(coords_i, coords_j, radiuses_j):
phiMM = phi_constructor(coords_j, coords_j, radiuses_j, wendland)
phiNM = phi_constructor(coords_i, coords_j, radiuses_j, wendland)
Rij =
g =[1], 1)))
Rij_norm = Rij * (1/g)
return Rij_norm
def assemble_Rijs(coords1i, coords2i, radiuses1, radiuses2):
R12_normal = Rij_constructor(coords1i, coords2i, radiuses2)
R21_normal = Rij_constructor(coords2i, coords1i, radiuses1)
R21 = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(extend_to_2D(R21_normal))
R12 = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(extend_to_2D(R12_normal))
return R12_normal, R21_normal, R12, R21
def extend_to_2D(R):
R_extended = np.repeat(np.repeat(R,2,axis=1), 2, axis=0)
R_extended[1::2,::2] = 0
R_extended[::2,1::2] = 0
return R_extended
def remove_traction(coords_new, connectivity1b, connectivity2b, connectivity1b_body, connectivity2b_body,
nodes1i, nodes2i, nodes1b, nodes2b, lambda1, R12, R21):
normals1b = compute_normals(coords_new, nodes1b, connectivity1b, connectivity1b_body)
normals2b = compute_normals(coords_new, nodes2b, connectivity2b, connectivity2b_body)
normals1i = normals1b[np.in1d(nodes1b, nodes1i)]
normals2i = normals2b[np.in1d(nodes2b, nodes2i)]
lambda2 =[-1, 1])).reshape([-1, 2])
scalar1 = np.sum(lambda1*normals1i, axis=1)
scalar2 = np.sum(lambda2*normals2i, axis=1)
nodes1i_dump = nodes1i[scalar1>0]
nodes2i_dump = nodes2i[scalar2>0]
if len(nodes1i_dump) == 0 and len(nodes2i_dump) == 0:
# gap verification
nodes1i_add, nodes2i_add = detect_gaps(coords_new, nodes1i, nodes2i, normals1i, normals2i)
nodes1i, diff_nb_nodes1i = update_interface(nodes1i_add, nodes1i, 'add')
nodes2i, diff_nb_nodes2i = update_interface(nodes2i_add, nodes2i, 'add')
nodes1i, diff_nb_nodes1i = update_interface(nodes1i_dump, nodes1i, 'dump')
nodes2i, diff_nb_nodes2i = update_interface(nodes2i_dump, nodes2i, 'dump')
print(diff_nb_nodes1i, ' nodes removed from interface 1')
print(diff_nb_nodes2i, ' nodes removed from interface 2')
return nodes1i, nodes2i, diff_nb_nodes1i, diff_nb_nodes2i
def update_interface(new_nodes, nodesi, case):
if case == 'dump':
nodesi_new = nodesi[~np.in1d(nodesi, new_nodes)]
if case == 'add':
nodesi_new = np.union1d(nodesi, new_nodes)
diff_nb_nodes = len(nodesi) -len(nodesi_new)
return nodesi_new, diff_nb_nodes
def compute_normals(coords_new, nodesb, connectivityb, connectivityb_body):
n = len(nodesb)
m = len(connectivityb)
connectivityi_body = connectivityb_body[np.in1d(connectivityb_body, nodesb).reshape(connectivityb_body.shape).any(axis=1)]
nodesb_body = np.unique(connectivityi_body[~np.isin(connectivityb_body, nodesb)])
tangents = coords_new[connectivityb[:, 1]] - coords_new[connectivityb[:, 0]]
lengths = np.linalg.norm(tangents, axis=1).reshape([-1,1])
tangents = tangents/lengths
normals = np.zeros((m, 2))
normals[:, 0] = -tangents[:, 1]
normals[:, 1] = tangents[:, 0]
normals_avg = np.zeros((n, 2))
gamma = 1e-3 # step size
for j in range(n):
node = nodesb[j]
coord = coords_new[node, :]
id = np.in1d(connectivityb, node).reshape(connectivityb.shape).any(axis=1)
length = lengths[id]
normal_avg = 1/np.sum(length)*np.sum(normals[id, :]*length, axis=0)
tang_plus = (coord + gamma*normal_avg).reshape([-1, 2])
tang_minus = (coord - gamma*normal_avg).reshape([-1, 2])
min_plus = np.min(spatial.distance.cdist(coords_new[nodesb_body, :], tang_plus).ravel())
min_minus = np.min(spatial.distance.cdist(coords_new[nodesb_body, :], tang_minus).ravel())
if min_plus > min_minus:
normals_avg[j, :] = normal_avg
normals_avg[j, :] = -normal_avg
norms = np.linalg.norm(normals_avg, axis=1).reshape([-1, 1])
normals_avg = (normals_avg/norms).reshape([-1, 2])
return normals_avg
def detect_gaps(coords_new, nodes1i, nodes2i, normals1i, normals2i):
tol = 0.9 # tolerance for gap detection (could be changed as input)
h = 0.05 # mesh size (shouldn't be fixed!)
coords1i = coords_new[nodes1i, :]
coords2i = coords_new[nodes2i, :]
nodes1i, nodes2i, coords1i, coords2i, radiuses1, radiuses2 = find_contact_nodes(nodes1i, nodes2i, coords1i, coords2i)
R21_normal = Rij_constructor(coords2i, coords1i, radiuses1)
R21 = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(extend_to_2D(R21_normal))
R12_normal = Rij_constructor(coords1i, coords2i, radiuses2)
R12 = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(extend_to_2D(R12_normal))
diffs1 =[-1, 1])) - coords1i.reshape([-1, 1])
diffs1 = diffs1.reshape([-1, 2])
diffs2 =[-1, 1])) - coords2i.reshape([-1, 1])
diffs2 = diffs2.reshape([-1, 2])
scalar1 = np.sum(diffs1*normals1i, axis=1)
scalar2 = np.sum(diffs2*normals2i, axis=1)
threshold = -tol*h
nodes1i_add = nodes1i[scalar1<threshold]
nodes2i_add = nodes2i[scalar2<threshold]
return nodes1i_add, nodes2i_add

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