#!/bin/env python import pytest import numpy as np import akantu as aka import py11_akantu_test_common as aka_test def test_array_size(): ptr, array = aka_test.createArray(1000, 3) assert array.shape == (1000, 3) def test_array_nocopy(): ptr, array = aka_test.createArray(1000, 3) through_python = aka_test.getRawPointerArray(array) assert(ptr == through_python) def test_modify_array(): ptr, array = aka_test.createArray(3, 3) array[0, :] = (1., 2., 3.) array2 = aka_test.getArray(ptr) assert(np.linalg.norm(array-array2) < 1e-15) for i in [1, 2, 3]: ptr, array = aka_test.createArray(10000, i) array[:, :] = np.random.random((10000, i)) array2 = aka_test.getArray(ptr) assert(np.linalg.norm(array-array2) < 1e-15) def test_array_copy(): ptr, array = aka_test.createArray(1000, 3) array2 = aka_test.copyArray(ptr) ptr2 = aka_test.getRawPointerArray(array2) assert(ptr != ptr2) def test_vector_size(): ptr, vector = aka_test.createVector(3) assert vector.shape == (3,) def test_vector_nocopy(): ptr, vector = aka_test.createVector(3) through_python = aka_test.getRawPointerVector(vector) assert(ptr == through_python) def test_modify_vector(): ptr, vector = aka_test.createVector(3) vector[:] = (1., 2., 3.) vector2 = aka_test.getVector(ptr) assert(np.linalg.norm(vector-vector2) < 1e-15) for i in np.arange(1, 10): ptr, vector = aka_test.createVector(i) vector[:] = np.random.random(i) vector2 = aka_test.getVector(ptr) assert(np.linalg.norm(vector-vector2) < 1e-15) def test_vector_copy(): ptr, vector = aka_test.createVector(1000) vector2 = aka_test.copyVector(ptr) ptr2 = aka_test.getRawPointerVector(vector2) assert(ptr != ptr2) def test_matrix_size(): ptr, matrix = aka_test.createMatrix(3, 2) assert matrix.shape == (3, 2) def test_matrix_nocopy(): ptr, matrix = aka_test.createMatrix(3, 2) through_python = aka_test.getRawPointerMatrix(matrix) assert(ptr == through_python) def test_modify_matrix(): ptr, matrix = aka_test.createMatrix(2, 3) matrix[0, :] = (1., 2., 3.) matrix2 = aka_test.getMatrix(ptr) assert(np.linalg.norm(matrix-matrix2) < 1e-15) for i in np.arange(1, 10): for j in np.arange(1, 10): ptr, matrix = aka_test.createMatrix(i, j) matrix[:, :] = np.random.random((i, j)) matrix2 = aka_test.getMatrix(ptr) assert(np.linalg.norm(matrix-matrix2) < 1e-15) def test_matrix_copy(): ptr, matrix = aka_test.createMatrix(10, 3) matrix2 = aka_test.copyMatrix(ptr) ptr2 = aka_test.getRawPointerMatrix(matrix2) assert(ptr != ptr2) def test_multiple_init(): aka.parseInput("elastic.dat") dcb_mesh = 'mesh_dcb_2d.msh' mesh = aka.Mesh(2) mesh.read(dcb_mesh) model = aka.SolidMechanicsModel(mesh) model.initFull(aka.SolidMechanicsModelOptions(aka._static)) del model del mesh mesh = aka.Mesh(2) mesh.read(dcb_mesh) model = aka.SolidMechanicsModel(mesh) model.initFull(aka.SolidMechanicsModelOptions(aka._static)) del model del mesh def test_boundary_condition_functors(): class FixedValue(aka.DirichletFunctor): def __init__(self, value, axis): super().__init__(axis) self.value = value self.axis = int(axis) def __call__(self, node, flags, primal, coord): primal[self.axis] = self.value flags[self.axis] = True class FromStress(aka.NeumannFunctor): def __init__(self, stress): super().__init__() self.stress = stress def __call__(self, quad_point, dual, coord, normals): dual[:] = np.dot(self.stress, normals) aka.parseInput("elastic.dat") mesh = aka.Mesh(2) mesh.read("mesh_dcb_2d.msh") model = aka.SolidMechanicsModel(mesh, 2) model.initFull() model.applyBC(FixedValue(0.0, aka._x), "edge") stress = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]]) blocked_nodes = \ mesh.getElementGroup("edge").getNodeGroup().getNodes().flatten() boundary = model.getBlockedDOFs() # Testing that nodes are correctly blocked for n in blocked_nodes: assert boundary[n, 0] boundary.fill(False) model.applyBC(FromStress(stress), "edge") force = model.getExternalForce() # Checking that nodes have a force in the correct direction for n in blocked_nodes: assert force[n, 0] > 0 return 0 def test_mesh_interface(): mesh = aka.Mesh(2) mesh.read("mesh_dcb_2d.msh") # Tests the getNbElement() function if mesh.getNbElement(aka._quadrangle_8) != mesh.getNbElement(2): raise Exception("Number of elements wrong: " " {0} != {1}".format( mesh.getNbElement(aka._quadrangle_8), mesh.getNbElement(2))) def test_heat_transfer(): mesh = aka.Mesh(2) model = aka.HeatTransferModel(mesh) print(aka._explicit_lumped_mass) model.initFull(aka._explicit_lumped_mass) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys pytest.main(sys.argv)