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* Copyright (©) 2011-2023 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* This file is part of Akantu
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "aka_array.hh"
#include "aka_named_argument.hh"
#include "element.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <map>
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
class FEEngine;
class IntegrationPoint;
} // namespace akantu
namespace akantu {
namespace {
} // namespace
template <class Stored, typename SupportType = ElementType>
class ElementTypeMap;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ElementTypeMapBase */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// Common non templated base class for the ElementTypeMap class
class ElementTypeMapBase {
virtual ~ElementTypeMapBase() = default;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ElementTypeMap */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class Stored, typename SupportType>
class ElementTypeMap : public ElementTypeMapBase {
using value_type = Stored;
~ElementTypeMap() override;
inline static auto printType(SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type)
-> std::string;
/*! Tests whether a type is present in the object
* @param type the type to check for
* @param ghost_type optional: by default, the data map for non-ghost
* elements is searched
* @return true if the type is present. */
inline auto exists(SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const
-> bool;
/*! get the stored data corresponding to a type
* @param type the type to check for
* @param ghost_type optional: by default, the data map for non-ghost
* elements is searched
* @return stored data corresponding to type. */
inline auto operator()(SupportType type,
GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const
-> const Stored &;
/*! get the stored data corresponding to a type
* @param type the type to check for
* @param ghost_type optional: by default, the data map for non-ghost
* elements is searched
* @return stored data corresponding to type. */
inline auto operator()(SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost)
-> Stored &;
/*! insert data of a new type (not yet present) into the map. THIS METHOD IS
* NOT ARRAY SAFE, when using ElementTypeMapArray, use setArray instead
* @param data to insert
* @param type type of data (if this type is already present in the map,
* an exception is thrown).
* @param ghost_type optional: by default, the data map for non-ghost
* elements is searched
* @return stored data corresponding to type. */
template <typename U>
inline auto operator()(U && insertee, SupportType type,
GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) -> Stored &;
/// print helper
virtual void printself(std::ostream & stream, int indent = 0) const;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Element type Iterator */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/*! iterator allows to iterate over type-data pairs of the map. The interface
* expects the SupportType to be ElementType. */
using DataMap = std::map<SupportType, Stored>;
/// helper class to use in range for constructions
class type_iterator {
using value_type = const SupportType;
using pointer = const SupportType *;
using reference = SupportType;
using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag;
using difference_type = Int;
using DataMapIterator =
typename ElementTypeMap<Stored>::DataMap::const_iterator;
type_iterator(DataMapIterator & list_begin, DataMapIterator & list_end,
Int dim, ElementKind ek);
type_iterator(const type_iterator & it);
type_iterator() = default;
inline auto operator*() -> reference;
inline auto operator*() const -> reference;
inline auto operator++() -> type_iterator &;
auto operator++(int) -> type_iterator;
inline auto operator==(const type_iterator & other) const -> bool;
inline auto operator!=(const type_iterator & other) const -> bool;
auto operator=(const type_iterator & other) -> type_iterator &;
DataMapIterator list_begin;
DataMapIterator list_end;
Int dim;
ElementKind kind;
/// helper class to use in range for constructions
class ElementTypesIteratorHelper {
using Container = ElementTypeMap<Stored, SupportType>;
using iterator = typename Container::type_iterator;
ElementTypesIteratorHelper(const Container & container, Int dim,
GhostType ghost_type, ElementKind kind)
: container(std::cref(container)), dim(dim), ghost_type(ghost_type),
kind(kind) {}
template <typename... pack>
ElementTypesIteratorHelper(const Container & container,
use_named_args_t /*unused*/, pack &&... _pack)
: ElementTypesIteratorHelper(
container, OPTIONAL_NAMED_ARG(spatial_dimension, _all_dimensions),
OPTIONAL_NAMED_ARG(ghost_type, _not_ghost),
OPTIONAL_NAMED_ARG(element_kind, _ek_not_defined)) {}
ElementTypesIteratorHelper(const ElementTypesIteratorHelper &) = default;
auto operator=(const ElementTypesIteratorHelper &)
-> ElementTypesIteratorHelper & = default;
auto operator=(ElementTypesIteratorHelper &&) noexcept
-> ElementTypesIteratorHelper & = default;
auto begin() -> iterator;
auto end() -> iterator;
std::reference_wrapper<const Container> container;
Int dim;
GhostType ghost_type;
ElementKind kind;
auto elementTypesImpl(Int dim = _all_dimensions,
GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost,
ElementKind kind = _ek_not_defined) const
-> ElementTypesIteratorHelper;
template <typename... pack>
auto elementTypesImpl(const use_named_args_t & /*unused*/,
pack &&... _pack) const -> ElementTypesIteratorHelper;
* \param _pack
* \parblock
* represent optional parameters:
* \li \c _spatial_dimension filter for elements of given spatial
* dimension
* \li \c _ghost_type filter for a certain ghost_type
* \li \c _element_kind filter for elements of given kind
* \endparblock
template <typename... pack>
auto elementTypes(pack &&... _pack) const
-> std::enable_if_t<are_named_argument<pack...>::value,
ElementTypesIteratorHelper> {
return elementTypesImpl(use_named_args,
template <typename... pack>
auto elementTypes(pack &&... _pack) const
-> std::enable_if_t<not are_named_argument<pack...>::value,
ElementTypesIteratorHelper> {
return elementTypesImpl(std::forward<decltype(_pack)>(_pack)...);
/*! Direct access to the underlying data map. for internal use by daughter
* classes only
* @param ghost_type whether to return the data map or the ghost_data map
* @return the raw map */
inline auto getData(GhostType ghost_type) -> DataMap &;
/*! Direct access to the underlying data map. for internal use by daughter
* classes only
* @param ghost_type whether to return the data map or the ghost_data map
* @return the raw map */
inline auto getData(GhostType ghost_type) const -> const DataMap &;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
DataMap data;
DataMap ghost_data;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Some typedefs */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <typename T, typename SupportType>
class ElementTypeMapArray
: public ElementTypeMap<std::unique_ptr<Array<T>>, SupportType> {
using value_type = T;
using array_type = Array<T>;
using parent = ElementTypeMap<std::unique_ptr<Array<T>>, SupportType>;
using DataMap = typename parent::DataMap;
using type_iterator = typename parent::type_iterator;
/// standard assigment (copy) operator
auto operator=(const ElementTypeMapArray & other) -> ElementTypeMapArray &;
ElementTypeMapArray(const ElementTypeMapArray & other);
/// explicit copy
void copy(const ElementTypeMapArray & other);
/*! Constructor
* @param id optional: identifier (string)
* @param parent_id optional: parent identifier. for organizational purposes
* only
ElementTypeMapArray(const ID & id = "by_element_type_array",
const ID & parent_id = "no_parent")
: parent(), id(parent_id + ":" + id), name(id){};
/*! allocate memory for a new array
* @param size number of tuples of the new array
* @param nb_component tuple size
* @param type the type under which the array is indexed in the map
* @param ghost_type whether to add the field to the data map or the
* ghost_data map
* @param default_value the default value to use to fill the array
* @return a reference to the allocated array */
inline auto alloc(Int size, Int nb_component, SupportType type,
GhostType ghost_type, const T & default_value = T())
-> Array<T> &;
/*! allocate memory for a new array in both the data and the ghost_data map
* @param size number of tuples of the new array
* @param nb_component tuple size
* @param type the type under which the array is indexed in the map*/
inline void alloc(Int size, Int nb_component, SupportType type,
const T & default_value = T());
/* get a reference to the array of certain type
* @param type data filed under type is returned
* @param ghost_type optional: by default the non-ghost map is searched
* @return a reference to the array */
inline auto operator()(SupportType type,
GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const
-> const Array<T> &;
/// access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor
inline auto operator()(const Element & element, Int component = 0) const
-> const T &;
/// access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor
inline auto operator()(const Element & element, Int component = 0) -> T &;
/// access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor
inline auto operator()(const IntegrationPoint & point,
Int component = 0) const -> const T &;
/// access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor
inline auto operator()(const IntegrationPoint & point, Int component = 0)
-> T &;
/// access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor
inline decltype(auto) get(const Element & element);
inline decltype(auto) get(const Element & element) const;
inline decltype(auto) get(const IntegrationPoint & point);
inline decltype(auto) get(const IntegrationPoint & point) const;
template <typename... Ns,
std::conjunction_v<std::is_integral<std::decay_t<Ns>>...> and
sizeof...(Ns) >= 1> * = nullptr>
inline decltype(auto) get(const Element & element, Ns &&... ns);
template <typename... Ns,
std::conjunction_v<std::is_integral<std::decay_t<Ns>>...> and
sizeof...(Ns) >= 1> * = nullptr>
inline decltype(auto) get(const Element & element, Ns &&... ns) const;
/* get a reference to the array of certain type
* @param type data filed under type is returned
* @param ghost_type optional: by default the non-ghost map is searched
* @return a const reference to the array */
inline auto operator()(SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost)
-> Array<T> &;
/*! insert data of a new type (not yet present) into the map.
* @param type type of data (if this type is already present in the map,
* an exception is thrown).
* @param ghost_type optional: by default, the data map for non-ghost
* elements is searched
* @param vect the vector to include into the map
* @return stored data corresponding to type. */
inline void setArray(SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type,
const Array<T> & vect);
/*! frees all memory related to the data*/
inline void free();
inline void clear();
[[nodiscard]] inline bool empty() const;
/*! set all values in the ElementTypeMap to zero*/
inline void zero() { this->set(T()); }
/*! set all values in the ElementTypeMap to value */
template <typename ST> inline void set(const ST & value);
/*! deletes and reorders entries in the stored arrays
* @param new_numbering a ElementTypeMapArray of new indices. UInt(-1)
* indicates
* deleted entries. */
inline void onElementsRemoved(const ElementTypeMapArray<Int> & new_numbering);
/// text output helper
void printself(std::ostream & stream, int indent = 0) const override;
/*! set the id
* @param id the new name
inline void setID(const ID & id) { this->id = id; }
/// return the id
inline auto getID() const -> ID { return this->id; }
auto getNbComponents(Int dim = _all_dimensions,
GhostType requested_ghost_type = _not_ghost,
ElementKind kind = _ek_not_defined) const
-> ElementTypeMap<Int> {
ElementTypeMap<Int> nb_components;
auto all_ghost_types = requested_ghost_type == _casper;
for (auto ghost_type : ghost_types) {
if ((not(ghost_type == requested_ghost_type)) and (not all_ghost_types)) {
for (const auto & type : this->elementTypes(dim, ghost_type, kind)) {
auto nb_comp = (*this)(type, ghost_type).getNbComponent();
nb_components(type, ghost_type) = nb_comp;
return nb_components;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* more evolved allocators */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// initialize the arrays in accordance to a functor
template <class Func>
void initialize(const Func & f, const T & default_value, bool do_not_default);
/// initialize with sizes and number of components in accordance of a mesh
/// content
template <typename... pack>
void initialize(const Mesh & mesh, pack &&... _pack);
/// initialize with sizes and number of components in accordance of a fe
/// engine content (aka integration points)
template <typename... pack>
void initialize(const FEEngine & fe_engine, pack &&... _pack);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Accesssors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// get the name of the internal field
* get the size of the ElementTypeMapArray<T>
* @param[in] _pack
* \parblock
* optional arguments can be any of:
* \li \c _spatial_dimension the dimension to consider (default:
* _all_dimensions)
* \li \c _ghost_type (default: _not_ghost)
* \li \c _element_kind (default: _ek_not_defined)
* \li \c _all_ghost_types (default: false)
* \endparblock
template <typename... pack> auto size(pack &&... _pack) const -> Int;
auto isNodal() const -> bool { return is_nodal; }
void isNodal(bool is_nodal) { this->is_nodal = is_nodal; }
auto sizeImpl(Int spatial_dimension, GhostType ghost_type,
ElementKind kind) const -> Int;
ID id;
/// name of the element type map: e.g. connectivity, grad_u
ID name;
/// Is the data stored by node of the element
bool is_nodal{false};
/// to store data Array<Real> by element type
using ElementTypeMapReal = ElementTypeMapArray<Real>;
/// to store data Array<Int> by element type
using ElementTypeMapInt = ElementTypeMapArray<Int>;
/// to store data Array<UInt> by element type
using ElementTypeMapUInt = ElementTypeMapArray<UInt>;
/// to store data Array<Idx> by element type
using ElementTypeMapIdx = ElementTypeMapArray<Idx>;
} // namespace akantu
// namespace std {
// template <class Stored, typename SupportType>
// struct iterator_traits<
// ::akantu::template ElementTypeMap<Stored, SupportType>::type_iterator> {
// private:
// using iterator_type =
// typename ::akantu::ElementTypeMap<Stored, SupportType>::type_iterator;
// public:
// using iterator_category = typename iterator_type::iterator_category;
// using value_type = typename iterator_type::value_type;
// using difference_type = typename iterator_type::difference_type;
// using pointer = typename iterator_type::pointer;
// using reference = typename iterator_type::reference;
// };
// } // namespace std

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