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* @file synchronizer_impl.hh
* @author Nicolas Richart <>
* @date creation: Fri Jun 18 2010
* @date last modification: Tue Feb 20 2018
* @brief Implementation of the generic part of synchronizers
* Copyright (©) 2016-2018 EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
* Laboratory (LSMS - Laboratoire de Simulation en Mécanique des Solides)
* Akantu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* Akantu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
* A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Akantu. If not, see <>.
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "communications.hh"
#include "synchronizer.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
namespace akantu {
template <class Entity> class SynchronizerImpl : public Synchronizer {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Constructors/Destructors */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SynchronizerImpl(const Communicator & communicator,
const ID & id = "synchronizer", MemoryID memory_id = 0);
SynchronizerImpl(const SynchronizerImpl & other, const ID & id);
~SynchronizerImpl() override = default;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Methods */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
void communicateOnce(
const std::tuple<CommunicationSendRecv, CommunicationSendRecv> &
const Tag::CommTags & comm_tag, DataAccessor<Entity> & data_accessor,
const SynchronizationTag & tag) const;
/// synchronous synchronization without state
virtual void slaveReductionOnceImpl(DataAccessor<Entity> & data_accessor,
const SynchronizationTag & tag) const;
/// synchronous synchronization without state
virtual void synchronizeOnceImpl(DataAccessor<Entity> & data_accessor,
const SynchronizationTag & tag) const;
/// asynchronous synchronization of ghosts
virtual void
asynchronousSynchronizeImpl(const DataAccessor<Entity> & data_accessor,
const SynchronizationTag & tag);
/// wait end of asynchronous synchronization of ghosts
virtual void waitEndSynchronizeImpl(DataAccessor<Entity> & data_accessor,
const SynchronizationTag & tag);
/// compute all buffer sizes
virtual void
computeAllBufferSizes(const DataAccessor<Entity> & data_accessor);
/// compute buffer size for a given tag and data accessor
virtual void computeBufferSizeImpl(const DataAccessor<Entity> & data_accessor,
const SynchronizationTag & tag);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual void synchronizeImpl(DataAccessor<Entity> & data_accessor,
const SynchronizationTag & tag) {
this->asynchronousSynchronizeImpl(data_accessor, tag);
this->waitEndSynchronizeImpl(data_accessor, tag);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// reset send and recv element lists
void reset();
/// extract the elements that have a true predicate from in_synchronizer and
/// store them in the current synchronizer
template <typename Pred>
void split(SynchronizerImpl & in_synchronizer, Pred && pred);
/// update schemes in a synchronizer
template <typename Updater> void updateSchemes(Updater && scheme_updater);
/// filter the send scheme and let the other processor now about iterate
template <typename Pred> void filterScheme(Pred && pred);
/// flip send and receive schemes
void swapSendRecv();
/// copy the schemes of an other communicator.
SynchronizerImpl & operator=(const SynchronizerImpl & other);
/// gather data on the predefined root process (master version)
template <typename T>
void gather(const Array<T> & to_gather, Array<T> & gathered);
/// gather data on the predefined root process (slave version)
template <typename T> void gather(const Array<T> & to_gather);
/// scatter data from the predefined root process (master version)
template <typename T>
void scatter(Array<T> & scattered, const Array<T> & to_scatter);
/// scatter data from the predefined root process (slave version)
template <typename T> void scatter(Array<T> & scattered);
template <typename T>
void synchronizeArray(Array<T> & array) const;
/// Uses the synchronizer to perform a reduction on the vector
template <template <class> class Op, typename T>
void reduceSynchronizeArray(Array<T> & array) const;
/// copy schemes
void copySchemes(const SynchronizerImpl & other);
/// check if dof changed set on at least one processor
inline bool hasChanged();
/// init the scheme for scatter and gather operation, need extra memory
inline void initScatterGatherCommunicationScheme();
/// list the entities to send to root process
virtual void fillEntityToSend(Array<Entity> & /*entities_to_send*/) {
virtual Entity localToGlobalEntity(const Entity & /*local*/) {
virtual UInt canScatterSize() {
virtual UInt gatheredSize() {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
virtual UInt sanityCheckDataSize(const Array<Entity> & elements,
const SynchronizationTag & tag,
bool is_comm_desc = true) const;
virtual void
packSanityCheckData(CommunicationDescriptor<Entity> & comm_desc) const;
virtual void
unpackSanityCheckData(CommunicationDescriptor<Entity> & comm_desc) const;
virtual void packSanityCheckData(CommunicationBuffer & /*buffer*/,
const Array<Entity> & /*elements*/,
const SynchronizationTag & /*tag*/) const {}
virtual void unpackSanityCheckData(CommunicationBuffer & /*buffer*/,
const Array<Entity> & /*elements*/,
const SynchronizationTag & /*tag*/,
UInt /*proc*/, UInt /*rank*/) const {}
AKANTU_GET_MACRO(Communications, communications,
const Communications<Entity> &);
AKANTU_GET_MACRO_NOT_CONST(Communications, communications,
Communications<Entity> &);
virtual Int getRank(const Entity & entity) const = 0;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Class Members */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/// information on the communications
Communications<Entity> communications;
/// did the scheme change, this is to recreate the scatter/gather data if
/// needed
bool entities_changed{true};
/// Root processor for scatter/gather operations
Int root{0};
/// entities coming/going from/to root
Array<Entity> entities_from_root;
/// entities received from slaves proc (only on master)
std::map<UInt, Array<Entity>> master_receive_entities;
} // namespace akantu
#include "synchronizer_impl_tmpl.hh"

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