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** Copyright (c) 2008-2015 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
** $Id: //main/2011/qhull/src/libqhullpcpp/QhullFacetList.cpp#2 $$Change: 1810 $
** $DateTime: 2015/01/17 18:28:15 $$Author: bbarber $
#//! QhullFacetList -- Qhull's linked facets, as a C++ class
#include "QhullFacet.h"
#include "QhullFacetList.h"
#include "QhullPoint.h"
#include "QhullRidge.h"
#include "QhullVertex.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
#ifdef _MSC_VER // Microsoft Visual C++ -- warning level 4
#pragma warning( disable : 4611) // interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is non-portable
#pragma warning( disable : 4996) // function was declared deprecated(strcpy, localtime, etc.)
namespace orgQhull {
// See qt_qhull.cpp for QList conversions
#ifndef QHULL_NO_STL
std::vector<QhullFacet> QhullFacetList::
toStdVector() const
QhullLinkedListIterator<QhullFacet> i(*this);
std::vector<QhullFacet> vs;
QhullFacet f=;
if(isSelectAll() || f.isGood()){
return vs;
#endif //QHULL_NO_STL
#ifndef QHULL_NO_STL
//! Same as PrintVertices
std::vector<QhullVertex> QhullFacetList::
vertices_toStdVector(int qhRunId) const
std::vector<QhullVertex> vs;
QhullVertexSet qvs(qhRunId, first().getFacetT(), NULL, isSelectAll());
for(QhullVertexSet::iterator i=qvs.begin(); i!=qvs.end(); ++i){
return vs;
#endif //QHULL_NO_STL
bool QhullFacetList::
contains(const QhullFacet &facet) const
return QhullLinkedList<QhullFacet>::contains(facet);
for(QhullFacetList::const_iterator i=begin(); i != end(); ++i){
QhullFacet f= *i;
if(f==facet && f.isGood()){
return true;
return false;
int QhullFacetList::
count() const
return QhullLinkedList<QhullFacet>::count();
int counter= 0;
for(QhullFacetList::const_iterator i=begin(); i != end(); ++i){
return counter;
int QhullFacetList::
count(const QhullFacet &facet) const
return QhullLinkedList<QhullFacet>::count(facet);
int counter= 0;
for(QhullFacetList::const_iterator i=begin(); i != end(); ++i){
QhullFacet f= *i;
if(f==facet && f.isGood()){
return counter;
}//namespace orgQhull
#//Global functions
using std::endl;
using std::ostream;
using orgQhull::QhullFacet;
using orgQhull::QhullFacetList;
using orgQhull::QhullVertex;
using orgQhull::QhullVertexSet;
using orgQhull::UsingLibQhull;
ostream &
operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullFacetList::PrintFacetList &pr)
QhullFacetList fs= *pr.facet_list;
os << "Vertices for " << fs.count() << " facets" << endl;
os << fs.printVertices(pr.run_id);
os << fs.printFacets(pr.run_id);
return os;
//! Print facet list to stream. From qh_printafacet [io.c]
ostream &
operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullFacetList::PrintFacets &pr)
for(QhullFacetList::const_iterator i= pr.facet_list->begin(); i != pr.facet_list->end(); ++i){
QhullFacet f= *i;
if(pr.facet_list->isSelectAll() || f.isGood()){
os << f.print(pr.run_id);
return os;
//! Print vertices of good faces in facet list to stream. From qh_printvertexlist [io.c]
//! Same as vertices_toStdVector
ostream &
operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullFacetList::PrintVertices &pr)
QhullVertexSet vs(pr.run_id, pr.facet_list->first().getFacetT(), NULL, pr.facet_list->isSelectAll());
for(QhullVertexSet::iterator i=vs.begin(); i!=vs.end(); ++i){
QhullVertex v= *i;
os << v.print(pr.run_id);
return os;
std::ostream &
operator<<(ostream &os, const QhullFacetList &fs)
os << fs.printFacets(UsingLibQhull::NOqhRunId);
return os;

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