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Mon, Oct 7, 18:31
** Copyright (c) 2008-2011 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
** $Id: //main/2011/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/Qhull.h#2 $$Change: 1342 $
** $DateTime: 2011/03/07 21:55:47 $$Author: bbarber $
#ifndef QHULLCPP_H
#define QHULLCPP_H
#include "QhullQh.h"
#include "RboxPoints.h"
#include "QhullLinkedList.h"
#include "QhullPoint.h"
#include "QhullPoints.h"
#include "QhullVertex.h"
#include "QhullFacet.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#if qh_QHpointer != 1
#error qh_QHpointer is not set. Please set it in user.h or
#error compile Qhull with -Dqh_QHpointer. The C++ classes
#error require dynamic allocation for Qhulls global data
#error structure qhT (QhullQh).
namespace orgQhull {
Compile qhullcpp and libqhull with the same compiler. setjmp() and longjmp() must be the same.
//! Qhull -- run Qhull from C++
class Qhull;
//Defined elsewhere
class QhullFacetList;
class RboxPoints;
class Qhull {
#//Members and friends
QhullQh *qhull_qh; //! qh_qh for this instance
int qhull_run_id; //! qh.run_id at initialization (catch multiple runs if !qh_QHpointer)
Coordinates origin_point; //! origin for qhull_dimension. Set by runQhull()
int qhull_status; //! qh_ERRnone if valid
int qhull_dimension; //! Dimension of result (qh.hull_dim or one less for Delaunay/Voronoi)
bool run_called; //! True at start of runQhull. Errors if call again.
bool qh_active; //! True if global pointer qh_qh equals qhull_qh
std::string qhull_message;
std::ostream *error_stream; //! overrides errorMessage, use appendQhullMessage()
std::ostream *output_stream; //! send output to stream
friend void ::qh_fprintf(FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... );
friend class UsingLibQhull;
Coordinates feasiblePoint; //! feasible point for half-space intersection
bool useOutputStream; //! Set if using outputStream
// FIXUP QH11003 feasiblePoint useOutputStream as field or getter?
#//constructor, assignment, destructor, invariant
Qhull(); //! Qhull::runQhull() must be called next
Qhull(const RboxPoints &points, const char *qhullCommand);
Qhull(const char *rboxCommand, int pointDimension, int pointCount, const realT *points, const char *qhullCommand);
// Throws error if other.initialized(). Needed for return by value and parameter passing
Qhull(const Qhull &other);
// Throws error if initialized() or other.initialized(). Needed for vector<Qhull>
Qhull &operator=(const Qhull &other);
~Qhull() throw();
void initializeQhull();
#//virtual methods
//FIXUP QH11004 -- qh_memfree, etc. as virtual?
void appendQhullMessage(const std::string &s);
void clearQhullMessage();
std::string qhullMessage() const;
bool hasQhullMessage() const;
int qhullStatus() const;
void setErrorStream(std::ostream *os);
void setOutputStream(std::ostream *os);
void checkIfQhullInitialized();
bool initialized() const { return qhull_dimension>0; }
int dimension() const { return qhull_dimension; }
int hullDimension() const { return qhullQh()->hull_dim; }
// non-const due to QhullPoint
QhullPoint origin() { QHULL_ASSERT(initialized()); return QhullPoint(dimension(),; }
QhullQh *qhullQh() const { return qhull_qh; };
int runId(); // Modifies my_qhull
#//GetQh -- access to qhT (Qhull's global data structure)
const char *qhullCommand() const { return qhull_qh->qhull_command; }
const char *rboxCommand() const { return qhull_qh->rbox_command; }
int facetCount() const { return qhull_qh->num_facets; }
int vertexCount() const { return qhull_qh->num_vertices; }
double area();
double volume();
QhullFacet beginFacet() const { return QhullFacet(qhull_qh->facet_list); }
QhullVertex beginVertex() const { return QhullVertex(qhull_qh->vertex_list); }
void defineVertexNeighborFacets(); //!< Automatically called if merging facets or Voronoi diagram
QhullFacet endFacet() const { return QhullFacet(qhull_qh->facet_tail); }
QhullVertex endVertex() const { return QhullVertex(qhull_qh->vertex_tail); }
QhullFacetList facetList() const;
QhullFacet firstFacet() const { return beginFacet(); }
QhullVertex firstVertex() const { return beginVertex(); }
QhullPoints points() const;
QhullPointSet otherPoints() const;
//! Same as points().coordinates()
coordT *pointCoordinateBegin() const { return qhull_qh->first_point; }
coordT *pointCoordinateEnd() const { return qhull_qh->first_point + qhull_qh->num_points*qhull_qh->hull_dim; }
QhullVertexList vertexList() const;
void outputQhull();
void outputQhull(const char * outputflags);
void runQhull(const RboxPoints &points, const char *qhullCommand);
void runQhull(const char *rboxCommand, int pointDimension, int pointCount, const realT *points, const char *qhullCommand);
void initializeFeasiblePoint(int hulldim);
void maybeThrowQhullMessage(int exitCode);
void maybeThrowQhullMessage(int exitCode, int noThrow) throw();
}//namespace orgQhull
#endif // QHULLCPP_H

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