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** Copyright (c) 2008-2015 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
** $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/libqhullcpp/RoadLogEvent.h#1 $$Change: 1981 $
** $DateTime: 2015/09/28 20:26:32 $$Author: bbarber $
#include <ostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
namespace orgQhull {
#//!\name Defined here
//! RoadLogEvent -- Record an event for the RoadLog
struct RoadLogEvent;
struct RoadLogEvent {
#//!\name Fields
const char * format_string; //! Format string (a literal with format codes, for logging)
int int_1; //! Integer argument (%d, for logging)
int int_2; //! Integer argument (%d, for logging)
float float_1; //! Float argument (%f, for logging)
union { //! One additional argument (for logging)
const char *cstr_1; //! Cstr argument (%s) -- type checked at construct-time
const void *void_1; //! Void* argument (%x) -- Use upper-case codes for object types
long long int64_1; //! signed int64 (%i). Ambiguous if unsigned is also defined.
double double_1; //! Double argument (%e)
#//!\name Constants
#//!\name Constructors
RoadLogEvent() : format_string(0), int_1(0), int_2(0), float_1(0), int64_1(0) {};
explicit RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt) : format_string(fmt), int_1(0), int_2(0), float_1(0), int64_1(0) {};
RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt, int d) : format_string(fmt), int_1(d), int_2(0), float_1(0), int64_1(0) {};
RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt, int d, int d2) : format_string(fmt), int_1(d), int_2(d2), float_1(0), int64_1(0) {};
RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt, int d, int d2, float f) : format_string(fmt), int_1(d), int_2(d2), float_1(f), int64_1(0) {};
RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt, int d, int d2, float f, const char *s) : format_string(fmt), int_1(d), int_2(d2), float_1(f), cstr_1(s) {};
RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt, int d, int d2, float f, const void *x) : format_string(fmt), int_1(d), int_2(d2), float_1(f), void_1(x) {};
RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt, int d, int d2, float f, int i) : format_string(fmt), int_1(d), int_2(d2), float_1(f), int64_1(i) {};
RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt, int d, int d2, float f, long long i) : format_string(fmt), int_1(d), int_2(d2), float_1(f), int64_1(i) {};
RoadLogEvent(const char *fmt, int d, int d2, float f, double g) : format_string(fmt), int_1(d), int_2(d2), float_1(f), double_1(g) {};
~RoadLogEvent() {};
//! Default copy constructor and assignment
#//!\name GetSet
bool isValid() const { return format_string!=0; }
int int1() const { return int_1; };
int int2() const { return int_2; };
float float1() const { return float_1; };
const char * format() const { return format_string; };
const char * cstr1() const { return cstr_1; };
const void * void1() const { return void_1; };
long long int64() const { return int64_1; };
double double1() const { return double_1; };
#//!\name Conversion
std::string toString(const char* tag, int code) const;
#//!\name Class helpers
static bool firstExtraCode(std::ostream &os, char c, char *extraCode);
};//class RoadLogEvent
}//namespace orgQhull

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