function[K]=computeStiffness(Mesh, Data) % computeStiffness: Function which assembles the global stiffness matrix % Assumes all elements are of the same type % INPUT: % Mesh: Structure containing all the mesh parameters % Data: Structure containing all the data parameters % OUTPUT: % K: Global stiffness matrix % Mesh parameters % Local number of degrees of freedom (dimension in solid mechanics) d=Mesh.nb_dof_local; % Total number of degrees of freedom nb_dof=Mesh.nb_dof; % Coordinate matrix coord=Mesh.coord_mat; % Connectivity matrix connect=Mesh.connect_mat; % Finite element order order=Mesh.order; % Number of nodes per element nne=Mesh.nb_nodes_elem; % Total number of elements ne=Mesh.nb_elem; % Matrix linking an element to the degrees of freedom associated to it. Eq=Mesh.Eq; % Data parameters % Mu; % Lambda f2=Data.Coefficient.lambda.function; % Retrieve functions [Functions]=getFunctions(order); % Jacobian matrix J_phi=Functions.J_phi; % Define permutation matrix Sdd=zeros(d*d); Id=eye(d); for k=1:d Sdd=Sdd+kron(Id(:,k)', kron(Id, Id(:,k))); end % Retrieve quadrature nodes and weights switch order case 1 [points, weights] = getQuadrature(1, 'bulk'); case 2 [points, weights] = getQuadrature(2, 'bulk'); case 3 [points, weights] = getQuadrature(3, 'bulk'); otherwise error('Not yet implemented'); end % Initialization s=nne*d; nq=length(weights); Q=zeros(s^2, nq*d^4); % Loop over the Gauss points for i = 1:nq L=kron(J_phi(points(i,:)), Id); Q(:, (i-1)*d^4+1:i*d^4)=kron(L, L); end T=Eq'; G=T(:); I=repmat(Eq, [1 nne*d])'; J=repmat(G', [nne*d 1]); T=connect'; G=T(:); % Coordinates of the nodes of the elements coord_nodes=coord(G,:); % Vertices of the elements a=coord_nodes(1:nne:end,:); b=coord_nodes(2:nne:end,:); c=coord_nodes(3:nne:end,:); % Interpolated coordinates P=a(:)+[b(:)-a(:) c(:)-a(:)]*points'; X(:,:,1)=P(1:ne,:); X(:,:,2)=P(ne+1:end,:); % Determinants of Jacobian matrices detJK=(b(:,1)-a(:,1)).*(c(:,2)-a(:,2))-(b(:,2)-a(:,2)).*(c(:,1)-a(:,1)); V=[(vecnorm(c-a,2,2).^2) -sum((c-a).*(b-a),2) -sum((c-a).*(b-a),2) (vecnorm(b-a,2,2).^2)]; W=1./(detJK').^2.*(V'); V=reshape(W,d,d*ne); JK_inv=zeros(d, d*ne); JK_inv(:,1:d:d*ne)=1./detJK'.*[c(:,2)-a(:,2) -(b(:,2)-a(:,2))]'; JK_inv(:,2:d:d*ne)=1./detJK'.*[-(c(:,1)-a(:,1)) b(:,1)-a(:,1)]'; JK_invT=zeros(d, d*ne); JK_invT(:,1:d:d*ne)=1./detJK'.*[c(:,2)-a(:,2) -(c(:,1)-a(:,1))]'; JK_invT(:,2:d:d*ne)=1./detJK'.*[-(b(:,2)-a(:,2)) b(:,1)-a(:,1)]'; vec_JK_invT=reshape(JK_invT, d^2, ne); [S1]=product(V , repmat(Id, 1, ne), d, ne); [S2]=product(JK_invT , JK_inv, d, ne); S2=Sdd*S2; A1=reshape(S1, d^4, ne); A2=reshape(S2, d^4, ne); A3=kr(vec_JK_invT, vec_JK_invT); Lambda1=(abs(detJK).*f1(X).*weights)'; Lambda2=(abs(detJK).*f2(X).*weights)'; X=kr(Lambda1, A1+A2)+kr(Lambda2, A3); K=Q*X; % Assemblage K=sparse(I(:), J(:), K(:), nb_dof, nb_dof); function[M]=product(A,B,d,ne) % Blockwise Kronecker product of two matrices % !! Only for a two-dimensional case !! M=zeros(d^2, d^2*ne); M(:,1:d^2:end)=kr(A(:,1:d:end), B(:,1:d:end)); M(:,2:d^2:end)=kr(A(:,1:d:end), B(:,2:d:end)); M(:,3:d^2:end)=kr(A(:,2:d:end), B(:,1:d:end)); M(:,4:d^2:end)=kr(A(:,2:d:end), B(:,2:d:end)); end end