function X = kr(U,varargin) %KR Khatri-Rao product. % kr(A,B) returns the Khatri-Rao product of two matrices A and B, of % dimensions I-by-K and J-by-K respectively. The result is an I*J-by-K % matrix formed by the matching columnwise Kronecker products, i.e. % the k-th column of the Khatri-Rao product is defined as % kron(A(:,k),B(:,k)). % % kr(A,B,C,...) and kr({A B C ...}) compute a string of Khatri-Rao % products A o B o C o ..., where o denotes the Khatri-Rao product. % % See also kron. % Version: 21/10/10 % Authors: Laurent Sorber ( if ~iscell(U), U = [U varargin]; end K = size(U{1},2); if any(cellfun('size',U,2)-K) error('kr:ColumnMismatch', ... 'Input matrices must have the same number of columns.'); end J = size(U{end},1); X = reshape(U{end},[J 1 K]); for n = length(U)-1:-1:1 I = size(U{n},1); A = reshape(U{n},[1 I K]); X = reshape(bsxfun(@times,A,X),[I*J 1 K]); J = I*J; end X = reshape(X,[size(X,1) K]);